Пример #1
def connect_ec2_endpoint(url, aws_access_key_id=None,
    Connect to an EC2 Api endpoint.  Additional arguments are passed
    through to connect_ec2.

    :type url: string
    :param url: A url for the ec2 api endpoint to connect to

    :type aws_access_key_id: string
    :param aws_access_key_id: Your AWS Access Key ID

    :type aws_secret_access_key: string
    :param aws_secret_access_key: Your AWS Secret Access Key

    :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.connection.EC2Connection`
    :return: A connection to Eucalyptus server
    from boto.ec2.regioninfo import RegionInfo

    purl = urlparse(url)
    kwargs['port'] = purl.port
    kwargs['host'] = purl.hostname
    kwargs['path'] = purl.path
    if not 'is_secure' in kwargs:
        kwargs['is_secure'] = (purl.scheme == "https")

    kwargs['region'] = RegionInfo(name=purl.hostname,
    kwargs['aws_access_key_id'] = aws_access_key_id
    kwargs['aws_secret_access_key'] = aws_secret_access_key

Пример #2
    def _wrapper(self):
        # Check if flags are explicitly set.
        env_use_sigv4_flag = os.environ.get('S3_USE_SIGV4')
        cfg_use_sigv4_flag = boto.config.get('s3', 'use-sigv4')
        for flag in env_use_sigv4_flag, cfg_use_sigv4_flag:
            flag = convert_to_bool(flag)
            if flag is not None:
                return ['hmac-v4-s3'] if flag else func(self)

        # Use default for non-aws hosts. Adding a url scheme is necessary if
        # not present for urlparse to properly function.
        host = self.host
        if not self.host.startswith('http://') or \
            host = 'https://' + host
        netloc = urlparse(host).netloc
        if not (netloc.endswith('amazonaws.com')
                or netloc.endswith('amazonaws.com.cn')):
            return func(self)

        # Use anonymous if enabled.
        if hasattr(self, 'anon') and self.anon:
            return func(self)

        # Default to sigv4 for aws hosts
        return ['hmac-v4-s3']
Пример #3
    def _wrapper(self):
        if os.environ.get('S3_USE_SIGV4', False):
            return ['hmac-v4-s3']

        if boto.config.get('s3', 'use-sigv4', False):
            return ['hmac-v4-s3']

        if not hasattr(self, 'host'):
            return func(self)

        # Keep the old explicit logic in case somebody was adding to the list.
        for test in SIGV4_DETECT:
            if test in self.host:
                return ['hmac-v4-s3']

        # Use default for non-aws hosts. Adding a url scheme is necessary if
        # not present for urlparse to properly function.
        host = self.host
        if not self.host.startswith('http://') or \
            host = 'https://' + host
        netloc = urlparse(host).netloc
        if not (netloc.endswith('amazonaws.com') or
            return func(self)

        # Use the default for the global endpoint
        if netloc.endswith('s3.amazonaws.com'):
            return func(self)

        # Use the default for regions that support sigv4 and sigv2
        if any(test in self.host for test in S3_AUTH_DETECT):
            return func(self)

        # Use anonymous if enabled.
        if hasattr(self, 'anon') and self.anon:
            return func(self)

        # Default to sigv4 for aws hosts outside of regions that are known
        # to support sigv2
        return ['hmac-v4-s3']
Пример #4
    def _wrapper(self):
        if os.environ.get('S3_USE_SIGV4', False):
            return ['hmac-v4-s3']

        if boto.config.get('s3', 'use-sigv4', False):
            return ['hmac-v4-s3']

        if not hasattr(self, 'host'):
            return func(self)

        # Keep the old explicit logic in case somebody was adding to the list.
        for test in SIGV4_DETECT:
            if test in self.host:
                return ['hmac-v4-s3']

        # Use default for non-aws hosts. Adding a url scheme is necessary if
        # not present for urlparse to properly function.
        host = self.host
        if not self.host.startswith('http://') or \
            host = 'https://' + host
        netloc = urlparse(host).netloc
        if not (netloc.endswith('amazonaws.com') or
            return func(self)

        # Use the default for the global endpoint
        if netloc.endswith('s3.amazonaws.com'):
            return func(self)

        # Use the default for regions that support sigv4 and sigv2
        if any(test in self.host for test in S3_AUTH_DETECT):
            return func(self)

        # Use anonymous if enabled.
        if hasattr(self, 'anon') and self.anon:
            return func(self)

        # Default to sigv4 for aws hosts outside of regions that are known
        # to support sigv2
        return ['hmac-v4-s3']
Пример #5
    def _mexe(self, request, sender=None, override_num_retries=None,
        mexe - Multi-execute inside a loop, retrying multiple times to handle
               transient Internet errors by simply trying again.
               Also handles redirects.

