Пример #1
def addTokenToOwnersList(ctx, t_owner, t_id):
    length = Get(ctx, t_owner)
    if len(length) == 0:
        length = 0
    addkey = concat(t_owner, length)
    Put(ctx, addkey, t_id)
    print("added token to owners list")
    newbalance = length + 1
    Put(ctx, t_owner, newbalance)
Пример #2
def buy(player, numbers):

    context = GetContext()

    current_game_no = Get(context, CURRENT_GAME_NO)

    # Check if the lottery is launched.
    # A method called launch() needs to be triggered by this contract owner in order to begin the lottery.

    if not current_game_no:

        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("The game has not been launched yet")

    # Ticket price will be transferred to the POOL

    is_transferred = do_transfer(player, POOL, TICKET_PRICE)

    if is_transferred:

        last_ticket_no = Get(context, LAST_TICKET_NO)

        new_ticket_no = last_ticket_no + 1

        new_ticket_key = concat(TICKET, new_ticket_no)

        new_ticket = [
            current_game_no, player,

        Put(context, new_ticket_key, serialize_array(new_ticket))

        Put(context, LAST_TICKET_NO, new_ticket_no)

        player_key = concat(PLAYER, player)

        player_key = concat(player_key, current_game_no)

        # It needs flags to fetch all tickets by addresses and in order to check if a user is qualified for drawing.

        if not has_user_participated(player):

            player_key = concat(player_key, "first")


            player_key = concat(player_key, new_ticket_no)

        Put(context, player_key, new_ticket_no)

        DispatchBuyEvent(player, new_ticket_no, numbers[0], numbers[1],
                         numbers[2], numbers[3], numbers[4])

        return True

    return False
def do_transfer(ctx, t_from, t_to, amount):
    Method to transfer NEP5 tokens of a specified amount from one account to another

    :param t_from: the address to transfer from
    :type t_from: bytearray
    :param t_to: the address to transfer to
    :type t_to: bytearray
    :param amount: the amount of NEP5 tokens to transfer
    :type amount: int

    :return: whether the transfer was successful
    :rtype: bool


    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    if len(t_from) != 20:
        return False

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    if CheckWitness(t_from):

        if t_from == t_to:
            print("transfer to self!")
            return True

        from_val = Get(ctx, t_from)

        if from_val < amount:
            print("insufficient funds")
            return False

        if from_val == amount:
            Delete(ctx, t_from)

            difference = from_val - amount
            Put(ctx, t_from, difference)

        to_value = Get(ctx, t_to)

        to_total = to_value + amount

        Put(ctx, t_to, to_total)

        OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

        return True
        print("from address is not the tx sender")

    return False
def do_mint_token(ctx, args):
    """Mints a new NFT token; stores it's properties, URI info, and
    owner on the blockchain; updates the totalSupply

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param list args:
        0: byte[] t_owner: token owner
        1: byte[] t_properties: token's read only data
        2: bytes t_uri: token's uri
        3: extra_arg (optional): extra arg to be passed to a smart
    :return: mint success
    :rtype: bool
    t_id = Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)
    # the int 0 is represented as b'' in neo-boa, this caused bugs
    # throughout my code
    # This is the reason why token id's start at 1 instead
    t_id += 1

    # this should never already exist
    if len(Get(ctx, t_id)) == 20:
        Notify('token already exists')
        return False

    t_owner = args[0]
    if len(t_owner) != 20:
        return False

    t_properties = args[1]
    if len(t_properties) == b'\x00':
        Notify('missing properties data string')
        return False

    t_uri = args[2]

    if GetContract(t_owner):
        contract_args = [t_owner, t_id]
        if len(args) == 4:  # append optional extra arg

        success = transfer_to_smart_contract(ctx, GetExecutingScriptHash(),
                                             contract_args, True)
        if success is False:
            return False

    Put(ctx, t_id, t_owner)  # update token's owner
    Put(ctx, concat('properties/', t_id), t_properties)
    Put(ctx, concat('uri/', t_id), t_uri)
    add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_owner, t_id)
    Put(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY, t_id)  # update total supply

