def __init__(self, field_name='Value', highlight_fill_color='#79DCDE', highlight_line_color='#79DCDE', size=8, is_categorical=False, extent=None, agg=None, how='mean'): if how not in ('mean', 'sum', 'max', 'min', 'median', 'std', 'var', 'count'): raise ValueError("invalid 'how' downsample method") self.hover_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], value=[])) self.invisible_square = Square(x='x', y='y', fill_color=None, line_color=None, size=size) self.visible_square = Square(x='x', y='y', fill_color=highlight_fill_color, fill_alpha=.5, line_color=highlight_line_color, line_alpha=1, size=size) self.tooltips = [] code = "source.selected = cb_data['index'];" self._callback = CustomJS(args={'source': self.hover_data}, code=code) self.renderer = GlyphRenderer() self.renderer.data_source = self.hover_data self.renderer.glyph = self.invisible_square self.renderer.selection_glyph = self.visible_square self.renderer.nonselection_glyph = self.invisible_square self.tool = HoverTool(callback=self._callback, renderers=[self.renderer], mode='mouse') self.extent = extent self.is_categorical = is_categorical self.field_name = field_name self._agg = agg self._size = size or 8 = how if self.agg is not None and self.extent is not None: self.compute()
def __init__(self, field_name='Value', highlight_fill_color='#79DCDE', highlight_line_color='#79DCDE', size=8, is_categorical=False, extent=None, agg=None): self.hover_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], value=[])) self.invisible_square = Square(x='x', y='y', fill_color=None, line_color=None, size=size) self.visible_square = Square(x='x', y='y', fill_color=highlight_fill_color, fill_alpha=.5, line_color=highlight_line_color, line_alpha=1, size=size) self.tooltips = [] code = "source.set('selected', cb_data['index']);" self._callback = CustomJS(args={'source': self.hover_data}, code=code) self.renderer = GlyphRenderer() self.renderer.data_source = self.hover_data self.renderer.glyph = self.invisible_square self.renderer.selection_glyph = self.visible_square self.renderer.nonselection_glyph = self.invisible_square self.tool = HoverTool(callback=self._callback, renderers=[self.renderer], mode='mouse') self.extent = extent self.is_categorical = is_categorical self.field_name = field_name self._agg = agg self._size = size or 8 if self.agg is not None and self.extent is not None: self.compute()
def plot_map(df, bs_latlong=None, bs=None, map_type="satellite", colorby='rssi'): map_options = GMapOptions(lat=.5*(df.latitude.min()+ df.latitude.max()), lng=.5*(df.longitude.min()+df.longitude.max()), map_type=map_type, zoom=11) plot = GMapPlot( x_range=DataRange1d(), y_range=DataRange1d(), map_options=map_options ) plot.title.text = "Test_API_Google" # For GMaps to function, Google requires you obtain and enable an API key: # # # # Replace the value below with your personal API key: plot.api_key = "AIzaSyBn534zSTjx4L7l7yoklDismI0QXMiZSA8" normalize = (df[colorby] - df[colorby].min())/(df[colorby].max() - df[colorby].min()) source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( lat=df.latitude, lon=df.longitude, color=[cm.colors.to_hex(c) for c in cm.jet(normalize)[:,:-1]] ) ) circle = Circle(x="lon", y="lat", size=3, fill_color="color", fill_alpha=0.8, line_color=None) plot.add_glyph(source, circle) if (bs is not None) & (bs_latlong is not None): bs = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( lat=np.array(bs_latlong[bs]['lat']).reshape(1,), lon=np.array(bs_latlong[bs]['long']).reshape(1,) ) ) circlebs = Square(x="lon", y="lat", size=9, fill_color="red", fill_alpha=0.8, line_color=None) plot.add_glyph(bs, circlebs) plot.add_tools(PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxSelectTool()) output_file("gmap_plot.html") show(plot)
