def make_source(self): self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=self.df) self.source.callback = Callback(args=dict(), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var theidx = inds[0]; console.log("yep"); console.log(theidx); $.get( "reviews", {id: theidx}, function( response ) { $( "#section2" ).html( response ); }, "html"); console.log("done"); """)
def make_source(self): self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=self.df) self.source.callback = Callback(args=dict(), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var theidx = inds[0]; var d1 = cb_obj.get("data"); var brand = d1["brand"][theidx]; console.log("yep"); console.log(theidx); $.get( "shoes", {id: brand}, function( response ) { console.log("logging rep"); console.log(response); console.log("done logging rep"); $( "#child" ).html( response ); }, "html"); console.log("done"); """) self.make_brand_source()
def bokeh_plot(self): chosen_bic = literal_eval(self.get_argument('subject')) # prep n_cols = len(chosen_bic['feats']) n_lines = len(chosen_bic['objs']) bic_mtrx = np.zeros((n_lines, n_cols), dtype=object) objs = sorted(chosen_bic['objs']) feats = sorted(chosen_bic['feats']) # bokeh objlist = [] featlist = [] # colormap = ["#444444", "#a6cee3", "#1f78b4", "#b2df8a", "#33a02c", "#fb9a99", "#e31a1c", "#fdbf6f", "#ff7f00", "#cab2d6", "#6a3d9a"] color = [] i = 0 for obj in objs: j = 0 for feat in feats: objlist.append(obj) featlist.append(feat) color.append("#669999") #color.append(np.random.choice(colormap)) bic_mtrx[i, j] = (obj, feat) j += 1 i += 1 # ColumnDataSource Object source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xname=objlist, yname=featlist, colors=color, count=bic_mtrx.flatten())) source.callback = Callback(args=dict(source=source), code=""" var data = source.get('data'); var f = source.get('value'); object_p = data['xname']; attribute_p = data['yname']; document.write(f); """) p = figure(title="Matriz do Co-Grupo", x_axis_location="above", tools="resize, previewsave, reset, hover", x_range=list(objs), y_range=list(reversed(feats)), plot_width=n_lines * 100, plot_height=n_cols * 40, toolbar_location="left") p.rect('xname', 'yname', 1, 1, source=source, color='colors', line_color="#000000") p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = "#000000" p.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "10pt" p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 2.5 p.border_fill = "#FFFFF0" tap = TapTool(plot=p) # tap = TapTool(plot=p, action=OpenURL(url="")) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([('Tupla', '@yname, @xname')]) # hover = HoverTool(plot=p, tooltips=[('Tupla', '@yname, @xname')]) # # script & div tags script, div = components(p, CDN) # return to html return (script, div)
def _get_plot(): years, regions, fertility_df, life_expectancy_df, population_df_size, regions_df = _get_data() # Set-up the sources sources = {} region_color = regions_df['region_color'] = 'region_color' for year in years: fertility = fertility_df[year] = 'fertility' life = life_expectancy_df[year] = 'life' population = population_df_size[year] = 'population' new_df = pd.concat([fertility, life, population, region_color], axis=1) sources['_' + str(year)] = ColumnDataSource(new_df) dictionary_of_sources = dict(zip([x for x in years], ['_%s' % x for x in years])) js_source_array = str(dictionary_of_sources).replace("'", "") # Build the plot # Set up the plot xdr = Range1d(1, 9) ydr = Range1d(20, 100) plot = Plot( x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, title="", plot_width=800, plot_height=400, outline_line_color=None, toolbar_location=None, ) AXIS_FORMATS = dict( minor_tick_in=None, minor_tick_out=None, major_tick_in=None, major_label_text_font_size="10pt", major_label_text_font_style="normal", axis_label_text_font_size="10pt", axis_line_color='#AAAAAA', major_tick_line_color='#AAAAAA', major_label_text_color='#666666', major_tick_line_cap="round", axis_line_cap="round", axis_line_width=1, major_tick_line_width=1, ) xaxis = LinearAxis(SingleIntervalTicker(interval=1), axis_label="Children per woman (total fertility)", **AXIS_FORMATS) yaxis = LinearAxis(SingleIntervalTicker(interval=20), axis_label="Life expectancy at birth (years)", **AXIS_FORMATS) plot.add_layout(xaxis, 'below') plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left') # Add the year in background (add before circle) text_source = ColumnDataSource({'year': ['%s' % years[0]]}) text = Text(x=2, y=35, text='year', text_font_size='150pt', text_color='#EEEEEE') plot.add_glyph(text_source, text) # Add the circle renderer_source = sources['_%s' % years[0]] circle_glyph = Circle( x='fertility', y='life', size='population', fill_color='region_color', fill_alpha=0.8, line_color='#7c7e71', line_width=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) circle_renderer = plot.add_glyph(renderer_source, circle_glyph) # Add the hover (only against the circle and not other plot elements) tooltips = "@index" plot.