    # Log this minting event
    OnMint(t_owner, 1)
    OnNFTMint(t_owner, t_id)
    return True
Пример #5
def DoTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount):
    Method to transfer NEP5 tokens of a specified amount from one account to another

    :param t_from: the address to transfer from
    :type t_from: bytearray

    :param t_to: the address to transfer to
    :type t_to: bytearray

    :param amount: the amount of NEP5 tokens to transfer
    :type amount: int

    :return: whether the transfer was successful
    :rtype: bool

    if amount <= 0:
        print("cannot transfer zero or less")
        return False

    from_is_sender = CheckWitness(t_from)

    if from_is_sender:

        if t_from == t_to:
            return True

        context = GetContext()

        from_val = Get(context, t_from)

        if from_val < amount:
            print("Insufficient funds")
            return False

        if from_val == amount:
            print("Removing all funds!")
            Delete(context, t_from)

            difference = from_val - amount
            Put(context, t_from, difference)

        to_value = Get(context, t_to)

        to_total = to_value + amount

        Put(context, t_to, to_total)

        OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

        return True
        print("from address is not the tx sender")

    return False
Пример #6
def deploy():
    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
        print("Must be owner to deploy")
        return False
    if not Get(context, 'initialized'):
        # do deploy logic
        Put(context, 'initialized', 1)
        Put(context, OWNER, TOTAL_SUPPLY)
        return add_to_circulation(context, TOTAL_SUPPLY)
        return False
def initialize():
    context = GetContext()
    ini_flag = Get(context, 'ini_flag')
    if not ini_flag:
        Put(context, 'counter', 0)
        Put(context, 'ini_flag', 1)
        return 1
        return 1
Пример #8
def do_approve(ctx, Caller, args):
    """Approve a token to be transferred to a third party by an approved spender

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param bytearray t_owner: current owner of the token
    :param bytearray t_spender: spender to approve
    :param int t_id: int: token id
    :param bool revoke: set to True to revoke previous approval
    :return: approval success
    :rtype: bool
    t_owner = args[0]
    t_spender = args[1]
    t_id = args[2]
    revoke = False

    if len(args) > 3:
        revoke = args[3]

    if Caller != GetEntryScriptHash() and not is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, Caller):
        # non-whitelisted contracts can only approve their own funds for transfer,
        # even if they have the signature of the owner on the invocation
        t_owner = Caller

    assert len(t_owner) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
    assert len(t_spender) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
    assert t_id, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR

    ownership_key = concat('ownership/', t_id)
    ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, ownership_key))

    assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
    assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
    assert t_owner == ownership['owner'], PERMISSION_ERROR
    assert t_owner != t_spender, 'same owner and spender'
    assert authenticate(t_owner, Caller), PERMISSION_ERROR

    # revoke previous approval if revoke is True
    if revoke:
        if has_key(ownership, 'approved'):
            Put(ctx, ownership_key, Serialize(ownership))

        # log the revoking of previous approvals
        OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, 0)
        OnNFTApprove(t_owner, '', t_id)
        return True

    ownership['approved'] = concat(t_owner, t_spender)
    # approve this transfer
    Put(ctx, ownership_key, Serialize(ownership))
    # Log this approval event
    OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, 1)
    OnNFTApprove(t_owner, t_spender, t_id)
    return True
Пример #9
def do_mint_token(ctx, args):
    """Mints a new NFT token; stores it's properties, URI info, and
    owner on the blockchain; updates the totalSupply

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param list args:
        0: bytearray t_owner: token owner
        1: int t_id: token id (must not already exist)
        2: str t_properties: token's read only data
        3: str t_uri: token's uri
        4: str t_rw_properties: token's read/write data (optional)
    :return: mint success
    :rtype: bool

    t_circ = Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)
    t_circ += 1

    assert len(args[0]) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
    assert args[1], 'missing token id'
    assert args[2], 'missing properties'
    assert args[3], 'missing uri'

    t_id = args[1]
    token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('token/', t_id)))
    assert not token, 'token already exists'

