def pie(X, data=None, output_file_name="pie.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """ Plot a pie diagram with the proportions of the values in the series Params: ------- X (pd.Series or str): the data to plot porportion for data (pd.DataFrame): the dataframe to collect the series from """ X = _retrieve_value(X, data=data) _output(f"{}_{output_file_name}") values, val_counts = [ np.array(d) for d in zip(*X.value_counts(sort=False).to_dict().items()) ] percentages = [ f"{p}%" for p in (val_counts / np.sum(val_counts) * 100).round(2) ] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( values=values, counts=val_counts, percentages=percentages, angle=val_counts / np.sum(val_counts) * 2 * np.pi, color=PALETTE_FUNC(len(values)), )) fig = figure( plot_height=350, plot_width=1000, x_range=(-0.5, 0.5),, toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) fig.annular_wedge( x=0, y=1, inner_radius=0.075, outer_radius=0.15, start_angle=cumsum("angle", include_zero=True), end_angle=cumsum("angle"), line_color="white", fill_color="color", legend_field="values", source=source, ) fig.axis.axis_label = None fig.axis.visible = False fig.grid.grid_line_color = None if show: display(fig) return fig
def pie_proportion( percentage, target=None, label=None, title="", output_file_name="pie_proportion.html", show=True, ): # pragma: no cover """Plot the percentage in a pie format. Params: ------- percentage (float): the proportion to plot target (float): the proportion to reach label (str): the label to add to the plot title (str): the title of the plot """ _output(f"{title}_{output_file_name}") fig = figure( plot_height=350, plot_width=1000, x_range=(-0.5, 0.5), y_range=(0.5 if max([percentage, target or 0.0]) <= 0.5 else 0, 2), title=title, toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) if target is not None and target > percentage: fig.annular_wedge( x=0, y=1, inner_radius=0.075, outer_radius=0.15, start_angle=0, end_angle=np.radians(target * 360), line_color=LINE_COLOR, line_width=2.5, fill_alpha=0.0, ) fig.annular_wedge( x=0, y=1, inner_radius=0.075, outer_radius=0.15, start_angle=0, end_angle=np.radians(percentage * 360), line_color=PALETTE_FUNC(2)[0], line_width=2.5, fill_color=PALETTE_FUNC(2)[0], ) if target is not None and target < percentage: fig.annular_wedge( x=0, y=1, inner_radius=0.075, outer_radius=0.15, start_angle=0, end_angle=np.radians(target * 360), line_color=LINE_COLOR, line_width=2.5, fill_alpha=0.0, ) fig.axis.axis_label = None fig.axis.visible = False fig.grid.grid_line_color = None labels = LabelSet( x=0, y=1, text=[f"{percentage*100:0.2f}%"] if label is None else [f"{label}"], text_align="center", text_baseline="middle", ) fig.add_layout(labels) if show: display(fig) return fig
def _plot_boxplot_by(X, Z, data=None, output_file_name="boxplot.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """Plot the boxplot associated with a continuous variable in function of another variable Params: ------- X (pd.Series or str): the data to plot Z (pd.Series or str): the categorical variable to use to display the boxplots by data (pd.DataFrame): if `X` is str the data to retrieve `X` from output_file_name (str): if not in a Jupyter notebook the plot will be exported to this file """ X = _retrieve_value(X, data=data) Z = _retrieve_value(Z, data=data).astype(str) if len(Z.shape) > 1: if Z.shape[1] > 2: raise ValueError("Only 2 levels can be displayed") else: Z = pd.DataFrame({ Z}) agg_str = "_".join(Z.columns) _output(f"{}_by_{agg_str}_{output_file_name}") dict_data = { X} dict_data.update({c: Z[c] for c in Z.columns}) data = pd.DataFrame(dict_data) groups = data.groupby(list(Z.columns), sort=True) cats = list(groups.groups.keys()) q1 = groups.quantile(q=0.25) q2 = groups.quantile(q=0.5) q3 = groups.quantile(q=0.75) iqr = q3 - q1 upper = q3 + 1.5 * iqr lower = q1 - 1.5 * iqr def outliers(group): cat = return group[(group[] > upper.loc[cat][]) | (group[] < lower.loc[cat][])][] out = groups.apply(outliers).dropna() source = None if not out.empty: outx = [] outy = [] for keys in out.index: outx.append(keys[:-1]) outy.append(out.loc[keys[:-1]].loc[keys[-1]]) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(y=outy, cat=outx)) min_X, max_X = min(X), max(X) if abs(min_X - max_X) < 0.01: y_range = (-0.01, 0.01) else: y_range = (min_X * 1.1, max_X * 1.1) fig = figure( x_range=cats if not isinstance(cats[0], Iterable) else FactorRange( *cats), y_range=y_range, plot_height=750, plot_width=1000,, tools="", toolbar_location=None, ) qmin = groups.quantile(q=0.00) qmax = groups.quantile(q=1.00) upper[] = [ min([x, y]) for (x, y) in zip(list(qmax.loc[:,]), upper[]) ] lower[] = [ max([x, y]) for (x, y) in zip(list(qmin.loc[:,]), lower[]) ] # stems fig.segment(x0=cats, y0=upper[], x1=cats, y1=q3[], line_color="black") fig.segment(x0=cats, y0=lower[], x1=cats, y1=q1[], line_color="black") # boxes fig.vbar( x=cats, width=0.25, top=q2[], bottom=q3[], fill_color=TOP_BOX_COLOR, line_color="black", ) fig.vbar( x=cats, width=0.25, top=q1[], bottom=q2[], fill_color=BOTTOM_BOX_COLOR, line_color="black", ) # whiskers (almost-0 height rects simpler than segments) fig.rect( x=cats, y=upper[], width=0.1, height=0.01 * abs(y_range[0] - y_range[1]), fill_color=TOP_BOX_COLOR, line_color="black", ) fig.rect( x=cats, y=lower[], width=0.1, height=0.01 * abs(y_range[0] - y_range[1]), fill_color=BOTTOM_BOX_COLOR, line_color="black", ) # outliers if source: x="cat", y="y", size=6, source=source, color=linear_cmap("y", PALETTE_LARGE, min_X, max_X), ) fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None if show: display(fig) return fig
def scatter(X, Y, Z=None, data=None, output_file_name="scatter.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """Scatter plot 2 dimensions Params: ------- X (pd.Series or str): the x coordinates Y (pd.Series or str): the y coordinates Z (pd.Series or str): the variable that will be used for colouring data (pd.DataFrame): if `X` is str the data to retrieve `X` from output_file_name (str): if not in a Jupyter notebook the plot will be exported to this file """ X = _retrieve_value(X, data=data) Y = _retrieve_value(Y, data=data) _output(f"{}_{}_{output_file_name}") color_values = _retrieve_value(Z, data=data) if Z else X * Y unique_color_values = sorted(color_values.unique()) if len(unique_color_values) > 256: palette = PALETTE_LARGE major_label_overrides = {} min_color_value = np.min(color_values) max_color_value = np.max(color_values) else: palette = PALETTE_FUNC(len(unique_color_values)) color_values = color_values.apply(unique_color_values.index) major_label_overrides = { unique_color_values.index(v) + 0.5: str(v) for v in unique_color_values } major_label_overrides.update( {i: "" for i in range(len(unique_color_values) + 1)}) min_color_value = np.min(color_values) max_color_value = np.max(color_values) + 1 # create the scatter plot fig = figure( plot_height=600, plot_width=750, min_border=10, min_border_left=50, tools="", toolbar_location=None, x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, ) slope, intercept = np.polyfit(X, Y, 1, full=True)[0] y_regression = [slope * i + intercept for i in X] source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=X, y=Y, y_regression=y_regression, color_val=color_values)) color_mapper = linear_cmap("color_val", palette, min_color_value, max_color_value) fig.scatter(x="x", y="y", source=source, size=3, color=color_mapper) fig.line( x="x", y="y_regression", color=LINE_COLOR, line_width=2.0, legend_label=f"y = {slope:0.2f}x {intercept:+0.2f}", source=source, ) fig.legend.location = "top_left" fig.legend.click_policy = "hide" if Z and _retrieve_value(Z, data=data).name != color_bar = ColorBar( color_mapper=color_mapper["transform"], border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0), width=8, label_standoff=15, title=Z, title_text_align="center", title_text_font_size="11px", title_standoff=10, major_label_overrides=major_label_overrides, major_label_text_align="center", major_label_text_font_size="11px", padding=30, ) fig.add_layout(color_bar, "right") # create the horizontal histogram hhist, hedges = np.histogram(X, bins="auto") hmax = max(hhist) * 1.1 hsource = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( bottom=np.zeros(len(hedges) - 1), top=hhist, left=hedges[:-1], right=hedges[1:], color=PALETTE_FUNC(len(hedges[:-1])), )) ph = figure( plot_width=fig.plot_width, plot_height=200, x_range=fig.x_range, min_border=10, min_border_left=50, y_axis_location="right", tools="", toolbar_location=None, ) ph.xgrid.grid_line_color = None ph.yaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 4 ph.y_range = Range1d(0, hmax) ph.xaxis.axis_label = hh = ph.quad( bottom="bottom", left="left", right="right", top="top", color="color", source=hsource, ) hlegend_items = [("Histogram", [hh])] try: kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(X) ph.extra_y_ranges = { "hdensity": Range1d(start=0, end=np.max(kde.density) * 1.1) } hl = ph.line(, y=kde.density, line_width=2, color=LINE_COLOR, y_range_name="hdensity", ) hlegend_items.append(("Density", [hl])) except Exception: pass hlegend = Legend(items=hlegend_items, location="center") hlegend.click_policy = "hide" ph.add_layout(hlegend, "right") # create the vertical histogram vhist, vedges = np.histogram(Y, bins="auto") vmax = max(vhist) * 1.1 vsource = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( bottom=vedges[:-1], top=vedges[1:], left=np.zeros(len(vedges) - 1), right=vhist, color=PALETTE_FUNC(len(vedges[:-1])), )) pv = figure( plot_width=200, plot_height=fig.plot_height, y_range=fig.y_range, min_border=10, y_axis_location="left", toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) pv.ygrid.grid_line_color = None pv.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 4 pv.x_range = Range1d(vmax, 0) pv.yaxis.axis_label = hv = pv.quad( left="left", bottom="bottom", top="top", right="right", color="color", source=vsource, ) vlegend_items = [("Histogram", [hv])] try: kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(Y) pv.extra_x_ranges = {"vdensity": Range1d(np.max(kde.density) * 1.1, 0)} vl = pv.line( x=kde.density,, line_width=2, color=LINE_COLOR, x_range_name="vdensity", ) vlegend_items.append(("Density", [vl])) except Exception: pass vlegend = Legend(items=vlegend_items, location="center") vlegend.click_policy = "hide" vlegend.orientation = "horizontal" pv.add_layout(vlegend, "above") layout = gridplot([[pv, fig], [None, ph]], merge_tools=False) if show: display(layout) return layout
def _counts(X, data=None, output_file_name="value_counts.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """ Plot the categories and the proportion of individuals in each category Params: ------- X (pd.Series or str): the data to plot data (pd.DataFrame): if `X` is str the data to retrieve `X` from output_file_name (str): if not in a Jupyter notebook the plot will be exported to this file show (bool): whether the plot should be shown """ X = _retrieve_value(X, data=data).astype(str) _output(f"{}_{output_file_name}") values, val_counts = [ np.array(d) for d in zip(*X.value_counts().to_dict().items()) ] order_idx = np.argsort(val_counts) values = values[order_idx] val_counts = val_counts[order_idx] percentages = [ f"{p}%" for p in (val_counts / np.sum(val_counts) * 