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[circle_renderer])) text_x = 7 text_y = 95 for i, region in enumerate(regions): plot.add_glyph(Text(x=text_x, y=text_y, text=[region], text_font_size='10pt', text_color='#666666')) plot.add_glyph(Circle(x=text_x - 0.1, y=text_y + 2, fill_color=Spectral6[i], size=10, line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.8)) text_y = text_y - 5 # Add the slider code = """ var year = slider.get('value'), sources = %s, new_source_data = sources[year].get('data'); renderer_source.set('data', new_source_data); renderer_source.trigger('change'); text_source.set('data', {'year': [String(year)]}); text_source.trigger('change'); """ % js_source_array callback = Callback(args=sources, code=code) slider = Slider(start=years[0], end=years[-1], value=1, step=1, title="Year", callback=callback) callback.args["slider"] = slider callback.args["renderer_source"] = renderer_source callback.args["text_source"] = text_source # Lay it out return vplot(plot, hplot(slider))
cu1_s.callback = Callback(args=dict(cu1_avg=cu1_avg, cu1_lower=cu1_lower, cu1_upper=cu1_upper), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var d = cb_obj.get('data'); var items = []; if (inds.length == 0) { return; } for (i = 0; i < inds.length; i++) { items.push(d['y'][inds[i]]); } var ym = average(items); var std = standardDeviation(items); cu1_avg.get('data')['y'] = [ym, ym] cu1_lower.get('data')['y'] = [ym - (2 * std), ym - (2 * std)] cu1_upper.get('data')['y'] = [(2 * std) + ym, (2 * std) + ym] cb_obj.trigger('change'); cu1_avg.trigger('change'); cu1_lower.trigger('change'); cu1_upper.trigger('change'); //define the functions needed for standard dev and average function standardDeviation(values){ var avg = average(values); var squareDiffs ={ var diff = value - avg; var sqrDiff = diff * diff; return sqrDiff; }); var avgSquareDiff = average(squareDiffs); var stdDev = Math.sqrt(avgSquareDiff); return stdDev; } function average(data){ var sum = data.reduce(function(sum, value){ return sum + value; }, 0); var avg = sum / data.length; return avg; } """)
import numpy as np import bokeh from bokeh.models.widgets import Dropdown from import output_file, show from bokeh.models import Callback from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.layouts import layout output_file("dropdown.html") # Dummy plot, otherwise the Dropdown button is partially hidden... x = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 100) y = np.sin(x) p = figure(title="Sin(x)", x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y') p.line(x, y) callback = Callback(args=None, code=""" console.log(cb_obj) var cm_chosen = cb_obj.get('action'); alert(cm_chosen); """) menu = [("Item %s" % i, "item_%s" % i) for i in range(10)] dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button %s" % bokeh.__version__, type="success", menu=menu, callback=callback) show(layout([dropdown, p]))
toolbar_location=None, title='Hover over points') p.line(x, y, line_dash="4 4", line_width=1, color='gray') # Add a circle, that is visible only when selected source = ColumnDataSource({'x': x, 'y': y}) invisible_circle = Circle(x='x', y='y', fill_color='gray', fill_alpha=0.05, line_color=None, size=20) visible_circle = Circle(x='x', y='y', fill_color='firebrick', fill_alpha=0.5, line_color=None, size=20) cr = p.add_glyph(source, invisible_circle, selection_glyph=visible_circle, nonselection_glyph=invisible_circle) # Add a hover tool, that selects the circle code = "source.set('selected', cb_data['index']);" callback = Callback(args={'source': source}, code=code) p.add_tools( HoverTool(tooltips=None, callback=callback, renderers=[cr], mode='hline')) show(p)
