Пример #1
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Notify
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction

Event = RegisterAction('Event', 'Number', 'String')

def Main():
    integer = 1
    string = "hello"
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness, Log
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import *
from boa.builtins import concat

from nodis.token import *
from nodis.nep5 import do_transfer_from
from nodis.challenge.challenge import create_challenge, submit, close_challenge, check_challenge_package, buy_challenge_package, is_challenge_closed, is_challenge_open, submission_number, challenge_expiry_date
from nodis.submission.submission import create_submission, approve, reject, promoter_fund_claim, rejecter_fund_claim, submission_approver_number, submission_rejecter_number, submission_expiry_date
from utils import valid_address

OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnApprove = RegisterAction('approve', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')

def generate_business_key(address):
    return concat(b'Business:', address)

def register(ctx, address):
    key = generate_business_key(address)
    Put(ctx, key, b'1')
    return True

def check(ctx, address):
    key = generate_business_key(address)
    status = Get(ctx, key)
    return status == b'1'

Пример #3
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put
from boa.builtins import concat
from spot.token import *
from spot.txio import get_asset_attachments
from spot.time import get_now

OnKYCRegister = RegisterAction('kyc_registration', 'address')
OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnRefund = RegisterAction('refund', 'addr_to', 'amount')

# Add address as private placement, has implications on withdrawl
# and allow minting more than 1 million tokens
def add_private_placement(ctx, address):
    print("Adding private placement address")
    if CheckWitness(TOKEN_OWNER):
        if len(address) == 20:
            storage_key = concat(PP_KEY, address)
            Put(ctx, storage_key, True)
            return True
    return False

# Check if address already in private placement list
def is_private_placement(ctx, address):
    storage_key = concat(PP_KEY, address)
    if Get(ctx, storage_key):
        return True
Пример #4
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put, Delete
from boa.builtins import concat
from asa.token import TOKEN_OWNER
from asa.utils.txio import get_asset_attachments

OnKYCRegister = RegisterAction('kycRegister', 'address')
OnKycDeregister = RegisterAction('kycDeregister', 'address')

KYC_KEY = b'kyc_ok'
KYC_ADMIN_KEY = b'kyc_admin'

def kyc_register(ctx, args):
    Register a list of addresses for KYC

    :param ctx:GetContext() used to access contract storage
    :param args:list a list of addresses to register.
        If called by KYC admin that is not token owner,
        first address must be address of KYC admin.

    :return:int The number of addresses registered for KYC

    ok_count = 0

    canRegister = CheckWitness(TOKEN_OWNER)

    if not canRegister and get_kyc_admin_status(ctx, args[0]) and CheckWitness(
Пример #5

# This is the script hash of the address for the owner of the contract
# This can be found in ``neo-python`` with the wallet open,
# use ``wallet`` command
# TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
# TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER = b'\x0f&\x1f\xe5\xc5,k\x01\xa4{\xbd\x02\xbdM\xd3?\xf1\x88\xc9\xde'
TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER = b'#\xba\'\x03\xc52c\xe8\xd6\xe5"\xdc2 39\xdc\xd8\xee\xe9'
TOKEN_NAME = 'SyringeTender'
TOKEN_CIRC_KEY = b'in_circulation'
TOKEN_DECIMALS = 100  # max 100 companies can participate in tender.

# Smart Contract Event Notifications
OnApprove = RegisterAction('approve', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnNFTApprove = RegisterAction('NFTapprove', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'tokenid')
OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnNFTTransfer = RegisterAction('NFTtransfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to',
OnMint = RegisterAction('mint', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnNFTMint = RegisterAction('NFTmint', 'addr_to', 'tokenid')

