def place_ships(self): for s in self.ships: x = y = -1 o = 0 # Orientation. is_valid = False # Keeps track of the current loop (Checks if we are done placing one ship.) placing_ship = True while placing_ship: self.parent.window.fill(pygame.Color('#999999')) self.parent.window.fill(pygame.Color('#000000'), rect=[190, 0, 5, 460]) self.own_board.draw(215, 20) mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() board_pos = board_gui.get_coord(215, 20, mouse_pos[0], mouse_pos[1]) if board_pos is not None: x = board_pos[0] y = board_pos[1] highlight_color = pygame.Color('#ff0000') is_valid = self.check_placement(s, x, y, o) if is_valid: highlight_color = pygame.Color('#ffff00') if o == 0: # Ship horizontal. self.own_board.highlight(215, 20, x, y, s.size, 1, highlight_color) else: # Ship vertical. self.own_board.highlight(215, 20, x, y, 1, s.size, highlight_color) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.parent.close_app() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_r: if o == 0: o = 1 else: o = 0 else: pass elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if is_valid: # Place the ship., y, o) # Mark the board accordingly. for i in range(s.size): if o == 0: self.own_board.coord[x + i][y] = 1 else: self.own_board.coord[x][y + i] = 1 placing_ship = False else: pass pygame.display.update() self.parent.clock.tick(15)
def get_target(self, next_player): x = y = -1 while True: self.parent.window.fill(pygame.Color('#999999')) self.parent.window.fill(pygame.Color('#000000'), rect=[375, 0, 5, 460]) self.own_board.draw(21, 21) self.tracking_board.draw(396, 21) mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() board_pos = board_gui.get_coord(396, 21, mouse_pos[0], mouse_pos[1]) if board_pos is not None: x = board_pos[0] y = board_pos[1] highlight_color = pygame.Color('#ff0000') if self.tracking_board.coord[x][y] == 0: highlight_color = pygame.Color('#ffff00') self.tracking_board.highlight(396, 21, x, y, 1, 1, highlight_color) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.parent.close_app() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if self.tracking_board.coord[x][y] == 0: for s in next_player.ships: if s.intercept(x, y): self.tracking_board.coord[x][y] = \ next_player.own_board.coord[x][y] = 2 if s.add_damage(): self.mark_perimeter(s) return # If we fall through to here, we got a miss. self.tracking_board.coord[x][y] = \ next_player.own_board.coord[x][y] = 3 return else: pass pygame.display.update() self.parent.clock.tick(15)