Пример #1
def evaluateretryrun(type,stuff2evaluate):
    didretry = False
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta
                            FROM  filereport
                            GROUP BY idta
                            HAVING MAX(statust) != %(statust)s''',
        didretry = True
        for tadict in botslib.query('''SELECT ''' + tavars + '''
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE idta= %(idta)s ''',
        else:   #there really should be a corresponding ta
            raise botslib.PanicError(_(u'MaintenanceRetry: could not find transaction "$txt".'),txt=row['idta'])
        mytrace = Trace(tadict,stuff2evaluate)
        if mytrace.statusttree == DONE:
            mytrace.errortext = ''
        #~ mytrace.ta.update(tracestatus=mytrace.statusttree)
        #ts for retried filereports is tricky: is this the time the file was originally received? best would be to use ts of prepare...
        #that is quite difficult, so use time of this run
        rootta.syn('ts')    #get the timestamp of this run
        mytrace.ts = rootta.ts
        del mytrace.ta
        del mytrace
    if not didretry:
        return 0    #no error
    return finish_evaluation(stuff2evaluate,resultlast,type)
Пример #2
    def run(self):
        ''' reinjects files with failed communication.
        #bots keeps track of last time automaticretrycommunication was done; reason: performance
        idta_lastretry = botslib.unique('bots__automaticretrycommunication',updatewith=self.minta4query)
        if idta_lastretry == 1:
            #this is the first time automaticretrycommunication is run.
            #do not do anything this run, in order to avoid sending older files. 
            return False    #no run
        for row in botslib.query('''SELECT MIN(idta) AS min_idta
                                    FROM filereport
                                    WHERE idta > %(idta_lastretry)s
                                    AND statust = %(statust)s ''',
            startidta = row['min_idta']
        if not startidta:
            return False    #no run
        do_retransmit = False
        for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta,parent,numberofresends
                                    FROM ta
                                    WHERE idta > %(startidta)s
                                    AND status = %(status)s
                                    AND statust = %(statust)s ''',
            do_retransmit = True
            ta_outgoing = botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta'])
            ta_outgoing.update(retransmit=False,statust=RESEND)     #set retransmit back to False
            ta_resend = botslib.OldTransaction(row['parent'])  #parent ta with status RAWOUT; this is where the outgoing file is kept
            ta_externin = ta_resend.copyta(status=EXTERNIN,statust=DONE) #inject; status is DONE so this ta is not used further
            ta_externin.copyta(status=FILEOUT,statust=OK,numberofresends=row['numberofresends'])  #reinjected file is ready as new input

        if do_retransmit:
            return super(automaticretrycommunication, self).run()
            return False    #no run
Пример #3
def finish_evaluation(stuff2evaluate,resultlast,type):
    #count nr files send
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta > %(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s ''',
        send = row['count']
    #count process errors
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta >= %(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s''',
        processerrors = row['count']
    #generate report (in database)
    rootta.syn('ts')    #get the timestamp of this run
    status = bool(resultlast[OK]+resultlast[OPEN]+resultlast[ERROR]+processerrors)
    botslib.change(u'''INSERT INTO report (idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,
                            VALUES  (%(idta)s,
    return generate_report(stuff2evaluate)    #return report status: 0 (no error) or 1 (error)
Пример #4
    def run(self):
        ''' prepare the files indicated by user to be rereceived. Return: indication if files should be rereceived.
        do_retransmit = False
        for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta
                                    FROM filereport
                                    WHERE retransmit = %(retransmit)s ''',
            do_retransmit = True
            botslib.changeq('''UPDATE filereport
                              SET retransmit = %(retransmit)s
                              WHERE idta = %(idta)s ''',
            for row2 in botslib.query('''SELECT idta
                                        FROM ta
                                        WHERE parent = %(parent)s ''',
                ta_rereceive = botslib.OldTransaction(row2['idta'])
                ta_externin = ta_rereceive.copyta(status=EXTERNIN,statust=DONE,parent=0) #inject; status is DONE so this ta is not used further
                ta_externin.copyta(status=FILEIN,statust=OK)  #reinjected file is ready as new input

        if do_retransmit:
            return super(rereceive, self).run()
            return False    #no run
Пример #5
def make_run_report(rootidtaofrun,resultsofrun,command,totalfilesize):
    #count nr files send
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM ta
                                WHERE idta > %(rootidtaofrun)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s ''',
        send = row['count']
    #count process errors
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM ta
                                WHERE idta >= %(rootidtaofrun)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s''',
        processerrors = row['count']
    #generate report (in database)
    rootta = botslib.OldTransaction(rootidtaofrun)
    rootta.syn('ts')    #get the timestamp of this run
    lastreceived = resultsofrun[DONE]+resultsofrun[OK]+resultsofrun[OPEN]+resultsofrun[ERROR]
    status = bool(resultsofrun[OK]+resultsofrun[OPEN]+resultsofrun[ERROR]+processerrors)
    botslib.changeq(u'''INSERT INTO report (idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,send,processerrors,
                            VALUES  (%(rootidtaofrun)s,%(lastopen)s,%(lasterror)s,%(lastok)s,%(lastdone)s,%(send)s,%(processerrors)s,
                                    %(ts)s,%(lastreceived)s,%(status)s,%(type)s,%(totalfilesize)s,%(acceptance)s) ''',
    #20120830: if new run with nothing received and no process errors: delete ta's.
    if command == 'new' and not lastreceived and not processerrors:
        botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM ta WHERE idta>=%(rootidtaofrun)s''',{'rootidtaofrun':rootidtaofrun})
def email_error_report(rootidtaofrun):
    for results in botslib.query('''SELECT idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,
                                    FROM report
                                    WHERE idta=%(rootidtaofrun)s''',
        raise botslib.PanicError(_(u'In generate report: could not find report?'))