def search(request): location = request.POST['search'] api_key = 'AIzaSyB4WAP0dZG2f6avZ6EYiMBolrtVrxgqtlU' gm = googlemaps.Client(key=api_key) address = location lat = gm.geocode(address)[0]['geometry']['location']['lat'] lng = gm.geocode(address)[0]['geometry']['location']['lng'] map_options = GMapOptions(lat=lat, lng=lng, map_type='roadmap', zoom=8) plot = GMapPlot(x_range=Range1d(), y_range=Range1d(), map_options=map_options, api_key=api_key) plot.add_tools(PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxSelectTool(), PolySelectTool()) scale = 2.5 source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(lat=[lat], lon=[lng], rad=[2], size=[100])) circle = Circle(x=lng, y=lat, size="rad", fill_color='red', fill_alpha=0.5) global latitude, longitude latitude = lat longitude = lng square = Square(x=lng, y=lat, size="size", fill_color="red", fill_alpha=0.5) plot.add_glyph(source, square) output_file( 'C:/Users/pkt01/django_projects/geokno/geoproj/templates/geoproj/plot.html' ) save(plot) return render(request, 'geoproj/Query.html')
def PlotMap(data_, bs=None, map_type="roadmap"): data = data_.sample(5000) lat_min, lat_max = data.latitude.min(), data.latitude.max() lon_min, lon_max = data.longitude.min(), data.longitude.max() map_options = GMapOptions(lat=.5 * (lat_min + lat_max), lng=.5 * (lon_min + lon_max), map_type=map_type, zoom=9) plot = GMapPlot(x_range=Range1d(), y_range=Range1d(), map_options=map_options) plot.title.text = "Visualisation des données" # For GMaps to function, Google requires you obtain and enable an API key: # # # # Replace the value below with your personal API key: # plot.api_key = "AIzaSyDthyCGiKTxBwB7JUA0FP0g3cjGhWWPuC4" plot.api_key = "AIzaSyD-n_DViUNpTmYRgb2JCsC_gIHXpUMyMhQ" source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( lat=data.latitude, lon=data.longitude, )) if bs is not None: bs = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(, lon=bs.lng, )) patch = Square(x="lon", y="lat", size=7, fill_color="yellow", fill_alpha=1, line_color=None) plot.add_glyph(bs, patch) circle = Circle(x="lon", y="lat", size=2, fill_color="red", fill_alpha=.3, line_color=None) plot.add_glyph(source, circle) #@TODO change output file to notebook (no writing to html) plot.add_tools(PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxSelectTool()) output_file("gmap_.html") show(plot)
BoxSelectTool()) # legend catchmentmap_intro_page.legend.location = "top_right" catchmentmap_intro_page.legend.orientation = "vertical" """runoff station""" runoff_station_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=runoff_station.x, y=runoff_station.y, name=runoff_station.ESTACION, Department=runoff_station.DEPARTAMEN, Elevation=runoff_station.DEM_projec)) runoff_station_square_glypg = Square( x="x", y="y", name="name", fill_color="#FF34B3", #,line_color="#3288bd" line_width=3, size=20) catchmentmap_intro_page_glyph = catchmentmap_intro_page.add_glyph( runoff_station_source, runoff_station_square_glypg) #show(catchmentmap_intro_page) wb_home = widgetbox(home_div) layout_home = layout([ [wb_home], [intro_div], [catchmentmap_intro_page], [case_study_details],
fill_color="#B3DE69")), ] markers = [ ("circle", Circle(x="x", y="y", radius=0.1, fill_color="#3288BD")), ("circle_x", CircleX(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#DD1C77", fill_color=None)), ("circle_cross", CircleCross(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#FB8072", fill_color=None, line_width=2)), ("square", Square(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", fill_color="#74ADD1")), ("square_x", SquareX(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#FDAE6B", fill_color=None, line_width=2)), ("square_cross", SquareCross(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", line_color="#7FC97F", fill_color=None, line_width=2)), ("diamond",
