def main(): # clean out previous runs try: os.system("rm *.png") except: pass try: os.system("rm boardData.csv") except: pass # parameters boardFile = 'nurikabeRep.csv' outputcsvFileName = 'boardData.csv' print("executing on a system with", cpu_count(), "cpus") if not debug: boardType = input( "Enter 1 for big boards, 2 for representative subset, 3 for all boards: ") if boardType == '1': boardFile = 'bigBoards.csv' elif boardType == '2': boardFile = 'nurikabeRep.csv' elif boardType == '3': boardFile = "nurikabeFull.csv" else: raise ValueError("Please enter either 1 or 2 for data options") if debug: sys.stdout = open('debugNurikabeLarge.txt', 'w') listOfBoards = boards(boardFile) startIndex = 0 whichAmI = 0 for board in listOfBoards: board.plotBoard('Initial Board ') solveNurikabe(listOfBoards, outputcsvFileName, whichAmI, startIndex)
import os import time from board import boards flag=0 dragflag=0 ob_board = boards(31, 500) ob_board.board_creation() ob_board.coins_board() ob_board.obstacle_board() ob_board.magnet_board() time_shield=0 speed=0.15 time_speed=0 time_shoot_dragon=1.5 shield_ready=0 shield_flag=0 time_shield_ready=0 while(True): ob_board.printing_board() if flag == 0: start = time.time() flag=1 if dragflag == 0: startdrag = time.time() dragflag=1 ob_board.movemario() speeddetection=ob_board.ifspeedup() shieldetection=ob_board.ifshield()
import pytest import pygame import board import random import character y=character.Player('playerright.png',50,50) play_list=pygame.sprite.Group() play_list.add(y) line_list,stair_list = board.boards().gen_board() def test_donkey(): try: a=character.Donkey('donkey.png',20,30) except:'Donkey Not Created') def test_person(): try: y=character.Player('playerright.png',50,50) except:'Player Not Created') def test_get_pos(): y=character.Donkey('donkey.png',20,30) c=0 while c<100: x = random.randrange(0,900) z = random.randrange(0,500) y.rect.x=x y.rect.y=z
def main2(level, score, life, heart): fl = 0 if level == 1: line_list, stair_list = board.boards().gen_board() else: line_list, stair_list = board.boards().gen_board2() coin_list = objects.coins('coin.png').gen_coins() coin_list = objects.coins('coin.png').settle_coins( coin_list, line_list) play = character.Player('playerright.png', 50, 50) play.rect.x = 50 play.rect.y = 626 play_list.add(play) don = character.Donkey('donkey.png', 75, 80) don.rect.x = 500 don.rect.y = 98 don.dire = 0 c = 0 st = 0 img = pygame.image.load('princess.png') img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (50, 50)) while True: ll = 0 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT or event.key == pygame.K_d: play.right() elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_a: play.left() elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_s: play.down(play_list, stair_list, fl) elif event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_w: play.up(fl, play_list, stair_list) elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: if fl == 0: up = -26 fl = 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_q: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if fl: play.rect.y += up up += 13 if up == 26: fl = 0 if c % 45 == 0: ball_list.add( objects.fireball('fireball.png').gen_ball(don)) if c % 2 == 0: if don.move(don.dire, level): don.dire = 1 - don.dire for ball in ball_list: a = ball.move_ball(ball.di, stair_list) if a[1] == True: ball_list.remove(ball) else: if a[0] == True: ball.di = 1 - ball.di ball_list.remove(ball) ball = objects.fireball('fireball.png').getlower( ball, line_list) ball_list.add(ball) c = (c + 1) % 45 play.rect.x, play.rect.y = play.get_lower( play.rect.x, play.rect.y, line_list, stair_list, play_list, fl) if play.rect.y == 26 and play.rect.x < 260: play_list.empty() ball_list.empty() coin_list.empty() line_list.empty() stair_list.empty() fontObj = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 64) textSurfaceObj = fontObj.render( "Yay!!! You saved the princess", True, Black) rect = textSurfaceObj.get_rect() = (500, 350) DISPLAYSURF.blit(textSurfaceObj, rect) score += 50 pygame.display.update() time.sleep(3) main2(3 - level, score, life, heart) aqw = objects.coins('coin.png').check_collision( coin_list, play_list) score += aqw * 5 DISPLAYSURF.fill(White) DISPLAYSURF.blit(bgimg, bgrect) if objects.fireball('fireball.png').check( ball_list, play_list): life -= 1 ball_list.empty() heart[life].change() play.rect.x = 150 play.rect.y = 626 score -= 25 score = max(score, 0) if life > 0: ll = 1 fontObj = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 64) textSurfaceObj = fontObj.render( "Life Lost", True, Black) rect = textSurfaceObj.get_rect() = (500, 350) DISPLAYSURF.blit(textSurfaceObj, rect) if life == 0: st = 1 fontObj = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 64) textSurfaceObj = fontObj.render( "Game Over!!!", True, Black) rect = textSurfaceObj.get_rect() = (500, 350) DISPLAYSURF.blit(textSurfaceObj, rect) s = 'SCORE: ' + str(score) fontObj = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) textSurfaceObj = fontObj.render(s, True, Black) rect = textSurfaceObj.get_rect() = (900, 100) DISPLAYSURF.blit(textSurfaceObj, rect) line_list.draw(DISPLAYSURF) stair_list.draw(DISPLAYSURF) coin_list.draw(DISPLAYSURF) ball_list.draw(DISPLAYSURF) play_list.draw(DISPLAYSURF) DISPLAYSURF.blit(img, (250, 26)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(don.image, don.rect) for i in range(3): DISPLAYSURF.blit(heart[i].image, heart[i].rect) pygame.display.update() if ll: time.sleep(2) if st == 1: #Game Over del heart[0:3] ball_list.empty() stair_list.empty() line_list.empty() play_list.empty() coin_list.empty() time.sleep(2) main() fpsClock.tick(FPS)