    subject = _(u'[Bots Error Report] %(time)s')%{'time':unicode(results['ts'])[:16]}
    reporttext = _(u'Bots Report; type: %(type)s, time: %(time)s\n')%{'type':results['type'],'time':unicode(results['ts'])[:19]}
    reporttext += _(u'    %d files received/processed in run.\n')%(results['lastreceived'])
    if results['lastdone']:
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files without errors,\n')%(results['lastdone'])
    if results['lasterror']:
        subject += _(u'; %d file errors')%(results['lasterror'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files with errors,\n')%(results['lasterror'])
    if results['lastok']:
        subject += _(u'; %d files stuck')%(results['lastok'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files got stuck,\n')%(results['lastok'])
    if results['lastopen']:
        subject += _(u'; %d system errors')%(results['lastopen'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d system errors,\n')%(results['lastopen'])
    if results['processerrors']:
        subject += _(u'; %d process errors')%(results['processerrors'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d errors in processes.\n')%(results['processerrors'])
    reporttext += _(u'    %d files send in run.\n')%(results['send'])

    botsglobal.logger.info(reporttext)      #log the report texts
    # only send email report if there are errors.
    # sendreportifprocesserror (in bots.ini): no email reports if only process errors
    if results['lasterror'] or results['lastopen'] or results['lastok'] or (results['processerrors'] and botsglobal.ini.getboolean('settings','sendreportifprocesserror',True)):

        # Include details about process errors in the email report; if debug is True: includes trace
        if results['processerrors']:
            for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idroute,fromchannel,tochannel,errortext
                                        FROM ta
                                        WHERE idta>=%(rootidtaofrun)s
                                        AND status=%(status)s
                                        AND statust=%(statust)s ''',
                reporttext += '\nProcess error:\n'
                for key in row.keys():
                    reporttext += '%s: %s\n' % (key,row[key])
        # Include details about file errors in the email report; if debug is True: includes trace
        if results['lasterror'] or results['lastopen'] or results['lastok']:
            for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idroute,frompartner,fromchannel,topartner,tochannel,errortext,infilename
                                        FROM filereport
                                        WHERE idta>%(rootidtaofrun)s
                                        AND statust!=%(statust)s ''',
                reporttext += '\nFile error:\n'
                for key in row.keys():
                    reporttext += '%s: %s\n' % (key,row[key])


    return int(results['status'])    #return report status: 0 (no error) or 1 (error)
Пример #7
def email_error_report(rootidtaofrun):
    for results in botslib.query('''SELECT idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,
                                    FROM report
                                    WHERE idta=%(rootidtaofrun)s''',
        raise botslib.PanicError(_(u'In generate report: could not find report?'))
    subject = _(u'[Bots Error Report] %(time)s')%{'time':str(results['ts'])[:16]}
    reporttext = _(u'Bots Report; type: %(type)s, time: %(time)s\n')%{'type':results['type'],'time':str(results['ts'])[:19]}
    reporttext += _(u'    %d files received/processed in run.\n')%(results['lastreceived'])
    if results['lastdone']:
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files without errors,\n')%(results['lastdone'])
    if results['lasterror']:
        subject += _(u'; %d file errors')%(results['lasterror'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files with errors,\n')%(results['lasterror'])
    if results['lastok']:
        subject += _(u'; %d files stuck')%(results['lastok'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files got stuck,\n')%(results['lastok'])
    if results['lastopen']:
        subject += _(u'; %d system errors')%(results['lastopen'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d system errors,\n')%(results['lastopen'])
    if results['processerrors']:
        subject += _(u'; %d process errors')%(results['processerrors'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d errors in processes.\n')%(results['processerrors'])
    reporttext += _(u'    %d files send in run.\n')%(results['send'])

    botsglobal.logger.info(reporttext)      #log the report texts
    # only send email report if there are errors.
    # sendreportifprocesserror (in bots.ini): no email reports if only process errors
    if results['lasterror'] or results['lastopen'] or results['lastok'] or (results['processerrors'] and botsglobal.ini.getboolean('settings','sendreportifprocesserror',True)):

        # Include details about process errors in the email report; if debug is True: includes trace
        if results['processerrors']:
            for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idroute,fromchannel,tochannel,errortext
                                        FROM ta
                                        WHERE idta>=%(rootidtaofrun)s
                                        AND status=%(status)s
                                        AND statust=%(statust)s ''',
                reporttext += '\nProcess error:\n'
                for key in row.keys():
                    reporttext += '%s: %s\n' % (key,row[key])
        # Include details about file errors in the email report; if debug is True: includes trace
        if results['lasterror'] or results['lastopen'] or results['lastok']:
            for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idroute,frompartner,fromchannel,topartner,tochannel,errortext,infilename
                                        FROM filereport
                                        WHERE idta>%(rootidtaofrun)s
                                        AND statust!=%(statust)s ''',
                reporttext += '\nFile error:\n'
                for key in row.keys():
                    reporttext += '%s: %s\n' % (key,row[key])


    return int(results['status'])    #return report status: 0 (no error) or 1 (error)
Пример #8
def preparerecommunication():
    #for each out-communication process that went wrong:
    retransmit = False  #indicate retransmit
    for row in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT idta,tochannel
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE statust!=%(statust)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND retransmit=%(retransmit)s ''', {
                'status': PROCESS,
                'retransmit': True,
                'statust': DONE
        run_outgoing = botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta'])
        run_outgoing.update(retransmit=False)  #set retransmit back to False
        #get rootidta of run where communication failed
        for row2 in botslib.query(
                '''SELECT max(idta) as rootidta
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE script=%(script)s
                                    AND idta<%(thisidta)s ''', {
                    'script': 0,
                    'thisidta': row['idta']
            rootidta = row2['rootidta']
        #get endidta of run where communication failed
        for row3 in botslib.query(
                '''SELECT min(idta) as endidta
                            FROM  ta
                            WHERE script=%(script)s
                            AND idta>%(thisidta)s ''', {
                    'script': 0,
                    'thisidta': row['idta']
            endidta = row3['endidta']
        if not endidta:
            endidta = sys.maxint - 1
        for row4 in botslib.query(
                '''SELECT idta
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE idta<%(endidta)s
                                    AND idta>%(rootidta)s 
                                    AND   status=%(status)s 
                                    AND   statust=%(statust)s
                                    AND   tochannel=%(tochannel)s ''', {
                    'statust': OK,
                    'status': RAWOUT,
                    'rootidta': rootidta,
                    'endidta': endidta,
                    'tochannel': row['tochannel']
            retransmit = True
            ta_outgoing = botslib.OldTransaction(row4['idta'])
            ta_outgoing_copy = ta_outgoing.copyta(status=RAWOUT, statust=OK)
    return retransmit
Пример #9
def prepareretransmit():
    ''' prepare the retransmittable files. Return: indication if files should be retransmitted.'''