# common errors
ARG_ERROR = 'incorrect arg length'
INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR = 'invalid address'
PERMISSION_ERROR = 'incorrect permission'
TOKEN_DNE_ERROR = 'token does not exist'

def Main(operation, args):
Пример #6
from boa.builtins import list

# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------

OWNER = b'#\xba\'\x03\xc52c\xe8\xd6\xe5"\xdc2 39\xdc\xd8\xee\xe9'
DEPOSIT_WALLET = b'ZPH\xa84\xf1Y\x14\xf1\x91b\x95\x85\xd1\xba\x96\x81\x99\x1f\xd3'
QUARK_WALLET = b'\xa9u\xfcZ\xb9\xa2\x8c\xeey\xf6\x92\xeeG-\x1a\xf8T\xb5\xbcH'
# Script hash of the token owner

# -------------------------------------------
# Events
# -------------------------------------------
DispatchOrderEvent = RegisterAction('order-add', 'order_key')
DispatchExchangeEvent = RegisterAction('exchange', 'order_key')
DispatchResultNoticeEvent = RegisterAction('result-notice', 'order_key',
                                           'weather_param', 'oracle_cost')
DispatchClaimEvent = RegisterAction('pay-out', 'order_key')
DispatchTransferEvent = RegisterAction('transfer', 'from', 'to', 'amount')
DispatchRefundAllEvent = RegisterAction('refund-all', 'order_key')
DispatchDeleteOrderEvent = RegisterAction('order-delete', 'order_key')

def Main(operation, args):
    This is the main entry point for the dApp
    :param operation: the operation to be performed
    :type operation: str
    :param args: an optional list of arguments
Пример #7
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Log, GetTrigger, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import GetContext, Get, Put, Delete
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction

Push = RegisterAction('event', 'operation', 'msg')

def Main(operation, args):
    if operation == 'Query':
        domain = args[0]
        return Query(domain)

    if operation == 'Register':
        domain = args[0]
        owner = args[1]
        return Register(domain, owner)

    if operation == 'Transfer':
        domain = args[0]
        to = args[1]
        return Transfer(domain, to)

    if operation == 'Delete':
        domain = args[0]
        return Delete(domain)

    return False

def Query(domain):
    context = GetContext()
Пример #8

# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
ctx = GetContext()

# -------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
OWNER = b'#\xba\'\x03\xc52c\xe8\xd6\xe5"\xdc2 39\xdc\xd8\xee\xe9'
MAX_HP = 10

OnBattleRound = RegisterAction('battle_step','battle_id', 'battle_round', 'player1_addr', 'player2_addr', 'player1_action', 'player2_action', 'player1_hp', 'player2_hp')
OnBattleResult = RegisterAction('battle_result','battle_id', 'winner', 'competition', 'competition_step')
OnBattlePlayers = RegisterAction('battle_players','player1', 'player2')

def Main(operation, args):
    # The trigger determines whether this smart contract is being
    # run in 'verification' mode or 'application'

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        return False

    # 'Application' mode
    elif trigger == Application():
Пример #9
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Serialize, Deserialize, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put, Delete, GetContext
from boa.builtins import concat

from nash.owner import check_owners

# Whitelist events
onAddedToWhitelist = RegisterAction('OnAddedToWhitelist', 'address')
onRemovedFromWhitelist = RegisterAction('OnRemovedFromWhitelist', 'address')
onAddedWhitelistAdmin = RegisterAction('OnAddedWhitelistAdmin', 'address')
onRemovedWhitelistAdmin = RegisterAction('OnRemovedWhitelistAdmin', 'address')

# Whitelist prefixes
Prefix_KYCAccount = b'accountKycOk'

KYC_Admin_Key = b'kycAdminList'

ctx = GetContext()

def sanitizeAddress(addr):
    Checks whether a bytearray is of length 20
        addr (bytearray): an address to be sanitized

        addr (bytearray): sanitized address

Пример #10
from boa.interop.Neo.Blockchain import GetHeight
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put
from boa.builtins import concat
from asa.token import *
from asa.utils.txio import get_asset_attachments
from asa.utils.time import get_now

OnMintTokens = RegisterAction('mintTokens', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnRefund = RegisterAction('refund', 'addr_to', 'amount')

