class Snv(Model): # required fields patient_id = fields.Integer(required=True) assembly = fields.Field( choices=[x.value for x in Assembly.__members__.values()], required=True) chr = fields.Field(choices=["X", "Y", "MT"] + [str(x) for x in range(1, 23)], required=True) start = fields.Integer(required=True) ref_allele = fields.String(required=True) alt_allele = fields.String(required=True) genotype = fields.Field( choices=[x.value for x in Genotype.__members__.values()], required=True) # optional fields user_transcript = fields.String() user_gene = fields.String() intergenic = fields.Boolean(default=False) inheritance = fields.Field( choices=[x.value for x in Inheritance.__members__.values()], default=Inheritance.unknown.value) pathogenicity = fields.Field( choices=[x.value for x in ClinicalSignificance.__members__.values() ].append(None)) contribution = fields.Field( choices=[x.value for x in Penetrance.__members__.values()].append(None)) shared = fields.String()
class CollectionShort(Model): title = fields.String() doi = fields.String() url = fields.String() id = fields.Integer() published_date = Date()
class ChannelNews(OpentopicModel): """ Represent single `ChannelNews` object. :param pk: channel news id :param news_index: unique news index value :param title: title of the news, it's title that news was published with :param description: description (body) of the news, it's description that news was published with :param extra_message: extra_message of the news, TODO: ? what is that ? :param url: url of the news, depends on publication options might be original url or blog url if news was already published to blog platform (wordpress), also depends on options might be short or long version :param is_published: bool value describing if news is already published (with success) :param is_scheduled: bool value describing if news is scheduled to be publish """ pk = fields.Integer() news_index = fields.String() title = fields.String() description = fields.String() extra_message = fields.String() url = fields.String() is_published = fields.Boolean() is_scheduled = fields.Boolean() parser = parse_channelnews def __str__(self): return self.title
class ArticleShort(Model): id = fields.Integer(required=True) title = fields.String(required=True) doi = fields.String(required=True) url = fields.String(required=True) published_date = Date(required=True)
class Author(Model): id = fields.Integer(required=True) full_name = fields.String(required=True) is_active = fields.Boolean() url_name = fields.String() orcid_id = fields.String()
class ArticleFileUploadStatus(Model): token = fields.String() md5 = fields.String() size = fields.Integer() name = fields.String() status = fields.String() parts = fields.Collection(ArticleFileUploadPart)
class Website(Model): type = fields.String() web_service = fields.String( name='webService', choices= 'URL SKYPE TWITTER FACEBOOK LINKED_IN XING FEED GOOGLE_PLUS FLICKR GITHUB YOUTUBE' .split()) web_address = fields.String(name='webAddress')
class Repo(Model): id = fields.Integer() name = fields.String() owner = fields.String() is_private = fields.Boolean() def parse(self, body, headers): return parse_repo(json.loads(body)) def __repr__(self): return 'Repo({}/{})'.format(self.owner,
class ArticleCreate(Model): title = fields.String(required=True) description = fields.String() tags = fields.Collection(fields.String) references = fields.Collection(fields.String) categories = fields.Collection(fields.Integer) authors = fields.Collection(AuthorCreate) custom_fields = fields.Field() defined_type = DefinedType() funding = fields.String() license = fields.Integer()
class Track(Model): """ Model for a track from the Hypem API. Example track json data as returned by a Hypem API call to { itemid: "2cr8m", artist: "Axwell/\Ingrosso", title: "Sun Is Shining (M-22 Remix)", dateposted: 1439439109, siteid: 14143, sitename: "POP ON AND ON", posturl: "", postid: 2739879, loved_count: 491, posted_count: 2, thumb_url: "", thumb_url_medium: "", thumb_url_large: "", time: 364, description: "Axwell /\ Ingrosso’s “Sun Is Shining” receives the remix treatment from M-22 and the result is pretty f*****g epic. M-22 bring the feels here, the build and the drop create a driving energy that commands hands-in-the-air action! Get into the vibes below v", itunes_link: "\Ingrosso" } """ itemid = fields.String() artist = fields.String() title = fields.String() dateposted = fields.Integer() siteid = fields.Integer() sitename = fields.String() posturl = fields.String() postid = fields.Integer() loved_count = fields.Integer() posted_count = fields.Integer() thumb_url = fields.String() thumb_url_medium = fields.String() thumb_url_large = fields.String() time = fields.Integer() description = fields.String() itunes_link = fields.String() ts_loved = fields.Integer() p_id = fields.Integer() def is_favorite(self): return self.ts_loved is not None
