Пример #1
def test_memory_leak():
    import resource

    arr = np.arange(1).reshape((1, 1))

    starting = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

    for i in range(1000):
        for axis in [None, 0, 1]:
            bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanargmax(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanargmin(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmedian(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmean(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmin(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanmax(arr, axis=axis)
            bn.nanvar(arr, axis=axis)

    ending = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

    diff = ending - starting
    diff_bytes = diff * resource.getpagesize()
    # For 1.3.0 release, this had value of ~100kB
    assert diff_bytes == 0
Пример #2
def test_memory_leak() -> None:
    import resource

    arr = np.arange(1).reshape((1, 1))

    n_attempts = 3
    results = []

    for _ in range(n_attempts):
        starting = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

        for _ in range(1000):
            for axis in [None, 0, 1]:
                bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanargmax(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanargmin(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmedian(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nansum(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmean(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmin(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanmax(arr, axis=axis)
                bn.nanvar(arr, axis=axis)

        ending = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss

        diff = ending - starting
        diff_bytes = diff * resource.getpagesize()
        # For 1.3.0 release, this had value of ~100kB
        if diff_bytes:

    assert len(results) < n_attempts
Пример #3
def func11(y, e, nlhc, indTC, residual, o, a, _s, p): 
    m, n = y.shape
    if p.probType == "IP":
        w = arange(m)
        # TODO: omit recalculation from func1
        ind = nanargmin(a[:, 0:n] - o[:, 0:n] + a[:, n:] - o[:, n:], 1)
        sup_inf_diff = 0.5*(a[w, ind] - o[w, ind] + a[w, n+ind] - o[w, n+ind])
        diffao = a - o
        minres_ind = nanargmin(diffao, 1) 
        minres = diffao[w, minres_ind]
        complementary_minres = diffao[w, where(minres_ind<n, minres_ind+n, minres_ind-n)]
        volume = prod(e-y, 1)
        volumeResidual = volume * sup_inf_diff
        F = 0.25 * (a[w, ind] + o[w, ind] + a[w, n+ind] + o[w, n+ind])
        return [si(IP_fields, sup_inf_diff[i], minres[i], minres_ind[i], complementary_minres[i], y[i], e[i], o[i], a[i], _s[i], F[i], volume[i], volumeResidual[i]) for i in range(m)]
        residual = None
        tmp = asarray(a)-asarray(o)
        tmp[tmp<1e-300] = 1e-300
        nlhf = log2(tmp)#-log2(p.fTol)
#        nlhf[a==inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan
#        nlhf[o==-inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan
        if nlhf.ndim == 3: # in MOP
            nlhf = nlhf.sum(axis=1)
        if p.probType == "MOP":
            # make correct o,a wrt each target
            return [si(MOP_Fields, y[i], e[i], nlhf[i], 
                          nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None, 
                          indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None, 
                          residual[i] if residual is not None else None, 
                          [o[i][k] for k in range(p.nf)], [a[i][k] for k in range(p.nf)], 
                          _s[i]) for i in range(m)]
            s, q = o[:, 0:n], o[:, n:2*n]
            Tmp = nanmax(where(q<s, q, s), 1)
            nlhf[logical_and(isinf(a), isinf(nlhf))] = 1e300
            assert p.probType in ('GLP', 'NLP', 'NSP', 'SNLE', 'NLSP', 'MINLP')
#            residual = None

            return [si(Fields, Tmp[i], y[i], e[i], nlhf[i], 
                          nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None, 
                          indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None, 
                          residual[i] if residual is not None else None, 
                          o[i], a[i], _s[i]) for i in range(m)]
Пример #4
 def compute_draw_info(self, x, ys):
     bs = self.compute_baseline(x, ys)
     im = np.array([bottleneck.nanargmin(abs(x - self.limits[0]))])
     dx = [self.limits[0], self.limits[0]]
     dys = np.hstack((bs[:, im], ys[:, im]))
     return [("curve", (dx, dys, INTEGRATE_DRAW_EDGE_PENARGS)),  # line to value
             ("dot", (x[im], ys[:, im]))]
Пример #5
def reducepoints(x, y, n=2000, further=True):
    Reduce the total number of x, y coordinates for plotting. The
    algorithm looks windows roughly one pixel wide and plots the
    minimum and maximum point within that window. NOTE: both the min
    and max for each n will be determined. This will yield a length
    of approximately 2n. If further, remove nonessential points.

    # Can only work on blocks
    if len(x) < n*3: return (x, y)

    # Calculate the block size to average over
    block = int(math.floor(float(len(x))/n))
    newn = int(math.ceil(float(len(x))/block))
    ox, oy = np.zeros(2*newn), np.zeros(2*newn)

    # Search over each block for the min and max y value, order
    # correctly, and add to the output
    for i in range(newn):
        # Avoid just adding NaN's for all NaN blocks
            pmn = nanargmin(y[i*block:(i + 1)*block])
        except ValueError:
            pmn = 0
            pmx = nanargmax(y[i*block:(i + 1)*block])
        except ValueError:
            pmx = 0

        if pmn < pmx:
            ox[2*i], oy[2*i] = x[i*block + pmn], y[i*block + pmn]
            ox[2*i + 1], oy[2*i + 1] = x[i*block + pmx], y[i*block + pmx]
            ox[2*i + 1], oy[2*i + 1] = x[i*block + pmn], y[i*block + pmn]
            ox[2*i], oy[2*i] = x[i*block + pmx], y[i*block + pmx]

    if further:
        last = -1
        match = 0

        # Search through all values and set >= triplets to 0
        for i in range(len(ox)):
            if oy[i] != last:
                last = oy[i]
                match = 0
                match += 1
                if match > 1:
                    ox[i - 1] = np.nan