    # basically a token 'object' containing the token's
    # id, uri, and properties
    token = {}
    ownership = {}  # information about the token's owner

    token['id'] = t_id
    token['uri'] = args[3]
    token['properties'] = args[2]  # this can never change

    if len(args) > 4:
        token['rwproperties'] = args[4]
        token['rwproperties'] = ''

    ownership['owner'] = args[0]

    Put(ctx, concat('token/', t_id), Serialize(token))
    # update token's owner
    Put(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id), Serialize(ownership))
    res = add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, ownership['owner'], t_id)
    Put(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY, t_circ)  # update total supply
    # Log this minting event
    OnTransfer('', ownership['owner'], 1)
    OnNFTTransfer('', ownership['owner'], t_id)
    OnMint(ownership['owner'], 1)
    OnNFTMint(ownership['owner'], t_id)
    return True
Пример #10
def owner_mint(ctx, args):
    This method allows owners to mint their share at 500k increments over 2 years
    It does not require 'full' owner approval ( 3 of 5 sigs) but only approval
    by the owner wishing to mint.

    :param args: list
    :return: bool
    if len(args) != 1:
        return False

    which_owner = args[0]

    if not is_owner_str(which_owner):
        return False

    current_owner_addr = Get(ctx, which_owner)

    if not CheckWitness(current_owner_addr):
        return False

    amount_to_mint = PER_OWNER_TOTAL

    # get the key used to track mint amount per owner
    owner_minted_key = concat(which_owner, 'Minted')

    # lookup whether owner has minted
    already_minted = Get(ctx, owner_minted_key)

    if already_minted:
        print("Owner already minted")
        return False

    # update that owner has minted
    Put(ctx, owner_minted_key, True)

    # Add this amount to circulation
    added_to_circ = add_to_circulation(ctx, amount_to_mint)

    # dispatch mint
    OnTransfer(False, current_owner_addr, amount_to_mint)

    # now get current owners balance

    owner_balance_key = get_balance_key(current_owner_addr)

    current_balance = Get(ctx, owner_balance_key)
    # update it with the amount to mint
    new_balance = current_balance + amount_to_mint
    # now persist the new balance
    Put(ctx, owner_balance_key, new_balance)

    return True
Пример #11
def DoTransfer(sender, receiver, amount):
    Method to transfer tokens from one account to another

    :param sender: the address to transfer from
    :type sender: bytearray

    :param receiver: the address to transfer to
    :type receiver: bytearray

    :param amount: the amount of tokens to transfer
    :type amount: int

    :return: whether the transfer was successful
    :rtype: bool


    if amount <= 0:
        Log("Cannot transfer negative amount")
        return False

    from_is_sender = CheckWitness(sender)

    if not from_is_sender:
        Log("Not owner of funds to be transferred")
        return False

    if sender == receiver:
        Log("Sending funds to self")
        return True

    context = GetContext()
    from_val = Get(context, sender)

    if from_val < amount:
        Log("Insufficient funds to transfer")
        return False

    if from_val == amount:
        Delete(context, sender)

        difference = from_val - amount
        Put(context, sender, difference)

    to_value = Get(context, receiver)

    to_total = to_value + amount

    Put(context, receiver, to_total)
    DispatchTransferEvent(sender, receiver, amount)

    return True
Пример #12
def DoDeploy(ctx, accept_coin):
    Method to init totalSupply tokens to OWNER
    result = Get(ctx, "DEPLOY")
    if result == 1:
        return False
    me = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    Put(ctx, "DEPLOY", 1)
    Put(ctx, me, TOTAL_SUPPLY)
    Put(ctx, "ACCEPTCOIN", accept_coin)
    return True
Пример #13
def add_contribution(ctx, to_address, neo_contribution, gas_contribution):
    neo_contributed_key = concat(NEO_CONTRIBUTION_KEY, to_address)
    gas_contributed_key = concat(GAS_CONTRIBUTION_KEY, to_address)

    current_neo_contributed = Get(ctx, neo_contributed_key)
    current_gas_contributed = Get(ctx, gas_contributed_key)

    current_neo_contributed += neo_contribution
    current_gas_contributed += gas_contribution