    retransmit = False  #indicate retransmit
    #for rereceive
    for row in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT idta,reportidta
                                FROM  filereport
                                WHERE retransmit=%(retransmit)s ''',
        {'retransmit': True}):
        retransmit = True
            '''UPDATE filereport
                           SET retransmit=%(retransmit)s
                           WHERE idta=%(idta)s
                           AND   reportidta=%(reportidta)s ''', {
                'idta': row['idta'],
                'reportidta': row['reportidta'],
                'retransmit': False
        for row2 in botslib.query(
                '''SELECT idta
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE parent=%(parent)s
                                    AND   status=%(status)s''', {
                    'parent': row['idta'],
                    'status': RAWIN
            ta_rereceive = botslib.OldTransaction(row2['idta'])
            ta_externin = ta_rereceive.copyta(
                status=EXTERNIN, statust=DONE, parent=0
            )  #inject; status is DONE so this ta is not used further
            ta_raw = ta_externin.copyta(
                statust=OK)  #reinjected file is ready as new input
    #for resend; this one is slow. Can be improved by having a separate list of idta to resend
    for row in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT idta,parent
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE retransmit=%(retransmit)s
                                AND   status=%(status)s''', {
                'retransmit': True,
                'status': EXTERNOUT
        retransmit = True
        ta_outgoing = botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta'])
            retransmit=False)  #is reinjected; set retransmit back to False
        ta_resend = botslib.OldTransaction(
        )  #parent ta with status RAWOUT; this is where the outgoing file is kept
        ta_externin = ta_resend.copyta(
            status=EXTERNIN, statust=DONE,
            parent=0)  #inject; status is DONE so this ta is not used further
        ta_raw = ta_externin.copyta(
            status=RAWOUT, statust=OK)  #reinjected file is ready as new input
    return retransmit
Пример #10
def finish_evaluation(stuff2evaluate, resultlast, evaluate_type):
    #count nr files send
    for row in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta > %(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s ''', {
                'status': EXTERNOUT,
                'rootidta': stuff2evaluate,
                'statust': DONE
        send = row['count']
    #count process errors
    for row in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta >= %(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s''', {
                'status': PROCESS,
                'rootidta': stuff2evaluate,
                'statust': ERROR
        processerrors = row['count']
    #generate report (in database)
    rootta = botslib.OldTransaction(stuff2evaluate)
    rootta.syn('ts')  #get the timestamp of this run
    lastreceived = resultlast[DONE] + resultlast[OK] + resultlast[
        OPEN] + resultlast[ERROR]
    status = bool(resultlast[OK] + resultlast[OPEN] + resultlast[ERROR] +
        u'''INSERT INTO report (idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,
                            VALUES  (%(idta)s,
                            ''', {
            'idta': stuff2evaluate,
            'lastopen': resultlast[OPEN],
            'lasterror': resultlast[ERROR],
            'lastok': resultlast[OK],
            'lastdone': resultlast[DONE],
            'send': send,
            'processerrors': processerrors,
            'ts': rootta.ts,
            'lastreceived': lastreceived,
            'status': status,
            'type': evaluate_type[2:]
    return generate_report(
        stuff2evaluate)  #return report status: 0 (no error) or 1 (error)
Пример #11
 def _buildevaluationstructure(self, tacurrent):
     """ recursive,for each db-ta:
         -   fill global talist with the children (and children of children, etc)
     # gather next steps/ta's for tacurrent;
     if tacurrent.child:  # find successor by using child relation ship
         for row in botslib.query(
             """SELECT """
             + TAVARS
             + """
                                      FROM  ta
                                      WHERE idta=%(child)s""",
             {"child": tacurrent.child},
             realdict = dict([(key, row[key]) for key in row.keys()])
             tacurrent.talijst = [botslib.OldTransaction(**realdict)]
     else:  # find successor by using parent-relationship; mostly this relation except for merge operations
         talijst = []
         for row in botslib.query(
             """SELECT """
             + TAVARS
             + """
                                     FROM  ta
                                     WHERE idta > %(currentidta)s
                                     AND parent=%(currentidta)s """,  # adding the idta > %(parent)s to selection speeds up a lot.
             {"currentidta": tacurrent.idta},
             realdict = dict([(key, row[key]) for key in row.keys()])
         # filter:
         # one ta might have multiple children; 2 possible reasons for that:
         # 1. split up
         # 2. error is processing the file; and retried
         # Here case 2 (error/retry) is filtered; it is not interesting to evaluate the older errors!
         # So: if the same filename and different script: use newest idta
         # shortcut: when an error occurs in a split all is turned back.
         # so: split up is OK as a whole or because of retries.
         # so: if split, and different scripts: split is becaue of retries: use newest idta.
         # ~ print tacurrent.talijst
         if len(talijst) > 1 and talijst[0].script != talijst[1].script:
             # find higest idta
             highest_ta = talijst[0]
             for ta_object in talijst[1:]:
                 if ta_object.idta > highest_ta.idta:
                     highest_ta = ta_object
             tacurrent.talijst = [highest_ta]
             tacurrent.talijst = talijst
     # recursive build:
     for child in tacurrent.talijst:
Пример #12
def finish_evaluation(stuff2evaluate, resultlast, evaluate_type):
    # count nr files send
    for row in botslib.query(
        """SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta > %(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s """,
        {"status": EXTERNOUT, "rootidta": stuff2evaluate, "statust": DONE},
        send = row["count"]
    # count process errors
    for row in botslib.query(
        """SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta >= %(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s""",
        {"status": PROCESS, "rootidta": stuff2evaluate, "statust": ERROR},
        processerrors = row["count"]
    # generate report (in database)
    rootta = botslib.OldTransaction(stuff2evaluate)
    rootta.syn("ts")  # get the timestamp of this run
    lastreceived = resultlast[DONE] + resultlast[OK] + resultlast[OPEN] + resultlast[ERROR]
    status = bool(resultlast[OK] + resultlast[OPEN] + resultlast[ERROR] + processerrors)
        u"""INSERT INTO report (idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,
                            VALUES  (%(idta)s,
            "idta": stuff2evaluate,
            "lastopen": resultlast[OPEN],
            "lasterror": resultlast[ERROR],
            "lastok": resultlast[OK],
            "lastdone": resultlast[DONE],
            "send": send,
            "processerrors": processerrors,
            "ts": rootta.ts,
            "lastreceived": lastreceived,
            "status": status,
            "type": evaluate_type[2:],
    return generate_report(stuff2evaluate)  # return report status: 0 (no error) or 1 (error)
Пример #13
def evaluaterun(evaluate_type, stuff2evaluate):
    ''' traces all received files.
