Пример #1
def new():
    global arr, e1, e2, e3, e4, bm, f1, f2, brick
    #create walls
    w = Walls()
    arr = w.structure()
    #flags use for bomb
    f1 = False
    f2 = False
    #random number of bricks
    num = random.randint(15, 25)
    for i in range(0, num):
        brick = Bricks(arr)
        arr = brick.place_brick()
    #four enemies
    e1 = Enemy(arr)
    e2 = Enemy(arr)
    e3 = Enemy(arr)
    e4 = Enemy(arr)
    #create bomberman instance
    bm = Bomberman(arr)
    arr = bm.place(arr, 4, 2)
    #create board instance
    b = Board(arr, lives, score)
Пример #2
 def reset_game(grid, man):
         To reset the game whenever the bomberman dies
     man = Bomberman(2, 4)
     grid = man.populate_grid_with_person(grid)
     return [grid, man]
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, level=1):
        level = Level(level)

        self.score = 0

        grid = Grid(config.rows, config.cols)

        wall = Wall(grid)

        bomberman = Bomberman(config.init_row, config.init_col, grid)

        monsters = []

        for i in range(len(level.monsters_row)):
                Monster(level.monsters_row[i], level.monsters_col[i], grid))

        blocks = self.block_arrangement(grid)

        for i in range(10):

        bombs = []

        count = 0

        while True:
            count = count + 1 if count is not level.monsters_speed_factor else 0
            if count is level.monsters_speed_factor:
                if len(bombs) > 0:
                    for bomb in bombs:
                        bomb.seconds_left = bomb.seconds_left - 1
                        grid.matrix[bomb.row][bomb.col] = 'bomb' + str(
                        if bomb.seconds_left is 0:
                            self.check_if_dead(monsters, bomberman, grid)
                            self.check_if_block_destroyed(blocks, grid)

                for monster in monsters:
                self.check_if_dead(monsters, bomberman, grid)

            k = self.input_to()

            if k == 'x':
                bombs.append(Bomb(bomberman.row, bomberman.col, grid))

            elif k == 'q':

            elif k in ['w', 'a', 's', 'd', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l']:
                bomberman.move(k, grid)
Пример #4
async def agent_loop(server_address="localhost:8000", agent_name="student"):
    async with websockets.connect(
            f"ws://{server_address}/player") as websocket:

        # receive information about static game properties
        await websocket.send(json.dumps({"cmd": "join", "name": agent_name}))
        msg = await websocket.recv()
        game_properties = json.loads(msg)

        # you can create your own map representation or use the game representation:
        mapa = Map(size=game_properties["size"], mapa=game_properties["map"])

        # init bomberman agent properties
        bomberman = Bomberman()

        logger.debug("STARTING GAME")

        while True:
                while websocket.messages:
                    await websocket.recv()

                logger.debug(f"Websocket messages: {websocket.messages}")

                state = json.loads(
                    await websocket.recv()
                )  # receive game state, this must be called timely or your game will get out of sync with the server

                if "lives" not in state or not state["lives"]:
                    logger.debug("GAME OVER!")

                mapa.walls = state["walls"]

                # update our bomberman state
                bomberman.update_state(state, mapa)

                # choose next move of bomberman
                key = bomberman.next_move()

                if key is None:
                    logger.debug("RANDOM KEY")
                    moves = ["w", "a", "s", "d"]
                    key = random.choice(moves)

                logger.debug(f"P: {bomberman.pos} | K: {key}")

                await websocket.send(
                        "cmd": "key",
                        "key": key
                )  # send key command to server - you must implement this send in the AI agent

            except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK:
                print("Server has cleanly disconnected us")
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, username, levelNum):

        ## Initialize bomberman
        self.bomberman = Bomberman()

        ## String Player's username
        self.username = username

        # Level info

        ## Integer the level's number
        self.levelNum = levelNum
        ## Boolean True if the game has started
        self.isInitialized = False

        ## Nested List of Tile(s) representing the game board
        self.board = []
        ## Queue containing the coords and time left of bombs laid by bomberman
        self.bombQueue = []
        ## Queue containing the coords and time left of flame tiles produced by bomb(s)
        self.flashQueue = []

        ## List coordinates of the powerup tile
        self.powerUpCoord = [0, 0]
        ## List coordinates of the exit tile
        self.exitCoord = [0, 0]
        ## Integer type of powerup
        self.powerUp = 0
        ## Integer number of enemies in the board
        self.numberEnemies = 0
        ## List of all enemies in the board
        self.listEnemies = []
        ## List of Integer all enemies by type, e.g. value at index 0 represents the number of enemies of level 0
        self.listTypeEnemies = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        # Status bar info