        # Eliminate those positions where ox is nan
        if np.sum(np.isnan(ox)) > 0:
            oy = oy[np.isfinite(ox)]
            ox = ox[np.isfinite(ox)]

    return ox, oy
Пример #6
def r2(PointVals, PointCoords, dataType):
    r23 = nanargmin(PointVals)
    if isnan(r23):
        r23 = 0
    # TODO: check it , maybe it can be improved
    #bestCenter = cs[r23]
    #r7 = array([(val[0][r23]+val[1][r23]) / 2 for val in domain.values()], dtype=dataType)
    #r8 = atleast_1d(r3)[r23] if not isnan(r23) else inf
    r7 = array(PointCoords[r23], dtype=dataType)
    r8 = atleast_1d(PointVals)[r23] 
    return r7, r8
Пример #7
def r2(PointVals, PointCoords, dataType):
    r23 = nanargmin(PointVals)
    if isnan(r23):
        r23 = 0
    # TODO: check it , maybe it can be improved
    #bestCenter = cs[r23]
    #r7 = array([(val[0][r23]+val[1][r23]) / 2 for val in domain.values()], dtype=dataType)
    #r8 = atleast_1d(r3)[r23] if not isnan(r23) else inf
    r7 = array(PointCoords[r23], dtype=dataType)
    r8 = atleast_1d(PointVals)[r23]
    return r7, r8
Пример #8
def find_nearest(array, value):
	Search array for value and return the index where the value is closest.

		array (ndarray): Array to search.
		value: Value to search array for.

		int: Index of ``array`` closest to ``value``.

		ValueError: If ``value`` is NaN.

	.. codeauthor:: Rasmus Handberg <*****@*****.**>
	if np.isnan(value):
		raise ValueError("Invalid search value")
	if np.isposinf(value):
		return nanargmax(array)
	if np.isneginf(value):
		return nanargmin(array)
	return nanargmin(np.abs(array - value))
Пример #9
 def time_nanargmin(self, dtype, shape, order, axis):
     bn.nanargmin(self.arr, axis=axis)
Пример #10
 def time_nanargmin(self, dtype, shape):
Пример #11
def gas_exchange(p, fw, photo='Farquhar', res='low', dynamic=True, inf_gb=False,
                 iter_max=40, threshold_conv=0.1):

    # initial state
    Cs = p.CO2  # Pa
    Tleaf = p.Tair  # deg C

    # hydraulics
    P, E = hydraulics(p, res=res, kmax=p.kmaxT)

    # initialise gs over A
    g0 = 1.e-9  # g0 ~ 0, removing it entirely introduces errors
    Cs_umol_mol = Cs * conv.MILI / p.Patm  # umol mol-1
    gsoA = g0 + p.g1T * fw / Cs_umol_mol

    # iter on the solution until it is stable enough
    iter = 0

    while True:

        An, Aj, Ac, Ci = calc_photosynthesis(p, 0., Cs, photo, Tleaf=Tleaf,

        # stomatal conductance, with fwsoil effect
        gs = np.maximum(cst.zero, conv.GwvGc * gsoA * An)

        # calculate new trans, gw, gb, etc.
        trans, real_zero, gw, gb, __ = calc_trans(p, Tleaf, gs, inf_gb=inf_gb)
        new_Tleaf, __ = leaf_temperature(p, trans, Tleaf=Tleaf, inf_gb=inf_gb)
        Pleaf = P[bn.nanargmin(np.abs(E - trans))]

        # update Cs (Pa)
        boundary_CO2 = p.Patm * conv.FROM_MILI * An / (gb * conv.GbcvGb)
        Cs = np.maximum(cst.zero, np.minimum(p.CO2, p.CO2 - boundary_CO2))
        Cs_umol_mol = Cs * conv.MILI / p.Patm

        # update gs over A
        gsoA = g0 + p.g1T * fw / Cs_umol_mol

        # force stop when atm. conditions yield E < 0. (non-physical)
        if (iter < 1) and (not real_zero):
            real_zero = None

        # check for convergence
        if ((real_zero is None) or (iter >= iter_max) or ((iter >= 2) and
            real_zero and (abs(Tleaf - new_Tleaf) <= threshold_conv) and not
            np.isclose(gs, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero))):