        Write a filereport for each file,
        and writes a report for the run.
    resultlast = {
        OPEN: 0,
        ERROR: 0,
        OK: 0,
        DONE: 0
    }  #gather results of all filereports for runreport
    #look at infiles from this run; trace them to determine their tracestatus.
    for tadict in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT ''' + TAVARS + '''
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta > %(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s ''', {
                'status': EXTERNIN,
                'rootidta': stuff2evaluate
        botsglobal.logger.debug(u'evaluate %s.', tadict['idta'])
        mytrace = Trace(tadict, stuff2evaluate)
        resultlast[mytrace.statusttree] += 1
        del mytrace.ta_object
        del mytrace
    return finish_evaluation(stuff2evaluate, resultlast, evaluate_type)
Пример #14
def _cleanprocessnothingreceived():
    ''' delete all --new runs that received no files; including all process under the run
        processes are organised as trees, so recursive.
    def core(idta):
        #select db-ta's referring to this db-ta
        for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE idta > %(idta)s
                                    AND script=%(idta)s''',
    #select root-processes older than hoursnotrefferedarekept
    vanaf = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(hours=botsglobal.ini.getint('settings','hoursrunwithoutresultiskept',1))
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta
                                FROM report
                                WHERE type = 'new'
                                AND lastreceived=0
                                AND ts < %(vanaf)s''',
        #delete report
        botslib.change('''DELETE FROM report WHERE idta=%(idta)s ''',{'idta':row['idta']})
Пример #15
def partnerlookup(value,field,field_where_value_is_searched='idpartner',safe=False):
    ''' lookup via table partner.
        lookup value is returned, exception if not there.
        when using 'field_where_value_is_searched' with other values as ='idpartner',
        partner tabel is only indexed on idpartner (so uniqueness is not guaranteerd). 
        should work OK if not too many partners.
        parameter safe can be:
        - True: if not found, return value
        - False: if not found throw exception
        - None: if not found, return None
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM partner
                                WHERE '''+field_where_value_is_searched+ ''' = %(value)s
        if row[field]:
            return row[field]
    #nothing found in partner table
    if safe is None:
        return None
    elif safe:  #if safe is True
        return value
        raise botslib.CodeConversionError(_(u'No result found for partner lookup; either partner "%(idpartner)s" does not exist or field "%(field)s" has no value.'),
Пример #16
def generate_report(stuff2evaluate):
    for results in botslib.query('''SELECT idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,
                                    FROM report
                                    WHERE idta=%(rootidta)s''',
        raise botslib.PanicError(_(u'In generate report: could not find report?'))
    subject = _(u'[Bots Error Report] %(time)s')%{'time':str(results['ts'])[:16]}
    reporttext = _(u'Bots Report; type: %(type)s, time: %(time)s\n')%{'type':results['type'],'time':str(results['ts'])[:19]}
    reporttext += _(u'    %d files received/processed in run.\n')%(results['lastreceived'])
    if results['lastdone']:
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files without errors,\n')%(results['lastdone'])
    if results['lasterror']:
        subject += _(u'; %d file errors')%(results['lasterror'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files with errors,\n')%(results['lasterror'])
    if results['lastok']:
        subject += _(u'; %d files stuck')%(results['lastok'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d files got stuck,\n')%(results['lastok'])
    if results['lastopen']:
        subject += _(u'; %d system errors')%(results['lastopen'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d system errors,\n')%(results['lastopen'])
    if results['processerrors']:
        subject += _(u'; %d process errors')%(results['processerrors'])
        reporttext += _(u'    %d errors in processes.\n')%(results['processerrors'])
    reporttext += _(u'    %d files send in run.\n')%(results['send'])
    # sendreportifprocesserror allows blocking of email reports for process errors
    if (results['lasterror'] or results['lastopen'] or results['lastok'] or
       (results['processerrors'] and botsglobal.ini.getboolean('settings','sendreportifprocesserror',True))):
    return int(results['status'])    #return report status: 0 (no error) or 1 (error)
Пример #17
def prepareautomaticrecommunication():
    ''' reinjects all files for which communication failed (status = RAWOUT)
    retransmit = False  #indicate retransmit
    #bots keeps track of last time automaticretrycommunication was done; reason is mainly performance
    startidta = max(
    for row4 in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT idta
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE idta>%(startidta)s
                                AND   status=%(status)s 
                                AND   statust=%(statust)s ''', {
                'statust': OK,
                'status': RAWOUT,
                'startidta': startidta
        retransmit = True
        ta_outgoing = botslib.OldTransaction(row4['idta'])
        ta_outgoing_copy = ta_outgoing.copyta(status=RAWOUT, statust=OK)
    return retransmit
Пример #18
def postprocess(routedict,function,status=FILEOUT,rootidta=None,**argv):
    ''' for postprocessing of files.
        these are NOT translations; translation involve grammars, mapping scripts etc. think of eg:
        - zip files.