    Put(ctx, neo_contributed_key, current_neo_contributed)
    Put(ctx, gas_contributed_key, current_gas_contributed)
Пример #14
def Main(operation, addr, value):

    print("Running Sample v4")
    trigger = GetTrigger()

    # This determines that the SC is runnning in Verification mode
    # This determines whether the TX will be relayed to the rest of the network
    # The `Verification` portion of SC is *read-only*, so calls to `Storage.Put` will fail.
    # You can, however, use `Storage.Get`
    if trigger == Verification():

        print("Running Verification!")

        # This routine is: if the invoker ( or the Address that signed the contract ) is not OWNER,
        # Then we return False, and the TX will not be relayed to the network
        # Otherwise, we know the owner address signed the TX and return True
        is_owner = CheckWitness(OWNER)

        if is_owner:
            print("Is Owner!")
            return True

        print("Not Owner")

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():

        print("Running Application!")

        if not is_valid_addr(addr):
            print("Not Valid Address")
            return False

        ctx = GetContext()

        if operation == 'add':
            balance = Get(ctx, addr)
            new_balance = balance + value
            Put(ctx, addr, new_balance)
            return new_balance

        elif operation == 'remove':
            balance = Get(ctx, addr)
            Put(ctx, addr, balance - value)
            return balance - value

        elif operation == 'balance':
            return Get(ctx, addr)

    return False
Пример #15
def DoTransferFrom(t_from, t_to, amount):
    Method to transfer NEP5 tokens of a specified amount from one account to another

    :param t_from: the address to transfer from
    :type t_from: bytearray
    :param t_to: the address to transfer to
    :type t_to: bytearray
    :param amount: the amount of NEP5 tokens to transfer
    :type amount: int

    :return: whether the transfer was successful
    :rtype: bool

    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    context = GetContext()

    allowance_key = concat(t_from, t_to)

    available_to_to_addr = Get(context, allowance_key)

    if available_to_to_addr < amount:
        Log("Insufficient funds approved")
        return False

    from_balance = Get(context, t_from)

    if from_balance < amount:
        Log("Insufficient tokens in from balance")
        return False

    to_balance = Get(context, t_to)

    # calculate the new balances
    new_from_balance = from_balance - amount
    new_to_balance = to_balance + amount
    new_allowance = available_to_to_addr - amount

    # persist the new balances
    Put(context, allowance_key, new_allowance)
    Put(context, t_to, new_to_balance)
    Put(context, t_from, new_from_balance)

    Log("transfer complete")

    # dispatch transfer event
    DispatchTransferEvent(t_from, t_to, amount)

    return True
Пример #16
def vote_for_selection(ctx, voter, poll, selection):
    poll_voter_key = concat(poll, voter)
    voter_status = Get(ctx, poll_voter_key)
    if voter_status == "voted":
        return False

        poll_selection_key = concat(poll, selection)
        votes = Get(ctx, poll_selection_key) + 1
        Put(ctx, poll_voter_key, "voted")
        Put(ctx, poll_selection_key, votes)
        print(concat("Selected: ", selection))
        return votes
Пример #17
def perform_exchange(ctx):

     :param token:Token The token object with NEP5/sale settings
         bool: Whether the exchange was successful
    last_tx = Get(ctx, LAST_TX_KEY)
    current_tx = GetScriptContainer().Hash
    if last_tx == current_tx:
        return False
    Put(ctx, LAST_TX_KEY, current_tx)

    attachments = get_asset_attachments()  # [receiver, sender, neo, gas]