        ## Integer time left in the game
        self.timeLeft = 200
        ## Boolean True if time has elapsed
        self.timeDone = False
        ## Integer player's score
        self.score = 0
Пример #6
    return c
qflag = 0
level = 1
while level <= 3:
    t = Terminal()
    bx = 0
    by = 0
    planted = False
    SCORE = 0
    flag = 0
    arr = [[' ' for i in range(76)] for y in range(38)]
    wall1 = Wall()
    arr = wall1.buildwall(arr)     # populate the array with the wall.
    bricks = Brick(t.cyan('/'))
    arr = bricks.place(arr)       # populate the array with the bricks.
    bomber = Bomberman(t.green('B'))
    num = randint(3*level, 4*level)
    enarr = []
    var = False
    for i in range(num):
        enarr.append(Enemy(t.red('E')))         # enarr is populated with all the enemies.
    arr = bomber.spawn(arr)             # bomberman is spawned.
    for i in range(0, num):
        arr = enarr[i].randspawn(arr)           # all the enemies are randomly spawned.
    if level == 1:
        lives = 3
    print t.blue('SCORE :- '), SCORE, t.blue('LIVES :- '), lives, t.blue('LEVEL :- '), level, t.yellow('\t\tBOMBERMAN\n')
    for i in range(38):
        print ''.join(arr[i])
    while lives:        # loop terminates when user has no lives left.
        flag = 0
Пример #7
class Level(object):

    ## Constructor of a level which takes a username and a level as argument
    def __init__(self, username, levelNum):

        ## Initialize bomberman
        self.bomberman = Bomberman()

        ## String Player's username
        self.username = username

        # Level info

        ## Integer the level's number
        self.levelNum = levelNum
        ## Boolean True if the game has started
        self.isInitialized = False

        ## Nested List of Tile(s) representing the game board
        self.board = []
        ## Queue containing the coords and time left of bombs laid by bomberman
        self.bombQueue = []
        ## Queue containing the coords and time left of flame tiles produced by bomb(s)
        self.flashQueue = []

        ## List coordinates of the powerup tile
        self.powerUpCoord = [0, 0]
        ## List coordinates of the exit tile
        self.exitCoord = [0, 0]
        ## Integer type of powerup
        self.powerUp = 0
        ## Integer number of enemies in the board
        self.numberEnemies = 0
        ## List of all enemies in the board
        self.listEnemies = []
        ## List of Integer all enemies by type, e.g. value at index 0 represents the number of enemies of level 0
        self.listTypeEnemies = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        # Status bar info

        ## Integer time left in the game
        self.timeLeft = 200
        ## Boolean True if time has elapsed
        self.timeDone = False
        ## Integer player's score
        self.score = 0

    ## Reinitialize all of level's variables and bomberman's variable to start new level
    def setNewLevel(self):


        self.timeLeft = 200

        self.board = []
        self.bombQueue = []
        self.flashQueue = []

        self.powerUpCoord = [0, 0]
        self.exitCoord = [0, 0]
        self.powerUp = 0
        self.numberEnemies = 0
        self.listEnemies = []
        self.listTypeEnemies = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]



    ## This method activates the current level's powerup and add attribute to bomberman
    def gainPowerUp(self):
        if(self.powerUp == 1):
            self.bomberman.numBombs += 1
        if(self.powerUp == 2):
            self.bomberman.rangeOfBombs += 1
        if(self.powerUp == 3):
            self.bomberman.speed = 400
        if(self.powerUp == 4):
            self.bomberman.wallPass = True
        if(self.powerUp == 5):
            self.bomberman.hasDetonator = True
        if(self.powerUp == 6):
            self.bomberman.bombPass = True
        if(self.powerUp == 7):
            self.bomberman.flamePass = True
        if(self.powerUp == 8):
            self.bomberman.invincible = True

    ## This method returns the tile at x and y from the board
    def tileAt(self, x, y):
        return self.board[y][x].peek()

    ## This method sets tile at x and y on the board
    def setTileAt(self, x, y, tile):

    ## This method removes the tile at x and y from the board
    def popTileAt(self, x, y):

    ## This method lays a bomb at bomberman's current position
    def setBomb(self):
        self.bombQueue.append((self.bomberman.curX, self.bomberman.curY, constant.TIME_BOMB))
        tempTile = self.tileAt(self.bomberman.curX, self.bomberman.curY)
        self.popTileAt(self.bomberman.curX, self.bomberman.curY)
        self.setTileAt(self.bomberman.curX, self.bomberman.curY, Tile.Bomb)
        self.setTileAt(self.bomberman.curX, self.bomberman.curY, tempTile)


