def __start__(bot, update, chat_data): global queid_cache user_id = if chat_data.get('start') == True: update.message.reply_text('開始左!開始埋右!請用 /join 參加!') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /gamestart Error (with started game), ' \ ' From user: % s' % (user_id)) return chat_id = update.message.chat_id username = update.message.from_user.username username = user_id if username == None else username chat_data['start'] = True chat_data['admin'] = [user_id] chat_data['member'] = [user_id] chat_data['qstart'] = False chat_data['record'] = {user_id: 0} queid_cache[user_id] = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'queid': None} query = ( 'INSERT INTO TELEGRAM (`Userid`, `Username`) VALUES ( {0}, "{1}")' + 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Username = VALUES(Username);').format( user_id, username) cur.execute(query) con.commit() update.message.reply_text('開始!其他人可以用 /join 參加!') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /gamestart, From user: %s' % (user_id)) return
def __join__(bot, update, chat_data): global queid_cache user_id = if chat_data.get('start') in [None, False]: update.message.reply_text('仲未 /gamestart ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /join Error (without start), ' \ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return if user_id in chat_data['member']: update.message.reply_text('/join 左! /join 埋右!') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /join Error (joined), ' \ 'From user: %s' % (user_id)) return chat_id = update.message.chat_id username = update.message.from_user.username username = user_id if username == None else username chat_data['member'].append(user_id) chat_data['record'].setdefault(user_id, 0) queid_cache[user_id] = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'queid': None} query = ( 'INSERT INTO TELEGRAM (`Userid`, `Username`) VALUES ( {0}, "{1}")' + 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Username = VALUES(Username);').format( user_id, username) cur.execute(query) con.commit() update.message.reply_text('%s 參加左!' % (username)) config['logger'].info(' > Action: /join, From user: %s' % (user_id)) return
def __kick__(bot, update, args, chat_data): global queid_cache user_id = if chat_data.get('start') in [None, False]: update.message.reply_text('仲未 /gamestart ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /kick Error (without start), ' \ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return if not user_id in chat_data['admin']: update.message.reply_text('冇權呀!') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /kick Error (without permission), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return if not args: update.message.reply_text('請 /kick @Username 或者 @Userid ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /kick Error, ' \ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return try: uname = args[0].replace('@', '') query = 'SELECT Userid FROM TELEGRAM WHERE Username = "******"'.format( uname) cur.execute(query) except (UnicodeError) as e: update.message.reply_text('請使用 @Username 或者 @Userid ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /kick Error, ' \ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return uid = cur.fetchall()[0][0] if not uid in chat_data['member']: update.message.reply_text('未 /join ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /kick Error (without join), ' \ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_data.get('member').remove(uid) chat_data.get('record').pop(uid, None) queid_cache.pop(user_id) update.message.reply_text('踢死左!') if uid in chat_data.get('admin'): chat_data['admin'].remove(uid) config['logger'].info(' > Action: /kick, From user: %s' % (user_id)) if len(chat_data['member']) <= 0: chat_data['start'] = False chat_data['qstart'] = False return