    # this looks up whether the exchange can proceed
    exchange_ok = can_exchange(ctx, attachments, False)

    sender = attachments['sender']

    if not exchange_ok:
        # This should only happen in the case that there are a lot of TX on the final
        # block before the total amount is reached.  An amount of TX will get through
        # the verification phase because the total amount cannot be updated during that phase
        # because of this, there should be a process in place to manually refund tokens
        if attachments['sent_neo'] > 0:
            OnRefund(sender, attachments['sent_neo'], neo_asset_id)

        if attachments['sent_gas'] > 0:
            OnRefund(sender, attachments['sent_gas'], gas_asset_id)

        return False

    balance_key = get_balance_key(sender)

    # lookup the current balance of the address
    current_balance = Get(ctx, balance_key)

    new_nex_tokens = calculate_exchange_amount(attachments)

    # add it to the the exchanged tokens and persist in storage
    new_total = new_nex_tokens + current_balance
    Put(ctx, balance_key, new_total)

    # update the in circulation amount
    result = add_to_circulation(ctx, new_nex_tokens)

    # dispatch transfer event
    OnTransfer(False, sender, new_nex_tokens)

    return True
Пример #18
def transfer(context, arguments):

    address = arguments[0]
    to = arguments[1]
    amount = arguments[2]

    # Allow only authenticated requests
    if not CheckWitness(address):
        print('Permission denied')
        return False

    # To address has to be 20 bytes
    if len(to) != 20:
        print('Address is incorrect')
        return False

    # Allow only a positive amount
    if not amount >= 0:
        print('Amount must be positive')
        return False

    balance = Get(context, address)

    if balance < amount:
        print('Insufficient funds')
        return False

    if address == to:
        return True

    # Calculate the balance for the sender
    if balance == amount:
        Delete(context, address)
        balance = balance - amount
        Put(context, address, balance)

    # Check if the tokens have been burned
    if to == burn:
        # Reduce supply when tokens are burned
        print('Tokens have been burned')
        supply = Get(context, 'circulating') - amount
        Put(context, 'circulating', supply)
        # Calculate the balance for the recipient
        balance = Get(context, to) + amount
        Put(context, to, balance)

    # Send the notification
    OnTransfer(address, to, amount)
    return True
Пример #19
def do_transfer(t_from, t_to, amount):

    context = GetContext()

    if amount < 0:
        # raise Exception('Amount MUST be greater than or equal to 0')
        notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("Amount MUST be greater than or equal to 0")

    if len(t_from) != 20:
        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("From should be 20-byte addresses")

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("From should be 20-byte addresses")

    if CheckWitness(t_from):

        if t_from == POOL:
            return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse(
                "Nobody can withdraw from the pool")

        if t_from == t_to:
            Log("Transfer to self")
            return True

        from_val = Get(context, t_from)

        if from_val < amount:
            return notifyErrorAndReturnFalse("insufficient funds")

        if from_val == amount:
            Put(context, t_from, 0)

            difference = from_val - amount
            Put(context, t_from, difference)

        to_value = Get(context, t_to)

        to_total = to_value + amount

        Put(context, t_to, to_total)

        DispatchTransferEvent(t_from, t_to, amount)

        return True


        Log("from address is not the tx sender")

    return False
Пример #20
def init():
    if not CheckWitness(TOKEN_OWNER):
        print("Must be token owner to init")
        return False

    if Get(ctx, INIT_KEY):
        print("Token already init")
        return False

    Put(ctx, INIT_KEY, 1)
    return True
Пример #21
def Deploy(dapp_name, oracle, time_margin, min_time, max_time):
    Method for the dApp owner initiate settings in storage

    :param dapp_name: name of the dapp
    :type dapp_name: str

    :param oracle: oracle that is used
    :type oracle: bytearray

    :param time_margin: time margin in seconds
    :type time_margin: int

    :param min_time: minimum time until the datetime of the event in seconds
    :type min_time: int

    :param max_time: max_time until the datetime of the event in seconds
    :type max_time: int