        If errors occur during processing, no ta are left with status FILEOUT !
        postprocess is called right before the out-communicatiation
    if rootidta is None:
        rootidta = botsglobal.currentrun.get_minta4query_routepart()
    nr_files = 0
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT idta,filename
                                FROM ta
                                WHERE idta>%(rootidta)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s
                                AND idroute=%(idroute)s
                                AND tochannel=%(tochannel)s
            botsglobal.logger.debug(u'Start postprocessing "%(name)s" for file "%(filename)s".',
            ta_from = botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta'])
            ta_from.filename = row['filename']
            txt = botslib.txtexc()
            botsglobal.logger.debug(u'OK postprocessing "%(name)s" for file "%(filename)s".',
            nr_files += 1
    return nr_files
Пример #19
def _cleanprocessnothingreceived():
    ''' delete all --new runs that recieved no files; including all process under the run
        processes are organised as trees, so recursive.
    def core(idta):
        #select db-ta's referring to this db-ta
        for row in botslib.query(
                '''SELECT idta
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE idta > %(idta)s
                                    AND script=%(idta)s''', {'idta': idta}):
        ta = botslib.OldTransaction(idta)

    #select root-processes older than hoursnotrefferedarekept
    vanaf = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(
        hours=botsglobal.ini.getint('settings', 'hoursrunwithoutresultiskept',
    for row in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT idta
                                FROM report
                                WHERE type = 'new'
                                AND lastreceived=0
                                AND ts < %(vanaf)s''', {'vanaf': vanaf}):
        #delete report
        botslib.change('''DELETE FROM report WHERE idta=%(idta)s ''',
                       {'idta': row['idta']})
Пример #20
def partnerlookup(value,
    ''' lookup via table partner.
        lookup value is returned, exception if not there.
        when using 'field_where_value_is_searched' with other values as ='idpartner',
        partner tabel is only indexed on idpartner (so uniqueness is not guaranteerd). 
        should work OK if not too many partners.
        parameter safe can be:
        - True: if not found, return value
        - False: if not found throw exception
        - None: if not found, return None
    for row in botslib.query(
            u'''SELECT ''' + field + '''
                                FROM partner
                                WHERE ''' + field_where_value_is_searched +
            ''' = %(value)s
                                ''', {'value': value}):
        if row[field]:
            return row[field]
    #nothing found in partner table
    if safe is None:
        return None
    elif safe:  #if safe is True
        return value
        raise botslib.CodeConversionError(
            _(u'No result found for partner lookup; either partner "%(idpartner)s" does not exist or field "%(field)s" has no value.'
              ), {
                  'idpartner': value,
                  'field': field
Пример #21
def sqlite_database_is_version3():
    for row in botslib.query('''PRAGMA table_info(routes)'''):
        if row['name'] == 'translateind':
            if row['type'] == 'bool':
                return False
                return True
    raise Exception('Could determine version of database')
Пример #22
def sqlite_database_is_version3():
    for row in botslib.query('''PRAGMA table_info(routes)'''):
        if row['name'] == 'translateind':
            if row['type'] == 'bool':
                return False
                return True
    raise Exception('Could not determine version of database')
Пример #23
def preprocess(routedict, function, status=FILEIN, **argv):
    ''' for pre- and postprocessing of files.
        these are NOT translations; translation involve grammars, mapping scripts etc. think of eg:
        - unzipping zipped files.
        - convert excel to csv
        - password protected files.
        Select files from INFILE -> SET_FOR_PROCESSING using criteria
        Than the actual processing function is called.
        The processing function does: SET_FOR_PROCESSING -> PROCESSING -> FILEIN
        If errors occur during processing, no ta are left with status FILEIN !
        preprocess is called right after the in-communicatiation
    nr_files = 0
    preprocessnumber = botslib.getpreprocessnumber()
    if not botslib.addinfo(change={'status': preprocessnumber},
                               'status': status,
                               'idroute': routedict['idroute'],
                               'fromchannel': routedict['fromchannel']
                           }):  #check if there is something to do
        return 0
    for row in botslib.query(
            u'''SELECT idta,filename,charset
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE   idta>%(rootidta)s
                                AND     status=%(status)s
                                AND     statust=%(statust)s
                                AND     idroute=%(idroute)s
                                AND     fromchannel=%(fromchannel)s
                                ''', {
                'status': preprocessnumber,
                'statust': OK,
                'idroute': routedict['idroute'],
                'fromchannel': routedict['fromchannel'],
                'rootidta': botslib.get_minta4query()
            botsglobal.logmap.debug(u'Start preprocessing "%s" for file "%s".',
                                    function.__name__, row['filename'])
            ta_set_for_processing = botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta'])
            ta_processing = ta_set_for_processing.copyta(
                status=preprocessnumber + 1)
            ta_processing.filename = row['filename']
            txt = botslib.txtexc()
            ta_processing.update(statust=ERROR, errortext=txt)
            botsglobal.logmap.debug(u'OK preprocessing  "%s" for file "%s".',
                                    function.__name__, row['filename'])
            nr_files += 1
    return nr_files
Пример #24
 def _buildevaluationstructure(self, tacurrent):
     ''' recursive,for each db-ta:
         -   fill global talist with the children (and children of children, etc)
     #gather next steps/ta's for tacurrent;
     if tacurrent.child:  #find successor by using child relation ship
         for row in botslib.query(
                 '''SELECT ''' + TAVARS + '''
                                      FROM  ta
                                      WHERE idta=%(child)s''',
             {'child': tacurrent.child}):
             realdict = dict([(key, row[key]) for key in row.keys()])
             tacurrent.talijst = [botslib.OldTransaction(**realdict)]
     else:  #find successor by using parent-relationship; mostly this relation except for merge operations
         talijst = []
         for row in botslib.query(
                 '''SELECT ''' + TAVARS + '''
                                     FROM  ta
                                     WHERE idta > %(currentidta)s
                                     AND parent=%(currentidta)s ''',  #adding the idta > %(parent)s to selection speeds up a lot.
             {'currentidta': tacurrent.idta}):
             realdict = dict([(key, row[key]) for key in row.keys()])
         #one ta might have multiple children; 2 possible reasons for that:
         #1. split up
         #2. error is processing the file; and retried
         #Here case 2 (error/retry) is filtered; it is not interesting to evaluate the older errors!
         #So: if the same filename and different script: use newest idta
         #shortcut: when an error occurs in a split all is turned back.
         #so: split up is OK as a whole or because of retries.
         #so: if split, and different scripts: split is becaue of retries: use newest idta.
