Пример #1
 def _read_bond(self, bo):
     b = bond(self.paper)
     b.order = gtml_to_bkchem_bond_order_remap.index(
         dom_ext.getAllTextFromElement(xpath.Evaluate("bond", bo)[0]))
     ids = [i.nodeValue for i in xpath.Evaluate("end/@idref", bo)]
     b.atoms = [self._atom_id_remap[i] for i in ids]
     return b
Пример #2
 def add_atom_to( self, a1, bond_to_use=None, pos=None):
   """adds new atom bound to atom id with bond, the position of new atom can be specified in pos or is
   decided calling find_place(), if x, y is specified and matches already existing atom it will be
   used instead of creating new one """
   if pos != None:
     x, y = pos
     if bond_to_use:
       x, y = self.find_place( a1, Screen.any_to_px( self.paper.standard.bond_length), added_order=bond_to_use.order)
       x, y = self.find_place( a1, Screen.any_to_px( self.paper.standard.bond_length))
   a2 = None # the new atom
   if pos:
     # try if the coordinates are the same as of another atom
     for at in self.atoms:
       if abs( at.x - x) < 2 and abs( at.y - y) < 2 and not at == a1:
         a2 = at
   if not a2:
     a2 = self.create_new_atom( x, y)
   b = bond_to_use or bond( self.paper.standard, order=1, type='n')
   self.add_edge( a1, a2, e=b)
   b.molecule = self
   return a2, b
Пример #3
 def add_atom_to(self, a1, bond_to_use=None, pos=None):
     """adds new atom bound to atom id with bond, the position of new atom can be specified in pos or is
 decided calling find_place(), if x, y is specified and matches already existing atom it will be
 used instead of creating new one """
     if pos != None:
         x, y = pos
         if bond_to_use:
             x, y = self.find_place(a1,
             x, y = self.find_place(
                 a1, Screen.any_to_px(self.paper.standard.bond_length))
     a2 = None  # the new atom
     if pos:
         # try if the coordinates are the same as of another atom
         for at in self.atoms:
             if abs(at.x - x) < 2 and abs(at.y - y) < 2 and not at == a1:
                 a2 = at
     if not a2:
         a2 = self.create_new_atom(x, y)
     b = bond_to_use or bond(self.paper.standard, order=1, type='n')
     self.add_edge(a1, a2, e=b)
     b.molecule = self
     return a2, b
Пример #4
    def read_package(self, package):
        """reads the dom element package and sets internal state according to it"""
        # the standard
        std = self.paper and self.paper.standard or None

        self.name = package.getAttribute('name')
        if package.getAttribute('id'):
            self.id = package.getAttribute('id')
        for name, cls in {
                'atom': atom,
                'group': group,
                'text': textatom,
                'query': queryatom
            for a in dom_extensions.simpleXPathSearch(package, name):
                self.insert_atom(cls(standard=std, package=a, molecule=self))

        self._id_map = [a.id for a in self.atoms]
        for b in dom_extensions.simpleXPathSearch(package, 'bond'):
            bnd = bond(standard=std, package=b, molecule=self)
            self.add_edge(bnd.atom1, bnd.atom2, bnd)
        # template related attributes
        temp = package.getElementsByTagName('template')
        if temp:
            temp = temp[0]
            self.t_atom = Store.id_manager.get_object_with_id(
            if temp.getAttribute('bond_first') and temp.getAttribute(
                self.t_bond_first = Store.id_manager.get_object_with_id(
                self.t_bond_second = Store.id_manager.get_object_with_id(
            self.next_to_t_atom = self.t_atom.neighbors[0]
        # display form
        df = package.getElementsByTagName('display-form')
        if df:
            df = df[0]
            self.display_form = ''.join([e.toxml() for e in df.childNodes

        # fragments
        for fel in dom_extensions.simpleXPathSearch(package, "fragment"):
            f = fragment()
            except bkchem_exceptions.bkchem_fragment_error:

        ud = dom_extensions.getChildrenNamed(package, "user-data")
        if ud:
            self.user_data = [u.cloneNode(True) for u in ud]