class CollectionCreate(Model): title = fields.String(required=True) description = fields.String() # doi = fields.String() articles = fields.Collection(fields.Integer) authors = fields.Collection(AuthorCreate) categories = fields.Collection(fields.Integer) tags = fields.Collection(fields.String) references = fields.Collection(fields.String) # resource_id = fields.String() # resource_doi = fields.String() # resource_link = fields.String() # resource_title = fields.String() # resource_versions = fields.Integer() custom_fields = fields.Field()
class ArticleFileUploadPart(Model): partNo = fields.Integer() startOffset = fields.Integer() endOffset = fields.Integer() status = fields.String() locked = fields.Boolean()
class Patient(Model): # required fields sex = fields.Field(choices=[ '46XY', '46XX', '45X', '47XX', '47XXY', '47XYY', 'other', 'unknown' ], required=True) reference = fields.String(required=True) project_id = fields.Integer(required=True) # optional fields age = fields.Field(choices=['unknown', 'Prenatal'] + [str(x) for x in range(0, 101)], default="unknown") prenatal = fields.Field(choices=[x for x in range(10, 43)].append(None)) aneuploidy = fields.Boolean(default=False) user_id = fields.Integer() note = fields.String() consent = fields.Field(choices=['No', 'Yes'], default="No")
class ArticleFile(Model): status = fields.String() is_link_only = fields.Boolean() name = fields.String() viewer_type = fields.String() preview_state = fields.String() download_url = fields.String() supplied_md5 = fields.String() computed_md5 = fields.String() upload_token = fields.String() upload_url = fields.String() id = fields.Integer() size = fields.Integer()
class ExampleModelJson(Model): int_field = fields.Integer() str_field = fields.String() col_int_field = fields.Collection(fields.Integer) col_str_field = fields.Collection(fields.String) def __str__(self): return "int: {0}, str: {1}, col_int: {2}, col_str: {3}".format( str(self.int_field), self.str_field, str(self.col_int_field), str(self.col_str_field))
class Source(OpentopicModel): """ Represent single `Source` object. :param pk: id of `Source` :param source_type: Type of the source :param name: Name of the source """ pk = fields.Integer() source_type = fields.String() name = fields.String() parser = parse_source @property def id(self): return def __str__(self): return
class Address(Model): type = fields.String() street = fields.String() city = fields.String() state = fields.String() zip = fields.String() country = fields.String()
class CompactRouteEntity(Model): origin_code = fields.String() origin_name = fields.String() destination_code = fields.String() destination_name = fields.String() airline_code = fields.String() airline_name = fields.String()
class HistoryItem(Model): id = fields.Integer(primary=True) type = fields.String() subject = fields.String() note = fields.String() entry_date = fields.String(name='entryDate', read_only=True) creator = fields.String(read_only=True) creator_name = fields.String(read_only=True) party = None opportunity = None case = None @property def _url(self): if getattr(self, '_persisted', False) is True: return '/api/history/%s' % if not ( or self.opportunity or raise ValidationError('Party, opportunity, or case is required') if bool( + bool(self.opportunity) + bool( > 1: raise ValidationError( 'Should only provide one of party, opportunity, case') if return '/api/party/%s/history' % elif self.opportunity: return '/api/opportunity/%s/history' % elif return '/api/kase/%s/history' %
class ArticleShort(Model): id = fields.Integer(required=True) title = fields.String(required=True) doi = fields.String(required=True) url = fields.String(required=True) published_date = Date(required=True) thumb = fields.String(required=True) url_private_api = fields.String(required=True) url_private_html = fields.String(required=True) url_public_api = fields.String(required=True) url_public_html = fields.String(required=True) defined_type = fields.Integer(required=True) group_id = fields.Integer(required=False)