        # no convergence, iterate on leaf temperature
        Tleaf = new_Tleaf
        iter += 1

    if ((np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) and
        (An > 0.)) or np.isclose(Ci, 0., rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
        (Ci < 0.) or np.isclose(Ci, p.CO2, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
        (Ci > p.CO2) or (real_zero is None) or (not real_zero) or
       any(np.isnan([An, Ci, trans, gs, Tleaf, Pleaf]))):
        An, Ci, trans, gs, gb, Tleaf, Pleaf = (9999.,) * 7

    return An, Aj, Ac, Ci, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf
Пример #12
def func11(y, e, nlhc, indTC, residual, o, a, _s, p):
    m, n = y.shape
    if p.probType == "IP":
        w = arange(m)
        # TODO: omit recalculation from func1
        ind = nanargmin(a[:, 0:n] - o[:, 0:n] + a[:, n:] - o[:, n:], 1)
        sup_inf_diff = 0.5 * (a[w, ind] - o[w, ind] + a[w, n + ind] -
                              o[w, n + ind])
        diffao = a - o
        minres_ind = nanargmin(diffao, 1)
        minres = diffao[w, minres_ind]
        complementary_minres = diffao[w,
                                      where(minres_ind < n, minres_ind +
                                            n, minres_ind - n)]
        volume = prod(e - y, 1)
        volumeResidual = volume * sup_inf_diff
        F = 0.25 * (a[w, ind] + o[w, ind] + a[w, n + ind] + o[w, n + ind])
        return [
            si(IP_fields, sup_inf_diff[i], minres[i], minres_ind[i],
               complementary_minres[i], y[i], e[i], o[i], a[i], _s[i], F[i],
               volume[i], volumeResidual[i]) for i in range(m)

        residual = None

        isSNLE = p.probType in ('SNLE', 'NLSP')
        if 1 or not isSNLE:
            o, a = asarray(o), asarray(a)
            a[a == inf] = 1e300
            o[o == -inf] = -1e300
            tmp = a - o
            tmp[tmp < 1e-300] = 1e-300
            #            ind_uf_inf = where(a==inf)[0]
            #            if ind_uf_inf.size:
            #                Tmp = o[ind_uf_inf]
            #                Tmp[Tmp==-inf] = -1e100
            #                M = nanmax(abs(Tmp))
            #                if M is nan or M == 0.0:
            #                    M = 1.0
            #                tmp[ind_uf_inf] = 1e200 * (1.0 + Tmp/M)
            nlhf = log2(tmp)  #-log2(p.fTol)

#        nlhf[a==inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan
#        nlhf[o==-inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan

        if p.probType == "MOP":
            if nlhf.ndim == 3:  # in MOP
                nlhf = nlhf.sum(axis=1)
                assert 0, 'bug in interalg'
            # make correct o,a wrt each target
            return [
                si(MOP_Fields, y[i], e[i], nlhf[i],
                   nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None,
                   indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None,
                   residual[i] if residual is not None else None,
                    for k in range(p.nf)], [a[i][k]
                                            for k in range(p.nf)], _s[i])
                for i in range(m)
            assert p.probType in ('GLP', 'NLP', 'NSP', 'SNLE', 'NLSP', 'MINLP',
                                  'QP', 'LP', 'MILP')

            if 0 and isSNLE:
                nlhf = Tmp = o = a = [None] * m
                s, q = o[:, 0:n], o[:, n:2 * n]
                Tmp = nanmax(where(q < s, q, s), 1)

                nlhf[logical_and(isinf(a), isinf(nlhf))] = 1e300

#            residual = None

            return [
                si(Fields, Tmp[i], y[i], e[i], nlhf[i],
                   nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None,
                   indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None,
                   residual[i] if residual is not None else None, o[i], a[i],
                   _s[i]) for i in range(m)
Пример #13
def func1(tnlhf, tnlhf_curr, residual, y, e, o, a, _s_prev, p, indT):
    m, n = y.shape
    w = arange(m)

    if p.probType == 'IP':
        oc_modL, oc_modU = o[:, :n], o[:, n:]
        ac_modL, ac_modU = a[:, :n], a[:, n:]
        #            # TODO: handle nans
        mino = where(oc_modL < oc_modU, oc_modL, oc_modU)
        maxa = where(ac_modL < ac_modU, ac_modU, ac_modL)

        # Prev
        tmp = a[:, 0:n] - o[:, 0:n] + a[:, n:] - o[:, n:]
        t = nanargmin(tmp, 1)
        d = 0.5 * tmp[w, t]

        #        tmp = a - o
        #        t_ = nanargmin(tmp,1)
        #        t = t_% n
        #        d = tmp[w, t_]

        #        ind = 2**(-n) >= (_s_prev - d)/asarray(d, 'float64')
        ind = 2**(1.0 / n) * d >= _s_prev
        #        ind = 2**(1.0/n) * d >= nanmax(maxa-mino, 1)

        #ind = 2**(-n) >= (_s_prev - _s)/asarray(_s, 'float64')

        #s2 = nanmin(maxa - mino, 1)
        #print (abs(s2/_s))

        # Prev
        _s = nanmin(maxa - mino, 1)

        # New
        #_s = nanmax(maxa - mino, 1)
        #        _s = nanmax(a - o, 1)

        #ind = _s_prev  <= _s + ((2**-n / log(2)) if n > 15 else log2(1+2**-n))
        indD = logical_not(ind)
        indD = ind
        indD = None
        #print len(where(indD)[0]), len(where(logical_not(indD))[0])
#    elif p.probType == 'MOP':
#        raise 'unimplemented'
        if p.solver.dataHandling == 'sorted':
            _s = func13(o, a)

            t = nanargmin(a, 1) % n

            d = nanmax([a[w, t] - o[w, t], a[w, n + t] - o[w, n + t]], 0)