100).round(2) ] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( values=values, counts=val_counts, percentages=percentages, color=PALETTE_FUNC(len(values)), )) y_range = (0, np.max(val_counts) * 1.1) fig = figure( x_range=y_range, y_range=values, plot_height=75 * len(val_counts), plot_width=1000,, toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) fig.hbar(right="counts", y="values", height=0.5, color="color", source=source) text_props = { "source": source, "text_align": "center", "text_baseline": "alphabetic", "text_font_style": "bold", "text_font_size": "12px", } fig.text( x="counts", y="values", y_offset=5, x_offset=25, text="percentages", **text_props, ) fig.ygrid.grid_line_color = None if show: display(fig) return fig
def _plot_boxplot(X, data=None, output_file_name="boxplot.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """Plot the boxplot associated with a continuous variable Params: ------- X (pd.Series or str): the data to plot data (pd.DataFrame): if `X` is str the data to retrieve `X` from output_file_name (str): if not in a Jupyter notebook the plot will be exported to this file """ X = _retrieve_value(X, data=data) _output(f"{}_{output_file_name}") q1 = X.quantile(q=0.25) q2 = X.quantile(q=0.5) q3 = X.quantile(q=0.75) iqr = q3 - q1 upper = q3 + 1.5 * iqr lower = q1 - 1.5 * iqr out = X[(X > upper) | (X < lower)] source = None if not out.empty: outx = [] outy = [] for keys in out.index: outx.append("") outy.append(out.loc[keys]) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(y=outy, x=outx)) fig = figure( x_range=[""], plot_height=500, plot_width=500,, tools="", toolbar_location=None, ) qmin = X.quantile(q=0.00) qmax = X.quantile(q=1.00) upper = min(upper, qmax) lower = max(lower, qmin) # stems fig.segment(x0=[""], y0=upper, x1=[""], y1=q3, line_color="black") fig.segment(x0=[""], y0=lower, x1=[""], y1=q1, line_color="black") # boxes fig.vbar( x=[""], width=0.15, top=q2, bottom=q3, fill_color=TOP_BOX_COLOR, line_color="black", ) fig.vbar( x=[""], width=0.15, top=q1, bottom=q2, fill_color=BOTTOM_BOX_COLOR, line_color="black", ) # whiskers (almost-0 height rects simpler than segments) fig.rect(x=[""], y=lower, width=0.05, height=0.01, line_color="black") fig.rect(x=[""], y=upper, width=0.05, height=0.01, line_color="black") # outliers if source: x="x", y="y", size=6, source=source, color=linear_cmap("y", PALETTE_LARGE, min(X), max(X)), ) fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None if show: display(fig) return fig
def distribution(X, data=None, output_file_name="distribution.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """Plot the distribition of a continuous variable Params: ------- X (pd.Series or str): the data to plot data (pd.DataFrame): if `X` is str the data to retrieve `X` from output_file_name (str): if not in a Jupyter notebook the plot will be exported to this file """ X = _retrieve_value(X, data=data) _output(f"{}_{output_file_name}") hist, edges = np.histogram(X, bins="auto", density=True) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( top=hist, bottom=np.zeros(len(hist)), left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], color=PALETTE_FUNC(len(edges[:-1])), )) fig = figure( plot_height=250, plot_width=1000,, toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) fig.quad( top="top", bottom="bottom", left="left", right="right", color="color", source=source, legend_label="Histogram", ) try: kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(X) fig.line(, y=kde.density, line_width=2, color=LINE_COLOR, legend_label="Density", ) except Exception: pass fig.legend.click_policy = "hide" if show: display(fig) return fig