    ## This method clears all tiles on the board
    def clearBoard(self):
        self.board = [[Tile() for x in range(constant.BOARD_WIDTH)] for y in range(constant.BOARD_HEIGHT)]

    ## This method clears all bombs from the bomb queue
    def clearBombs(self):
        self.bombQueue = []

    ## This method sets concrete tiles systematically on the board
    def setConcrete(self):
        for y in range(constant.BOARD_HEIGHT):
            for x in range(constant.BOARD_WIDTH):
                if x == 0 or x == 30 or y == 0 or y == 12:
                elif x % 2 == 0 and y % 2 == 0:

    ## This method sets an exit tile randomly on the board and set a brick on top of it
    def setExit(self):
        while True:
            tempX = random.randint(1, constant.BOARD_WIDTH) - 1
            tempY = random.randint(1, constant.BOARD_HEIGHT) - 1

            if (self.tileAt(tempX, tempY) == Tile.Empty and not (tempX == 1 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2) and not (tempX == 1 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 3) and not (tempX == 2 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2)):
                self.setTileAt(tempX, tempY, Tile.Exit)
                self.setTileAt(tempX, tempY, Tile.Brick)
                self.exitCoord[0] = tempX
                self.exitCoord[1] = tempY

    ## This method fetches a the list of enemies and powerup matching the current level number
    def setLevelInfo(self):
        self.listTypeEnemies, self.powerUp = Enemy.getEnemyListAndPowerUp(self.levelNum)

    ## This method sets a powerup tile randomly on the board and set a brick on top of it
    def setPowerup(self):
        while True:
            tempX = random.randint(1, constant.BOARD_WIDTH) - 1
            tempY = random.randint(1, constant.BOARD_HEIGHT) - 1

            if (self.tileAt(tempX, tempY) == Tile.Empty and not (tempX == 1 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2) and not (tempX == 1 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 3) and not (tempX == 2 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2)):
                self.setTileAt(tempX, tempY, Tile.Powerup)
                self.setTileAt(tempX, tempY, Tile.Brick)
                self.powerUpCoord[0] = tempX
                self.powerUpCoord[1] = tempY

    ## This method sets brick tiles randomly on the board
    def setBrick(self):
        for y in range(constant.BOARD_HEIGHT):
            for x in range (constant.BOARD_WIDTH):
                if (self.tileAt(x, y) == Tile.Empty and not (x == 1 and y == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2) and not (x == 1 and y == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 3) and not (x == 2 and y == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2)):
                    if (random.random() <= constant.PERCENT_BRICK):
                        self.setTileAt(x, y, Tile.Brick)

    ## This method sets bomberman at x and y on the board
    def setBomberman(self):

    ## This method sets enemies randomly on the map
    def setEnemies(self):
        # print self.listTypeEnemies
        for i in range(8):
            for j in range(self.listTypeEnemies[i]):
                while True:
                    tempX = random.randint(1, constant.BOARD_WIDTH) - 1
                    tempY = random.randint(1, constant.BOARD_HEIGHT) - 1

                    if (self.tileAt(tempX, tempY) == Tile.Empty and not (tempX == 1 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2) and not (tempX == 1 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 3) and not (tempX == 2 and tempY == constant.BOARD_HEIGHT - 2)):
                        self.setTileAt(tempX, tempY, i + 8)
                        tempList = [tempX, tempY, random.randint(0, 3), i + 8]
                        self.numberEnemies += 1

    ## This method clears all enemies on the map and in the list of enemies and list of enemies type
    def clearEnemies(self):
        for enemy in self.listEnemies:
        self.numberEnemies = 0
        self.listEnemies = []
        self.listTypeEnemies = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    ## This method sets 8 mega enemies everywhere, used when bomb detonates an exit tile or powerup tile
    def setChaos(self):
        highestIndex = 0
        for x in xrange(len(self.listTypeEnemies)):
            if self.listTypeEnemies[x] != 0:
                highestIndex = x
        if highestIndex != 7:
            highestIndex += 1

