def __init__(self, readers, **kwargs): f = bop.figure(tooltips=[('', '$data_y')]) p = registry.parse_prefix(readers[0].prefix) f.title = bom.Title( default_tools(f) self.figure = f
def __init__(self, readers, **kwargs): self.readers = readers self.source = bom.ColumnDataSource(self.combined()) f = bop.figure(tooltips=[('', '$data_y')]) for reader, color in zip(readers, cycle(Category10_10)): p = registry.parse_prefix(reader.prefix) label = dict(legend_label=p.label) if p.label else dict() f.line(x=f'{reader.prefix}.x', y=f'{reader.prefix}.y', color=color, source=self.source, **label)'{reader.prefix}.x', y=f'{reader.prefix}.y', color=color, source=self.source, **label) f.title = bom.Title( default_tools(f) self.figure = f
def __init__(self, readers, rule): [self.reader] = readers self.rule = rule aligned = self.aligned() self.source = bom.ColumnDataSource(aligned) f = bop.figure(x_range=bom.DataRange1d(start=0, follow='end', range_padding=0), y_range=bom.DataRange1d(start=0), tooltips=[('', '$data_y')]) p = registry.parse_prefix(self.reader.prefix) n_bands = aligned.shape[1] - 1 assert n_bands % 2 == 1 for i in range(n_bands): color = Viridis256[255 - 256 * i // n_bands] lower = aligned.columns[i + 1] f.line(x='_time', y=f'{lower}', color=color, source=self.source) default_tools(f) styling(f) p = registry.parse_prefix(readers[0].prefix) f.title = bom.Title( self.figure = f
def __init__(self, readers, rule): self.readers = readers self.rule = rule self.source = bom.ColumnDataSource(self.aligned()) f = bop.figure(x_range=bom.DataRange1d(start=0, follow='end'), tooltips=[('', '$data_y')]) for reader, color in zip(readers, cycle(Category10_10)): p = registry.parse_prefix(reader.prefix) label = dict(legend_label=p.label) if p.label else dict() f.varea(x='_time', y1=f'{reader.prefix}.μ-', y2=f'{reader.prefix}.μ+', color=color, alpha=.2, source=self.source, **label) f.line(x='_time', y=f'{reader.prefix}.μ', color=color, source=self.source, **label) default_tools(f) x_zeroline(f) styling(f) p = registry.parse_prefix(readers[0].prefix) if p.label: legend(f) f.title = bom.Title( self.figure = f
def _init(self, df): self._source = bom.ColumnDataSource(df.reset_index()) children = [] for name, group in timegroups(df).groupby('chart'): if group.label.eq('').all(): assert len(group) == 1 f = _timeseries(self._source, 'time', group.index[0]) f.title = bom.Title(text=name) else: f = _timedataframe(self._source, 'time', group.index) f.title = bom.Title(text=name) children.append(f) self._grid = self._new_grid(children) ## TODO: Not wild about this clear_output(wait=True) self._handle =, notebook_handle=True)
def preparePlot(): coinTypes = ["Maple", "Phil", "Kang", "Krueger"] colors = itertools.cycle(palettes) pl.output_file("graph.html", title="GoldWatch") p = pl.figure(title="Preisverlauf verschiedener Goldmünzen (basierend auf den Daten von",plot_width=1000, x_axis_type="datetime") datetime = md.DatetimeTickFormatter(days="%d/%m %H:%M", months="%d/%m %H:%M", hours="%d/%m %H:%M", minutes="%d/%m %H:%M") p.xaxis.formatter = datetime p.add_layout(md.Title(text="Zeitpunkt der Datenerfassung", align="center"), "below") p.add_layout(md.Title(text="Goldpreis in €", align="center"), "left") tooltip = [ ("Münztyp", "$name"), ("Datum", "$x"), ("Wert in €", "$y{int}") ] formatters = { "@x": "datetime"} p.add_tools(md.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip, formatters=formatters)) for coin,color in zip(coinTypes,colors): data = db_handler.getData(coin) tmp = () x = [] yB = [] yS = [] for idx,elem in enumerate(data): nTime = time.ctime(elem[0]) x.append(dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(elem[0])) yB.append(elem[1]) yS.append(elem[2]) # nTime = time.s print(x,yB) p.line(x, yB, legend_label=f"{coin} Buy", line_color=color, line_width=2, name=f"{coin} Buy") p.line(x, yS, legend_label=f"{coin} Sell", line_color=color, line_width=2, line_dash="dashed", name=f"{coin} Sell")
def build(self): '''constructs the main layout''' self.doc.title = "Covid-19 Graphs" self.entities_layout = lyt.column([], width_policy="max") self.build_entity_ui_rows(self.entities_layout) self.add_entity_layout = self.build_add_entity_layout() self.options_layout = self.build_options_layout() self.sources_layout = self.build_sources_layout() # Make tabs self.view_tab = mdl.Panel(child=self.entities_layout, title='View/Remove') self.add_tab = mdl.Panel(child=self.add_entity_layout, title='Add') self.options_tab = mdl.Panel(child=self.options_layout, title='Options') self.sources_tab = mdl.Panel(child=self.sources_layout, title='Info') self.tabs = mdl.Tabs(tabs=[ self.view_tab, self.add_tab, self.options_tab, self.sources_tab ]) for tab in self.tabs.tabs: tab.child.width_policy = 'min' self.tabs.width_policy = 'min' # Create a row layout for tabs + plot # actual plot will be replace by make_plot when we have data, and # are ready to draw self.plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(title="Dummy placeholder plot") self.updated = mdl.Title(text=self.UPDATE_FETCHING, align="right", text_font_size="8pt", text_font_style="normal") self.plot.add_layout(self.updated, "below") self.controls_plot = mdl.Row(self.tabs, self.plot) self.controls_plot.sizing_mode = "stretch_both" self.save_button = self.build_save_button() self.main_layout = mdl.Column(self.controls_plot, self.save_button, sizing_mode='stretch_both') self.doc.add_root(self.main_layout) self.add_updated_local_time_callback()