    :return: whether the update succeeded
    :rtype: bool

    # if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
    #     Log("Must be owner to deploy dApp")
    #     return False

    context = GetContext()
    Put(context, 'dapp_name', dapp_name)
    Put(context, 'oracle', oracle)

    if time_margin < 0:
        Log("time_margin must be positive")
        return False

    Put(context, 'time_margin', time_margin)

    if min_time < 3600 + time_margin:
        Log("min_time must be greater than 3600 + time_margin")
        return False

    Put(context, 'min_time', min_time)

    if max_time <= (min_time + time_margin):
        Log("max_time must be greather than min_time + time_margin")
        return False

    Put(context, 'max_time', max_time)

    return True
Пример #22
def calculate_can_exchange(ctx, amount, address, verify_only):
    Perform custom token exchange calculations here.

    :param amount:int Number of tokens to convert from asset to tokens
    :param address:bytearray The address to mint the tokens to
        bool: Whether or not an address can exchange a specified amount
    timestap = GetTime()

    current_in_circulation = Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)
    new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

    if new_amount > TOKEN_TOTAL_SUPPLY:
        return False

    if timestap >= ROUND1_START and timestap <= ROUND1_END:

        print("Minting Round 1")

        r1key = concat(address, MINTED_ROUND1_KEY)

        # the following looks up whether an address has been
        # registered with the contract for KYC regulations
        # check if they have already exchanged in round 1
        # if not, then save the exchange for limited round
        if amount <= MAX_EXCHANGE_ROUND1 and kyc_status(
                ctx, 'round1', address) and not Get(ctx, r1key):

            if not verify_only:
                Put(ctx, r1key, True)
            return True

    if timestap >= ROUND2_START and timestap <= ROUND2_END:

        print("Minting round 2")

        r2key = concat(address, MINTED_ROUND2_KEY)

        if amount <= MAX_EXCHANGE_ROUND2 and kyc_status(
                ctx, 'round2', address) and not Get(ctx, r2key):

            if not verify_only:
                Put(ctx, r2key, True)

            return True

    print("Not eligible")
    return False
Пример #23
def add_users(users):
    ok_count = 0
    for user in users:
        msg = concat("Adding user: "******"blank_vote")
        current_user_number = Get(ctx, "all_users")
        Put(ctx, "all_users", current_user_number + 1)
        res = kyc_register(ctx, user)
        if res:
            ok_count += 1

    Notify(concat("Added users ", ok_count))
    return ok_count
Пример #24
def addSubaccountAsMaster(executionerPublicKey, domainName, subDomainName,
    if not CheckWitness(executionerPublicKey):
        return False

    #check if owner and domain exists
    if not existDomainAndOwnerWithHash(executionerPublicKey, domainName):
        return False

    ctx = GetContext()
    # "simpli/sub/
    SubaccountKey = createSubMainKey(domainName, walletHash)
    subKey = createSubNameKey(SubaccountKey, subDomainName)

    #if exist subdomain name, return false
    if existSubDomain(subKey):
        return False

    if existSubaccount(SubaccountKey):
        masterApproved = Get(ctx, createMasterApprovedKey(SubaccountKey))
        masterApproved = masterApproved + 0x30
        if masterApproved is None:
            return False

        if not masterApproved:
            return False

        subsKeyValue = concat(subDomainName, ":")
        subsKeyValue = concat(subsKeyValue, walletHash)

        #save to all subs
        keyHashes = createSubsKey(domainName)
        addHashToHashes(keyHashes, subsKeyValue, ";")

        #save to all scripthash domains
        tr = concat("s:", subDomainName)
        addDomainToStorage(walletHash, tr)
        #save sub scripthash
        Put(ctx, SubaccountKey, walletHash)
        #save sub approved false
        Put(ctx, createSubApprovedKey(SubaccountKey), 0x30)