         #~ print tacurrent.talijst
         if len(talijst) > 1 and talijst[0].script != talijst[1].script:
             #find higest idta
             highest_ta = talijst[0]
             for ta_object in talijst[1:]:
                 if ta_object.idta > highest_ta.idta:
                     highest_ta = ta_object
             tacurrent.talijst = [highest_ta]
             tacurrent.talijst = talijst
     #recursive build:
     for child in tacurrent.talijst:
Пример #25
def routedispatcher(routestorun, type=None):
    ''' run all route(s). '''
    if type == '--retransmit':
        if not prepareretransmit():
            return 0
    elif type == '--retrycommunication':
        if not preparerecommunication():
            return 0
    elif type == '--automaticretrycommunication':
        if not prepareautomaticrecommunication():
            return 0
    elif type == '--retry':
        if not prepareretry():
            return 0
    stuff2evaluate = botslib.getlastrun()
    for route in routestorun:
        foundroute = False
        for routedict in botslib.query(
                '''SELECT idroute     ,
                                                 fromchannel_id as fromchannel,
                                                 tochannel_id as tochannel,
                                                 frompartner_id as frompartner,
                                                 topartner_id as topartner,
                                        FROM routes
                                        WHERE idroute=%(idroute)s
                                        AND   active=%(active)s
                                        ORDER BY seq''', {
                    'idroute': route,
                    'active': True
            botsglobal.logger.info(_(u'running route %(idroute)s %(seq)s'), {
                'idroute': routedict['idroute'],
                'seq': routedict['seq']
            foundroute = True
            botsglobal.logger.debug(u'finished route %s %s',
                                    routedict['idroute'], routedict['seq'])
        if not foundroute:
            botsglobal.logger.warning(_(u'there is no (active) route "%s".'),
    return stuff2evaluate
Пример #26
def _cleanarchive():
    ''' delete all archive directories older than maxdaysarchive days.'''
    vanaf = (datetime.date.today()-datetime.timedelta(days=botsglobal.ini.getint('settings','maxdaysarchive',180))).strftime('%Y%m%d')
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT archivepath  FROM  channel '''):
        if row['archivepath']:
            vanafdir = botslib.join(row['archivepath'],vanaf)
            for dir in glob.glob(botslib.join(row['archivepath'],'*')):
                if dir < vanafdir:
Пример #27
def persist_lookup(domein,botskey):
    ''' lookup persistent values in db.
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT content
                                FROM persist
                               WHERE domein=%(domein)s
                                 AND botskey=%(botskey)s''',
        return pickle.loads(str(row['content']))
    return None
Пример #28
def getcodeset(ccodeid,leftcode,field='rightcode'):
    ''' Get a code set
    return list(botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     leftcode = %(leftcode)s''',
Пример #29
def persist_lookup(domein,botskey):
    ''' lookup persistent values in db.
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT content
                                FROM persist
                                WHERE domein=%(domein)s
                                AND botskey=%(botskey)s''',
        return pickle.loads(str(row['content']))
    return None
Пример #30
def reverse_ccode(ccodeid,rightcode,field='leftcode'):
    ''' as ccode but reversed lookup.'''
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     rightcode = %(rightcode)s''',
        return row[field]
    raise botslib.CodeConversionError(_(u'Value "$value" not in code-conversion, user table "$table".'),value=rightcode,table=ccodeid)
Пример #31
def _cleantransactions():
    vanaf = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=botsglobal.ini.getint('settings','maxdays',30))
    lijst = list( botslib.query('''SELECT idta FROM report WHERE ts < %(vanaf)s''',{'vanaf':vanaf}))
    for rootta in lijst:
        botslib.change('''DELETE FROM filereport WHERE reportidta = %(rootta)s''',{'rootta':rootta['idta']})
        botslib.change('''DELETE FROM report WHERE idta = %(rootta)s''',{'rootta':rootta['idta']})
        #~ botslib.change('''DELETE FROM filereport WHERE idta = %(rootta)s''',{'rootta':rootta['idta']})
    for index in range(1,len(lijst)):
        botslib.change('''DELETE FROM ta WHERE idta >= %(minrootta)s
                                         AND idta < %(maxrootta)s''',
Пример #32
def rcodetconversion(ccodeid,rightcode,field='leftcode'):
    ''' as codetconversion but reverses the dictionary first'''
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     rightcode = %(rightcode)s''',
        return row[field]
    raise botslib.CodeConversionError(_(u'Value "$value" not in codetconversions, user table "$table".'),value=rightcode,tabel=ccodeid)
Пример #33
 def core(idta):
     #select db-ta's referring to this db-ta
     for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta
                                 FROM  ta
                                 WHERE idta > %(idta)s
                                 AND script=%(idta)s''',
Пример #34
def safercodetconversion(ccodeid,rightcode,field='leftcode'):
    ''' as codetconversion but reverses the dictionary first'''
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     rightcode = %(rightcode)s''',
        return row[field]
    return rightcode
Пример #35
def getcodeset(ccodeid,leftcode,field='rightcode'):
    ''' Returns a list of all 'field' values in ccode with right ccodeid and leftcode.
    terug = []
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM ccode
                                WHERE ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND leftcode = %(leftcode)s''',
    return  terug
Пример #36
def _cleanarchive():
    ''' delete all archive directories older than maxdaysarchive days.'''
    vanaf = (datetime.date.today()-datetime.timedelta(days=botsglobal.ini.getint('settings','maxdaysarchive',180))).strftime('%Y%m%d')
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT archivepath FROM channel WHERE archivepath != '' '''):
        vanafdir = botslib.join(row['archivepath'],vanaf)
        for entry in glob.iglob(botslib.join(row['archivepath'],'*')):
            if entry < vanafdir:
                if entry.endswith('.zip'):
Пример #37
def getcodeset(ccodeid,leftcode,field='rightcode'):
       Get a code set 
    return list(botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     leftcode = %(leftcode)s''',
Пример #38
 def get_minta4query_route(self):
     ''' find out where route was started.
         if not started in crashed run, value for recovery run will be found.
