def __init__(self): Report.__init__(self, 'OS') self.title = Div( text="DESI Nightly Intake - Observing Scientist", css_classes=['h1-title-style'], width=1000 ) # width=800, style={'font-size':'24pt','font-style':'bold'}) desc = """ To begin, connect to the observing night Night Log using the list of Existing Night Logs. Add information about the Observers and press the Update Tonight's Log. Throughout the night, enter information about the exposures, problems that occur, and observing conditions. Complete the OS Checklist at least once every hour. NOTE: If inputs are being made into a DNI for the OS at both KPNO and NERSC, the inputs made at KPNO for certain things (meta data, plan, milestones), will be prioritized over those made at NERSC. """ self.instructions = Div(text=desc, css_classes=['inst-style'], width=500) self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='OS_Report/static/logo.png'>", width=350, height=300) self.os_checklist = [ "Did you check the weather?", "Did you check the guiding?", "Did you check the positioner temperatures?", "Did you check the FXC?", "Did you check the Spectrograph Cryostat?", "Did you check the FP Chiller?" ]
def __init__(self): Report.__init__(self, 'DQS') self.title = Div(text="DESI Nightly Intake - Data QA Scientist", css_classes=['h1-title-style'], width=1000) inst = """ The Data Quality Scientist (DQS) is responsible for analyzing all exposures for their quality. Submit problems as they arise throughout the night and complete the DQS checklist once an hour. Let the Lead Observer know if you encounter any issues. """ self.instructions = Div(text=inst, css_classes=['inst-style'], width=500) self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='DQS_Report/static/logo.png'>", width=350, height=300) self.dqs_checklist = [ "Are all images being transferred to Night Watch?", "Did you check the observing conditions?", "Did you check the guiding?" ] self.quality_list = ['Good', 'Not Sure', 'No Data', 'Bad'] self.quality_btns = RadioButtonGroup(labels=self.quality_list, active=0)
def plan_tab(self): self.plan_subtitle = Div(text="Night Plan", css_classes=['subt-style']) self.plan_inst = Div(text="Input the major elements of the Night Plan found at the link below in the order expected for their completion.", css_classes=['inst-style'], width=1000) self.plan_txt = Div(text='<a href="">Tonights Plan Here</a>', css_classes=['inst-style'], width=500) self.plan_order = TextInput(title ='Expected Order:', placeholder='1', value=None) self.plan_input = TextAreaInput(placeholder="description", rows=8, cols=3, title="Describe item of the night plan:",max_length=5000) self.plan_btn = Button(label='Add', css_classes=['add_button']) self.plan_alert = Div(text=' ', css_classes=['alert-style'])
def __init__(self): # add a dummy element that will trigger the event for enabling/disabling the loading spinner self._loader_trigger = Div(text="1", visible=False) self._callback = CustomJS(code="") self._loader_trigger.js_on_change('text', self._callback) self._enabled = True self.layout = column(self._loader_trigger, name="loaderTrigger")
def on_lvl_select(self, attr, old, new): """ Callback for ``self.lvl_select``. The method re-searches the available geojson's and sets the options of ``self.id_select`` to the newly selected level, while trying to remain in the same dataset. If the dataset is not in the selected NUTS level, the selected and displayed dataset is changed. This method triggers a redraw of the map and the observation plot. :param attr: attribute that triggered this callback :param old: the old value of the attribute :param new: the new value of the attribute """ eurostats = self.get_eurostats_geojson_list() # collect ID by level self.set_available_ids() old_selection = self.id_select.value self.id_select.options = self.available_ids[new] if old_selection in self.available_ids[new]: self.id_select.value = old_selection # TODO: Check empty cases!! if new == 'Custom': self.current_dataset = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file( self.dataset_path_custom_prefix + self.id_select.value + ".geojson") else: self.current_dataset = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file( self.dataset_path_prefix + "nuts_" + new[-1] + "/" + self.id_select.value + ".geojson") self.update_datasource(self.current_map_CDS, self.current_dataset, new, self.id_select.value, 10) style = {"font-size": "20px"} unit =['unit'][0] mean = np.mean(['observation']) deviation = np.std(['observation']) p_mean_title = Div(text="Mean:", style=style) p_mean_value = Div(text="{:10,.3} {}".format(mean, unit), style=style) p_deviation_title = Paragraph(text="Standard Deviation:", style=style) p_deviation_value = Paragraph(text="{:10,.3} {}".format(deviation, unit), style=style) hist, edges = np.histogram(['observation'], density=True, bins=30) p2 = figure(height=300) p2.