    #save master approved
    Put(ctx, createMasterApprovedKey(SubaccountKey), 0x01)
    Put(ctx, subKey, subDomainName)
    Put(ctx, createSubRootNameKey(SubaccountKey), subDomainName)

    return True
Пример #25
def MintTokens(ctx):
    infos = GetMintInfo(ctx)
    if infos[2] > 0:
        current_balance = Get(ctx, infos[1])
        amount = infos[2] * 100000000
        new_total = current_balance + amount
        Put(ctx, infos[1], new_total)
        my_balance = Get(ctx, infos[0])
        my_new_total = my_balance - amount
        Put(ctx, infos[0], my_new_total)
        return True
    return False
Пример #26
def do_transfer_from(ctx, t_from, t_to, amount):

    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    if len(t_from) != 20:
        return False

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    available_key = concat(t_from, t_to)

    available_to_to_addr = Get(ctx, available_key)

    if available_to_to_addr < amount:
        print("Insufficient funds approved")
        return False

    from_balance = Get(ctx, t_from)

    if from_balance < amount:
        print("Insufficient tokens in from balance")
        return False

    to_balance = Get(ctx, t_to)

    new_from_balance = from_balance - amount

    new_to_balance = to_balance + amount

    Put(ctx, t_to, new_to_balance)
    Put(ctx, t_from, new_from_balance)

    print("transfer complete")

    new_allowance = available_to_to_addr - amount

    if new_allowance == 0:
        print("removing all balance")
        Delete(ctx, available_key)
        print("updating allowance to new allowance")
        Put(ctx, available_key, new_allowance)

    OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

    return True
Пример #27
def register_delegator(context, args):
    if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
        return False

    delegator = args[0]
    name = args[1]

    if len(delegator) != 20:
        return False

    if not name:
        return False

    if Get(context, delegator):
        return False

    Notify(['[REGISTER-DELEGATOR] delegator:', delegator, 'name:', name])

    Put(context, delegator, name)

    return True
Пример #28
def make_vote(vote):
    kyc_status = sender_is_in_DAO(ctx)
    address = get_asset_attachments()[1]
    print("user", address)
    is_sender = CheckWitness(address)
    if kyc_status and is_sender:
        poll_key = Get(ctx, "poll")
        kyc_poll_key = concat(poll_key, address)
        Put(ctx, kyc_poll_key, vote)

        poll_res = concat(poll_key, "res")
        cur_res = Get(ctx, poll_res)
        Put(ctx, poll_res, cur_res + vote)
        return True

    return False
def set_webpage(adr, webpage):
    msg = concat("Change webpage for: ", adr)
    termsba = Get(ctx, adr)
    if not termsba:
        Notify("Partnership for address is not yet created")
        return False
    serterms = deserialize_bytearray(termsba)
    currency = serterms[0]
    flatfees_struc = serterms[1]
    partnership_struc = serterms[2]

    terms = [currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc, webpage]
    serterms = serialize_array(terms)
    Put(ctx, adr, serterms)

    msg = concat("Webpage updated:", " ")
    a = concat("Address : ", adr)
    msg = concat(msg, a)
    c = concat(", Currency : ", currency)
    msg = concat(msg, c)
    d = concat(", Flatfee Structure : ", flatfees_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, d)
    e = concat(", Partnership Structure: ", partnership_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, e)
    f = concat(", Webpage: ", webpage)
    msg = concat(msg, f)
    return True
def create_partnership(adr, currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc,
        address, currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc, webpage
        Creates the partnership structure for the given address
        format for flatfee_struc = addr:fees,addr:fees...
        format for partnership_struc = addr:fees,addr:fees...
        :return: indication success execution of the command
        :rtype: bool
    terms = [currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc, webpage]
    serterms = serialize_array(terms)
    Put(ctx, adr, serterms)
    msg = concat("New Partnership Created:", " ")
    a = concat("Address : ", adr)
    msg = concat(msg, a)
    c = concat(", Currency : ", currency)
    msg = concat(msg, c)
    d = concat(", Flatfee Structure : ", flatfees_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, d)
    e = concat(", Partnership Structure: ", partnership_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, e)
    f = concat(", Webpage: ", webpage)
    msg = concat(msg, f)
    return True