        # final check of atoms valecies
            a.raise_valency_to_senseful_value() for a in self.vertices
            if isinstance(a, atom)
Пример #5
    def linkMutate(self):
        inNode = None
        outNode = None

        itrCount = 0  # make sure the while loop ends if no more connections can be made
        while (inNode is None
               or outNode is None) and itrCount <= len(self.nodes)**2:
            node1 = random.choice(self.nodes)
            node2 = random.choice(self.nodes)
            itrCount += 1
            if node1.id != node2.id and self.compatibleNodes(node1,
                                                             node2) == True:
                if node2.type == "i" or node1.type == "o":
                    inNode = node2
                    outNode = node1
                    inNode = node1
                    outNode = node2

        if inNode is not None:
            b = bond()
            b.init(inNode, outNode, random.uniform(-2, 2), True)
            b = self.createBondFromInnovation(b, False)

            # check that no loop exists
            if self.bondCreatesLoop([b.inNode.id], b.inNode, b.outNode):
                tempNode = b.inNode
                b.inNode = b.outNode
                b.outNode = tempNode
            # self.printBond(b)
            # increment inputs for out node
            b.outNode.inputs += 1
            print("***Could not complete link mutation***")
Пример #6
def read_cdml(text):
    """returns the last molecule for now"""
    doc = dom.parseString(text)
    #if doc.childNodes()[0].nodeName == 'svg':
    #  path = "/svg/cdml/molecule"
    #  path = "/cdml/molecule"
    path = "//molecule"
    do_not_continue_this_mol = 0
    for mol_el in dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch(doc, path):
        atom_id_remap = {}
        mol = molecule()
        groups = []
        for atom_el in dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch(mol_el, "atom"):
            name = atom_el.getAttribute('name')
            if not name:
                #print "this molecule has an invalid symbol"
                do_not_continue_this_mol = 1
            pos = dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch(atom_el, 'point')[0]
            x = cm_to_float_coord(pos.getAttribute('x'))
            y = cm_to_float_coord(pos.getAttribute('y'))
            z = cm_to_float_coord(pos.getAttribute('z'))
            if name in PT:
                # its really an atom
                a = atom(symbol=name,
                         and int(atom_el.getAttribute('charge')) or 0,
                         coords=(x, y, z))
            elif name in cdml_to_smiles:
                # its a known group
                group = smiles.text_to_mol(cdml_to_smiles[name], calc_coords=0)
                a = group.vertices[0]
                a.x = x
                a.y = y
                a.z = z
            atom_id_remap[atom_el.getAttribute('id')] = a
        if do_not_continue_this_mol:

        for bond_el in dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch(mol_el, "bond"):
            type = bond_el.getAttribute('type')
            if type[1] == u'0':
                # we ignore bonds with order 0
            v1 = atom_id_remap[bond_el.getAttribute('start')]
            v2 = atom_id_remap[bond_el.getAttribute('end')]
            e = bond(order=int(type[1]), type=type[0])
            mol.add_edge(v1, v2, e=e)

        if mol.is_connected():
            # this is here to handle diborane and similar weird things
            yield mol
            for comp in mol.get_disconnected_subgraphs():
                yield comp
Пример #7
def read_cdml( text):
  """returns the last molecule for now"""
  doc = dom.parseString( text)
  #if doc.childNodes()[0].nodeName == 'svg':
  #  path = "/svg/cdml/molecule"
  #  path = "/cdml/molecule"
  path = "//molecule"
  do_not_continue_this_mol = 0
  for mol_el in dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch( doc, path):
    atom_id_remap = {}
    mol = molecule()
    groups = []
    for atom_el in dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch( mol_el, "atom"):
      name = atom_el.getAttribute( 'name')
      if not name:
        #print "this molecule has an invalid symbol"
        do_not_continue_this_mol = 1
      pos = dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch( atom_el, 'point')[0]
      x = cm_to_float_coord( pos.getAttribute('x'))
      y = cm_to_float_coord( pos.getAttribute('y'))
      z = cm_to_float_coord( pos.getAttribute('z'))
      if name in PT:
        # its really an atom 
        a = atom( symbol=name,
                  charge=atom_el.getAttribute( 'charge') and int( atom_el.getAttribute( 'charge')) or 0,
                  coords=( x, y, z))
        mol.add_vertex( v=a)
      elif name in cdml_to_smiles:
        # its a known group
        group = smiles.text_to_mol( cdml_to_smiles[ name], calc_coords=0)
        a = group.vertices[0]
        a.x = x
        a.y = y
        a.z = z
        mol.insert_a_graph( group) 
      atom_id_remap[ atom_el.getAttribute( 'id')] = a
    if do_not_continue_this_mol:

    for bond_el in dom_ext.simpleXPathSearch( mol_el, "bond"):
      type = bond_el.getAttribute( 'type')
      if type[1] == u'0':
        # we ignore bonds with order 0
      v1 = atom_id_remap[ bond_el.getAttribute( 'start')]
      v2 = atom_id_remap[ bond_el.getAttribute( 'end')]
      e = bond( order=int( type[1]), type=type[0])
      mol.add_edge( v1, v2, e=e)

    if mol.is_connected():
      # this is here to handle diborane and similar weird things
      yield mol
      for comp in mol.get_disconnected_subgraphs():
        yield comp
Пример #8
    def edges_to_bonds(self, edges, covalances):
        """ Converts list of edges into bong objects
		:param edges: list of pairs of nodes names
		:param covalances: list of covalance values for each link
		:type edge: List
		:type covalence: List
        for i, edge in enumerate(edges):
            key = self.edge_to_key(edge)
            self.edges[key] = bond.bond(covalances[i])
Пример #9
def bond_request_thread(country, results, position):
    bonds_in_country = investpy.bonds.get_bonds(country)["name"]
    bonds_list = []

    for bond_name in bonds_in_country:
        bond_data = investpy.bonds.get_bond_information(bond_name)
        #print(bond_data["Maturity Date"][0])
        if bond_data["Maturity Date"][0] is not None and bond_data["Price"][0] is not None and datetime.strptime(bond_data["Maturity Date"][0], '%d/%m/%Y').date() > date.today():
            if 50 < bond_data["Price"][0] and bond_data["Price"][0] < 150:
                bonds_list.append(bond(bond_data["Price"][0], bond_data["Maturity Date"][0], bond_data["Coupon"][0]))

    results[position] = bonds_list
Пример #10
    def nodeMutate(self):
        # choose a random ENABLED bond and disable it
        b = None
        itrCount = 0
        while (b == None) and itrCount <= len(self.nodes)**2:
            itrCount += 1
            b = random.choice(self.bonds)
            if b.enabled == False:
                b = None

        if b == None:

        b.enabled = False
        inNode = b.inNode
        outNode = b.outNode

        # create middle node
        middleNode = node()
        middleNode.init(0, self.idCount, "h")
        self.idCount += 1
        middleNode.inputs = 1

        # create bond from inNode to middleNode
        b1 = bond()
        b1.init(inNode, middleNode, 1, True)
        b1 = self.createBondFromInnovation(b1, True)
        middleNode = b1.outNode

        # create bond from middleNode to outNode
        b2 = bond()
        b2.init(middleNode, outNode, b.weight, True)
        b2 = self.createBondFromInnovation(b2, False)
Пример #11
 def add_if_not_when_issued_or_dup(self, security):
     Add securities that satisfy specs to self.value, self.list_CUSIPs.
     if len(security["interestRate"]) > 0 and not (security["cusip"]
                                                   in self.list_CUSIPs):
         ust_mat_date = self.get_maturity_date(security)
         time_to_maturity = (ust_mat_date - date.today()).days / 365.25
         time_to_maturity = str('%.2f' % time_to_maturity)
         price = self.get_bond_prices(security['cusip'])
         new_bond = bond.bond(ust_mat_date, self.settle_date,
                              float(security['interestRate']) / 100, 2)
         self.value.append({'mat_date': ''.join([security["maturityDate"][0:10]]), 'int_rate': round(float(security["interestRate"]), 3), \
              'cpns_per_yr': 2, 'ttm': time_to_maturity, 'cusip': security["cusip"], 'issue_date': security['issueDate'][0:10], \
              'yield': new_bond.bond_yield(price), 'price': price})
Пример #12
  def read_package( self, package):
    """reads the dom element package and sets internal state according to it"""
    # the standard
    std = self.paper and self.paper.standard or None

    self.name = package.getAttribute( 'name')
    if package.getAttribute( 'id'):
      self.id = package.getAttribute( 'id')
    for name, cls in {'atom': atom, 'group': group, 'text': textatom, 'query': queryatom}.items():
      for a in dom_extensions.simpleXPathSearch( package, name):
        self.insert_atom( cls( standard=std, package=a, molecule=self))