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], color=PuBu[7][2]) self.layout.children[2] = column( row(p_mean_title, p_mean_value), row(p_deviation_title, p_deviation_value), Spacer(height=46), p2, width=500)
def __init__(self): Report.__init__(self, 'Other') self.title = Div(text="DESI Nightly Intake Form - Non Observer",css_classes=['h1-title-style'], width=1000) desc = """This Night Log is for Non-Observers. It should mainly be used for observing the ongoing Night Log. In special circumstances, if a non-observer has an important comment about an exposure or problem, it can be added here. Before doing so, make sure to communicate with the Observing Scientist. """ self.instructions = Div(text=desc+self.time_note.text, css_classes=['inst_style'], width=500) self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='Other_Report/static/logo.png'>", width=350, height=300)
def __init__(self): Report.__init__(self, 'OS') self.title = Div(text="DESI Nightly Intake - Operating Scientist", css_classes=['h1-title-style'], width=1000)# width=800, style={'font-size':'24pt','font-style':'bold'}) desc = """ The Operating Scientist (OS) is responsible for initializing the Night Log. Connect to an existing Night Log using the date or initialize tonight's log. Throughout the night, enter information about the exposures, weather, and problems. Complete the OS Checklist at least once every hour. """ self.instructions = Div(text=desc+self.time_note.text, css_classes=['inst-style'], width=500) self.line = Div(text='-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', width=1000) self.line2 = Div(text='-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', width=1000) self.init_bt = Button(label="Initialize Tonight's Log", css_classes=['init_button']) self.LO = Select(title='Lead Observer', value='Choose One', options=self.lo_names) self.OA = Select(title='Observing Assistant', value='Choose One', options=self.oa_names) self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='OS_Report/static/logo.png'>", width=350, height=300) self.contributer_list = TextAreaInput(placeholder='Contributer names (include all)', rows=2, cols=3, title='Names of all Contributers') self.contributer_btn = Button(label='Update Contributer List', css_classes=['add_button'], width=300) self.connect_hdr = Div(text="Connect to Existing Night Log", css_classes=['subt-style'], width=800) self.init_hdr = Div(text="Initialize Tonight's Night Log", css_classes=['subt-style'], width=800) self.check_subtitle = Div(text="OS Checklist", css_classes=['subt-style']) self.checklist_inst = Div(text="Every hour, the OS is expected to monitor several things. After completing these tasks, record at what time they were completed. Be honest please!", css_classes=['inst-style'], width=1000) self.checklist.labels = ["Did you check the weather?", "Did you check the guiding?", "Did you check the positioner temperatures?","Did you check the FXC?", "Did you check the Cryostat?", "Did you do a connectivity aliveness check?","Did you check the Spectrograph Chiller?"] self.nl_submit_btn = Button(label='Submit NightLog & Publish Nightsum', width=300, css_classes=['add_button']) self.header_options = ['Startup','Calibration (Arcs/Twilight)','Focus','Observation','Other Acquisition','Comment']
