Пример #1
 def updateAlarms(self, alarms):
     # Set up our alarms...
     for name, atts in alarms.items():
         # We don't pass in the alarm_actions attributes into the constructor
             alarm_actions = [
                 self.actions[a] for a in atts.pop('alarm', [])
             insufficient_data_actions = [
                 self.actions[a] for a in atts.pop('insufficient_data', [])
             ok_actions = [self.actions[a] for a in atts.pop('ok', [])]
         except KeyError as e:
             raise EmitterException('Unknown action %s' % repr(e))
         # Set some defaults:
         atts['statistic'] = atts.get('statistic', 'Average')
         atts['period'] = atts.get('period', 60)
         atts['evaluation_periods'] = atts.get('evaluation_periods', 1)
         # For each of the dimensions...
             atts['dimensions']['InstanceId'] = self.dims['InstanceId']
             atts['namespace'] = self.namespace
         except KeyError:
         a = MetricAlarm(name=self.dims['InstanceId'] + "-" + name, **atts)
         a.alarm_actions = alarm_actions
         a.insufficient_data_actions = ListElement(
         a.ok_actions = ListElement(ok_actions)
Пример #2
 def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
     if name == 'AlarmActions':
         self.alarm_actions = ListElement()
         return self.alarm_actions
     elif name == 'InsufficientDataActions':
         self.insufficient_data_actions = ListElement()
         return self.insufficient_data_actions
     elif name == 'OKActions':
         self.ok_actions = ListElement()
         return self.ok_actions
Пример #3
 def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
     if name == "AlarmActions":
         self.alarm_actions = ListElement()
         return self.alarm_actions
     elif name == "InsufficientDataActions":
         self.insufficient_data_actions = ListElement()
         return self.insufficient_data_actions
     elif name == "OKActions":
         self.ok_actions = ListElement()
         return self.ok_actions
     elif name == "Dimensions":
         self.dimensions = Dimension()
         return self.dimensions
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None, metric=None,
                 namespace=None, statistic=None, comparison=None, threshold=None,
                 period=None, evaluation_periods=None):
        Creates a new Alarm.

        :type name: str
        :param name: Name of alarm.

        :type metric: str
        :param metric: Name of alarm's associated metric.

        :type namespace: str
        :param namespace: The namespace for the alarm's metric.

        :type statistic: str
        :param statistic: The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric. Can
                          be one of 'SampleCount', 'Average', 'Sum', 'Minimum', 'Maximum'

        :type comparison: str
        :param comparison: Comparison used to compare statistic with threshold. Can be
                           one of '>=', '>', '<', '<='

        :type threshold: float
        :param threshold: The value against which the specified statistic is compared.

        :type period: int
        :param period: The period in seconds over which teh specified statistic is applied.

        :type evaluation_periods: int
        :param evaluation_period: The number of periods over which data is compared to
                                  the specified threshold
        self.name = name
        self.connection = connection
        self.metric = metric
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.statistic = statistic
        self.threshold = float(threshold) if threshold is not None else None
        self.comparison = self._cmp_map.get(comparison)
        self.period = int(period) if period is not None else None
        self.evaluation_periods = int(evaluation_periods) if evaluation_periods is not None else None
        self.actions_enabled = None
        self.alarm_arn = None
        self.last_updated = None
        self.description = ''
        self.dimensions = []
        self.insufficient_data_actions = []
        self.ok_actions = []
        self.state_reason = None
        self.state_value = None
        self.unit = None
        alarm_action = []
        self.alarm_actions = ListElement(alarm_action)
Пример #5
 def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
     if name == 'AlarmActions':
         self.alarm_actions = ListElement()
         return self.alarm_actions
     elif name == 'InsufficientDataActions':
         self.insufficient_data_actions = ListElement()
         return self.insufficient_data_actions
     elif name == 'OKActions':
         self.ok_actions = ListElement()
         return self.ok_actions
Пример #6
class MetricAlarm(object):

    OK = 'OK'

    _cmp_map = {
        '>=': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold',
        '>': 'GreaterThanThreshold',
        '<': 'LessThanThreshold',
        '<=': 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold',
    _rev_cmp_map = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in _cmp_map.iteritems())

    def __init__(self,
        Creates a new Alarm.

        :type name: str
        :param name: Name of alarm.

        :type metric: str
        :param metric: Name of alarm's associated metric.

        :type namespace: str
        :param namespace: The namespace for the alarm's metric.