SALE_STATUS_KEY = b'sale_status'

LIMITSALE_ROUND = b'limit_sale'
CROWDSALE_BONUS_ROUND = b'crowd_sale_bonus'
CROWDSALE_ROUND = b'crowd_sale'
SALE_END = b'sale_end'
SALE_PAUSED = b'sale_paused'

LIMITSALE_NEO_MIN = 1 * 100_000_000  # NEO * 10^8
LIMITSALE_NEO_MAX = 50 * 100_000_000  # NEO * 10^8

CROWDSALE_NEO_MIN = 1 * 100_000_000  # NEO * 10^8
CROWDSALE_NEO_MAX = 500 * 100_000_000  # NEO * 10^8

CROWDSALE_LARGE_CONTRIBUTION = 100 * 100_000_000  # NEO * 10^8

LIMITSALE_TOKENS_PER_NEO = 6000  # 6000 Tokens/NEO (5000*1.2=6000)
CROWDSALE_BONUS_ROUND_TOKENS_PER_NEO = 5750  # 5750 Tokens/NEO (5000*1.15=5750)
CROWDSALE_LARGE_CONTRIBUTION_TOKENS_PER_NEO = 5500  # 5500 Tokens/NEO (5000*1.1=5500)
Пример #11
Fee Pool module - handling stored fees
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Notify
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from nas.wrappers.storage import storage_load, storage_save

CollectedFeesChangedEvent = RegisterAction('collectedFeesChanged', 'total_collected')

Its fee pool implementation.
\n: - takes care of collecting fees:
\n: - takes care of redistributing fees to stakers:
\n staking not yet implemented

def get_collected_fees():
    :returns total of collected fees (not redistributed):
    collected = storage_load("collected_fees_in_pool")
    return collected

def add_fee_to_pool(to_add):
    :parama to_add:
    \nadds fees to pool
    # I guess compiler messes with datatypes badly,
    # because 0 is here > 0 ?!
    if to_add > 0:# and to_add != 0:
Пример #12
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import GetTrigger, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetExecutingScriptHash, GetCallingScriptHash
from boa.interop.Neo.Blockchain import GetHeight
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import *

ctx = GetContext()

TUT_Scripthash = b"\x82N\xca\xfd\xcd\xd91}\xd8\xb2`\x89\xfb|\x88x\xdb\xc2\'\xae"
OWNER = b'\xdc\xcbK\xc2\xeb4TV\xe0\x15\xf9>|\t\xad\xfa\xcc\xea\x1ez'
KOTH_KEY = b'TheKing'
INCREMENT = 1000000000

KingNotify = RegisterAction('new_king', 'address', 'next_bounty', 'king_name')
TUT_Contract = RegisterAppCall('ae27c2db78887cfb8960b2d87d31d9cdfdca4e82',
                               'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():
Пример #13
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import GetTime, Serialize, Deserialize, Notify
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction

from storage.StorageHelper import PutThree, GetThree, IncrementOne

OnRegister = RegisterAction('register', 'addr', 'uid')

def register(ctx, args):
    Register new account

        0 -> script hash of invoker
        1 -> unique user id
        2 -> display name
        3 -> public key
    Account storage uid => array[]:
        0 -> script hash of invoker
        1 -> uid
        2 -> display name
        3 -> time of registration
        4 -> count tweets
        5 -> count followers
        6 -> count following
        7 -> count unfollowed
        8 -> count unfollowing
        9 -> public key
    addr = args[0]
Пример #14
Module Trade - alias trading implementation
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Notify, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.builtins import concat
from nas.config.service import *
from nas.common.fee_pool import add_fee_to_pool, get_collected_fees
from nas.common.alias import *
from nas.common.util import return_value, get_header_timestamp

SellOfferEvent = RegisterAction('putOnSale', 'alias_name', 'alias_type',
CancelSellOfferEvent = RegisterAction('cancelOnSale', 'alias_name',
BuyOfferEvent = RegisterAction('buyOffer', 'alias_name', 'alias_type',
                               'offer_owner', 'price')
CancelBuyOfferEvent = RegisterAction('cancelBuyOffer', 'alias_name',
                                     'alias_type', 'offer_owner')

