def vote_for_exp(expeditors, chat_id): keyboard = telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(one_time_keyboard=True) keyboard.row('👍I like this expedition', '👎🏿I don`t like it') for player_id in expeditors: bot_send_message(player_id, 'Do you like this expedition?', reply_markup=keyboard)
def start_exp(expeditors, chat_id): keyboard = telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(one_time_keyboard=True) keyboard.row('❤️ Approve', '🖤 Reject') for player_id in expeditors: bot_send_message(player_id, 'Your choice in expedition', reply_markup=keyboard)
def start_exp(expeditors, chat_id): keyboard = telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(one_time_keyboard=True) keyboard.row('❤️ ' + languages[chat_id]['Approve'], '🖤 ' + languages[chat_id]['Reject']) for player_id in expeditors: bot_send_message(player_id, languages[chat_id]['Your choice in expedition?'], reply_markup=keyboard)
def vote_for_exp(expeditors, chat_id): keyboard = telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(one_time_keyboard=True) keyboard.row('👍' + languages[chat_id]['I like this expedition'], '👎🏿' + languages[chat_id]['I don`t like it']) for player_id in expeditors: bot_send_message(player_id, languages[chat_id]['Do you like this expedition?'], reply_markup=keyboard)
def lady_check(chat_id, game_info): if not game_info.lady_lake: return bot_send_message(chat_id, "It is time for Lady of the Lake to check.") keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() for player in game_info.order: if player not in game_info.past_lady: cur_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text='\n@' + str(bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, player).user.username), callback_data=str(player) + ' ' + str(chat_id)) keyboard.add(cur_button) bot_send_message(game_info.order[game_info.cur_lady], "Who do you want to check?", reply_markup=keyboard)
def endgame(chat_id, game_info, dead_id): if game_info.players[dead_id] == 'Merlin': bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Merlin was killed') else: try: bot_send_message( chat_id, 'Merlin is alive!\n' + game_info.players[dead_id] + ' was killed') except KeyError: return string = '' for item in game_info.players.items(): string += '\n@' + bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, item[0]).user.username + ' was ' + \ ('❤️' if item[1] in tools.GameInfo.peaceful else '🖤') + item[1] bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Roles in this game:' + string)
all_info = zip(titles, links, companys) for (t, l, c) in all_info: alist.append("{} : {}".format(t, c)) return alist except Exception as a: print("Error detail ", a) update = 0 last_update = bot.retrieve_LastMessage()['update_id'] # message = fetch_job() # print(message) while True: last_msg = bot.retrieve_LastMessage() Userid = last_msg['message']['from']['id'] name = last_msg['message']['from']['first_name'] chat = last_msg['message']['text'] update_id = last_msg['update_id'] if (last_update + update == update_id): update = update + 1 if "hello" in chat.lower() or "hi" in chat.lower(): message = "Hello {}".format(name) res = bot.bot_send_message(message, Userid) if "getjob" in chat.lower(): message = fetch_job() res = bot.bot_send_message(message, Userid)