async def render_latex(ctx, *, raw_latex=''): if not guild_config.getltx(ctx) or not raw_latex: return with if (image := await grab_latex(default_preamble, default_postamble, raw_latex)) is None: await ctx.send( 'D--> Your latex code is beneighth contempt. Try again.') return # Send the image to the latex channel and embed. latex_channel = bot.get_channel(773594582175973376) msg_id = hex(member_stalker.member_data['latex_count'])[2:] member_stalker.member_data['latex_count'] += 1 await latex_channel.send( f'`@{}`: UID {}: MID {msg_id}', file=dc.File(io.BytesIO(await, 'latex.png')) async for msg in latex_channel.history(limit=16): if msg.content.split()[-1] == msg_id: latex_att = msg.attachments[0] break embed = dc.Embed(, timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), ) embed.set_author( name=f'D--> Latex render for {}', icon_url=url_bank.latex_icon, ) embed.set_image(url=latex_att.url) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def grab_avatar(user): avy_channel = bot.get_channel(avy_chid) with open('avatar.png', mode='wb') as avatarfile: try: await except dc.NotFound: return url_bank.null_avatar msg_id = hex(member_stalker.member_data['avatar_count'])[2:] member_stalker.member_data['avatar_count'] += 1 with open('avatar.png', mode='rb') as avatarfile: await avy_channel.send(f'`@{user}`: UID {}: MID {msg_id}', file=dc.File(avatarfile)) async for msg in avy_channel.history(limit=16): if msg.content.split()[-1] == msg_id: return msg.attachments[0].url
async def on_ready(self): print(response_bank.process_reacts) # This is a horrible f*****g way of granting all the pending roles. Too bad! for chn_id, msg_dict in channel = bot.get_channel(chn_id) for msg_id, emoji_dict in msg_dict.items(): try: msg = await channel.fetch_message(msg_id) except (AttributeError, dc.NotFound): # This message entry will be cleared when the bot closes. emoji_dict.clear() continue for react in msg.reactions: if (emoji_id := get_react_id(react)) in emoji_dict: role = msg.guild.get_role(emoji_dict[emoji_id]) members = [m async for m in react.users() if !=] await process_role_grant(, msg, react, role, members)
async def suggest_to_dev(ctx, *, suggestion: str): suggestions = bot.get_channel(suggest_chid) suggest_id = embed = dc.Embed(, description=suggestion, timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), ) embed.set_author(name=f'{} suggests:') embed.add_field( name='**Message ID:**', value=f'`{suggest_id}`', inline=False, ) await suggestions.send(embed=embed) await ctx.send(f'D--> Your suggestion has been noted.') stored_suggestions.add_suggestion(suggest_id,,
async def response_from_dev(ctx, msg_id: int, *, response: str): if not in CONST_AUTHOR: return try: channel, member = stored_suggestions.get_suggestion(bot, msg_id) except KeyError: await ctx.send('D--> Suggestion does not exist.') return async for msg in bot.get_channel(suggest_chid).history(limit=None): if != continue if not msg.embeds: continue embed = msg.embeds[0] suggestion = embed.description if not embed.fields: continue if embed.fields[0].value == f'`{msg_id}`': break else: await ctx.send('D--> Suggestion does not exist.') stored_suggestions.remove_suggestion(msg_id) return embed = dc.Embed( color=member.color, description=response, timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), ) embed.set_author( name='D--> In response to your suggestion, the devs say:', icon_url=bot.user.avatar_url, ) embed.add_field( name='Suggestion:', value=suggestion, inline=False, ) await channel.send(f'{member.mention}', embed=embed) stored_suggestions.remove_suggestion(msg_id)