def milestone_tab(self): self.milestone_subtitle = Div(text="Milestones & Major Accomplishments", css_classes=['subt-style']) self.milestone_inst = Div(text="Record any major milestones or accomplishments that occur throughout a night and the exposure numbers that correspond to it. If applicable, indicate the ID of exposures to ignore in a series.", css_classes=['inst-style'],width=1000) self.milestone_input = TextAreaInput(placeholder="Description", rows=10, cols=3, max_length=5000) self.milestone_exp_start = TextInput(title ='Exposure Start', placeholder='12345', value=None) self.milestone_exp_end = TextInput(title='Exposure End', placeholder='12345', value=None) self.milestone_exp_excl = TextInput(title='Excluded Exposures', placeholder='12346', value=None) self.milestone_btn = Button(label='Add Milestone', css_classes=['add_button']) self.milestone_alert = Div(text=' ', css_classes=['alert-style']) self.summary = TextAreaInput(rows=6, title='End of Night Summary',max_length=5000) self.summary_btn = Button(label='Add Summary', css_classes=['add_button'], width=300)
def set_layout(self, doc): env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates')) template = env.get_template('frameing.html') doc.template = template; user_str = layout = row([Div(), Div(), Div()], width=1700) # menu doc.template_variables["menu"] = self._menu print(self._menu) doc.add_root(layout) return layout
def exp_tab(self): self.exp_subtitle = Div(text="Nightly Progress", css_classes=['subt-style']) self.exp_inst = Div(text="Throughout the night record the progress, including comments on Calibrations and Exposures. All exposures are recorded in the eLog, so only enter information that can provide additional information.", width=800, css_classes=['inst-style']) self.hdr_type = Select(title="Observation Type", value='Observation', options=self.header_options) self.hdr_btn = Button(label='Select', css_classes=['add_button']) self.add_image = TextInput(title="Add Image", placeholder='Pictures/image.png', value=None) self.exp_script = TextInput(title='Script Name', placeholder='dithering.json', value=None) self.exp_time_end = TextInput(title='Time End', placeholder='20:07', value=None) self.exp_focus_trim = TextInput(title='Trim from Focus', placeholder='54', value=None) self.exp_tile = TextInput(title='Tile Number', placeholder='68001', value=None) self.exp_tile_type = Select(title="Tile Type", value=None, options=['None','QSO','LRG','ELG','BGS','MW']) self.exp_input_layout = layout([])
def draw(self): try: referenceLayout = self.createReferenceLayout() peakPickingLayout = self.createPeakPickingLayout() integrationLayout = self.createIntegrationLayout() multipletManagerLayout = self.createMultipletManagerLayout() referenceTab = Panel(child=referenceLayout, title="Reference") peakPickingTab = Panel(child=peakPickingLayout, title="Peak Picking") integrationTab = Panel(child=integrationLayout, title="Integration") multipletAnalysisTab = Panel(child=multipletManagerLayout, title="Multiplet Analysis") tabs = self.createTabs([ referenceTab, peakPickingTab, integrationTab, multipletAnalysisTab ]) curdoc().add_root( row( column( row(self.plot), row(Div(text=self.compound, id="compoundContainer"))), column(row(tabs)))) curdoc().title = "NMR Analysis Tool - " + str( except NameError: print("Please create plot first")
def create_display(self): """Create a display of the data. The display returned is a Boekh row with a data table on the left and a bar chart on the right. This may be displayed with Bokeh show(). """ # Create Bokeh datatable from self._display_data df # bokeh columns source = ColumnDataSource(self._df) Columns = [ TableColumn(field=f, title=t) for f, t in zip(self._df.columns, self._column_display_names) if t is not None ] data_table = DataTable(columns=Columns, source=source, min_height=500, height_policy='auto', index_position=None, scroll_to_selection=True) # bokeh table # Create and display bar chart fig = self._create_plot( x_range=list(self._df[self._x_major_name].unique()), s_data=source, x_minor_values=self._df[self._x_minor_name].unique(), colors=self._colors, chart_title=None, x_title=self._x_title, y_title=self._y_title) fig.min_border_left = 60 msg = Div(text='<h4>{}</h4>'.format(self._title)) r = layout([[msg], [data_table, fig]], sizing_mode='stretch_both') return r