# build a dict containing the grouped data #medals = OrderedDict(bronze=bronze, silver=silver, gold=gold) medals = OrderedDict(bronze=bronze) # any of the following commented are also alid Bar inputs #medals = pd.DataFrame(medals) #medals = list(medals.values()) output_file("barc.html") callback = Callback(args=dict(source=bsource), code=""" var data = source.get('data'); var f = cb_obj.get('value') fac = data['factors'] ofac = data['ofactors'] for (i = 0; i < fac.length; i++) { fac[i] = ofac[i] } source.trigger('change'); """) slider = Slider(start=-2, end=2, value=1, step=.1, title="value", callback=callback) #layout = vform(slider, plot) layout = vform(slider, p1) output_file("cb_bar.html", title="callback example") show(layout)
def _get_plot(): years, regions, fertility_df, life_expectancy_df, population_df_size, regions_df = _get_data( ) # Set-up the sources sources = {} region_color = regions_df['region_color'] = 'region_color' for year in years: fertility = fertility_df[year] = 'fertility' life = life_expectancy_df[year] = 'life' population = population_df_size[year] = 'population' new_df = pd.concat([fertility, life, population, region_color], axis=1) sources['_' + str(year)] = ColumnDataSource(new_df) dictionary_of_sources = dict( zip([x for x in years], ['_%s' % x for x in years])) js_source_array = str(dictionary_of_sources).replace("'", "") # Build the plot # Set up the plot xdr = Range1d(1, 9) ydr = Range1d(20, 100) plot = Plot( x_range=xdr, y_range=ydr, title="", plot_width=800, plot_height=400, outline_line_color=None, toolbar_location=None, ) AXIS_FORMATS = dict( minor_tick_in=None, minor_tick_out=None, major_tick_in=None, major_label_text_font_size="10pt", major_label_text_font_style="normal", axis_label_text_font_size="10pt", axis_line_color='#AAAAAA', major_tick_line_color='#AAAAAA', major_label_text_color='#666666', major_tick_line_cap="round", axis_line_cap="round", axis_line_width=1, major_tick_line_width=1, ) xaxis = LinearAxis(SingleIntervalTicker(interval=1), axis_label="Children per woman (total fertility)", **AXIS_FORMATS) yaxis = LinearAxis(SingleIntervalTicker(interval=20), axis_label="Life expectancy at birth (years)", **AXIS_FORMATS) plot.add_layout(xaxis, 'below') plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left') # Add the year in background (add before circle) text_source = ColumnDataSource({'year': ['%s' % years[0]]}) text = Text(x=2, y=35, text='year', text_font_size='150pt', text_color='#EEEEEE') plot.add_glyph(text_source, text) # Add the circle renderer_source = sources['_%s' % years[0]] circle_glyph = Circle(x='fertility', y='life', size='population', fill_color='region_color', fill_alpha=0.8, line_color='#7c7e71', line_width=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) circle_renderer = plot.add_glyph(renderer_source, circle_glyph) # Add the hover (only against the circle and not other plot elements) tooltips = "@index" plot.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[circle_renderer])) text_x = 7 text_y = 95 for i, region in enumerate(regions): plot.add_glyph( Text(x=text_x, y=text_y, text=[region], text_font_size='10pt', text_color='#666666')) plot.add_glyph( Circle(x=text_x - 0.1, y=text_y + 2, fill_color=Spectral6[i], size=10, line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.8)) text_y = text_y - 5 # Add the slider code = """ var year = slider.get('value'), sources = %s, new_source_data = sources[year].get('data'); renderer_source.set('data', new_source_data); renderer_source.trigger('change'); text_source.set('data', {'year': [String(year)]}); text_source.trigger('change'); """ % js_source_array callback = Callback(args=sources, code=code) slider = Slider(start=years[0], end=years[-1], value=1, step=1, title="Year", callback=callback) callback.args["slider"] = slider callback.args["renderer_source"] = renderer_source callback.args["text_source"] = text_source # Lay it out return vplot(plot, hplot(slider))
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show x = list(range(-50, 51)) y = list(x) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) plot = figure(y_range=(-100, 100), plot_width=400, plot_height=400) plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) callback = Callback(args=dict(source=source), code=""" var data = source.get('data'); var f = cb_obj.get('value') x = data['x'] y = data['y'] for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { y[i] = f * x[i] } source.trigger('change'); """) slider = Slider(start=-2, end=2, value=1, step=.1, title="value", callback=callback) layout = vform(slider, plot)