def graphPlot(DG, DGspecies, DGreactions, plot, layout="force", positions=None, posscale=1.0, layoutfunc=None, iterations=2000, rseed=30): """given a directed graph, plot it! Inputs: DG: a directed graph of type DiGraph DGspecies: a directed graph which only contains the species nodes DGreactions: a directed graph which only contains the reaction nodes plot: a bokeh plot object layout: graph layout function. 'force' uses fa2 to push nodes apart 'circle' plots the nodes and reactions in two overlapping circles, with the reactions on the inside of the circle 'custom' allows user input "layoutfunc". Internally, layoutfunc is passed the three inputs (DG, DGspecies, DGreactions) and should output a position dictionary with node {<node number>:(x,y)} positions: a dictionary of node names and x,y positions. this gets passed into the layout function posscale: multiply the scaling of the plot. This only affects the arrows because the arrows are a hack :(""" random.seed(rseed) if (not PLOT_NETWORK): warn("network plotting disabled because some libraries are not found") return if (layout == "force"): #below are parameters for the force directed graph visualization forceatlas2 = ForceAtlas2( # Behavior alternatives outboundAttractionDistribution=True, # Dissuade hubs linLogMode=False, # NOT IMPLEMENTED adjustSizes=False, # Prevent overlap (NOT IMPLEMENTED) edgeWeightInfluence=1.0, # Performance jitterTolerance=1.0, # Tolerance barnesHutOptimize=True, barnesHutTheta=1.2, multiThreaded=False, # NOT IMPLEMENTED # Tuning scalingRatio=2.4 * posscale, strongGravityMode=False, gravity=1.0, # Log verbose=False) positions = forceatlas2.forceatlas2_networkx_layout( DG, pos=positions, iterations=iterations) elif (layout == "circle"): positions = nx.circular_layout(DGspecies, scale=50 * posscale) positions.update(nx.circular_layout(DGreactions, scale=35 * posscale)) elif (layout == "custom"): positions = layoutfunc(DG, DGspecies, DGreactions) reaction_renderer = from_networkx(DGreactions, positions, center=(0, 0)) species_renderer = from_networkx(DGspecies, positions, center=(0, 0)) edges_renderer = from_networkx(DG, positions, center=(0, 0)) #edges edges_renderer.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=12, line_alpha=0, fill_alpha=0, fill_color="color") edges_renderer.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_alpha=0.2, line_width=4, line_join="round") edges_renderer.edge_renderer.selection_glyph = MultiLine( line_color=Spectral4[2], line_width=5, line_join="round") edges_renderer.edge_renderer.hover_glyph = MultiLine( line_color=Spectral4[1], line_width=5, line_join="round") xbounds, ybounds = makeArrows2(edges_renderer, DG, positions, headsize=5) #make the arrows! #we want to find the middle of the graph and plot a square that is 1:1 aspect ratio #find the midpoint of the graph xmid = statistics.mean(xbounds) ymid = statistics.mean(ybounds) #now, subtract the middle from the edges xmiddlized = [a - xmid for a in xbounds] ymiddlized = [a - ymid for a in ybounds] #now, find the biggest dimension absdim = max([abs(a) for a in xmiddlized + ymiddlized]) xlim = [xmid - absdim * 1.05, xmid + absdim * 1.05] ylim = [ymid - absdim * 1.05, ymid + absdim * 1.05] #now set it on the plot! plot.x_range = Range1d(xlim[0], xlim[1]) plot.y_range = Range1d(ylim[0], ylim[1]) #reactions reaction_renderer.node_renderer.glyph = Square(size=8, fill_color=Spectral4[0]) reaction_renderer.node_renderer.selection_glyph = Square( size=8, fill_color=Spectral4[2]) reaction_renderer.node_renderer.hover_glyph = Square( size=8, fill_color=Spectral4[1]) #nodes species_renderer.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=12, fill_color="color") species_renderer.node_renderer.selection_glyph = Circle( size=15, fill_color=Spectral4[2]) species_renderer.node_renderer.hover_glyph = Circle( size=15, fill_color=Spectral4[1]) #this part adds the interactive elements that make it so that the lines are highlighted #when you mouse over and click edge_hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[edges_renderer]) species_hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[("name", "@species"), ("type", "@type")],\ renderers=[species_renderer],attachment="right") rxn_hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[("reaction", "@species"), ("type", "@type"),("k_f","@k"),("k_r","@k_r")],\ renderers=[reaction_renderer],attachment="right") plot.add_tools(edge_hover_tool, species_hover_tool, rxn_hover_tool, TapTool(), BoxSelectTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool()) edges_renderer.selection_policy = NodesAndLinkedEdges() edges_renderer.inspection_policy = EdgesAndLinkedNodes() plot.renderers.append(edges_renderer) plot.renderers.append(reaction_renderer) plot.renderers.append(species_renderer)