def _get_create_divs(plot: Figure, cost_txt: str = '0.0', click_txt: str = '[]') -> Tuple[Div]: """Return the Divs shown by plots in which a tour or tree is created. Args: plot (Figure): The plot to which these Divs are added. cost_text (str, optional): Current cost of solution. Defaults to '0.0'. clicked_text (str, optional): Clicked objects. Defaults to '[]'. """ cost = Div(text=cost_txt, width=int(plot.plot_width / 3), align='center') clicked = Div(text=click_txt, width=int(plot.plot_width / 3), align='center') error_msg = Div(text='', width=int(plot.plot_width / 3), align='center') return (cost, clicked, error_msg)
def _init_sample_buttons(self):'-- SET SAMPLE BUTTONS') def next_sample():'>> NEXT SAMPLE') if self.s < self.ns: self.env.doc.hold('collect') self.s += 1 self.sample_div.text = ' {} / {}'.format(self.s, self.ns) self.env.cur_nearby_prof = None # to reset the extra stt profile to plot self.env.dt_next_sample = True self._update_dt_sample() self.env.doc.unhold() def previous_sample():'>> PREVIOUS SAMPLE') if self.s > 1: self.env.doc.hold('collect') self.s -= 1 self.sample_div.text = ' {} / {}'.format(self.s, self.ns) self.env.cur_nearby_prof = None self.env.dt_previous_sample = True self._update_dt_sample() self.env.doc.unhold() self.next_bt = Button(label=">", button_type="success", width=30) self.sample_div = Div( text='0 / 0', width=100, height=30, css_classes=['sample_div'], ) self.previous_bt = Button(label="<", button_type="success", width=30) self.next_bt.on_click(next_sample) self.previous_bt.on_click(previous_sample)
def debug_div(self): from bokeh.models.widgets.markups import Div if self._debug_div is None: self._debug_div = Div(text='', width=300, height=100) return self._debug_div
def cursor(self, values): from bokeh.models.widgets.markups import Div if self._cursor_dims is None: try: self._cursor_dims = list(self.arr.dims) except AttributeError: pass self._cursor = values if self._cursor_info is None: self._cursor_info = Div(text='') self._horiz_cursor_x = list(self.data_range['x']) self._horiz_cursor_y = [0, 0] self._vert_cursor_x = [0, 0] self._vert_cursor_y = list(self.data_range['y']) else: self._vert_cursor_x[0] = self._vert_cursor_x[1] = self.cursor[0] self._horiz_cursor_y[0] = self._horiz_cursor_y[1] = self.cursor[1] self._cursor_info.text = '<h2>Cursor:</h2><span>({})</span>'.format( ', '.join("{0:.3f}".format(c) for c in self.cursor)) if self._cursor_lines is not None: = { 'xs': [self._horiz_cursor_x, self._vert_cursor_x], 'ys': [self._horiz_cursor_y, self._vert_cursor_y], } try: self.app_context['cursor_dict'] = dict( zip(self._cursor_dims, self.cursor)) #self.app_context['full_cursor'] = except AttributeError: pass
def _init_profile_nav(self): def next_profile(): if self.nearby_prof_cb:'-- NEXT PROFILE') s = self.env.stations next_pos = s.index(self.env.cur_nearby_prof) + 1 if next_pos < len(self.env.stations): if s[next_pos] == self.env.stt_to_select: next_pos = next_pos + 1 if next_pos < len(self.env.stations): self.env.cur_nearby_prof = s[next_pos] self.env.bk_sources._upd_prof_srcs(force_selection=True) self.nearby_prof_div.text = str( int(self.env.cur_nearby_prof)) # adjust disabled buttons if next_pos + 1 == len(self.env.stations): self.next_prof_bt.disabled = True self.previous_prof_bt.disabled = False def previous_profile():'-- PREVIOUS PROFILE') if self.nearby_prof_cb: s = self.env.stations previous_pos = s.index(self.env.cur_nearby_prof) - 1 if previous_pos >= 0: if s[previous_pos] == self.env.stt_to_select: previous_pos = previous_pos - 1 if previous_pos >= 0: self.env.cur_nearby_prof = s[previous_pos] self.env.bk_sources._upd_prof_srcs(force_selection=True) self.nearby_prof_div.text = str( int(self.env.cur_nearby_prof)) # adjust disabled buttons if previous_pos == 0: self.previous_prof_bt.disabled = True self.next_prof_bt.disabled = False self.next_prof_bt = Button( width=30, disabled=True, label=">", button_type="success", ) self.nearby_prof_div = Div( width=100, height=30, text='None', css_classes=['cur_stt'], ) self.previous_prof_bt = Button( width=30, disabled=True, label="<", button_type="success", ) self.next_prof_bt.on_click(next_profile) self.previous_prof_bt.on_click(previous_profile)
def test_get_screenshot_as_png_with_unicode_unminified(webdriver): layout = Div(text="유니 코드 지원을위한 작은 테스트") png = bie.get_screenshot_as_png(layout, driver=webdriver, resources=Resources(mode="inline", minified=False)) assert len(png.tobytes()) > 0