     for row in botslib.query('''SELECT MIN(idta) as route_idta
                                 FROM ta
                                 WHERE idta > %(rootidta_of_current_run)s
                                 AND script = %(rootidta_of_current_run)s
                                 AND idroute = %(idroute)s ''',
         return row['route_idta']
Пример #39
 def core(idta):
     #select db-ta's referring to this db-ta
     for row in botslib.query(
             '''SELECT idta
                                 FROM  ta
                                 WHERE idta > %(idta)s
                                 AND script=%(idta)s''', {'idta': idta}):
     ta = botslib.OldTransaction(idta)
Пример #40
 def run(self):
     #get rootidta of crashed run
     for row in botslib.query('''SELECT MAX(idta) as crashed_idta
                                 FROM ta
                                 WHERE idta < %(rootidta_of_current_run)s
                                 AND script = 0 ''',
         self.minta4query_crash = row['crashed_idta']
     if not self.minta4query_crash:
         return False    #no run
     rootofcrashedrun = botslib.OldTransaction(self.minta4query_crash)
     #clean up things from crash **********************************
     #delete run report
     botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM report WHERE idta = %(rootofcrashedrun)s''',{'rootofcrashedrun':rootofcrashedrun.idta})
     #delete file reports
     botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM filereport WHERE idta>%(rootofcrashedrun)s''',{'rootofcrashedrun':rootofcrashedrun.idta})
     #delete ta's after ERROR and OK for crashed merges
     mergedidtatodelete = set()
     for row in botslib.query('''SELECT child  FROM ta 
                                 WHERE idta > %(rootofcrashedrun)s
                                 AND statust = %(statust)s
                                 AND status != %(status)s
                                 AND child != 0 ''',
     for idta in mergedidtatodelete:
         ta_object = botslib.OldTransaction(idta)
     #delete ta's after ERROR and OK for other
     for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta  FROM ta 
                                 WHERE idta > %(rootofcrashedrun)s
                                 AND ( statust = %(statust1)s OR statust = %(statust2)s )
                                 AND status != %(status)s
                                 AND child = 0 ''',
         ta_object = botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta'])
     return super(crashrecovery, self).run()
Пример #41
def preparerecommunication():
    #for each out-communication process that went wrong:
    retransmit = False  #indicate retransmit
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT idta,tochannel
                                FROM  ta
                                WHERE statust!=%(statust)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND retransmit=%(retransmit)s ''',
        run_outgoing = botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta'])
        run_outgoing.update(retransmit=False)     #set retransmit back to False
        #get rootidta of run where communication failed
        for row2 in botslib.query('''SELECT max(idta) as rootidta
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE script=%(script)s
                                    AND idta<%(thisidta)s ''',
            rootidta = row2['rootidta']
        #get endidta of run where communication failed
        for row3 in botslib.query('''SELECT min(idta) as endidta
                            FROM  ta
                            WHERE script=%(script)s
                            AND idta>%(thisidta)s ''',
            endidta = row3['endidta']
        if not endidta:
            endidta = sys.maxint - 1
        for row4 in botslib.query('''SELECT idta
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE idta<%(endidta)s
                                    AND idta>%(rootidta)s 
                                    AND   status=%(status)s 
                                    AND   statust=%(statust)s
                                    AND   tochannel=%(tochannel)s ''',
            retransmit = True
            ta_outgoing = botslib.OldTransaction(row4['idta'])
            ta_outgoing_copy = ta_outgoing.copyta(status=RAWOUT,statust=OK)
    return retransmit
Пример #42
def _cleantransactions():
    ''' delete records from report, filereport and ta.
        best indexes are on idta/reportidta; this should go fast.
    vanaf = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=botsglobal.ini.getint('settings','maxdays',30))
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT MAX(idta) as max_idta FROM report WHERE ts < %(vanaf)s''',{'vanaf':vanaf}):
        maxidta = row['max_idta']
    if maxidta is None:   #if there is no maxidta to delete, do nothing
    botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM report WHERE idta < %(maxidta)s''',{'maxidta':maxidta})
    botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM filereport WHERE idta < %(maxidta)s''',{'maxidta':maxidta})
    botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM ta WHERE idta < %(maxidta)s''',{'maxidta':maxidta})
Пример #43
def _cleantransactions():
    ''' delete records from report, filereport and ta.
        best indexes are on idta/reportidta; this should go fast.
    vanaf = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=botsglobal.ini.getint('settings','maxdays',30))
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT MAX(idta) as max_idta FROM report WHERE ts < %(vanaf)s''',{'vanaf':vanaf}):
        maxidta = row['max_idta']
    if maxidta is None:   #if there is no maxidta to delete, do nothing
    botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM report WHERE idta < %(maxidta)s''',{'maxidta':maxidta})
    botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM filereport WHERE idta < %(maxidta)s''',{'maxidta':maxidta})
    botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM ta WHERE idta < %(maxidta)s''',{'maxidta':maxidta})
Пример #44
def persist_lookup(domein, botskey):
    """ lookup persistent values in db.
    for row in botslib.query(
        u"""SELECT content
                                FROM persist
                               WHERE domein=%(domein)s
                                 AND botskey=%(botskey)s""",
        {"domein": domein, "botskey": botskey},
        return pickle.loads(str(row["content"]))
    return None
def make_run_report(rootidtaofrun,resultsofrun,command,totalfilesize):
    #count nr files send
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM ta
                                WHERE idta > %(rootidtaofrun)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s ''',
        send = row['count']
    #count process errors
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM ta
                                WHERE idta >= %(rootidtaofrun)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s''',
        processerrors = row['count']
    #generate report (in database)
    rootta = botslib.OldTransaction(rootidtaofrun)
    rootta.syn('ts')    #get the timestamp of this run
    lastreceived = resultsofrun[DONE]+resultsofrun[OK]+resultsofrun[OPEN]+resultsofrun[ERROR]
    status = bool(resultsofrun[OK]+resultsofrun[OPEN]+resultsofrun[ERROR]+processerrors)
    #give information about the used command line parameters for each run. Problem is that there is only 35pos for this (in MySQL, PostgreSQL).