def _counts_by(X, Z, data=None, output_file_name="value_counts.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """ Plot the categories and the proportion of individuals in each category Params: ------- X (pd.Series or str): the data to plot Z (pd.Series or str): the variable used to split the data in categories data (pd.DataFrame): if `X` is str the data to retrieve `X` from output_file_name (str): if not in a Jupyter notebook the plot will be exported to this file """ X = _retrieve_value(X, data=data).astype(str) Z = _retrieve_value(Z, data=data).astype(str) _output(f"{}_by_{}_{output_file_name}") x_cats = sorted(Z.unique()) y_cats = sorted(X.unique()) values = [(x_cat, y_cat) for x_cat in x_cats for y_cat in y_cats] cat_counts = sum( [[data[(Z == x_cat) & (X == y_cat)].shape[0] for y_cat in y_cats] for x_cat in x_cats], [], ) cat_percentages = sum( [[ data[(Z == x_cat) & (X == y_cat)].shape[0] / data[(Z == x_cat)].shape[0] for y_cat in y_cats ] for x_cat in x_cats], [], ) cat_percentages = [f"{round(p*100, 2)}%" for p in cat_percentages] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( values=values, counts=cat_counts, percentages=cat_percentages)) y_range = (0, np.max(cat_counts) * 1.1) fig = figure( x_range=y_range, y_range=FactorRange(*values), plot_height=50 * len(values), plot_width=1000,, toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) fig.hbar( y="values", right="counts", height=0.5, source=source, color=None, fill_color=factor_cmap("values", palette=PALETTE_FUNC(len(y_cats)), factors=y_cats, start=1, end=2), ) text_props = { "source": source, "text_align": "center", "text_baseline": "alphabetic", "text_font_style": "bold", "text_font_size": "12px", } fig.text( y="values", x="counts", y_offset=5, x_offset=25, text="percentages", **text_props, ) fig.ygrid.grid_line_color = None if show: display(fig) return fig
def features_importance(shap_values, features, output_file_name="features_importance.html", show=True): # pragma: no cover """Display the features importance of the model given the shap values Params: ------- shap_values (np.ndarray): the shap values for the model and the data features (pd.DataFrame or [str]): the features used by the model output_file_name (str): the name of the file to output the figure show (bool): whether or not to display the figure """ _output(f"{output_file_name}") feature_names = features.columns.values correlation = np.array([ np.sign(np.corrcoef(shap_values[:, i], features.iloc[:, i])[0, 1]) for i in range(len(feature_names)) ]) mean_abs_shap_values = np.sum(np.abs(shap_values), axis=0) / shap_values.shape[0] order_idx = np.argsort( mean_abs_shap_values[np.where(mean_abs_shap_values > 0)]) feature_names_ordered = feature_names[order_idx] mean_abs_shap_values_ordered = mean_abs_shap_values[order_idx] correlation_ordered = correlation[order_idx] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( values=mean_abs_shap_values_ordered, features=feature_names_ordered, correlation=correlation_ordered, )) y_range = (0, np.max(mean_abs_shap_values_ordered) * 1.1) fig = figure( x_range=y_range, y_range=feature_names_ordered, plot_height=75 * len(feature_names_ordered), plot_width=1000, title="Features importance", toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) color_mapper = linear_cmap("correlation", PALETTE_FUNC(2), -1, 1) fig.hbar(right="values", y="features", height=0.5, source=source, color=color_mapper) color_bar = ColorBar( color_mapper=color_mapper["transform"], border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0), width=8, major_label_overrides={ -1: "", -0.5: "Negative", 0: "", 0.5: "Positive", 1: "" }, major_label_text_align="center", major_label_text_font_size="11px", label_standoff=15, title="Correlation", title_text_align="center", title_text_font_size="11px", title_standoff=10, padding=30, ) fig.add_layout(color_bar, "right") fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig.xaxis.axis_label = "Mean Shap value" if show: display(fig) return fig