def _init_flags_control_header(self):'-- FLAGS CONTROL HEADER') self.all_flags_vb_bt = Button( name='all_flags_bt', label='', width=30, css_classes=['eye_bt'], ) def all_flags_vb_bt_callback():'-- ALL FLAGS VISIBLE CALLBACK') self.env.bk_bridge.call_js({ 'object': 'tools', 'function': 'show_wait_cursor', }) all_flags_bt = self.env.doc.select_one(dict(name='all_flags_bt')) eye_slash_bt = True if 'eye_slash_bt' in all_flags_bt.css_classes else False if eye_slash_bt: self.env.doc.set_select(selector=dict(tags=['vb_bt']), updates=dict(css_classes=['eye_bt'])) else: self.env.doc.set_select( selector=dict(tags=['vb_bt']), updates=dict(css_classes=['eye_slash_bt'])) new_visible_flags = [] if 'eye_bt' in all_flags_bt.css_classes: all_flags_bt.css_classes = ['eye_slash_bt'] else: new_visible_flags = self.all_flags_list all_flags_bt.css_classes = ['eye_bt']'>> NEW VISIBLE FLAGS: {}'.format(new_visible_flags)) self._update_visible_flags(new_visible_flags) self.env.bk_bridge.call_js({ 'object': 'tools', 'function': 'show_default_cursor', }) self.all_flags_vb_bt.on_click(all_flags_vb_bt_callback) # TODO: replace this div with the flag selection dropdown # or maybe there would be too many control on one place flag_controls_title_div = Div( name='flag_controls_title', text='All the flags', width=100, height=25, css_classes=['flag_controls_title'], ) self.flags_control_header_row = row( children=[self.all_flags_vb_bt, flag_controls_title_div], width=200, height=25, )
def weather_tab(self): data = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['time','desc','temp','wind','humidity']) self.weather_source = ColumnDataSource(data) self.weather_subtitle = Div(text="Weather", css_classes=['subt-style']) columns = [TableColumn(field='time', title='Time (local)', width=75), TableColumn(field='desc', title='Description', width=200, editor=StringEditor()), TableColumn(field='temp', title='Temperature (C)', width=100, editor=NumberEditor()), TableColumn(field='wind', title='Wind Speed (mph)', width=120, editor=NumberEditor()), TableColumn(field='humidity', title='Humidity (%)', width=100, editor=PercentEditor())] self.weather_inst = Div(text="Every hour include a description of the weather and any other relevant information, as well as fill in all the fields below. Click the Update Night Log button after every hour's entry. To update a cell: double click in it, record the information, click out of the cell.", width=1000, css_classes=['inst-style']) self.weather_time = TextInput(placeholder='17:00', value=None, width=100) #title='Time in Kitt Peak local time', self.weather_desc = TextInput(title='Description', placeholder='description', value=None) self.weather_temp = TextInput(title='Temperature (C)', placeholder='50', value=None) self.weather_wind = TextInput(title='Wind Speed (mph)', placeholder='10', value=None) self.weather_humidity = TextInput(title='Humidity (%)', placeholder='5', value=None) self.weather_table = DataTable(source=self.weather_source, columns=columns) self.weather_btn = Button(label='Add Weather', css_classes=['add_button'])
def create_explainer(color_dict, ent_dict): explainer = """<b>Left:</b> Both BERT and spaCy found this entity <br> <b>Right:</b> Only one of BERT or spaCy found this entity <br><br>""" for ent_type in ent_dict: dark, light = color_dict[ent_dict[ent_type]] ent_html = f"""<b><span style="color: {dark}">{ent_type}</span> <span style="color: {light}">{ent_type}</span></b><br>""" explainer += ent_html return Div(text=explainer, width=500)
def get_recording_info(path_to_recording): data, samplerate = nperseg = int(samplerate * 20e-3) # 20ms f, t, spectrogram = signal.spectrogram(data, samplerate, nperseg=nperseg) spectrogram = np.log(spectrogram+1e-9) print(spectrogram) p = figure() div = Div(text=f"<h3>{path_to_recording}<h3>") p.image(image=[spectrogram], x=0, y=0, dw=t[1]-t[0], dh=f[1]-f[0], palette=Inferno[256]) return column(div, p) print("hello")
def test_get_screenshot_as_png_with_unicode_unminified(): layout = Div(text="유니 코드 지원을위한 작은 테스트") driver = create_webdriver() try: png = bie.get_screenshot_as_png(layout, driver=driver, resources=Resources(mode="inline", minified=False)) finally: # Have to manually clean up the driver session terminate_webdriver(driver) assert len(png.tobytes()) > 0