            ## !!!! Don't replace it by (_s_prev /d- 1) to omit rounding errors ###
            #ind = 2**(-n) >= (_s_prev - d)/asarray(d, 'float64')

            ind = d >= _s_prev / 2**(1.0e-12 / n)
            #ind = d  >=  _s_prev / 2 ** (1.0/n)
            indD = empty(m, bool)
        elif p.solver.dataHandling == 'raw':
            if p.probType == 'MOP':
                t = p._t[:m]
                p._t = p._t[m:]
                d = _s = p.__s[:m]
                p.__s = p.__s[m:]
                #                tnlh_1, tnlh_2 = tnlhf[:, 0:n], tnlhf[:, n:]
                #                TNHLF_min =  where(logical_or(tnlh_1 > tnlh_2, isnan(tnlh_1)), tnlh_2, tnlh_1)
                #               # Set _s
                #                _s = nanmin(TNHLF_min, 1)
                T = tnlhf_curr
                tnlh_curr_1, tnlh_curr_2 = T[:, 0:n], T[:, n:]
                TNHL_curr_min = where(
                    logical_or(tnlh_curr_1 < tnlh_curr_2, isnan(tnlh_curr_2)),
                    tnlh_curr_1, tnlh_curr_2)
                t = nanargmin(TNHL_curr_min, 1)
                T = tnlhf
                d = nanmin(vstack(([T[w, t], T[w, n + t]])), 0)
                _s = d

            #!#!#!#! Don't replace it by _s_prev - d <= ... to omit inf-inf = nan !#!#!#
            #ind = _s_prev  <= d + ((2**-n / log(2)) if n > 15 else log2(1+2**-n))
            #ind = _s_prev - d <= ((2**-n / log(2)) if n > 15 else log2(1+2**-n))

            if any(_s_prev < d):
            ind = _s_prev <= d + 1.0 / n
            #            T = TNHL_curr_min
            #ind2 = nanmin(TNHL_curr_min, 0)

            indQ = d >= _s_prev - 1.0 / n
            #indQ = logical_and(indQ, False)
            indD = logical_or(indQ, logical_not(indT))

#            print '------'
#            print indQ[:10]
#            print indD[:10]
#            print _s_prev[:2], d[:2]
#print len(where(indD)[0]), len(where(indQ)[0]), len(where(indT)[0])
#print _s_prev - d
#d = ((tnlh[w, t]* tnlh[w, n+t])**0.5)
            assert 0

    if any(ind):
        r10 = where(ind)[0]
        #print('r10:', r10)
        #        print _s_prev
        #        print ((_s_prev -d)*n)[r10]
        #        print('ind length: %d' % len(where(ind)[0]))
        #        print where(ind)[0].size
        #bs = e[ind] - y[ind]
        #t[ind] = nanargmax(bs, 1) # ordinary numpy.argmax can be used as well
        bs = e[r10] - y[r10]
        t[r10] = nanargmax(bs, 1)  # ordinary numpy.argmax can be used as well

    return t, _s, indD
def mtx_minimise(p,
    Uses matrices to find each value of Ci for which An(supply) ~
    An(demand) on the transpiration stream.

    p: recarray object or pandas series or class containing the data
        time step's met data & params

    trans: array
        transpiration [mol m-2 s-1], values depending on the possible
        leaf water potentials (P) and the Weibull parameters b, c

    all_Cis: array
        all potential Ci values over the transpiration stream (for each
        water potential, Ci values can be anywhere between a lower bound
        and Cs)

    photo: string
        either the Farquhar model for photosynthesis, or the Collatz

    inf_gb: bool
        if True, gb is prescrived and very large

    The value of Ci for which An(supply) is the closest to An(demand)
    (e.g. An(supply) - An(demand) closest to zero).


    if Vmax25 is not None:
        demand, __, __ = calc_photosynthesis(p,
                                             np.expand_dims(trans, axis=1),

    elif all_Ccs is not None:
        demand, __, __ = calc_photosynthesis(p,
                                             np.expand_dims(trans, axis=1),

        demand, __, __ = calc_photosynthesis(p,
                                             np.expand_dims(trans, axis=1),

    supply = A_trans(p, np.expand_dims(trans, axis=1), all_Cis, inf_gb=inf_gb)

    # find the meeting point between demand and supply
    idx = bn.nanargmin(np.abs(supply - demand), axis=1)  # closest ~0

    if all_Ccs is not None:
        all_Cis = all_Ccs

    # each Ci on the transpiration stream
    Ci = np.asarray([all_Cis[e, idx[e]] for e in range(len(trans))])
    Ci = np.ma.masked_where(idx == 0, Ci)
    Ci = np.ma.masked_where(idx == all_Cis.shape[1] - 1, Ci)

    return Ci
Пример #15
 def argf(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return bn.nanargmin(*args, **kwargs)
Пример #16
def func1(tnlhf, tnlhf_curr, residual, y, e, o, a, _s_prev, p, indT):
    m, n = y.shape
    w = arange(m)
    if p.probType == 'IP':
        oc_modL, oc_modU = o[:, :n], o[:, n:]
        ac_modL, ac_modU = a[:, :n], a[:, n:]
#            # TODO: handle nans
        mino = where(oc_modL < oc_modU, oc_modL, oc_modU)
        maxa = where(ac_modL < ac_modU, ac_modU, ac_modL)
        # Prev
        tmp = a[:, 0:n]-o[:, 0:n]+a[:, n:]-o[:, n:]
        t = nanargmin(tmp,1)
        d = 0.5*tmp[w, t]
#        tmp = a - o
#        t_ = nanargmin(tmp,1)
#        t = t_% n
#        d = tmp[w, t_]

