from boot import do_connect if (do_connect()): import page else: print("Not Connected")
client = MQTTClient(client_id, MQTT_SERVER) client.set_callback(sub_cb) client.connect() client.subscribe('servo') print('Connected to MQTT') client.publish('esp32', 'connected!') return client try: client = connect_and_subscribe() except OSError as e: print('Failed to connect to MQTT broker. Reconnecting...') time.sleep(10) machine.reset() while True: if not wlan.isconnected(): do_connect() client.check_msg() if servo_state != servo_on: print('Servo toggle') servo.duty(115 if servo_state else 40) servo_state = servo_on time.sleep(1)
speed_r = 300 elif key4.value() == Key.GND: speed_l = 300 speed_r = -300 else: if key5.value() == Key.VDD: speed_l = 500 speed_r = 500 elif key5.value() == Key.GND: speed_l = -500 speed_r = -500 uc.send(('control_cmd:speed_l=' + str(speed_l) + ':speed_r=' + str(speed_r)).encode()) time.sleep_ms(90) else: print(' : ESP32 & ESP8266') ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) # create access-point interface ap.config(essid='ROBOT', password='******') # activate the interface # 如果连接到局域网,设置固定IP xx:xx:xx:13 sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) ifconfig = sta.ifconfig() if ifconfig[0] != '': new_ip = ifconfig[3][:-1] + '13' new_ifc = (new_ip, ifconfig[1], ifconfig[2], ifconfig[3]) boot.do_connect(ifconfig=new_ifc, reconnection=True)