def _graph_plot(G: nx.Graph, edges: List[Tuple[int]], cost: float = None, show_all_edges: bool = True, show_labels: bool = True, **kw) -> GridBox: """Return a plot of the graph G with given edges highlighted. Args: G (nx.Graph): Graph to be plotted. edges (List[Tuple[int]]): Edges to be highlighted. cost (float, optional): Cost to be displayed. Defaults to None. show_all_edges (bool, optional): True iff all edges should be shown. show_labels (bool, optional): True iff labels should be shown. Returns: GridBox: Plot of the graph G with given edges highlighted. """ G = G.copy() plot = _blank_plot(G, **kw) _set_edge_positions(G) _set_graph_colors(G) nodes_src, nodes_glyph = _add_nodes(G, plot) if show_all_edges: edges_src, edges_glyph = _add_edges(G, plot, show_labels=show_labels) if len(edges) > 0: xs, ys = _edge_positions(G, edges) plot.multi_line(xs=xs, ys=ys, line_cap='round', line_width=LINE_WIDTH, line_color=TERTIARY_DARK_COLOR, level=EDGE_LEVEL) cost_txt = '' if cost is None else ('%.1f' % cost) cost = Div(text=cost_txt, width=int(plot.plot_width / 2), align='center') plot.add_tools( HoverTool(tooltips=[("Index", "$index"), ("Name", "@name")], renderers=[nodes_glyph])) grid = gridplot([[plot], [row(cost)]], plot_width=plot.plot_width, plot_height=plot.plot_height, toolbar_location=None, toolbar_options={'logo': None}) return grid
def get_species_table(metadata, labels): species_info = {x["primary_label"]:x["common_name"] for i, x in metadata.drop_duplicates("primary_label").iterrows()} source = ColumnDataSource({"primary_label": list(species_info.keys()), "common_name": list(species_info.values())}) columns = [ TableColumn(field="primary_label", title="Label"), TableColumn(field="common_name", title="Common name"), ] div = Div(text=f"<h3>All species in short-audio train set<h3>") table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns) return column(div, table)
def get_recordings_table(metadata, label): recordings = os.listdir(os.path.join(short_audio_path, label)) data = metadata[metadata["primary_label"]==label] source = ColumnDataSource(data) columns = [ TableColumn(field="filename", title="Filename"), TableColumn(field="rating", title="Rating"), TableColumn(field="time", title="Time"), TableColumn(field="secondary_labels", title="Other birds") ] div = Div(text=f"<h3>Recordings for {label}<h3>") table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns) return column(div, table)
class LoadingSpinner: def __init__(self): # add a dummy element that will trigger the event for enabling/disabling the loading spinner self._loader_trigger = Div(text="1", visible=False) self._callback = CustomJS(code="") self._loader_trigger.js_on_change('text', self._callback) self._enabled = True self.layout = column(self._loader_trigger, name="loaderTrigger") @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value: bool): """enable/disable loading mode """ self._enabled = value visibility = 'visible' if value else 'hidden' self._callback.code = f""" document.getElementById('loadingSpinnerInvoker').style.visibility = '{visibility}'; """ logger.debug(f"Loading spinner is {visibility}") self._loader_trigger.text = str(int(self._loader_trigger.text) + 1)
def refresh_plots(self): """Main function used to create all plots.""" zipcode = Select( title="Postnummer:", value=self.selected_zipcode, options=self.zipcodes, ) zipcode.on_change( 'value', self.zipcode_handler, ) search = column(children=[zipcode]) if self.selected_zipcode is not None: road = Select( title="Vej:", value=self.selected_road, options=sorted(list(self.roads)), ) road.on_change( 'value', self.road_handler, ) search.children.append(road) if self.selected_road is not None: address = Select( title="Addresse:", value=self.selected_address, options=sorted(list(self.addresses)), ) address.on_change( 'value', self.address_handler, ) search.children.append(address) if self.selected_address is not None: prediction = ( self.addresses[self.selected_address]['prediction']) formatted_price = (f'{round(prediction):,}'.format( ',', '.')) predicted_price = Div(text=( f"<p>Predicted price: {formatted_price} DKK</p>")) search.children.append(predicted_price) self.layout.children = [ search,, ]