output_file("boxselecttool_callback.html") source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], width=[], height=[])) callback = Callback(args=dict(source=source), code=""" // get data source from Callback args var data = source.get('data'); /// get BoxSelectTool dimensions from cb_data parameter of Callback var geometry = cb_data['geometry']; /// calculate Rect attributes var width = geometry['x1'] - geometry['x0']; var height = geometry['y1'] - geometry['y0']; var x = geometry['x0'] + width/2; var y = geometry['y0'] + height/2; /// update data source with new Rect attributes data['x'].push(x); data['y'].push(y); data['width'].push(width); data['height'].push(height); // trigger update of data source source.trigger('change'); """) box_select = BoxSelectTool(callback=callback) p = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400,
def make_dashboard(motors, xy_train, operating_earnings, maintenance_cost, repair_cost, run_interval): #calculate revenue vs time dataframe print '...generating dashboard...' events = get_events(motors) events['earnings'] = 0.0 events.loc[events.state == 'operating', 'earnings'] = operating_earnings events['expenses'] = 0.0 events.loc[events.state == 'maintenance', 'expenses'] = maintenance_cost events.loc[events.state == 'repair', 'expenses'] = repair_cost money = events.groupby('Time').sum()[['earnings', 'expenses']] money['revenue'] = money.earnings - money.expenses money['cumulative_earnings'] = money.earnings.cumsum() money['cumulative_expenses'] = money.expenses.cumsum() money['cumulative_revenue'] = money.revenue.cumsum() #map the (P,T) decision surface T_min = 50 T_max = 150 P_min = 0 P_max = 100 T_axis = np.arange(T_min, T_max, 0.5) P_axis = np.arange(P_min, P_max, 0.5) x, y = np.meshgrid(T_axis, P_axis) ttf = np.zeros((len(P_axis), len(T_axis))) import copy m = copy.deepcopy(motors[0]) for p_idx in np.arange(len(P_axis)): for t_idx in np.arange(len(T_axis)): m.Temp = T_axis[t_idx] m.Pressure = P_axis[p_idx] ttf[p_idx, t_idx] = m.predicted_time_to_fail() #plot decision surface from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file, ColumnDataSource, vplot from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Callback from import vform output_file('dashboard.html', title='Smart Maintenance Dashboard') source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=xy_train.Temp, y=xy_train.Pressure, ttf=xy_train.time_to_fail, size=0.6 * xy_train.time_to_fail, )) dec_fig = figure(x_range=[T_min, T_max], y_range=[P_min, P_max], title='SVM Decision Surface', x_axis_label='Temperature', y_axis_label='Pressure', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=600, plot_height=600) dec_fig.title_text_font_size = '18pt' dec_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' dec_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' dec_fig.image(image=[-ttf], x=[T_min], y=[P_min], dw=[T_max - T_min], dh=[P_max - P_min], palette='RdYlGn8') dec_fig.x('x', 'y', size='size', source=source, fill_alpha=0.5, fill_color='navy', line_color='navy', line_width=1, line_alpha=0.5) hover = hover.tooltips = [ ("Temperature", "@x"), ("Pressure", "@y"), ("measured lifetime", "@ttf"), ] #plot earnings vs time source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( t=money.index, earnings=money.cumulative_earnings / 1.e6, expenses=money.cumulative_expenses / 1.e6, revenue=money.cumulative_revenue / 1.e6, zero=money.cumulative_revenue * 0, )) earn_fig = figure(title='Cumulative Earnings & Expenses', x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label='Earnings & Expenses (M$)', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=1000, plot_height=300, x_range=[0, 1200], y_range=[0, 120]) earn_fig.title_text_font_size = '15pt' earn_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' earn_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' earn_fig.line('t', 'earnings', color='blue', source=source, line_width=5, legend='earnings') earn_fig.line('t', 'expenses', color='red', source=source, line_width=5, legend='expenses') earn_fig.legend.orientation = "bottom_right" earn_fig.patch([0, 200, 200, 0], [0, 0, 120, 120], color='lightsalmon', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) earn_fig.patch([200, 400, 400, 200], [0, 0, 120, 120], color='gold', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) earn_fig.patch([400, 1200, 1200, 400], [0, 0, 120, 120], color='darkseagreen', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) earn_fig.text([45], [101], ['run-to-fail']) earn_fig.text([245], [101], ['scheduled']) earn_fig.text([245], [90], ['maintenance']) earn_fig.text([445], [101], ['predictive']) earn_fig.text([445], [90], ['maintenance']) hover = hover.tooltips = [ (" Time", "@t"), (" earning (M$)", "@earnings"), ("expenses (M$)", "@expenses"), ] #plot revenue vs time rev_fig = figure(title='Cumulative Revenue', x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label='Revenue (M$)', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=1000, plot_height=300, x_range=[0, 1200], y_range=[-15, 10]) rev_fig.title_text_font_size = '15pt' rev_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' rev_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' rev_fig.line('t', 'revenue', color='green', source=source, line_width=5, legend='revenue') rev_fig.line('t', 'zero', color='purple', source=source, line_width=3, alpha=0.5, line_dash=[10, 5]) rev_fig.legend.orientation = "bottom_right" rev_fig.patch([0, 200, 200, 0], [-15, -15, 10, 10], color='lightsalmon', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) rev_fig.patch([200, 400, 400, 200], [-15, -15, 10, 10], color='gold', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) rev_fig.patch([400, 1200, 1200, 400], [-15, -15, 10, 10], color='darkseagreen', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) hover = hover.tooltips = [ (" Time", "@t"), (" revenue (M$)", "@revenue"), ] #plot number of motors vs time N = events.groupby(['Time', 'state']).count().unstack()['id'].reset_index() N.fillna(value=0, inplace=True) N['total'] = N.maintenance + N.operating + s1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( Time=N.Time, operating=N.operating, maintenance=N.maintenance,,, )) motor_fig = figure(title='Number of Motors', x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label='Number of motors', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=1000, plot_height=300, x_range=[0, 1200], y_range=[-10, 210]) motor_fig.title_text_font_size = '15pt' motor_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' motor_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' motor_fig.line('Time', 'total', color='blue', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='total') motor_fig.line('Time', 'operating', color='green', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='operating') motor_fig.line('Time', 'maintenance', color='orange', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='maintenance') motor_fig.line('Time', 'repair', color='red', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='repair') motor_fig.legend.orientation = "top_right" motor_fig.patch([0, 200, 200, 0], [-10, -10, 210, 210], color='lightsalmon', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) motor_fig.patch([200, 400, 400, 200], [-10, -10, 210, 210], color='gold', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) motor_fig.patch([400, 1200, 1200, 400], [-10, -10, 210, 210], color='darkseagreen', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) #display N table from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn from import vform columns = [ TableColumn(field='Time', title='Time'), TableColumn(field='operating', title='operating'), TableColumn(field='maintenance', title='maintenance'), TableColumn(field='repair', title='repair'), TableColumn(field='total', title='total'), ] s2 = s1.clone() N_table = DataTable(source=s2, columns=columns, width=600, height=300) s1.callback = Callback(args=dict(s2=s2), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var d1 = cb_obj.get('data'); var d2 = s2.get('data'); d2['Time'] = [] d2['operating'] = [] d2['maintenance'] = [] d2['repair'] = [] d2['total'] = [] for (i = 0; i < inds.length; i++) { d2['Time'].push(d1['Time'][inds[i]]) d2['operating'].push(d1['operating'][inds[i]]) d2['maintenance'].push(d1['maintenance'][inds[i]]) d2['repair'].push(d1['repair'][inds[i]]) d2['total'].push(d1['total'][inds[i]]) } s2.trigger('change'); """) #export plot to html and return plot_grid = vplot(dec_fig, earn_fig, rev_fig, motor_fig, vform(N_table)) show(plot_grid, new='tab') return money, events, N
""" p1 = figure(title='Pan and Zoom Here', x_range=(0, 100), y_range=(0, 100), tools='box_zoom,wheel_zoom,pan,reset', plot_width=400, plot_height=400) p1.scatter(x, y, radius=radii, fill_color=colors, fill_alpha=0.6, line_color=None) p1.x_range.callback = Callback(args=dict(source=source, range=p1.x_range), code=jscode % ('x', 'width')) p1.y_range.callback = Callback(args=dict(source=source, range=p1.y_range), code=jscode % ('y', 'height')) p2 = figure(title='See Zoom Window Here', x_range=(0, 100), y_range=(0, 100), tools='', plot_width=400, plot_height=400) p2.scatter(x, y, radius=radii, fill_color=colors, fill_alpha=0.6, line_color=None)