        self.listTypeEnemies[highestIndex] = 8


    ## This method sets 8 maximum level enemies everywhere
    def setSuperChaos(self):


        self.listTypeEnemies[7] = 8

Пример #8
import time
import os
import random
import signal
from board import Board
from brick import Brick
from bomberman import Bomberman
from getchunix import GetchUnix
from enemy import Enemy
from bomb import Bomb
from alarmexception import AlarmException
EMB = Board(42, 84, 2, 4)         # creates object b od class Board
BNE = EMB.createboard()
BNE = EMB.buildrigidboard(BNE)        # Builds borders of board with walls
BNE = EMB.buildmiddlewalls(BNE)       # symmetric spaces of board with walls
B = Bomberman(2, 4, 3, 0)     # bom is our object bomberman
BNE = B.generatebomberman(BNE)
C = Brick(30, 2, 4, 42, 84)
BNE = C.generatebricks(BNE)         # Creates bricks(breakable) randomly on board
EMB.enemies = [0] * 6             # Creates list of enemies
G = GetchUnix()

def alarmhandler(signum, frame):
    """ this method controls time and char relation """
    signum = signum
    frame = frame
    raise AlarmException

def input_to(timeout=1):  # time after which enemies move automatically
Пример #9
max_lifes = 2
TotalScore = 0
max_enemies = 6
brickslimit = 40


while Level <= 3:

    # DECLARATIONS for each level

    a = Board(42, 84, brickslimit, 2, 4)
    b = a.CreateEmptyBoard()
    b = a.PopulateBoardWithWalls(b)
    b = a.PopulateBoardWithBricks(b)
    man = Bomberman(2, 4, 1)
    b = man.PopulateGridWithPerson(b)
    b = a.PopulateBoardWithEnemies(b, max_enemies)
    enemies = len(a.enemies)
    count = 0
    detonation = 0  # Used as a detonator for the bomb
    Active = 0  # Indicates whether the bomb is active or not
    move_type = 0  # Indicates the type of move
    score = 0  # Indicates the score of each level
    flag = 0
    Resetflag = 0  # Used to call ResetGame function
    NextInput = time.time() + 1
    ''' This is a flag used to allow Synchronous motion of the enemies and bomb
    Synchronous = 0
Пример #10

BOX = []

while LEVEL <= 3:

    BOARD = Board(42, 84, BRICKSLIMIT)
    GRID = BOARD.create_empty_board()
    GRID = BOARD.populate_board_with_walls(GRID)
    GRID = BOARD.populate_board_with_bricks(GRID)
    MAN = Bomberman(2, 4)
    GRID = MAN.populate_grid_with_person(GRID)
    GRID = BOARD.populate_board_with_enemies(GRID, MAX_ENEMIES)
    ENEMIES = len(BOARD.enemies)
    COUNT = 0
    ACTIVE = 0
    MOVE_TYPE = 0
    SCORE = 0
    FLAG = 0
    NEXTINPUT = time.time() + 1
        This is a FLAG used to allow SYNCHRONOUS motion of the enemies and bomb
Пример #11
                           ['X'] * 3)
        final_array.append(['X'] + ([' '] * 4 + ['X'] * 4) * 9 + [' '] * 4 +
                           ['X'] * 3)
    final_array.append(['X'] * 80)
    final_array.append(['X'] * 80)
    return final_array

def printer(final_array):
    for arr in final_array:

a = empty()
player = Bomberman()
e1 = Enemy()
e2 = Enemy()
e3 = Enemy()
print("Press z to start the game")
new = getch()
count = 0
while new != 'q':

    if player.check_wall(new, a):
Пример #12
''' The run file
# Instances of classes created here
# for running the application.'''

import os
from bomberman import Bomberman
from manage import Manage

# TEST is an object of Bomberman
TEST = Bomberman()

# TEST1 is an object of Manage
TEST1 = Manage()

# the initial Welcome Print.
print("Welcome, to this rendition of Bomberman!")
print("Press 'Enter' to start playing.")
TAKENINPUT = input()

# This generates bricks on the board
# This generates enemies on the board
# This generates the bomberman

i = 0
while True:
    os.system("tput reset")
Пример #13
def input_to(timeout=1):  # Input function
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmHandler)
        text = getch()
        return text
    except AlarmException:
        print("Your Score is %d" % score)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
    return ''

player = Bomberman()  # different objects being created
b = Board()
e = Enemy()
u = Bomb()
s = Bricks()
e.generate_enemies(disp, 10)  # enemies being generated
for i in range(
):  # if you want more enemies just change the number 10 in this and above line
    e.change(i, disp)
s.generate_bricks(disp)  # brikcs being generated
planted = 0  # different variables for various purposes
count = 0
Пример #14
from bomb import bomb
from getch import getch
from bricks import bricks
from enemy import enemy
import os
import time
import glob
import random
from walls import walls
from termcolor import colored