def init_bokeh_layout(self): # ---------------------- DATATABLE ----------------------- # sample_control = row( children=[ self.env.bk_table.previous_bt, self.env.bk_table.sample_div, self.env.bk_table.next_bt, ], css_classes=['sample_control'], ) # ---------------------- CONTROLS ------------------------- # be = self.env.bk_events prof_nav = row( children=[ be.previous_prof_bt, be.nearby_prof_div, be.next_prof_bt, ], css_classes=['prof_nav'] ) sidebar_col = self.env.doc.select_one({'name': 'sidebar_col'}) sidebar_col.children.clear() sidebar_col.children = [ self.env.flagger_select, self.env.flags_control_col, be.cb_prof_invsbl_points, be.nearby_prof_cb, prof_nav, Div(width=200, height=15, text='<u><b>Selected Samples</b></u>'), sample_control, self.env.bk_table.data_table, self.env.wmts_map, ] tabs_widget_col = self.env.doc.select_one({'name': 'tabs_widget_col'}) tabs_widget_spacer = tabs_widget_col.select_one({'type': Spacer}) if tabs_widget_spacer in tabs_widget_col.children: # TODO: check why when reloading bokeh spacer is not in the doc tabs_widget_col.children.remove(tabs_widget_spacer) tabs_widget_col.children.insert(0, self.env.tabs_widget)
def plot(self): output_file(self.file_name, title=self.titles["JobTitle"]) for stage in range(self.num_stages): stage_name: str = self.stage_names[stage] # Create the plot title fig_title: str = self.get_title(stage, stage_name, bokeh=True) title_div = Div( text=f"<h1>{fig_title}</h1>", style={ "color": "#fff", "width": f"{self.plot_wid*3}px", "font-size": "10px", "background-color": "#222222", "text-align": "center", }, ) # Get data to plot plot_lists = self.get_data(self.wall_results, stage) num_cases: int = len(self.cases) node_list: List[int] = list(range(1, len(self.node_levels) + 1)) colors = cc.palette["glasbey_bw"][0:num_cases] # Create a list of 3 Bokeh figures self.figs = [] for _ in range(3): self.figs.append( figure( plot_width=self.plot_wid, plot_height=self.plot_hgt, )) # Set up the plot properties for x_label, y_label, fig in zip(self.x_labels, self.y_labels, self.figs): if y_label: fig.yaxis.axis_label = y_label if x_label: fig.xaxis.axis_label = x_label # Manipulate strings to create hovertool information if not y_label: y_label = "Level (m)" x_info = re.sub(r"\(.+\)", "", x_label) y_info = re.sub(r"\(.+\)", "", y_label) x_unit = re.findall(r"\(([^)]+)\)", x_label)[0] y_unit = re.findall(r"\(([^)]+)\)", y_label)[0] ht = HoverTool() ht.tooltips = [ ("Name", "$name"), ("Node", "@node_num"), (f"{x_info}", "$x{0.2f} " + x_unit), (f"{y_info}", "$y{0.2f} " + y_unit), ] fig.add_tools(ht) fig.add_tools(CrosshairTool()) # Plot values node_source = ColumnDataSource({ "xs": [0] * len(self.node_levels), "ys": self.node_levels, "node_num": node_list, }) for fig, plot_list, plot_type in zip(self.figs, plot_lists, self.plot_types): for i, (case_data, color) in enumerate(zip(plot_list, colors)): # Plot node geometry x="xs", y="ys", size=3.5, color="black", alpha=0.5, source=node_source, legend_label="Wall", name="Wall", ) fig.line( x="xs", y="ys", color="black", source=node_source, legend_label="Wall", name="Wall", line_width=2, ) # Plot results res_source = ColumnDataSource({ "xs": case_data, "ys": self.node_levels, "node_num": node_list, }) fig.line( x="xs", y="ys", color=color, source=res_source, legend_label=self.cases[i], name=self.cases[i], line_width=2, ) # Plot max envelope max_evenlope_xs = self.envelopes[ self.cases[i]]["maximum"][plot_type] max_source = ColumnDataSource({ "xs": max_evenlope_xs, "ys": self.node_levels, "node_num": node_list, }) fig.line( x="xs", y="ys", color=color, line_dash="dashed", source=max_source, legend_label=f"{self.cases[i]} envelope", name=f"{self.cases[i]} envelope", line_width=2, ) # Plot min envelope min_evenlope_xs = self.envelopes[ self.cases[i]]["minimum"][plot_type] min_source = ColumnDataSource({ "xs": min_evenlope_xs, "ys": self.node_levels, "node_num": node_list, }) fig.line( x="xs", y="ys", color=color, line_dash="dashed", source=min_source, legend_label=f"{self.cases[i]} envelope", name=f"{self.cases[i]} envelope", line_width=2, ) fig.legend.click_policy: str = "hide" fig.legend.location: str = "bottom_left" lay = layout([[title_div], [[self.figs]]]) self.tabs.append(Panel(child=lay, title=f"Stage {stage}")) show(Tabs(tabs=self.tabs))