tools="lasso_select", title="Select Here")'x', 'y', color='color', size=8, source=s, alpha=0.4) s2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(ym=[0.5, 0.5])) p.line(x=[0, 1], y='ym', color="orange", line_width=5, alpha=0.6, source=s2) s.callback = Callback(args=dict(s2=s2), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var d = cb_obj.get('data'); var ym = 0 if (inds.length == 0) { return; } for (i = 0; i < d['color'].length; i++) { d['color'][i] = "navy" } for (i = 0; i < inds.length; i++) { d['color'][inds[i]] = "firebrick" ym += d['y'][inds[i]] } ym /= inds.length s2.get('data')['ym'] = [ym, ym] cb_obj.trigger('change'); s2.trigger('change'); """) show(p)
callback = Callback(args=dict(source=source), code=""" var data = source.get('data'); var f = cb_obj.get('value') fill = data['fill_color'] allc = data['all_color'] fc = data['first_color'] sc = data['second_color'] tc = data['third_color'] foc = data['fourth_color'] if (f == 4) { for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i++) { fill[i] = allc[i] } } if (f == 3) { for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i++) { fill[i] = fc[i] } } if (f == 2) { for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i++) { fill[i] = sc[i] } } if (f == 1) { for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i++) { fill[i] = tc[i] } } if (f == 0) { for (i = 0; i < fill.length; i++) { fill[i] = foc[i] } } source.trigger('change'); """)
#First plot s1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) p1 = figure(tools=["lasso_select"], plot_width=600, plot_height=400) p1.scatter('x', 'y', fill_color='black', line_color=None, size=10, source=s1) #Second plot s2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], y2=[])) p2 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools=[]) m1 = ColumnDataSource(m1) #Actual Datasource for the second plot p2.line(np.arange(0, 100, 1), 'y', source=s2) # From original data - series 1 p2.line(np.arange(0, 100, 1), 'y2', source=s2) # From original data - series 2 s1.callback = Callback(args=dict(s2=s2, m1=m1), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var d1 = m1.get('data'); var d2 = s2.get('data'); d2['y'] = [] d2['y2'] = [] for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) {o d2['y'].push(d1[inds['0']][i]), d2['y2'].push(d1[inds['1']][i]) } s2.trigger('change'); """) layout = hplot(p1, p2) show(layout)
output_file("callback.html") x = [random() for x in range(500)] y = [random() for y in range(500)] s1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) p1 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, tools="lasso_select", title="Select Here")'x', 'y', source=s1, alpha=0.6) s2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) p2 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1), tools="", title="Watch Here")'x', 'y', source=s2, alpha=0.6) s1.callback = Callback(args=dict(s2=s2), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var d1 = cb_obj.get('data'); var d2 = s2.get('data'); d2['x'] = [] d2['y'] = [] for (i = 0; i < inds.length; i++) { d2['x'].push(d1['x'][inds[i]]) d2['y'].push(d1['y'][inds[i]]) } s2.trigger('change'); """) layout = hplot(p1, p2) show(layout)
def build_map(data, variables, years=None, plot_width=800, x_range=[70, 140], y_range=[10, 60], title=""): #aspect_ratio = (x_range[1] - x_range[0]) / (y_range[1] - y_range[0]) #plot_height = int(plot_width / aspect_ratio) plot_height = plot_width x_range = Range1d(x_range[0], x_range[1]) y_range = Range1d(y_range[0], y_range[1]) plot = Plot( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title=title, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, **PLOT_FORMATS) if years is None: tt_year = '—' tt_var = variables[0] color_column = '{}_color'.format(variables[0]) else: tt_year = '@active_year' tt_var = 'active_value' color_column = 'active_color' tooltip = """<span class='tooltip-text year'>{}</span> <span class='tooltip-text country'>@alpha @name_zh @name_en</span> <span class='tooltip-text value'>@{}</span>""".format(tt_year, tt_var) plot.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=tooltip)) source = ColumnDataSource(data) countries = Patches( xs='xs', ys='ys', fill_color=color_column, line_color='#000000' ) renderer = plot.add_glyph(source, countries) if years is None: return plot callback = Callback(code=""" var year = select.get('value'); var data = source.get('data'); var i = %d; data['active_color'] = data[year + '_color']; data['active_value'] = data[year]; while (--i >= 0) { // Instead of doing this I'd like to // be able to change the hover tool data['active_year'][i] = year; } source.trigger('change'); """ % len(years)) select = Select(title="Year", options=years, value=years[-1], callback=callback) callback.args = { 'select': select, 'source': source } layout = vplot(select, plot) return layout