    self._id_map = [a.id for a in self.atoms]
    for b in dom_extensions.simpleXPathSearch( package, 'bond'):
      bnd = bond( standard=std, package=b, molecule=self)
      self.add_edge( bnd.atom1, bnd.atom2, bnd)
    # template related attributes
    temp = package.getElementsByTagName('template')
    if temp:
      temp = temp[0]
      self.t_atom = Store.id_manager.get_object_with_id( temp.getAttribute( 'atom'))
      if temp.getAttribute('bond_first') and temp.getAttribute('bond_second'):
        self.t_bond_first = Store.id_manager.get_object_with_id( temp.getAttribute( 'bond_first'))
        self.t_bond_second = Store.id_manager.get_object_with_id( temp.getAttribute( 'bond_second'))
      self.next_to_t_atom = self.t_atom.neighbors[0]
    # display form
    df = package.getElementsByTagName('display-form')
    if df:
      df = df[0]
      self.display_form = ''.join( [e.toxml('utf-8') for e in df.childNodes])

    # fragments
    for fel in dom_extensions.simpleXPathSearch( package, "fragment"):
      f = fragment()
        f.read_package( fel)
      except bkchem_exceptions.bkchem_fragment_error:
        self.fragments.add( f)

    ud = dom_extensions.getChildrenNamed( package, "user-data")
    if ud:
      self.user_data = [u.cloneNode( True) for u in ud]

    # final check of atoms valecies
    [a.raise_valency_to_senseful_value() for a in self.vertices if isinstance( a, atom)]
Пример #13
    def init(self, inputs, outputs, rdm, innovations):
        # Create Input and Output nodes
        self.createNodeGroup(inputs, 'i')
        self.createNodeGroup(outputs, 'o')
        self.storedInnovations = innovations

        if rdm == False:

        # Randomly make bonds from inputs to outputs or to hidden nodes
        while (len(self.bonds) == 0):
            for n in self.inputNodes:
                if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
                    output = random.choice(self.outputNodes)
                    if not self.doesBondExist(n, output):
                        output.inputs += 1
                        b = bond()
                        b.init(n, output, random.uniform(-1, 1), True)
                        b = self.createBondFromInnovation(b, False)

        return self.storedInnovations
Пример #14
 def pybel_to_oasa_bond(self, pbond):
     obond = bond()
     obond.order = pbond.GetBondOrder()
     return obond
Пример #15
def main():
    settle_date = date(2018, 7, 5)
    b1 = bond.bond(date(2020, 6, 30), settle_date, 0.025, 2)
    return b1.bond_yield()
Пример #16
 def create_edge(self):
     std = self.paper and self.paper.standard or Store.app.paper.standard
     return bond(standard=std)
Пример #17
def oasa_bond_to_bkchem_bond(b, paper):
    bo = bond.bond(standard=paper.standard)
    bo.type = b.type
    bo.order = b.order
    return bo
Пример #18
 def test_yield(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 5)
     b1 = bond.bond(date(2020, 6, 30), settle_date, 0.025, 2)
     self.assertEqual(b1.bond_yield(99.914), 2.545)
Пример #19
 def create_edge(self):
     return bond()
Пример #20
 def create_edge( self):
   return bond()
Пример #21
def oasa_bond_to_bkchem_bond( b, paper):
  bo = bond.bond( standard=paper.standard)
  bo.type = b.type
  bo.order = b.order
  return bo
Пример #22
 def _read_bond(self, bo):
     b = bond(self.paper)
     b.order = gtml_to_bkchem_bond_order_remap.index(dom_ext.getAllTextFromElement(xpath.Evaluate("bond", bo)[0]))
     ids = [i.nodeValue for i in xpath.Evaluate("end/@idref", bo)]
     b.atoms = [self._atom_id_remap[i] for i in ids]
     return b
Пример #23
 def pybel_to_oasa_bond( self, pbond):
   obond = bond()
   obond.order = pbond.GetBondOrder()
   return obond
Пример #24
 def create_edge( self):
   std = self.paper and self.paper.standard or Store.app.paper.standard
   return bond( standard=std)