def get_graph(*, _limit=(), _print=()): return bonobo.Graph( bonobo.FileReader('datasets/passwd.txt'), skip_comments, *_limit, lambda s: s.split(':')[0], *_print, bonobo.FileWriter('usernames.txt', fs='fs.output'), )
def get_graph(*, _limit=(), _print=()): return bonobo.Graph( bonobo.FileReader("passwd.txt", fs="fs.static"), skip_comments, *_limit, lambda s: s.split(":")[0], *_print, bonobo.FileWriter("usernames.txt", fs="fs.output"), )
""" Extracts a list of parisian bars where you can buy a coffee for a reasonable price, and store them in a flat text file. .. graphviz:: digraph { rankdir = LR; stylesheet = "../_static/graphs.css"; BEGIN [shape="point"]; BEGIN -> "ODS()" -> "transform" -> "FileWriter()"; } """ import bonobo from import get_default_services from bonobo.ext.opendatasoft import OpenDataSoftAPI filename = 'coffeeshops.txt' graph = bonobo.Graph( OpenDataSoftAPI(dataset='liste-des-cafes-a-un-euro', netloc=''), lambda row: '{nom_du_cafe}, {adresse}, {arrondissement} Paris, France'.format(**row), bonobo.FileWriter(path=filename), ) if __name__ == '__main__':, services=get_default_services(__file__))
from os.path import dirname, realpath, join import bonobo from bonobo.ext.opendatasoft import OpenDataSoftAPI OUTPUT_FILENAME = realpath(join(dirname(__file__), 'coffeeshops.txt')) graph = bonobo.Graph( OpenDataSoftAPI(dataset='liste-des-cafes-a-un-euro', netloc=''), lambda row: '{nom_du_cafe}, {adresse}, {arrondissement} Paris, France'.format(**row), bonobo.FileWriter(path=OUTPUT_FILENAME), ) if __name__ == '__main__': print('Import done, read {} for results.'.format(OUTPUT_FILENAME))