def __addadmin__(bot, update, args, chat_data): user_id = if chat_data.get('start') in [None, False]: update.message.reply_text('未 /gamestart ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: Add admin Error (without /gamestart), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return if not args: update.message.reply_text('請使用 @Username 或者 @Userid ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: Add admin Error (without username), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return if not user_id in chat_data['admin']: update.message.reply_text('Admin 先可以加 Admin')' > Action: /addadmin Error (without permission), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) try: uname = args[0].replace('@', '') query = 'SELECT Userid FROM TELEGRAM WHERE Username = "******"'.format( uname) cur.execute(query) except (UnicodeError) as e: update.message.reply_text('請使用 @Username 或者 @Userid ') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /addadmin Error, ' \ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return uid = cur.fetchall()[0][0] if not uid or not uid in chat_data['members']: update.message.reply_text('%s 未 /join ' % (uname)) config['logger'].info(' > Action: Add %s to admin Error (without /join), '\ ' From user: %s' % (uname, user_id)) elif uid in chat_data['members'] and uid in chat_data['admin']: update.message.reply_text('%s 已經係Admin...' % (uname)) config['logger'].info(' > Action: Add admin Error, '\ " From user: %s" % (user_id)) else: update.message.reply_text('Add 左 %s 入 Admin' % (username)) chat_data['admin'].append(uid) config['logger'].info(' > Action: Add %s to admin, '\ " From user: %s" % (uname, user_id)) return
def __question__(bot, update, args): chat_id = update.message.chat_id user_id = if len(args) <= 0: query = 'SELECT * FROM HKDSEMATH ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1;' cur.execute(query) result = cur.fetchall() year = result[0][1] qnumber = result[0][2] qpath = result[0][4] update.message.reply_text(('%s, Q.%s' % (year, qnumber))) bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=open(qpath, 'rb')) config['logger'].info(' > Action: /question, From user: %s' % (user_id)) else: r = re.compile('^[0-9]{6}$') search = ', '.join(list(filter(r.match, args))) if not search: update.message.reply_text('似乎冇你 search 嘅嘢') config['logger'].info( ' > Action: /question Error, From user: %s' % (user_id)) return query = 'SELECT * FROM HKDSEMATH WHERE Qid in ({0});'.format(search) cur.execute(query) results = cur.fetchall() if not results: update.message.reply_text('似乎冇你 search 嘅嘢') config['logger'].info( ' > Action: /question Error, From user: %s' % (user_id)) return for row in results: year = row[1] qnumber = row[2] qpath = row[4] update.message.reply_text('%s, Q.%s' % (year, qnumber)) bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=open(qpath, 'rb')) config['logger'].info( " > Action: /question %s-%s, From user: %s" % (year, qnumber, user_id)) time.sleep(2) return
def __grecord__(bot, update, chat_data): user_id = if chat_data.get('start') in [None, False]: config['logger'].info(' > Action: Cancel Error (without /start), '\ 'From user: %s' % (user_id)) update.message.reply_text('未 /gamestart ') return ordered_dict = OrderedDict( sorted(chat_data['record'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) string = '依家戰果. 名 (成續) \n' for i, (k, v) in enumerate(ordered_dict.items()): query = ('SELECT Username FROM TELEGRAM WHERE Userid = {0};').format(k) cur.execute(query) uname = cur.fetchall()[0][0] string += '{0}. {1} ({2}) \n'.format(i + 1, uname, v) update.message.reply_text(string) config['logger'].info(" > Action: Check Record, User: %s" % (user_id)) return
def __greply__(bot, update): global queid_cache query = update.callback_query chat_id = user_id = message_id = query.message.message_id reply = bot.edit_message_text(text=('答左: %s ' % (reply)), chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id) queid = queid_cache[user_id]['queid'] adate ='%Y-%m-%d') query = ('INSERT INTO ANSRECORD (`Qid`, `ADate`, `Userid`, `Reply`) ' + 'VALUES ({0}, "{1}", {2}, "{3}")').format(queid, adate, user_id, reply) cur.execute(query) con.commit() config['logger'].info(' > Action: answer-%s, User: %s' % (reply, user_id)) return
def __check__(bot, update, args): if not args: update.message.reply_text('/check yyyyqq') return user_id = r = re.compile('^[0-9]{6}$') search = ', '.join(list(filter(r.match, args))) query = 'SELECT * FROM HKDSEMATH WHERE Qid in ({0});'.format(search) cur.execute(query) results = cur.fetchall() if not results: update.message.reply_text('似乎冇你 search 嘅嘢') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /question Error, From user: %s' % (user_id)) return for row in results: year = row[1] qnumber = row[2] ans = row[3] update.message.reply_text('%s, Q.%s, Ans: %s.' % (year, qnumber, ans)) config['logger'].info(" > Action: /check %s-%s, From user: %s" % (year, qnumber, user_id)) time.sleep(2) return