def station_bar_plot(summary_csv, layer, out_dir=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, title=None, subtitle=None, year_subtitle=True): """ Produce an interactive bar chart comparing multiple climate stations to each other for a particular variable, e.g. bias ratios or interpolated residuals. Arguments: summary_csv (str): path to summary CSV produced by either :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` or by :func:`gridwxcomp.interpolate`. Should contain ``layer`` data for plot. layer (str): name of variable to plot. Keyword Arguments: out_dir (str or None): default None. Output directory path, default is 'station_bar_plots' in parent directory of ``summary_csv``. x_label (str or None): default None. Label for x-axis. y_label (str or None): default None. Label for y-axis, defaults to ``layer``. title (str or None): default None. Title of plot. subtitle (str, list, or None): default None. Additional subtitle(s) for plot. year_subtitle (bool): default True. If true print subtitle on plot with the max year range used for station data, e.g. 'years: 1995-2005' Example: Let's say we want to compare the mean growing seasion bias ratios of reference evapotranspiration (ETr) for the selection of stations we used to calculate bias ratios. The summary CSV file containing the ratios should be first created using :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. >>> from gridwxcomp.plot import station_bar_plot >>> # path to summary CSV with station data >>> in_file = 'monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_all_yrs.csv' >>> layer = 'growseason_mean' >>> station_bar_plot(in_file, layer) The resulting file will be saved using the layer name as a file name:: 'monthly_ratios/station_bar_plots/growseason_mean.html' The plot file will contain the mean growing season bias ratios of ETr for each station, sorted from smallest to largest values. This function may also be used for any numerical data in the summary CSV files that are created by :func:`gridwxcomp.interpolate` in addition to those created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. The main requirement is that ``summary_csv`` must contain the column 'STATION_ID' and the ``layer`` keyword argument. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if ``summary_csv`` is not found. KeyError: if ``layer`` does not exist as a column name in ``summary_csv``. """ if not Path(summary_csv).is_file(): err_msg = '\n{} is not a valid path to a summary CSV file!'.\ format(summary_csv) raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) df = pd.read_csv(summary_csv, na_values=[-999]) if not layer in df.columns: err_msg = '\nColumn {} was not found in {}'.format(layer, summary_csv) raise KeyError(err_msg) df.sort_values(layer, inplace=True) = 'dummy_name' # fix internal to bokeh- reset_index source = ColumnDataSource(df) # hover tooltip with station and value tooltips = [ ("station", "@STATION_ID"), ("value", "@{}".format(layer)), ] hover = models.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) if not y_label: y_label = layer # save to working directory in 'station_bar_plots' if not specified if not out_dir: out_dir = Path(summary_csv).parent/'station_bar_plots' else: out_dir = Path(out_dir) if not out_dir.is_dir(): print('\n{}\nDoes not exist, making directory'.format( out_dir.absolute())) out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_file = out_dir/'{}.html'.format(layer) print('\nCreating station bar plot for variable: ', layer, '\nUsing data from file: ', Path(summary_csv).absolute()) output_file(out_file) p = figure(x_range=df.STATION_ID, y_axis_label=y_label, title=title) p.vbar(x='STATION_ID', top=layer, width=0.8, source=source) p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi/2 p.add_tools(hover, models.BoxSelectTool()) if year_subtitle: # add data range (years start to end) as subtitle min_yr = int(df.start_year.min()) max_yr = int(df.end_year.max()) if min_yr == max_yr: year_str = 'year: {}'.format(min_yr) else: year_str = 'years: {}-{}'.format(min_yr, max_yr) # caution note if not all stations use full year range if not (df.end_year==max_yr).all() or not (df.start_year==min_yr).all(): year_str = '{} (less years exist for some stations)'.\ format(year_str) p.add_layout(models.Title(text=year_str, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') # add arbitrary number of custom subtitles as lines above plot if isinstance(subtitle, (list, tuple)): for st in subtitle: p.add_layout(models.Title(text=st, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') elif subtitle: p.add_layout(models.Title(text=subtitle, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') save(p) print('\nPlot saved to: ', out_file.absolute())