#        ind = 2**(-n) >= (_s_prev - d)/asarray(d, 'float64')
        ind = 2**(1.0/n) * d >= _s_prev
#        ind = 2**(1.0/n) * d >= nanmax(maxa-mino, 1)
        #ind = 2**(-n) >= (_s_prev - _s)/asarray(_s, 'float64')
        #s2 = nanmin(maxa - mino, 1)
        #print (abs(s2/_s))
        # Prev
        _s = nanmin(maxa - mino, 1)
        # New
        #_s = nanmax(maxa - mino, 1)
#        _s = nanmax(a - o, 1)
        #ind = _s_prev  <= _s + ((2**-n / log(2)) if n > 15 else log2(1+2**-n)) 
        indD = logical_not(ind)
        indD = ind
        indD = None
        #print len(where(indD)[0]), len(where(logical_not(indD))[0])
#    elif p.probType == 'MOP':
#        raise 'unimplemented'
        if p.solver.dataHandling == 'sorted':
            _s = func13(o, a)
            t = nanargmin(a, 1) % n
            d = nanmax([a[w, t] - o[w, t], 
                    a[w, n+t] - o[w, n+t]], 0)
            ## !!!! Don't replace it by (_s_prev /d- 1) to omit rounding errors ###
            #ind = 2**(-n) >= (_s_prev - d)/asarray(d, 'float64')
            ind = d  >=  _s_prev / 2 ** (1.0e-12/n)
            #ind = d  >=  _s_prev / 2 ** (1.0/n)
            indD = empty(m, bool)
        elif p.solver.dataHandling == 'raw':
            if p.probType == 'MOP':
                t = p._t[:m]
                p._t = p._t[m:]
                d = _s = p.__s[:m]
                p.__s = p.__s[m:]
#                tnlh_1, tnlh_2 = tnlhf[:, 0:n], tnlhf[:, n:]
#                TNHLF_min =  where(logical_or(tnlh_1 > tnlh_2, isnan(tnlh_1)), tnlh_2, tnlh_1)
#               # Set _s
#                _s = nanmin(TNHLF_min, 1)
                T = tnlhf_curr
                tnlh_curr_1, tnlh_curr_2 = T[:, 0:n], T[:, n:]
                TNHL_curr_min =  where(logical_or(tnlh_curr_1 < tnlh_curr_2, isnan(tnlh_curr_2)), tnlh_curr_1, tnlh_curr_2)
                t = nanargmin(TNHL_curr_min, 1)
                T = tnlhf
                d = nanmin(vstack(([T[w, t], T[w, n+t]])), 0)
                _s = d

            #!#!#!#! Don't replace it by _s_prev - d <= ... to omit inf-inf = nan !#!#!#
            #ind = _s_prev  <= d + ((2**-n / log(2)) if n > 15 else log2(1+2**-n)) 
            #ind = _s_prev - d <= ((2**-n / log(2)) if n > 15 else log2(1+2**-n)) 
            if any(_s_prev < d):
            ind = _s_prev  <= d + 1.0/n
#            T = TNHL_curr_min
            #ind2 = nanmin(TNHL_curr_min, 0)
            indQ = d >= _s_prev - 1.0/n 
            #indQ = logical_and(indQ, False)
            indD = logical_or(indQ, logical_not(indT))
#            print _s_prev[:2], d[:2]
            #print len(where(indD)[0]), len(where(indQ)[0]), len(where(indT)[0])
            #print _s_prev - d
            #d = ((tnlh[w, t]* tnlh[w, n+t])**0.5)
            assert 0

    if any(ind):
        r10 = where(ind)[0]
        #print('r10:', r10)
#        print _s_prev
#        print ((_s_prev -d)*n)[r10]
#        print('ind length: %d' % len(where(ind)[0]))
#        print where(ind)[0].size
        #bs = e[ind] - y[ind]
        #t[ind] = nanargmax(bs, 1) # ordinary numpy.argmax can be used as well
        bs = e[r10] - y[r10]
        t[r10] = nanargmax(bs, 1) # ordinary numpy.argmax can be used as well

    return t, _s, indD
Пример #17
def r14MOP(p, nlhc, residual, definiteRange, y, e, vv, asdf1, C, r40, g, nNodes,  \
         r41, fTol, Solutions, varTols, _in, dataType, \
         maxNodes, _s, indTC, xRecord):

    assert p.probType == 'MOP'
    if len(p._discreteVarsNumList):
        y, e = adjustDiscreteVarBounds(y, e, p)
    if p.nProc != 1 and getattr(p, 'pool', None) is None:
        p.pool = Pool(processes = p.nProc)
    elif p.nProc == 1:
        p.pool = None
    ol, al = [], []
    targets = p.targets # TODO: check it
    m, n = y.shape
    ol, al = [[] for k in range(m)], [[] for k in range(m)]
    for i, t in enumerate(targets):
        o, a, definiteRange = func82(y, e, vv, t.func, dataType, p)
        o, a = o.reshape(2*n, m).T, a.reshape(2*n, m).T
        for j in range(m):
        #ol.append(o.reshape(2*n, m).T.tolist())
        #al.append(a.reshape(2*n, m).T.tolist())