def __gcheckans__(bot, update, chat_data): global queid_cache user_id = if chat_data.get('start') in [None, False]: update.message.reply_text('未 /gamestart') config['logger'].info(' > Action: Check Error (Without /start), '\ 'From user: %s' % (user_id)) return if not user_id in chat_data['admin']: update.message.reply_text('You 唔是 admin...') config['logger'].info(' > Action: Check Error (Without permission), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return if chat_data['qstart'] in [None, False]: update.message.reply_text('未 /gamequestion') config['logger'].info(' > Action: Check Error (witout /gamequestion), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return chat_id = update.message.chat_id chat_data['qstart'] = False queid = queid_cache[user_id]['queid'] query = ('SELECT D.Ans FROM HKDSEMATH D, QUERECORD Q ' + 'WHERE Q.ID = {0} AND D.Qid = Q.Qid;').format(queid) cur.execute(query) ans = cur.fetchall()[0][0] query = 'SELECT ID, Userid, Reply FROM ANSRECORD WHERE Qid = {0};'.format( queid) cur.execute(query) results = cur.fetchall() if not results: update.message.reply_text('都冇人答,你係咪弱智???') config['logger'].info(' > Action: /checkans Error (without answer), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) return for row in results: if row[2] == ans: bot.send_message(chat_id=row[1], text='岩左!') query = 'UPDATE ANSRECORD SET Correct = 1 WHERE ID = {0};'.format( row[0]) cur.execute(query) else: bot.send_message(chat_id=row[1], text='錯左!') query = 'UPDATE ANSRECORD SET Correct = 0 WHERE ID = {0};'.format( row[0]) cur.execute(query) con.commit() string = '正確答案係: {0} \n'.format(ans) string += 'No. Name. Result. \n' query = ('SELECT T.Userid, Username, A.Correct FROM ANSRECORD A ' + 'JOIN TELEGRAM T ON A.Userid = T.Userid WHERE A.Qid = {0};' ).format(queid) cur.execute(query) results = cur.fetchall() for i, row in enumerate(results): if row[2] == 1: correct = '岩左' chat_data['record'][row[0]] += 1 else: correct = '錯左' string += '{0}, {1}, {2} \n'.format(i + 1, row[1], correct) update.message.reply_text(string) ''' #plot chat_data['reply'] = [v for v in chat_data['reply'] if v != None] ChineseFont = FontProperties(fname = './font/hanazono-20130222/HanaMinA.ttf') D = dict(Counter(chat_data['reply'])), list(D.values()), align='center', alpha=0.5) plt.xticks(range(len(D)), list(D.keys())) plt.title('{0}年第{1}題'.format(year, qnumber), fontproperties=ChineseFont) rfile = './cache/{0}_{1}_{2}.png'.format(chat_id, year, qnumber) plt.savefig(rfile) bot.send_message(chat_id =chat_id, text = '結果:'.format(year, qnumber)) bot.send_photo(chat_id =chat_id, photo=open(rfile, 'rb')) ''' return
def __gquestion__(bot, update, chat_data): global queid_cache user_id = if chat_data.get('start') in [None, False]: config['logger'].info('> Action: Question Error (Without /gamestart), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) update.message.reply_text('未 /gamestart') return if not user_id in chat_data['admin']: config['logger'].info('> Action: Question Error (Without permission), '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) update.message.reply_text('You 唔是 admin...') return if chat_data['qstart'] == True: config['logger'].info('> Action: Question start Error, '\ ' From user: %s' % (user_id)) update.message.reply_text('已經問緊') return chat_data['qstart'] = True chat_id = update.message.chat_id query = 'SELECT * FROM HKDSEMATH ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1;' cur.execute(query) result = cur.fetchall() qid = result[0][0] year = result[0][1] qnumber = result[0][2] qpath = result[0][4] qdate ='%Y-%m-%d') query = ('INSERT INTO QUERECORD (`QDate`, `Qid`, `Userid`) ' + 'VALUES ("{0}", {1}, {2})'.format(qdate, qid, user_id)) cur.execute(query) con.commit() update.message.reply_text('{0}年第{1}題:'.format(year, qnumber)) bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=open(qpath, 'rb')) keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton('A', callback_data='A'), InlineKeyboardButton('B 啱架啦,拍定手先啦!', callback_data='B') ], [ InlineKeyboardButton('C', callback_data='C'), InlineKeyboardButton('D', callback_data='D') ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) player_id = chat_data['member'] for p in player_id: queid_cache[p]['queid'] = cur.lastrowid bot.send_message(chat_id=p, text='{0}年第{1}題:'.format(year, qnumber)) bot.send_photo(chat_id=p, photo=open(qpath, 'rb')) bot.send_message(chat_id=p, text='Answer is: ', reply_markup=reply_markup) config['logger'].info(" > Action: Question %s-%s, "\ " From user: %s" % (year, qnumber, user_id)) return greply