TradeSuccesfullEvent = RegisterAction('trade', 'alias_name', 'alias_type',
                                      'old_owne', 'new_owner', 'price')

def offer_sell(alias, args):
    :param alias:
    \n:param args [price, type]:
    \n:returns True if success or False if failed:
    nargs = len(args)
Пример #15
KYC_KEY = b'kyc_ok'

BURN_KEY = b'burn_tokens'


# TODO make sure the current bonus structure is correct
    [11520, 20],  # 20% for the first 48hrs = 48 * 60 * 60 / 15
    [40320, 10],  # 10% for the 1st week = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 15
    [80640, 7],  # 7% for the 2nd week = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 15
    [120960, 3],  # 3% for the 3rd week = 21 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 15

OnBurn = RegisterAction('burn', 'amount')

def crowdsale_available_amount(ctx):

    :return: int The amount of tokens left for sale in the crowdsale

    in_circ = Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)

    available = TOKEN_TOTAL_SUPPLY - in_circ

    return available

Пример #16
INITIAL_POOL = 5000000 * 100000000  # 5m FTW

# -- NEP5 variables
TOKEN_NAME = 'For The Win'
TOTAL_SUPPLY = 100000000 * 100000000  # 100m total supply * 10^8 (decimals)

OWNER = b'\xdc\xf3\xca\xef\xf9\xbb;\xf1\xf0?\xbb\x18\x81\x9cj\xba\x98r\xdc\xe4'
POOL = b'<R\xe3\x1d\x07\nX\x174\x97\x17\xa6V*\x0c\xa2>\xa6\xe2\xeb'

# -------------------------------------------
# Events NEP5
# -------------------------------------------

DispatchTransferEvent = RegisterAction('transfer', 'from', 'to', 'amount')

# -------------------------------------------
# Events FTW
# -------------------------------------------

DispatchBuyEvent = RegisterAction('buy', 'from', 'ticket_no', 'no_1', 'no_2',
                                  'no_3', 'no_4', 'no_5')
DispatchDrawEvent = RegisterAction('draw', 'from', 'game_no')
DispatchVerifyEvent = RegisterAction('verify', 'from', 'ticket_no')

def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()
Пример #17
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import GetContext, Get, Put
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction

# AVFobKv2y7i66gbGPAGDT67zv1RMQQj9GB
TOKEN_OWNER = b'\x93\xe1\xe5\xbe\xd9\x15\x96\x84\xac\x8c.\xe4\r w\xfb\xcf\xac\xf7\n'
TOTAL_SUPPLY = 10000000 * 100000000
TOKEN_NAME = 'My First Token'


ctx = GetContext()
OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')

def Main(operation, args):

    if operation == 'totalSupply':
        return Get(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY)

    if operation == 'name':
        return TOKEN_NAME

    if operation == 'symbol':
        return TOKEN_SYMBOL

    if operation == 'decimals':
        return TOKEN_DECIMALS
Пример #18
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Notify, Log, GetTime, Serialize, Deserialize
from boa.builtins import concat, list
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction

from storage.StorageHelper import IncrementThree, PutThree, IncrementOne, PutTwo, updateTweetCount, updateAccCount, GetThree

