Пример #1
    def checkpoints(self, path):
        cachestore = self.cachestore
        dirpath = paths.directory(path)
        cpdirpath = CHECKPOINT_DIR + dirpath
        if cachestore.exists(cpdirpath):
            names = cachestore.list_dir(cpdirpath)
            return []

        cps = []
        for name in names:
            if not name.endswith(CHECKPOINT_EXT):
            basename = name[:0 - len(CHECKPOINT_EXT)]

            fname, userid, cpid = basename.rsplit(".", 2)
            if userid != self.userid:

            cppath = paths.join(cpdirpath, name)
            fpath = paths.join(dirpath, fname)
            if fpath != path:

                "path": cppath,
                "modified": cachestore.last_modified(cppath),
                "id": cpid,
        cps.sort(key=lambda d: d["modified"])
        return cps
Пример #2
    def _get_include_content(self, path, root, context, icache, ref):
        incpath, name, value, unwrap = self._parse_include_path(ref)

        if incpath and incpath != paths.basepath(path):
            # The include is in another page
            incpath = paths.join(path, incpath)
            _, ext = paths.split_extension(incpath)
            if not ext:
                incpath = context.pages.source_path(incpath)

            incpath = paths.join(path, incpath)
            return self._load_include(incpath, root, context, icache, name, value, unwrap)
        elif name and value:
            # If no path was given, or it was this page's path, grab the target
            # from this page
            return self._target(root, name, value, unwrap)
Пример #3
def directory_page(pages, dirpath):
    Renders a simple template to show the files in a directory.

    store = pages.store
    names = store.list_dir(dirpath)
    files = []

    for name in names:
        path = paths.join(dirpath, name)
        link = path
        if pages.is_wiki(link):
            link = paths.basepath(link)
        isdir = store.is_dir(path)
        if isdir:
            size = -1
            mod = -1
            size = store.size(path)
            mod =  store.last_modified(path)

            "path": path,
            "link": link,
            "name": name,
            "ext": paths.extension(name),
            "isdir": isdir,
            "size": size,
            "modified": mod,

    return flask.render_template("/templates/dir.jinja2", path=dirpath,
Пример #4
 def list_all(self, path="/"):
     if not path.endswith("/"):
         path += "/"
     for name in self.list_dir(path):
         p = paths.join(path, name)
         if self.is_dir(p):
             for sp in self.list_all(p):
                 yield sp
             yield p
Пример #5
    def _read_labels(pages, basepath, labelspath, labels):
        labelspath = paths.join(basepath, labelspath)
        labelspath, section = paths.split_fragment(labelspath)
        section = section[1:] if section else "Labels"

        if pages.exists(labelspath):
            content = pages.content(labelspath, encoding=None)
            bio = BytesIO(content)
            parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
            if parser.has_section(section):
Пример #6
 def available_languages(self, path):
     store = self.store
     dirpath, filename = paths.split_dirpath(path)
     basename, ext = paths.split_extension(filename)
     result = []
     for lang in self.langauges:
         if lang == self.default_language:
             langfilename = filename
             langfilename = "%s.%s.%s" % (basename, lang, ext)
         if store.exists(paths.join(dirpath, langfilename)):
     return result
Пример #7
    def _process_example_page(self, block, context, is_node_eg, is_panel_eg):
        path = context["path"]
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})

        # Example authors are very lax about giving the example documents
        # titles; if the document doesn't have a title, make one up from the
        # file name
        title = functions.first_subblock_of_type(block, "title")
        if not title:
            name = text_type(paths.barename(path))
            body = block.setdefault("body", [])
            body.insert(0, {
                "type": "title", "indent": 0, "text": [name]

        # Check for an explicit exampleFor property, otherwise guess it
        # from the example's directory tree
        if is_node_eg:
            block.setdefault("attrs", {})["type"] = "example"

            if "exampleFor" in attrs:
                egfor = attrs["exampleFor"]
            elif "examplefor" in attrs:
                egfor = attrs["examplefor"]
                egfor = self._node_path_from_example_path(path)
            # Attach the list of nodes to the root
            block["examplefor"] = egfor

        egpath = None
        # Check for an explicit exampleFile property, otherwise guess it
        # by looking for the example name with an extension
        if "exampleFile" in attrs:
            egpath = attrs["exampleFile"]
        elif "examplefile" in attrs:
            egpath = attrs["examplefile"]
        elif is_node_eg:
            base = paths.basepath(path)
            for ext in (".hda", ".otl"):
                egpath = base + ext
                if context.pages.exists(egpath):
        elif is_panel_eg:
            egpath = self._file_path_from_panel_path(path)

        if egpath:
            egpath = paths.join(path, egpath)
            if context.pages.exists(egpath):
                block["examplefile"] = egpath
Пример #8
    def _get_parent_path(pages, path, block):
        # Find the path to the parent document

        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
        if "parent" in attrs:
            # If the author specified a parent, use that
            parent = attrs.get("parent")
            parentpath = pages.source_path(paths.join(path, parent))

        elif pages.is_index_page(path):
            # If this is an index page, assume its parent is the _index page of
            # the parent directory
            parentpath = Parents._find_ancestor(pages, paths.parent(path))

            # Assume the parent is the _index page for this directory
            parentpath = Parents._find_ancestor(pages, paths.directory(path))

        return parentpath
Пример #9
    def _replace_includes(self, objs, context, root, icache):
        i = 0
        thispath = context["path"]
        while i < len(objs):
            sub = objs[i]
            if not isinstance(sub, dict):
                i += 1

            stype = sub.get("type")
            icontent = None
            if stype == "source":
                attrs = sub.get("attrs", {})
                srcpath = paths.join(thispath, attrs.get("path"))
                content = context.pages.content(srcpath)
                if content:
                    lang = attrs.get("lang") or get_lexer_for_filename(srcpath).name
                    icontent = [{"type": "pre", "lang": lang, "text": [content]}]
                ref = None
                if stype == "link" and sub.get("scheme") == "Include":
                    ref = sub.get("value")
                elif stype == "include":
                    ref = sub.get("ref")
                if ref:
                    icontent = self._get_include_content(thispath, root, context, icache, ref)

            if icontent:
                # Splice the content into the block list
                objs[i : i + 1] = icontent
                # ...then move the pointer to after the spliced in content
                i += len(icontent)
                if sub.get("text"):
                    self._replace_includes(sub["text"], context, root, icache)
                if sub.get("body"):
                    self._replace_includes(sub["body"], context, root, icache)
                i += 1
Пример #10
 def full_path(self, origin, relpath):
     path = paths.join(origin, relpath)
     base, frag = paths.split_fragment(path)
     if base.endswith("/"):
         base += self.index_page_name
     return base + frag
Пример #11
 def _get_path_attr(root, path, attrs, name):
     value = attrs.get(name)
     if value:
         return paths.join(path, value)
Пример #12
def test_join():
    assert paths.join("a", "b") == "b"
    assert paths.join("/a", "/b") == "/b"
    assert paths.join("/a/b/c", "../d") == "/a/d"
    assert paths.join("/a/b/c", "./d") == "/a/b/d"
Пример #13
 def rel(p):
     if p.startswith("http:") or p.startswith("https:"):
         return p
     return paths.join(path, p)