        :type statistic: str
        :param statistic: The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated
                          Valid values: SampleCount|Average|Sum|Minimum|Maximum

        :type comparison: str
        :param comparison: Comparison used to compare statistic with threshold.
                           Valid values: >= | > | < | <=

        :type threshold: float
        :param threshold: The value against which the specified statistic
                          is compared.

        :type period: int
        :param period: The period in seconds over which teh specified
                       statistic is applied.

        :type evaluation_periods: int
        :param evaluation_periods: The number of periods over which data is
                                  compared to the specified threshold.

        :type unit: str
        :param unit: Allowed Values are:

        :type description: str
        :param description: Description of MetricAlarm

        :type dimensions: list of dicts
        :param dimensions: Dimensions of alarm, such as:
        :type alarm_actions: list of strs
        :param alarm_actions: A list of the ARNs of the actions to take in
                              ALARM state
        :type insufficient_data_actions: list of strs
        :param insufficient_data_actions: A list of the ARNs of the actions to
                                          take in INSUFFICIENT_DATA state
        :type ok_actions: list of strs
        :param ok_actions: A list of the ARNs of the actions to take in OK state
        self.name = name
        self.connection = connection
        self.metric = metric
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.statistic = statistic
        if threshold is not None:
            self.threshold = float(threshold)
            self.threshold = None
        self.comparison = self._cmp_map.get(comparison)
        if period is not None:
            self.period = int(period)
            self.period = None
        if evaluation_periods is not None:
            self.evaluation_periods = int(evaluation_periods)
            self.evaluation_periods = None
        self.actions_enabled = None
        self.alarm_arn = None
        self.last_updated = None
        self.description = description
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.state_reason = None
        self.state_value = None
        self.unit = unit
        self.alarm_actions = alarm_actions
        self.insufficient_data_actions = insufficient_data_actions
        self.ok_actions = ok_actions

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'MetricAlarm:%s[%s(%s) %s %s]' % (
            self.name, self.metric, self.statistic, self.comparison,

    def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
        if name == 'AlarmActions':
            self.alarm_actions = ListElement()
            return self.alarm_actions
        elif name == 'InsufficientDataActions':
            self.insufficient_data_actions = ListElement()
            return self.insufficient_data_actions
        elif name == 'OKActions':
            self.ok_actions = ListElement()
            return self.ok_actions
        elif name == 'Dimensions':
            self.dimensions = Dimension()
            return self.dimensions

    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
        if name == 'ActionsEnabled':
            self.actions_enabled = value
        elif name == 'AlarmArn':
            self.alarm_arn = value
        elif name == 'AlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp':
            self.last_updated = value
        elif name == 'AlarmDescription':
            self.description = value
        elif name == 'AlarmName':
            self.name = value
        elif name == 'ComparisonOperator':
            setattr(self, 'comparison', self._rev_cmp_map[value])
        elif name == 'EvaluationPeriods':
            self.evaluation_periods = int(value)
        elif name == 'MetricName':
            self.metric = value
        elif name == 'Namespace':
            self.namespace = value
        elif name == 'Period':
            self.period = int(value)
        elif name == 'StateReason':
            self.state_reason = value
        elif name == 'StateValue':
            self.state_value = value
        elif name == 'Statistic':
            self.statistic = value
        elif name == 'Threshold':
            self.threshold = float(value)
        elif name == 'Unit':
            self.unit = value
            setattr(self, name, value)

    def set_state(self, value, reason, data=None):
        """ Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.

        :type value: str
        :param value: OK | ALARM | INSUFFICIENT_DATA

        :type reason: str
        :param reason: Reason alarm set (human readable).

        :type data: str
        :param data: Reason data (will be jsonified).
        return self.connection.set_alarm_state(self.name, reason, value, data)

    def update(self):
        return self.connection.update_alarm(self)

    def enable_actions(self):
        return self.connection.enable_alarm_actions([self.name])

    def disable_actions(self):
        return self.connection.disable_alarm_actions([self.name])

    def describe_history(self,
        return self.connection.describe_alarm_history(self.name, start_date,
                                                      end_date, max_records,

    def add_alarm_action(self, action_arn=None):
        Adds an alarm action, represented as an SNS topic, to this alarm. 
        What do do when alarm is triggered.

        :type action_arn: str
        :param action_arn: SNS topics to which notification should be 
                           sent if the alarm goes to state ALARM.
        if not action_arn:
            return  # Raise exception instead?
        self.actions_enabled = 'true'

    def add_insufficient_data_action(self, action_arn=None):
        Adds an insufficient_data action, represented as an SNS topic, to
        this alarm. What to do when the insufficient_data state is reached.