    nlhf = r43(targets, Solutions.F, ol, al, p.pool, p.nProc)
    fo_prev = 0
    # TODO: remove NaN nodes here

    if y.size == 0:
        return _in, g, fo_prev, _s, Solutions, xRecord, r41, r40
    nodes = func11(y, e, nlhc, indTC, residual, ol, al, _s, p)
    #y, e = func4(y, e, o, a, fo)
    assert p.solver.dataHandling == 'raw', '"sorted" mode is unimplemented for MOP yet'
    if nlhf is None:
        new_nodes_tnlh_all = nlhc
    elif nlhc is None: 
        new_nodes_tnlh_all = nlhf
        new_nodes_tnlh_all = nlhf + nlhc

    asdf1 = [t.func for t in p.targets]
    r5F, r5Coords = getr4Values(vv, y, e, new_nodes_tnlh_all, asdf1, C, p.contol, dataType, p) 
    nIncome, nOutcome = r44(Solutions, r5Coords, r5F, targets, p.solver.sigma)
    fo = 0 # unused for MOP
    # TODO: better of nlhc for unconstrained probs

    if len(_in) != 0:
        an = hstack((nodes,  _in))
        an = atleast_1d(nodes)

    hasNewParetoNodes = False if nIncome == 0 else True
    if hasNewParetoNodes:
        ol2 = [node.o for node in an]
        al2 = [node.a for node in an]
        nlhc2 = [node.nlhc for node in an]
        nlhf2 = r43(targets, Solutions.F, ol2, al2, p.pool, p.nProc)
        tnlh_all = asarray(nlhc2) if nlhf2 is None else nlhf2 if nlhc2[0] is None else asarray(nlhc2) + nlhf2
        tnlh_all = vstack([new_nodes_tnlh_all] + [node.tnlh_all for node in _in]) if len(_in) != 0 else new_nodes_tnlh_all
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
        node.tnlh_all = tnlh_all[i]

    r10 = logical_not(any(isfinite(tnlh_all), 1))
    if any(r10):
        ind = where(logical_not(r10))[0]
        #an = take(an, ind, axis=0, out=an[:ind.size])
        an = asarray(an[ind])
        tnlh_all = take(tnlh_all, ind, axis=0, out=tnlh_all[:ind.size])
#    else:
#        tnlh_all = hstack([node.tnlh_all for node in an])
    T1, T2 = tnlh_all[:, :tnlh_all.shape[1]/2], tnlh_all[:, tnlh_all.shape[1]/2:]
    T = where(logical_or(T1 < T2, isnan(T2)), T1, T2)
    t = nanargmin(T, 1)
    w = arange(t.size)
    NN = T[w, t].flatten()

    for i, node in enumerate(an):
        node.tnlh_all = tnlh_all[i]
        node.tnlh_curr_best = NN[i]
    astnlh = argsort(NN)
    an = an[astnlh]

    p._t = t
    # TODO: form _s in other level (for active nodes only), to reduce calculations
    if len(an) != 0:
        nlhf_fixed = asarray([node.nlhf for node in an])
        nlhc_fixed = asarray([node.nlhc for node in an])
        T = nlhf_fixed + nlhc_fixed if nlhc_fixed[0] is not None else nlhf_fixed 
        p.__s = \
        nanmin(vstack(([T[w, t], T[w, n+t]])), 0)
        p.__s = array([])

#        p._nObtainedSolutions = len(solutions)
#        if p._nObtainedSolutions > maxSolutions:
#            solutions = solutions[:maxSolutions]
#            p.istop = 0
#            p.msg = 'user-defined maximal number of solutions (p.maxSolutions = %d) has been exeeded' % p.maxSolutions
#            return an, g, fo, None, solutions, coords, xRecord, r41, r40
    # TODO: fix it
    p._frontLength = len(Solutions.F)
    p._nIncome = nIncome
    p._nOutcome = nOutcome
    #print('iter: %d (%d) frontLenght: %d' %(p.iter, itn, len(Solutions.coords)))
    if p.istop != 0: 
        return an, g, fo, None, Solutions, xRecord, r41, r40
    #an, g = func9(an, fo, g, p)

    nn = maxNodes#1 if asdf1.isUncycled and all(isfinite(o)) and p._isOnlyBoxBounded and not p.probType.startswith('MI') else maxNodes
    an, g = func5(an, nn, g, p)
    return an, g, fo, _s, Solutions, xRecord, r41, r40
Пример #18
def solve_std(p, sw, photo='Farquhar', res='low', iter_max=40,
              threshold_conv=0.1, inf_gb=False):

    Checks the energy balance by looking for convergence of the new leaf
    temperature with the leaf temperature predicted by the previous
    iteration. Then returns the corresponding An, E, Ci, etc.