#from __future__ import print_function
import signal,copy,sys,time


# These three functions to handle the cases when user doesn't input anything
class AlarmException(Exception):

def alarmHandler(signum, frame):
    raise AlarmException

def input_to(timeout=1):
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmHandler)
Пример #15
 def ResetGame(grid, man):
     man = Bomberman(2, 4, 1)
     grid = man.PopulateGridWithPerson(grid)
     return [grid, man]
Пример #16
 def place_man(self):
     b2 = Bomberman(2, 4)
     b2 = b2.create_man(self.Board)
     return b2
Пример #17
    def movement(self, direction, x_cor, y_cor, index, type_c):
        if direction == 'a':
            if self.Board[x_cor][y_cor -
                                 4] == '#' or self.Board[x_cor][y_cor -
                                                                4] == '%':
                return self.Board
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                y_cor = y_cor - 4
                if type_c == 1:
                    b2 = Bomberman(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b21 = b2.create_man(self.Board)
                    self.x_v = x_cor
                    self.y_v = y_cor
                    self.x_b = x_cor
                    self.y_b = y_cor
                    return b21
                elif type_c == 2:
                    b3 = Enemy(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b3 = b3.create_enemy(self.Board)
                    self.enemy_array[index] = x_cor
                    self.enemy_array1[index] = y_cor
                    return b3

        elif direction == 'd':
            if self.Board[x_cor][y_cor +
                                 4] == '#' or self.Board[x_cor][y_cor +
                                                                4] == '%':
                return self.Board
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                y_cor = y_cor + 4
                if type_c == 1:
                    b2 = Bomberman(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b21 = b2.create_man(self.Board)
                    self.x_v = x_cor
                    self.y_v = y_cor
                    self.x_b = x_cor
                    self.y_b = y_cor
                    return b21
                elif type_c == 2:
                    b3 = Enemy(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b3 = b3.create_enemy(self.Board)
                    self.enemy_array[index] = x_cor
                    self.enemy_array1[index] = y_cor
                    return b3

        elif direction == 's':
            if self.Board[x_cor +
                          2][y_cor] == '#' or self.Board[x_cor +
                                                         2][y_cor] == '%':
                return self.Board
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                x_cor = x_cor + 2
                if type_c == 1:
                    b2 = Bomberman(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b21 = b2.create_man(self.Board)
                    self.x_v = x_cor
                    self.y_v = y_cor
                    self.x_b = x_cor
                    self.y_b = y_cor
                    return b21
                elif type_c == 2:
                    b3 = Enemy(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b3 = b3.create_enemy(self.Board)
                    self.enemy_array[index] = x_cor
                    self.enemy_array1[index] = y_cor
                    return b3

        elif direction == 'w':
            if self.Board[x_cor -
                          2][y_cor] == '#' or self.Board[x_cor -
                                                         2][y_cor] == '%':
                return self.Board
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 1] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 2] = ' '
                self.Board[x_cor + 1][y_cor + 3] = ' '
                x_cor = x_cor - 2
                if type_c == 1:
                    b2 = Bomberman(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b21 = b2.create_man(self.Board)
                    #	b2.set_x_cor(x_cor)
                    #	b2.set_y_cor(y_cor)
                    self.x_v = x_cor
                    self.y_v = y_cor
                    self.x_b = x_cor
                    self.y_b = y_cor
                    return b21
                elif type_c == 2:
                    b3 = Enemy(x_cor, y_cor)
                    b3 = b3.create_enemy(self.Board)
                    self.enemy_array1[index] = y_cor
                    self.enemy_array[index] = x_cor
                    return b3
Пример #18
import numpy
from getch import get_char
import random
import time
from board import Board
from person import Person
from enemy import Enemy
from bomberman import Bomberman
from wall import Wall
from brick import Brick
from bomb import Bomb

board = Board(38, 76, 0.1)
bomberman = Bomberman(2, 4, 2, 4, 3, 0)
emptySpace = numpy.asarray([[' '] * 4] * 2)
wall = Wall(2, 4)
fps = board.fps

board.initialise(bomberman, wall)

def render():
    playerInput = "none"
    playerInput = get_char()

    # player input #
    if playerInput in ("W", "w"):
        bomberman.moveUp(board.gameBoard, emptySpace)
    elif playerInput in ("D", "d"):
        bomberman.moveRight(board.gameBoard, emptySpace)