        :type action_arn: str
        :param action_arn: SNS topics to which notification should be 
                           sent if the alarm goes to state INSUFFICIENT_DATA.
        if not action_arn:
        self.actions_enabled = 'true'

    def add_ok_action(self, action_arn=None):
        Adds an ok action, represented as an SNS topic, to this alarm. What
        to do when the ok state is reached.

        :type action_arn: str
        :param action_arn: SNS topics to which notification should be 
                           sent if the alarm goes to state INSUFFICIENT_DATA.
        if not action_arn:
        self.actions_enabled = 'true'

    def delete(self):
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None, metric=None,
                 namespace=None, statistic=None, comparison=None, threshold=None,
                 period=None, evaluation_periods=None, unit=None, description='',
        Creates a new Alarm.

        :type name: str
        :param name: Name of alarm.

        :type metric: str
        :param metric: Name of alarm's associated metric.

        :type namespace: str
        :param namespace: The namespace for the alarm's metric.

        :type statistic: str
        :param statistic: The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric. Can
                          be one of 'SampleCount', 'Average', 'Sum', 'Minimum', 'Maximum'

        :type comparison: str
        :param comparison: Comparison used to compare statistic with threshold. Can be
                           one of '>=', '>', '<', '<='

        :type threshold: float
        :param threshold: The value against which the specified statistic is compared.

        :type period: int
        :param period: The period in seconds over which teh specified statistic is applied.

        :type evaluation_periods: int
        :param evaluation_period: The number of periods over which data is compared to
                                  the specified threshold

        :type unit: str
        :param unit: Allowed Values are: Seconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Bytes, 
                     Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, Bits, Kilobits, Megabits, 
                     Gigabits, Terabits, Percent, Count, Bytes/Second, Kilobytes/Second, 
                     Megabytes/Second, Gigabytes/Second, Terabytes/Second, Bits/Second, 
                     Kilobits/Second, Megabits/Second, Gigabits/Second, Terabits/Second, 
                     Count/Second, None

        :type description: str
        :param description: Description of MetricAlarm

        :type dimensions list of dicts
        :param description: Dimensions of alarm, such as:
        self.name = name
        self.connection = connection
        self.metric = metric
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.statistic = statistic
        self.threshold = float(threshold) if threshold is not None else None
        self.comparison = self._cmp_map.get(comparison)
        self.period = int(period) if period is not None else None
        self.evaluation_periods = int(evaluation_periods) if evaluation_periods is not None else None
        self.actions_enabled = None
        self.alarm_arn = None
        self.last_updated = None
        self.description = description
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.insufficient_data_actions = []
        self.ok_actions = []
        self.state_reason = None
        self.state_value = None
        self.unit = unit
        alarm_action = []
        self.alarm_actions = ListElement(alarm_action)
Пример #8
class MetricAlarm(object):

    OK = 'OK'

    _cmp_map = {
                    '>='    :   'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold',
                    '>'     :   'GreaterThanThreshold',
                    '<'     :   'LessThanThreshold',
                    '<='    :   'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold',
    _rev_cmp_map = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in _cmp_map.iteritems())

    def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None, metric=None,
                 namespace=None, statistic=None, comparison=None, threshold=None,
                 period=None, evaluation_periods=None, unit=None, description='',
        Creates a new Alarm.

        :type name: str
        :param name: Name of alarm.

        :type metric: str
        :param metric: Name of alarm's associated metric.

        :type namespace: str
        :param namespace: The namespace for the alarm's metric.

        :type statistic: str
        :param statistic: The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated metric. Can
                          be one of 'SampleCount', 'Average', 'Sum', 'Minimum', 'Maximum'

        :type comparison: str
        :param comparison: Comparison used to compare statistic with threshold. Can be
                           one of '>=', '>', '<', '<='

        :type threshold: float
        :param threshold: The value against which the specified statistic is compared.

        :type period: int
        :param period: The period in seconds over which teh specified statistic is applied.

        :type evaluation_periods: int
        :param evaluation_period: The number of periods over which data is compared to
                                  the specified threshold

        :type unit: str
        :param unit: Allowed Values are: Seconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Bytes, 
                     Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, Bits, Kilobits, Megabits, 
                     Gigabits, Terabits, Percent, Count, Bytes/Second, Kilobytes/Second, 
                     Megabytes/Second, Gigabytes/Second, Terabytes/Second, Bits/Second, 
                     Kilobits/Second, Megabits/Second, Gigabits/Second, Terabits/Second, 
                     Count/Second, None