    p: recarray object or pandas series or class containing the data
        time step's met data & params

    sw: float
        mean volumetric soil moisture content [m3 m-3]

    photo: string
        either the Farquhar model for photosynthesis, or the Collatz

    threshold_conv: float
        convergence threshold for the new leaf temperature to be in
        energy balance

    iter_max: int
        maximum number of iterations allowed on the leaf temperature
        before reaching the conclusion that the system is not energy

    inf_gb: bool
        if True, gb is prescrived and very large

    trans_can: float
        transpiration rate of canopy [mmol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    gs_can: float
        stomatal conductance of canopy [mol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    An_can: float
        C assimilation rate of canopy [umol m-2 s-1] across leaves

    Ci_can: float
        average intercellular CO2 concentration of canopy [Pa] across

    rublim_can: string
        'True' if the C assimilation is rubisco limited, 'False'


    # initial state
    Cs = p.CO2  # Pa
    Tleaf = p.Tair  # deg C
    Dleaf = np.maximum(0.05, p.VPD)  # gs model not valid < 0.05

    # hydraulics
    P, E = hydraulics(p, res=res)

    if sw >= p.fc:
        g1 = p.g1

        g1 = p.g1 * fwWP(p, p.Ps)

    # initialise gs over A
    g0 = 1.e-9  # g0 ~ 0, removing it entirely introduces errors
    Cs_umol_mol = Cs * conv.MILI / p.Patm  # umol mol-1
    gsoA = g0 + (1. + g1 / (Dleaf ** 0.5)) / Cs_umol_mol

    # iter on the solution until it is stable enough
    iter = 0

    while True:

        An, Aj, Ac, Ci = calc_photosynthesis(p, 0., Cs, photo, Tleaf=Tleaf,

        # stomatal conductance, with moisture stress effect
        gs = np.maximum(cst.zero, conv.GwvGc * gsoA * An)

        # calculate new trans, gw, gb, mol.m-2.s-1
        trans, real_zero, gw, gb, Dleaf = calc_trans(p, Tleaf, gs,
        new_Tleaf, __ = leaf_temperature(p, trans, Tleaf=Tleaf, inf_gb=inf_gb)

        # update Cs (Pa)
        boundary_CO2 = p.Patm * conv.FROM_MILI * An / (gb * conv.GbcvGb)
        Cs = np.maximum(cst.zero, np.minimum(p.CO2, p.CO2 - boundary_CO2))
        Cs_umol_mol = Cs * conv.MILI / p.Patm

        # new leaf-air vpd, kPa
        if (np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
            np.isclose(gw, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
            np.isclose(gs, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero)):
            Dleaf = np.maximum(0.05, p.VPD)  # kPa

        # update gs over A
        gsoA = g0 + (1. + g1 / (Dleaf ** 0.5)) / Cs_umol_mol

        # force stop when atm. conditions yield E < 0. (non-physical)
        if (iter < 1) and (not real_zero):
            real_zero = None

        # check for convergence
        if ((real_zero is None) or (iter >= iter_max) or ((iter >= 1) and
            real_zero and (abs(Tleaf - new_Tleaf) <= threshold_conv) and not
            np.isclose(gs, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero))):

        # no convergence, iterate on leaf temperature
        Tleaf = new_Tleaf
        iter += 1

    Pleaf = P[bn.nanargmin(np.abs(trans - E))]
    rublim = rubisco_limit(Aj, Ac)  # lim?

    if ((np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) and
        (An > 0.)) or np.isclose(Ci, 0., rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
        (Ci < 0.) or np.isclose(Ci, p.CO2, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) or
        (Ci > p.CO2) or (real_zero is None) or (not real_zero) or
       any(np.isnan([An, Ci, trans, gs, new_Tleaf, Pleaf]))):
        An, Ci, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf = (9999.,) * 7

    elif not np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero):
        trans *= conv.MILI  # mmol.m-2.s-1

    return An, Ci, rublim, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf
Пример #19
 def compute_integral(self, x_s, y_s):
     if len(x_s) == 0:
         return np.zeros((y_s.shape[0],)) * np.nan
     closer = bottleneck.nanargmin(abs(x_s - self.limits[0]))
     return y_s[:, closer]
Пример #20
def func11(y, e, nlhc, indTC, residual, o, a, _s, p):
    m, n = y.shape
    if p.probType == "IP":
        w = arange(m)
        # TODO: omit recalculation from func1
        ind = nanargmin(a[:, 0:n] - o[:, 0:n] + a[:, n:] - o[:, n:], 1)
        sup_inf_diff = 0.5 * (a[w, ind] - o[w, ind] + a[w, n + ind] -
                              o[w, n + ind])
        diffao = a - o
        minres_ind = nanargmin(diffao, 1)
        minres = diffao[w, minres_ind]
        complementary_minres = diffao[w,
                                      where(minres_ind < n, minres_ind +
                                            n, minres_ind - n)]
        volume = prod(e - y, 1)
        volumeResidual = volume * sup_inf_diff
        F = 0.25 * (a[w, ind] + o[w, ind] + a[w, n + ind] + o[w, n + ind])
        return [
            si(IP_fields, sup_inf_diff[i], minres[i], minres_ind[i],
               complementary_minres[i], y[i], e[i], o[i], a[i], _s[i], F[i],
               volume[i], volumeResidual[i]) for i in range(m)