y='base', line_color=BLUE, line_width=2, line_alpha=1)) lines.add_glyph(Text(x=5.15, y=92, text_font_style='italic', text=['Baseline'], text_font_size='8pt', text_color='#666666')) lines.add_glyph(Square(x=3, y=95, fill_color=BLUE, size=10, line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.8)) lines.add_glyph(Text(x=5.15, y=84.75, text_font_style='italic', text=['Reform'], text_font_size='8pt', text_color='#666666')) lines.add_glyph(Square(x=3, y=88, fill_color=RED, size=10, line_color=None,
N = len(graph_data.vertexes) node_indices = list(range(N)) color_list = [] for vertex in graph_data.vertexes: color_list.append(vertex.color) plot = figure(title='Graph Layout Demonstration', x_range=(0, 500), y_range=(0, 500), tools='', toolbar_location=None) graph = GraphRenderer() graph.node_renderer.data_source.add(node_indices, 'index') graph.node_renderer.data_source.add(color_list, 'color') graph.node_renderer.glyph = Square(size=30, fill_color='color') # This is drawing edges from start to end verts = [vertex for vertex in graph_data.vertexes] for i in verts: start = [] end = [] for vert in verts: for edge in vert.edges: start.append(verts.index(vert)) end.append(verts.index(edge.destination)) = dict( start=start, end=end)
def write_bokeh_graph(data_frame, html_output, project_code): df_tp = data_frame.T df_tp.index = pd.to_datetime(df_tp.index) df_tp.sort_index(inplace=True) df_columns_count = df_tp.shape[0] df_rows_count = df_tp.shape[1] colors = viridis(len(df_tp.columns)) # option_sets hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("name", "@name"), ("time", "@time"), ("count", "@count"), ] ) tools_opt = ["resize", hover, "save", "pan", "wheel_zoom", "reset"] graph_opt = dict(width=900, x_axis_type="datetime", toolbar_location="left", tools=tools_opt, toolbar_sticky=False, background_fill_alpha=0, border_fill_alpha=0, ) line_opt = dict(line_width=3, alpha=0.8) output_file(html_output, mode="inline") legend_items = [] # figure and line glyphs warning_figure = figure(title=project_code + " rvt warnings", **graph_opt, ) for i, warning_type in enumerate(df_tp.columns): # print(f"df_tp.index is: \n{df_tp.index}") line_name_dict = [warning_type for _ in range(df_columns_count)] cds = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=df_tp.index, y=df_tp[warning_type], name=line_name_dict, count=df_tp[warning_type], time=df_tp.index.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ) ) warning_figure.line("x", "y", color=colors[i], name="name", source=cds, **line_opt ) legend_items.append((warning_type, colors[i])) square_size, legend_sq_offset = 20, 20 legend_plot_height = df_rows_count * (legend_sq_offset + square_size) # print(f"plot height is: {legend_plot_height}") legend = Plot(plot_width=900, plot_height=legend_plot_height, x_range=Range1d(0, 300), y_range=Range1d(0, legend_plot_height), toolbar_location="left", background_fill_alpha=0, border_fill_alpha=0, outline_line_alpha=0, ) for i, item in enumerate(legend_items): warn_type = item[0] color = item[1] square_y_pos = legend_plot_height - legend_sq_offset - i * (legend_sq_offset + square_size) square = Square(x=square_size, y=square_y_pos, size=square_size, fill_color=color, line_alpha=0, ) legend.add_glyph(square) warning_count_text = str(df_tp[warn_type][-1]).rjust(5) warning_text = warn_type count_txt = Text(x=square_size + 15, y=square_y_pos, text_align="right", text_baseline="middle", text=[warning_count_text], text_font_size="10pt", ) legend.add_glyph(count_txt) warn_txt = Text(x=square_size + 16, y=square_y_pos, text_align="left", text_baseline="middle", text=[warning_text[:120]], text_font_size="10pt", ) legend.add_glyph(warn_txt) save(column(style_plot(warning_figure), legend)) print(colorful.bold_green(f" {html_output}\n updated successfully.")) return df_tp