class Channel(OpentopicModel): """ Represent single `Channel` object. :param pk: id of `Channel` :type pk: :param name: name of the channel :param channel_type: one of the value: mailchimp, facebook, twitter """ pk = fields.Integer() name = fields.String() channel_type = fields.String() parser = parse_channel @property def id(self): return def __str__(self): return
class FileL1(Model): id = fields.Integer(required=True) name = fields.String(required=True) size = fields.Integer() status = fields.String() viewer_type = fields.String() preview_state = fields.String() preview_meta = fields.Field() is_link_only = fields.Boolean() upload_url = fields.String() upload_token = fields.String() supplied_md5 = fields.String() computed_md5 = fields.String()
class CustomField(Model): tag = fields.String() label = fields.String() string_value = fields.String(name='text') date_value = fields.String(name='date') boolean_value = fields.Boolean(name='boolean') party = None opportunity = None case = None @property def _url(self): if not ( or self.opportunity or raise ValidationError('Party, opportunity, or case is required') if bool( + bool(self.opportunity) + bool( > 1: raise ValidationError( 'Should only provide one of party, opportunity, case') if return '/api/party/%s/customfields' % elif self.opportunity: return '/api/opportunity/%s/customfields' % elif return '/api/kase/%s/customfields' %
class TestCollectionModel(OpentopicModel): """ Represent recommendation object. TODO: link to documentation """ pk = fields.Integer() name = fields.String() parser = test_parser @property def id(self): return def __str__(self): return
class Recommendation(OpentopicModel): """ Represent single `Recommendation` object :param pk: id of `Recommendation` :param name: name of `Recommendation` """ pk = fields.Integer() name = fields.String() parser = parse_recommendation @property def id(self): return def __str__(self): return
class Case(Model): id = fields.Integer(primary=True) status = fields.String(choices=['OPEN', 'CLOSED']) name = fields.String(required=True) description = fields.String() owner = fields.String() close_date = fields.String(name='closeDate') created_on = fields.String(name='createdOn', read_only=True) updated_on = fields.String(name='updatedOn', read_only=True) party = None @property def _url(self): if getattr(self, '_persisted', False) is True: return '/api/kase/%s' % if not raise ValidationError('Party is required') return '/api/party/%s/kase' %
class RecommendationNews(OpentopicModel): """ Represent single `RecommendationNews` object. :param pk: unique news index value :param title: title of the news, it's title that news was published with :param description: description (body) of the news, it's description that news was published with :param description_plain: same as description, except that html is excluded :param url: url of the news, depends on publication options might be original url or blog url if news was already published to blog platform (wordpress), also depends on options might be short or long version :param image: url to original image attached to news :param keywords: keywords for content :param popularity: total popularity from social medias :param twitter_count: number of twitter shares :param facebook_like_count: number of facebook shares :param linkedin_share_count: number of linkedin shares :param googleplus_share_count: number of g+ shares :param sorting_factor: int value represent opentopic algo score """ pk = fields.String() title = fields.String() description = fields.String() description_plain = fields.String() url = fields.String() image = fields.String() keywords = fields.String() popularity = fields.Integer() twitter_count = fields.Integer() facebook_like_count = fields.Integer() linkedin_share_count = fields.Integer() googleplus_share_count = fields.Integer() sorting_factor = fields.Float() parser = parse_recommendationnews def __str__(self): return self.title
class Tag(Model): name = fields.String() party = None opportunity = None case = None @property def _url(self): if not raise ValidationError('Tag name is required') if not ( or self.opportunity or raise ValidationError('Party, opportunity, or case is required') if bool( + bool(self.opportunity) + bool( > 1: raise ValidationError( 'Should only provide one of party, opportunity, case') if return '/api/party/%s/tag/%s' % (, elif self.opportunity: return '/api/opportunity/%s/tag/%s' % (, elif return '/api/kase/%s/tag/%s' % (,
class User(models.Model): name = fields.String() email = fields.String()
class License(Model): name = fields.Integer(required=True) value = fields.String(required=True) url = fields.String()