# events
OnTweet = RegisterAction('tweet', 'globalid', 'uid', 'tweetkey')
OnRetweet = RegisterAction('retweet', 'uid', 'retweetkey')
OnComment = RegisterAction('comment', 'uid', 'tweetkey')
OnLike = RegisterAction('like', 'uid', 'tweetkey')

def sendMessage(ctx, args):
    # Args
    sender = args[0]
    receiver = args[1]
    # messageA: for "encrypt-to-self". encrypted with public key from A (sender).
    messageA = args[2]
    # messageB: encrypted with public key from B (receiver).
    messageB = args[3]
    time = GetTime()
    Notify(concat('time', time))
        Sender A = scripthash of sender
        storage A.send.{index}
            stores the sent message from A for respective index
        storage A.send.latest
            stores the index of the last message sent from A
Пример #19
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Notify, GetTrigger, Log, CheckWitness, Deserialize, Serialize
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put, Delete, GetContext
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Verification, Application
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetScriptContainer, GetExecutingScriptHash
from boa.interop.Neo.Transaction import Transaction, GetReferences
from boa.interop.Neo.Output import GetValue, GetAssetId, GetScriptHash
from boa.interop.BigInteger import BigInteger, ONE
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction

gas_asset_id = b'\xe7-(iy\xeel\xb1\xb7\xe6]\xfd\xdf\xb2\xe3\x84\x10\x0b\x8d\x14\x8ewX\xdeB\xe4\x16\x8bqy,`'
neo_asset_id = b'\x9b|\xff\xda\xa6t\xbe\xae\x0f\x93\x0e\xbe`\x85\xaf\x90\x93\xe5\xfeV\xb3J\\"\x0c\xcd\xcfn\xfc3o\xc5'
token_owner = b'#\xba\'\x03\xc52c\xe8\xd6\xe5"\xdc2 39\xdc\xd8\xee\xe9'

OnBet = RegisterAction('OnBet', "from_address", "bet_id", "option", "amount")
context = GetContext()

# NEO betting is used for demonstration purpose.
# Case:
#   1/ User bet by sending same amount of NEO and content to smart contract,
#       smc then store user info (address, option) then broadcast event onBet
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached neo and gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
Пример #20
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Notify, GetTrigger, Log, CheckWitness, Deserialize, Serialize
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put, Delete, GetContext
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Verification, Application
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetScriptContainer, GetExecutingScriptHash
from boa.interop.Neo.Transaction import Transaction, GetReferences
from boa.interop.Neo.Output import GetValue, GetAssetId, GetScriptHash
from boa.interop.BigInteger import BigInteger, ONE
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction

gas_asset_id = b'\xe7-(iy\xeel\xb1\xb7\xe6]\xfd\xdf\xb2\xe3\x84\x10\x0b\x8d\x14\x8ewX\xdeB\xe4\x16\x8bqy,`'
neo_asset_id = b'\x9b|\xff\xda\xa6t\xbe\xae\x0f\x93\x0e\xbe`\x85\xaf\x90\x93\xe5\xfeV\xb3J\\"\x0c\xcd\xcfn\xfc3o\xc5'
token_owner = b'#\xba\'\x03\xc52c\xe8\xd6\xe5"\xdc2 39\xdc\xd8\xee\xe9'

OnEvent = RegisterAction('OnEvent', 'receiver', 'sender', 'sent_neo',
OnDeposit = RegisterAction('OnDeposit', 'type', 'amount', 'receiver', 'rate')
OnRelease = RegisterAction('OnRelease', 'type', 'amount', 'receiver')

context = GetContext()

def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached neo and gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
Пример #21
from ret.token.kyc import get_kyc_status
from boa.builtins import concat
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from ret.common.other import *

OnAffiliate = RegisterAction('affiliate', 'sender_addr', 'referer_addr',

AFFILIATE_MAX_CAP = 13625000 * 100000000  # 13.625M
AFFILIATE_RATE = 25  # divide 1000 = 2.5%

def do_affiliate(ctx, sender_addr, amount):

    referrer_addr = get_referrer(ctx, sender_addr)
    if not referrer_addr:
        return False

    if not get_kyc_status(ctx, referrer_addr):
        return False

    amount = amount * AFFILIATE_RATE / 1000
        Check affiliate tokens
    if get_balance(ctx, AFFILIATE_FUNDS_ADDRESS) < amount:
        return False

    affiliated_tokens = get_affiliated_tokens(ctx)
Пример #22
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import (GetCallingScriptHash,