x=[-75], y=[50], w=150, h=100) plot1.x_range = Range1d(-75, 75, bounds=(-75, 75)) plot1.y_range = Range1d(-50, 50, bounds=(-50, 50)) shutters = plot1.square('x', 'y', source=shutter_positions, fill_color='yellow', fill_alpha=0.2, line_color=None, size=20, name="my_shutters") shutters.selection_glyph = Square(fill_alpha=0.5, fill_color="green", line_color='green', line_width=3) shutters.nonselection_glyph = Square(fill_alpha=0.2, fill_color="yellow", line_color=None) hover = HoverTool(renderers=[shutters], point_policy="snap_to_data", tooltips=""" <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #696">Mass = @mass Msun</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #696">Vmax = </span> <span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #696;">@vmax km / s</span>
from import curdoc, show from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Grid, LinearAxis, Plot, Square N = 9 x = np.linspace(-2, 2, N) y = x**2 sizes = np.linspace(10, 20, N) source = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=x, y=y, sizes=sizes)) plot = Plot( title=None, plot_width=300, plot_height=300, min_border=0, toolbar_location=None) glyph = Square(x="x", y="y", size="sizes", fill_color="#74add1") plot.add_glyph(source, glyph) xaxis = LinearAxis() plot.add_layout(xaxis, 'below') yaxis = LinearAxis() plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left') plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=0, ticker=xaxis.ticker)) plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker)) curdoc().add_root(plot) show(plot)
def main(data, itvl): if itvl == 'daily': NR_OF_ROWS = 7 elif itvl == 'weekly': NR_OF_ROWS = 7 elif itvl == 'monthly': NR_OF_ROWS = 5 elif itvl == 'yearly': NR_OF_ROWS = 4 # NR_OF_COLS = len(data) // NR_OF_ROWS + 1 # curdoc().theme = 'dark_minimal' p = figure( plot_width=PLOT_WIDTH, plot_height=PLOT_HEIGHT, title="log", x_range=( - td(days=220),, y_range=(0, NR_OF_ROWS + 1), x_axis_type="datetime", y_axis_type=None, x_axis_location="above", tooltips=[('date', '@date'), ('value', '@value'), ('content', '@content')], toolbar_location=None, match_aspect=True, # tools='zoom_in,zoom_out,pan,box_zoom,reset,hover,save", background_fill_color='#333333') # p.axis.visible = False p.grid.grid_line_color = None # p.axis.axis_line_color = None # p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None # p.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "7px" # p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 # p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi/3 p.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter() x, y, fill_alphas, date, values, content = [], [], [], [], [], [] max_value = max([i['value'] for i in data]) for entry in data: c = entry['content'] content.append(c) value = entry['value'] values.append(value) fill_alpha = value / max_value fill_alphas.append(fill_alpha) timestamp = entry['timestamp'] d = dt.fromtimestamp(timestamp) date.append(d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) if itvl == 'daily': x.append( dt.strptime((d - td(days=d.weekday())).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%d')) # if itvl == 'weekly': # x.append(dt.strptime( # (d - td(days=d.weekday())).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%d') # ) y.append(NR_OF_ROWS - d.weekday()) source = ColumnDataSource( dict(x=x, y=y, fill_alpha=fill_alphas, date=date, value=values, content=content)) p.add_glyph( source, Square( x='x', y='y', size=20, fill_color='#00FF00', fill_alpha='fill_alpha', )) select = figure(title="", plot_height=30, plot_width=PLOT_WIDTH, y_range=p.y_range, x_axis_location=None, x_axis_type="datetime", y_axis_type=None, tools="", toolbar_location=None, background_fill_color='#333333') range_tool = RangeTool(x_range=p.x_range) range_tool.overlay.fill_color = "green" range_tool.overlay.fill_alpha = 0.2 select.line(x=[dt(2016, 1, 1),], y=[0, 0], color=None) select.ygrid.grid_line_color = None select.add_tools(range_tool) select.toolbar.active_multi = range_tool script, div = components(column(p, select)) return script, div