    #~ commandline = 
    if botsglobal.settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
        commandline = ' '.join(sys.argv)
        commandline = ' '.join([arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg!='-cconfig' and not arg.startswith('--')])[:35]
    botslib.changeq(u'''INSERT INTO report (idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,send,processerrors,
                            VALUES  (%(rootidtaofrun)s,%(lastopen)s,%(lasterror)s,%(lastok)s,%(lastdone)s,%(send)s,%(processerrors)s,
                                    %(ts)s,%(lastreceived)s,%(status)s,%(type)s,%(totalfilesize)s,%(acceptance)s,%(rsrv1)s) ''',
    #20120830: if new run with nothing received and no process errors: delete ta's.
    if command == 'new' and not lastreceived and not processerrors:
        botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM ta WHERE idta>=%(rootidtaofrun)s''',{'rootidtaofrun':rootidtaofrun})
Пример #46
def codetconversion(ccodeid,leftcode,field='rightcode'):
    ''' converts code using a db-table.
        converted value is returned. 
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     leftcode = %(leftcode)s''',
        return row[field]
    raise botslib.CodeConversionError(_(u'Value "$value" not in codetconversions, user table "$table".'),value=leftcode,tabel=ccodeid)
Пример #47
def make_run_report(rootidtaofrun,resultsofrun,command,totalfilesize):
    #count nr files send
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM ta
                                WHERE idta > %(rootidtaofrun)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s ''',
        send = row['count']
    #count process errors
    for row in botslib.query('''SELECT COUNT(*) as count
                                FROM ta
                                WHERE idta >= %(rootidtaofrun)s
                                AND status=%(status)s
                                AND statust=%(statust)s''',
        processerrors = row['count']
    #generate report (in database)
    rootta = botslib.OldTransaction(rootidtaofrun)
    rootta.syn('ts')    #get the timestamp of this run
    lastreceived = resultsofrun[DONE]+resultsofrun[OK]+resultsofrun[OPEN]+resultsofrun[ERROR]
    status = bool(resultsofrun[OK]+resultsofrun[OPEN]+resultsofrun[ERROR]+processerrors)
    #give information about the used command line parameters for each run. Problem is that there is only 35pos for this (in MySQL, PostgreSQL).
    #~ commandline = 
    if botsglobal.settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3':
        commandline = ' '.join(sys.argv)
        commandline = ' '.join([arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg!='-cconfig' and not arg.startswith('--')])[:35]
    botslib.changeq(u'''INSERT INTO report (idta,lastopen,lasterror,lastok,lastdone,send,processerrors,
                            VALUES  (%(rootidtaofrun)s,%(lastopen)s,%(lasterror)s,%(lastok)s,%(lastdone)s,%(send)s,%(processerrors)s,
                                    %(ts)s,%(lastreceived)s,%(status)s,%(type)s,%(totalfilesize)s,%(acceptance)s,%(rsrv1)s) ''',
    #20120830: if new run with nothing received and no process errors: delete ta's.
    if command == 'new' and not lastreceived and not processerrors:
        botslib.changeq('''DELETE FROM ta WHERE idta>=%(rootidtaofrun)s''',{'rootidtaofrun':rootidtaofrun})
Пример #48
def safecodetconversion(ccodeid,leftcode,field='rightcode'):
    ''' converts code using a db-table.
        converted value is returned. 
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     leftcode = %(leftcode)s''',
        return row[field]
    return leftcode
Пример #49
def reverse_ccode(ccodeid,rightcode,field='leftcode',safe=False):
    ''' as ccode but reversed lookup.'''
    for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT ''' +field+ '''
                                FROM ccode
                                WHERE ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND rightcode = %(rightcode)s''',
        return row[field]
    if safe:
        return rightcode
        raise botslib.CodeConversionError(_(u'Value "%(value)s" not in code-conversion, user table "%(table)s".'),
Пример #50
def getcodeset(ccodeid, leftcode, field='rightcode'):
    ''' Returns a list of all 'field' values in ccode with right ccodeid and leftcode.
    terug = []
    for row in botslib.query(
            u'''SELECT ''' + field + '''
                                FROM ccode
                                WHERE ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND leftcode = %(leftcode)s''', {
                'ccodeid': ccodeid,
                'leftcode': leftcode
    return terug
Пример #51
def reverse_ccode(ccodeid, rightcode, field='leftcode'):
    ''' as ccode but reversed lookup.'''
    for row in botslib.query(
            u'''SELECT ''' + field + '''
                                FROM    ccode
                                WHERE   ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s
                                AND     rightcode = %(rightcode)s''', {
                'ccodeid': ccodeid,
                'rightcode': rightcode,
        return row[field]
    raise botslib.CodeConversionError(
        _(u'Value "$value" not in code-conversion, user table "$table".'),
Пример #52
def evaluateretryrun(evaluate_type, stuff2evaluate):
    resultlast = {OPEN: 0, ERROR: 0, OK: 0, DONE: 0}
    didretry = False
    for row in botslib.query(
            '''SELECT idta
                            FROM  filereport
                            GROUP BY idta
                            HAVING MAX(statust) != %(statust)s''',
        {'statust': DONE}):
        didretry = True
        for tadict in botslib.query(
                '''SELECT ''' + TAVARS + '''
                                    FROM  ta
                                    WHERE idta= %(idta)s ''',
            {'idta': row['idta']}):
        else:  #there really should be a corresponding ta
            raise botslib.PanicError(
                _(u'MaintenanceRetry: could not find transaction "$txt".'),
        mytrace = Trace(tadict, stuff2evaluate)
        resultlast[mytrace.statusttree] += 1
        if mytrace.statusttree == DONE:
            mytrace.errortext = ''
        #~ mytrace.ta.update(tracestatus=mytrace.statusttree)
        #ts for retried filereports is tricky: is this the time the file was originally received? best would be to use ts of prepare...
        #that is quite difficult, so use time of this run
        rootta = botslib.OldTransaction(stuff2evaluate)
        rootta.syn('ts')  #get the timestamp of this run
        mytrace.ts = rootta.ts
        del mytrace.ta_object
        del mytrace
    if not didretry:
        return 0  #no error
    return finish_evaluation(stuff2evaluate, resultlast, evaluate_type)