# This is the script hash of the address for the owner of the contract
# This can be found in ``neo-python`` with the wallet open,
# use ``wallet`` command
# TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
# TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER = b'\x0f&\x1f\xe5\xc5,k\x01\xa4{\xbd\x02\xbdM\xd3?\xf1\x88\xc9\xde'
TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER = b'#\xba\'\x03\xc52c\xe8\xd6\xe5"\xdc2 39\xdc\xd8\xee\xe9'
TOKEN_NAME = 'Identity Token'
TOKEN_CIRC_KEY = b'in_circulation'

# Smart Contract Event Notifications
OnMint = RegisterAction('mint', 'addr_to')
OnIDKMint = RegisterAction('NFTmint', 'addr_to')

# common errors
ARG_ERROR = 'incorrect arg length'
INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR = 'invalid address'
PERMISSION_ERROR = 'incorrect permission'
TOKEN_DNE_ERROR = 'token does not exist'

def Main(operation, args):
    """Entry point to the program

    :param str operation: The name of the operation to perform
    :param list args: A list of arguments along with the operation
    :return: The result of the operation
Пример #23
NEXT_RECORD_ID_KEY = 'next_rid'

NEXT_ORDER_ID_KEY = 'next_oid'

# Messages
UNKNOWN_OP = 'unknown operation'
WRONG_ARGS = 'wrong arguments'

# Const values

# Events
DispatchTransferEvent = RegisterAction('transfer', 'from', 'to', 'amount')

def Main(operation, args):
 This is the main entry point for the dApp
 :param operation: the operation to be performed
 :type operation: str
 :param args: an optional list of arguments
 :type args: list
 :return: indicating the successful execution of the dApp
 :rtype: str

 if operation == 'getUserList':
 if len(args) == 0:
Пример #24
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.builtins import concat
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import *
from xqt.common import *
from xqt.serialization import deserialize_bytearray, serialize_array
from xqt.user_service import USER_PROP_KEY, get_properties_user, get_user_info

OnPropRegist = RegisterAction('prop_registration', 'prop_id')
OnPropUpdate = RegisterAction('prop_update', 'prop_id')
OnPropDeletion = RegisterAction('prop_delete', 'prop_id')

PROP_INFO_KEY = b'prop_info'
PROP_OWNER_KEY = b'prop_owner'

args_incorrect_len = 'incorrect args length'

def handle_prop(ctx, operation, args):
    if operation == 'prop_info':
        if len(args) == 1:
            return get_prop_info(ctx,args[0])
        return args_incorrect_len

    elif operation == 'prop_owner':
        if len(args) == 1:
            return get_prop_owner(ctx,args[0])
        return args_incorrect_len

    elif operation == 'register_prop':
        if len(args) == 3:
            if len(args[2]) != 20:
Пример #25
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness, GetTime
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from ret.token.rettoken import *
from ret.common.txio import get_asset_attachments
from ret.token.affiliate import *
from ret.common.other import *

OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnRefund = RegisterAction('refund', 'addr_to', 'amount')


WHITELIST_SALE_MAX_CAP = 70000000 * 100000000 # 70M
WHITELIST_SALE_THRESHOLD = 400 * 100000000 # 400 NEO
# WHITELIST_SALE_PERSONAL_CAP = 500 * 100000000 # 500 NEO

PRESALE_MAX_CAP = 65000000 * 100000000 # 65M
# PRESALE_PERSONAL_CAP = 250 * 100000000 # 250 NEO

CROWDSALE_MAX_CAP = 480000000 * 100000000 # 480M
# CROWDSALE_PERSONAL_CAP = 500 * 100000000 # 500 NEO

def perform_exchange(ctx):
Пример #26
Module configuration - contains NA root configuration
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import Notify, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from nas.common.constants import *
from nas.common.acc import add_account_available_assets

ConfigurationUpdatedEvent = RegisterAction('configurationUpdated', 'option', 'value')