        This code was inspired by the S3Utils classes posted to the boto-users
        Google group by Larry Bates.  Thanks!

        boto.log.debug('Method: %s' % request.method)
        boto.log.debug('Path: %s' % request.path)
        boto.log.debug('Data: %s' % request.body)
        boto.log.debug('Headers: %s' % request.headers)
        boto.log.debug('Host: %s' % request.host)
        boto.log.debug('Port: %s' % request.port)
        boto.log.debug('Params: %s' % request.params)
        response = None
        body = None
        e = None
        if override_num_retries is None:
            num_retries = config.getint('Boto', 'num_retries', self.num_retries)
            num_retries = override_num_retries
        i = 0
        connection = self.get_http_connection(request.host, request.port,

        # Convert body to bytes if needed
        if not isinstance(request.body, bytes) and hasattr(request.body,
            request.body = request.body.encode('utf-8')

        while i <= num_retries:
            # Use binary exponential backoff to desynchronize client requests.
            next_sleep = min(random.random() * (2 ** i),
                             boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60))
                # we now re-sign each request before it is retried
                boto.log.debug('Token: %s' % self.provider.security_token)
                # Only force header for non-s3 connections, because s3 uses
                # an older signing method + bucket resource URLs that include
                # the port info. All others should be now be up to date and
                # not include the port.
                if 's3' not in self._required_auth_capability():
                    if not getattr(self, 'anon', False):
                boto.log.debug('Final headers: %s' % request.headers)
                request.start_time = datetime.now()
                if callable(sender):
                    response = sender(connection, request.method, request.path,
                                      request.body, request.headers)
                    connection.request(request.method, request.path,
                                       request.body, request.headers)
                    response = connection.getresponse()
                boto.log.debug('Response headers: %s' % response.getheaders())
                location = response.getheader('location')
                # -- gross hack --
                # http_client gets confused with chunked responses to HEAD requests
                # so I have to fake it out
                if request.method == 'HEAD' and getattr(response,
                                                        'chunked', False):
                    response.chunked = 0
                if callable(retry_handler):
                    status = retry_handler(response, i, next_sleep)
                    if status:
                        msg, i, next_sleep = status
                        if msg:
                if response.status in [500, 502, 503, 504]:
                    msg = 'Received %d response.  ' % response.status
                    msg += 'Retrying in %3.1f seconds' % next_sleep
                    body = response.read()
                    if isinstance(body, bytes):
                        body = body.decode('utf-8')
                elif response.status < 300 or response.status >= 400 or \
                        not location:
                    # don't return connection to the pool if response contains
                    # Connection:close header, because the connection has been
                    # closed and default reconnect behavior may do something
                    # different than new_http_connection. Also, it's probably
                    # less efficient to try to reuse a closed connection.
                    conn_header_value = response.getheader('connection')
                    if conn_header_value == 'close':
                        self.put_http_connection(request.host, request.port,
                                                 self.is_secure, connection)
                    if self.request_hook is not None:
                        self.request_hook.handle_request_data(request, response)
                    return response
                    scheme, request.host, request.path, \
                        params, query, fragment = urlparse(location)
                    if query:
                        request.path += '?' + query
                    # urlparse can return both host and port in netloc, so if
                    # that's the case we need to split them up properly
                    if ':' in request.host:
                        request.host, request.port = request.host.split(':', 1)
                    msg = 'Redirecting: %s' % scheme + '://'
                    msg += request.host + request.path
                    connection = self.get_http_connection(request.host,
                                                          scheme == 'https')
                    response = None
            except PleaseRetryException as e:
                boto.log.debug('encountered a retry exception: %s' % e)
                connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host, request.port,
                response = e.response
            except self.http_exceptions as e:
                for unretryable in self.http_unretryable_exceptions:
                    if isinstance(e, unretryable):
                            'encountered unretryable %s exception, re-raising' %
                boto.log.debug('encountered %s exception, reconnecting' % \
                connection = self.new_http_connection(request.host, request.port,
            i += 1
        # If we made it here, it's because we have exhausted our retries
        # and stil haven't succeeded.  So, if we have a response object,
        # use it to raise an exception.
        # Otherwise, raise the exception that must have already happened.
        if self.request_hook is not None:
            self.request_hook.handle_request_data(request, response, error=True)
        if response:
            raise BotoServerError(response.status, response.reason, body)
        elif e:
            msg = 'Please report this exception as a Boto Issue!'
            raise BotoClientError(msg)