        :type description: str
        :param description: Description of MetricAlarm

        :type dimensions list of dicts
        :param description: Dimensions of alarm, such as:
        self.name = name
        self.connection = connection
        self.metric = metric
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.statistic = statistic
        self.threshold = float(threshold) if threshold is not None else None
        self.comparison = self._cmp_map.get(comparison)
        self.period = int(period) if period is not None else None
        self.evaluation_periods = int(evaluation_periods) if evaluation_periods is not None else None
        self.actions_enabled = None
        self.alarm_arn = None
        self.last_updated = None
        self.description = description
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.insufficient_data_actions = []
        self.ok_actions = []
        self.state_reason = None
        self.state_value = None
        self.unit = unit
        alarm_action = []
        self.alarm_actions = ListElement(alarm_action)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'MetricAlarm:%s[%s(%s) %s %s]' % (self.name, self.metric, self.statistic, self.comparison, self.threshold)

    def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
        if name == 'AlarmActions':
            return self.alarm_actions

    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
        if name == 'ActionsEnabled':
            self.actions_enabled = value
        elif name == 'AlarmArn':
            self.alarm_arn = value
        elif name == 'AlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp':
            self.last_updated = value
        elif name == 'AlarmDescription':
            self.description = value
        elif name == 'AlarmName':
            self.name = value
        elif name == 'ComparisonOperator':
            setattr(self, 'comparison', self._rev_cmp_map[value])
        elif name == 'EvaluationPeriods':
            self.evaluation_periods = int(value)
        elif name == 'MetricName':
            self.metric = value
        elif name == 'Namespace':
            self.namespace = value
        elif name == 'Period':
            self.period = int(value)
        elif name == 'StateReason':
            self.state_reason = value
        elif name == 'StateValue':
            self.state_value = value
        elif name == 'Statistic':
            self.statistic = value
        elif name == 'Threshold':
            self.threshold = float(value)
        elif name == 'Unit':
            self.unit = value
            setattr(self, name, value)

    def set_state(self, value, reason, data=None):
        """ Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.

        :type value: str
        :param value: OK | ALARM | INSUFFICIENT_DATA

        :type reason: str
        :param reason: Reason alarm set (human readable).

        :type data: str
        :param data: Reason data (will be jsonified).
        return self.connection.set_alarm_state(self.name, reason, value, data)

    def update(self):
        return self.connection.update_alarm(self)

    def enable_actions(self):
        return self.connection.enable_alarm_actions([self.name])

    def disable_actions(self):
        return self.connection.disable_alarm_actions([self.name])

    def describe_history(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, max_records=None, history_item_type=None, next_token=None):
        return self.connection.describe_alarm_history(self.name, start_date, end_date,
                                                      max_records, history_item_type, next_token)

    def add_alarm_action(self, sns_topic=None):
        Adds an alarm action, represented as an SNS topic, to this alarm. 
        What do do when alarm is triggered.

        :type action_arn: str
        :param action_arn: SNS topics to which notification should be 
                           sent if the alarm goes to state ALARM.
        if not sns_topic:
            return # Raise exception instead?
        self.actions_enabled = 'true'
Пример #9
class MetricAlarm(object):

    OK = 'OK'

    _cmp_map = {
        '>=': 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold',
        '>':  'GreaterThanThreshold',
        '<':  'LessThanThreshold',
        '<=': 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold',
    _rev_cmp_map = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(_cmp_map))

    def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None, metric=None,
                 namespace=None, statistic=None, comparison=None,
                 threshold=None, period=None, evaluation_periods=None,
                 unit=None, description='', dimensions=None,
                 alarm_actions=None, insufficient_data_actions=None,
        Creates a new Alarm.

        :type name: str
        :param name: Name of alarm.

        :type metric: str
        :param metric: Name of alarm's associated metric.

        :type namespace: str
        :param namespace: The namespace for the alarm's metric.

        :type statistic: str
        :param statistic: The statistic to apply to the alarm's associated
                          Valid values: SampleCount|Average|Sum|Minimum|Maximum

        :type comparison: str
        :param comparison: Comparison used to compare statistic with threshold.
                           Valid values: >= | > | < | <=

        :type threshold: float
        :param threshold: The value against which the specified statistic
                          is compared.

        :type period: int
        :param period: The period in seconds over which teh specified
                       statistic is applied.

        :type evaluation_periods: int
        :param evaluation_periods: The number of periods over which data is
                                  compared to the specified threshold.