:Interface to access NEO Alias configuration:
\n :Configuration will be determined based on voting mechanism, that will be implemented later:
\n Final implementation will prevent centralized control and except init() method for initial
setup, configuration is going to be controloble only trough voting

def init_NA_service():
    :Initializes dapp NASC:
    if not CheckWitness(ROOT_ADMIN):
        msg = "Only root_admin can initialize NASC."
        return msg
    # initialize
    dummy = storage_save("NASC_initialized", True)
    #init for testing
    if DEBUG:
Пример #27
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import GetContext, Get, Put, Delete
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetCallingScriptHash
from boa.builtins import concat

OWNER = b'%\xc8J\x12\xdd\xf7\xe6?\x96\x7f\xfd\x01\xf5F\xef\xf0\xe7\xad\xd0\x9a'
TOTAL_SUPPLY =          10000000000000000
DISTRIBUTE_TO_BLOCK =   9000000000000000
DISTRIBUTE_TO_ME =      1000000000000000

DispatchTransferEvent = RegisterAction('transfer', 'from', 'to', 'amount')
DispatchApproveEvent = RegisterAction('approval', 'owner', 'spender', 'value')

ctx = GetContext()

def Main(operation, args):
    This is the main entry point for the Smart Contract

    :param operation: the operation to be performed ( eg `balanceOf`, `transfer`, etc)
    :type operation: str
    :param args: a list of arguments ( which may be empty, but not absent )
    :type args: list
    :return: indicating the successful execution of the smart contract
Пример #28
from boa.interop.Neo.Blockchain import GetHeight
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put
from boa.builtins import concat
from xqt.token import *
from xqt.common import *
from xqt.txio import get_asset_attachments

# OnInvalidKYCAddress = RegisterAction('invalid_registration', 'address')
OnKYCRegister = RegisterAction('kyc_registration', 'address')
OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnContribution = RegisterAction('contribution', 'from', 'neo', 'gas', 'tokens')
OnRefund = RegisterAction('refund', 'addr_to', 'amount')

OnPreSaleMint = RegisterAction('presale_mint', 'to', 'neo', 'tokens')

KYC_KEY = b'kyc_ok'

def kyc_register(ctx, args):

    :param args:list a list of addresses to register
    :param token:Token A token object with your ICO settings
        int: The number of addresses to register for KYC
    ok_count = 0

    if CheckWitness(TOKEN_OWNER):
Пример #29
from boa.interop.Neo.Blockchain import GetHeight
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import Get, Put
from boa.builtins import concat
from txio import *

OnKYCRegister = RegisterAction('kyc_registration', 'address')
KYC_KEY = b'kyc_ok'
OWNER = b'#\xba\'\x03\xc52c\xe8\xd6\xe5"\xdc2 39\xdc\xd8\xee\xe9'

def kyc_register(ctx, address):
    kyc_storage_key = concat(KYC_KEY, address)
    Put(ctx, kyc_storage_key, True)
    return True

def sender_is_in_DAO(ctx):
    attachments = get_asset_attachments()
    print("user", attachments[1])
    if not get_kyc_status(ctx, attachments[1]):
        return False
    return True

def get_kyc_status(ctx, address):
    print("checking kyc status")
    kyc_storage_key = concat(KYC_KEY, address)
Пример #30
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import GetContext, Get, Put, Delete
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Enumerator import EnumeratorCreate, EnumeratorNext

# Compiler includes
from boa.builtins import concat

# Storage context for local contract
context = GetContext()

# Static administrative address
admin = b'\xae\xe7O\xf1\x02\xbb$CL\xb0\xd5\x17pD\xadx\xc1C\xfa\x90'
burn = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

# Set notification triggers
OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'address', 'to', 'amount')
OnApprove = RegisterAction('approve', 'address', 'to', 'amount')

# Main function
def Main(operation, arguments):

    # Get the contract trigger type
    trigger = GetTrigger()

    # Contract transaction
    if trigger == Verification():

        if CheckWitness(admin):
            return True