        :type unit: str
        :param unit: Allowed Values are:

        :type description: str
        :param description: Description of MetricAlarm

        :type dimensions: dict
        :param dimensions: A dictionary of dimension key/values where
                           the key is the dimension name and the value
                           is either a scalar value or an iterator
                           of values to be associated with that
                           Example: {
                               'InstanceId': ['i-0123456', 'i-0123457'],
                               'LoadBalancerName': 'test-lb'

        :type alarm_actions: list of strs
        :param alarm_actions: A list of the ARNs of the actions to take in
                              ALARM state

        :type insufficient_data_actions: list of strs
        :param insufficient_data_actions: A list of the ARNs of the actions to
                                          take in INSUFFICIENT_DATA state

        :type ok_actions: list of strs
        :param ok_actions: A list of the ARNs of the actions to take in OK state
        self.name = name
        self.connection = connection
        self.metric = metric
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.statistic = statistic
        if threshold is not None:
            self.threshold = float(threshold)
            self.threshold = None
        self.comparison = self._cmp_map.get(comparison)
        if period is not None:
            self.period = int(period)
            self.period = None
        if evaluation_periods is not None:
            self.evaluation_periods = int(evaluation_periods)
            self.evaluation_periods = None
        self.actions_enabled = None
        self.alarm_arn = None
        self.last_updated = None
        self.description = description
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.state_reason = None
        self.state_value = None
        self.unit = unit
        self.alarm_actions = alarm_actions
        self.insufficient_data_actions = insufficient_data_actions
        self.ok_actions = ok_actions

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'MetricAlarm:%s[%s(%s) %s %s]' % (self.name, self.metric,

    def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
        if name == 'AlarmActions':
            self.alarm_actions = ListElement()
            return self.alarm_actions
        elif name == 'InsufficientDataActions':
            self.insufficient_data_actions = ListElement()
            return self.insufficient_data_actions
        elif name == 'OKActions':
            self.ok_actions = ListElement()
            return self.ok_actions
        elif name == 'Dimensions':
            self.dimensions = Dimension()
            return self.dimensions

    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
        if name == 'ActionsEnabled':
            self.actions_enabled = value
        elif name == 'AlarmArn':
            self.alarm_arn = value
        elif name == 'AlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp':
            self.last_updated = value
        elif name == 'AlarmDescription':
            self.description = value
        elif name == 'AlarmName':
            self.name = value
        elif name == 'ComparisonOperator':
            setattr(self, 'comparison', self._rev_cmp_map[value])
        elif name == 'EvaluationPeriods':
            self.evaluation_periods = int(value)
        elif name == 'MetricName':
            self.metric = value
        elif name == 'Namespace':
            self.namespace = value
        elif name == 'Period':
            self.period = int(value)
        elif name == 'StateReason':
            self.state_reason = value
        elif name == 'StateValue':
            self.state_value = value
        elif name == 'Statistic':
            self.statistic = value
        elif name == 'Threshold':
            self.threshold = float(value)
        elif name == 'Unit':
            self.unit = value
            setattr(self, name, value)

    def set_state(self, value, reason, data=None):
        """ Temporarily sets the state of an alarm.

        :type value: str
        :param value: OK | ALARM | INSUFFICIENT_DATA

        :type reason: str
        :param reason: Reason alarm set (human readable).

        :type data: str
        :param data: Reason data (will be jsonified).
        return self.connection.set_alarm_state(self.name, reason, value, data)

    def update(self):
        return self.connection.update_alarm(self)

    def enable_actions(self):
        return self.connection.enable_alarm_actions([self.name])

    def disable_actions(self):
        return self.connection.disable_alarm_actions([self.name])

    def describe_history(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, max_records=None,
                         history_item_type=None, next_token=None):
        return self.connection.describe_alarm_history(self.name, start_date,
                                                      end_date, max_records,

    def add_alarm_action(self, action_arn=None):
        Adds an alarm action, represented as an SNS topic, to this alarm.
        What do do when alarm is triggered.

        :type action_arn: str
        :param action_arn: SNS topics to which notification should be
                           sent if the alarm goes to state ALARM.
        if not action_arn:
            return # Raise exception instead?
        self.actions_enabled = 'true'

    def add_insufficient_data_action(self, action_arn=None):
        Adds an insufficient_data action, represented as an SNS topic, to
        this alarm. What to do when the insufficient_data state is reached.

        :type action_arn: str
        :param action_arn: SNS topics to which notification should be
                           sent if the alarm goes to state INSUFFICIENT_DATA.
        if not action_arn:
        self.actions_enabled = 'true'

    def add_ok_action(self, action_arn=None):
        Adds an ok action, represented as an SNS topic, to this alarm. What
        to do when the ok state is reached.

        :type action_arn: str
        :param action_arn: SNS topics to which notification should be
                           sent if the alarm goes to state INSUFFICIENT_DATA.
        if not action_arn:
        self.actions_enabled = 'true'

    def delete(self):