        residual = None
        tmp = asarray(a) - asarray(o)
        tmp[tmp < 1e-300] = 1e-300
        nlhf = log2(tmp)  #-log2(p.fTol)
        #        nlhf[a==inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan
        #        nlhf[o==-inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan
        if nlhf.ndim == 3:  # in MOP
            nlhf = nlhf.sum(axis=1)

        if p.probType == "MOP":
            # make correct o,a wrt each target
            return [
                si(MOP_Fields, y[i], e[i], nlhf[i],
                   nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None,
                   indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None,
                   residual[i] if residual is not None else None,
                    for k in range(p.nf)], [a[i][k]
                                            for k in range(p.nf)], _s[i])
                for i in range(m)
            s, q = o[:, 0:n], o[:, n:2 * n]
            Tmp = nanmax(where(q < s, q, s), 1)

            nlhf[logical_and(isinf(a), isinf(nlhf))] = 1e300
            assert p.probType in ('GLP', 'NLP', 'NSP', 'SNLE', 'NLSP', 'MINLP')

            #            residual = None

            return [
                si(Fields, Tmp[i], y[i], e[i], nlhf[i],
                   nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None,
                   indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None,
                   residual[i] if residual is not None else None, o[i], a[i],
                   _s[i]) for i in range(m)
        if (iter < 1) and (not real_zero):
            real_zero = None

        # check for convergence
        if ((real_zero is None) or (iter >= iter_max) or
            ((iter >= 1) and real_zero and
             (abs(Tleaf - new_Tleaf) <= threshold_conv)
             and not np.isclose(gs, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero))):

        # no convergence, iterate on leaf temperature
        Tleaf = new_Tleaf
        iter += 1

    if case == 1:  # infer leaf water potential, MPa
        Pleaf = P[bn.nanargmin(np.abs(E - trans))]

        Pleaf = P[iopt]
        ksc = p.kmaxS2 * cost[iopt]

    rublim = rubisco_limit(Aj, Ac)  # lim?

    if ((np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero) and
         (An > 0.)) or np.isclose(Ci, 0., rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero)
            or (Ci < 0.) or np.isclose(Ci, p.CO2, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero)
            or (Ci > p.CO2) or (real_zero is None) or (not real_zero)
            or any(np.isnan([An, Ci, trans, gs, new_Tleaf, Pleaf]))):
        An, Ci, trans, gs, gb, new_Tleaf, Pleaf = (9999., ) * 7

    elif not np.isclose(trans, cst.zero, rtol=cst.zero, atol=cst.zero):
Пример #22
def func11(y, e, nlhc, indTC, residual, o, a, _s, p): 
    m, n = y.shape
    if p.probType == "IP":
        w = arange(m)
        # TODO: omit recalculation from func1
        ind = nanargmin(a[:, 0:n] - o[:, 0:n] + a[:, n:] - o[:, n:], 1)
        sup_inf_diff = 0.5*(a[w, ind] - o[w, ind] + a[w, n+ind] - o[w, n+ind])
        diffao = a - o
        minres_ind = nanargmin(diffao, 1) 
        minres = diffao[w, minres_ind]
        complementary_minres = diffao[w, where(minres_ind<n, minres_ind+n, minres_ind-n)]
        volume = prod(e-y, 1)
        volumeResidual = volume * sup_inf_diff
        F = 0.25 * (a[w, ind] + o[w, ind] + a[w, n+ind] + o[w, n+ind])
        return [si(IP_fields, sup_inf_diff[i], minres[i], minres_ind[i], complementary_minres[i], y[i], e[i], o[i], a[i], _s[i], F[i], volume[i], volumeResidual[i]) for i in range(m)]
        residual = None
        isSNLE = p.probType in ('SNLE', 'NLSP')
        if 1 or not isSNLE:
            o, a = asarray(o), asarray(a)
            a[a==inf] = 1e300
            o[o==-inf] = -1e300
            tmp = a - o
            tmp[tmp<1e-300] = 1e-300
#            ind_uf_inf = where(a==inf)[0]
#            if ind_uf_inf.size:
#                Tmp = o[ind_uf_inf]
#                Tmp[Tmp==-inf] = -1e100
#                M = nanmax(abs(Tmp))
#                if M is nan or M == 0.0: 
#                    M = 1.0
#                tmp[ind_uf_inf] = 1e200 * (1.0 + Tmp/M)
            nlhf = log2(tmp)#-log2(p.fTol)
#        nlhf[a==inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan
#        nlhf[o==-inf] = 1e300# to make it not inf and nan
        if p.probType == "MOP":
            if nlhf.ndim == 3: # in MOP
                nlhf = nlhf.sum(axis=1)
                assert 0, 'bug in interalg'
            # make correct o,a wrt each target
            return [si(MOP_Fields, y[i], e[i], nlhf[i], 
                          nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None, 
                          indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None, 
                          residual[i] if residual is not None else None, 
                          [o[i][k] for k in range(p.nf)], [a[i][k] for k in range(p.nf)], 
                          _s[i]) for i in range(m)]
            assert p.probType in ('GLP', 'NLP', 'NSP', 'SNLE', 'NLSP', 'MINLP', 'QP', 'LP', 'MILP')
            if 0 and isSNLE:
                nlhf = Tmp = o = a = [None]*m
                s, q = o[:, 0:n], o[:, n:2*n]
                Tmp = nanmax(where(q<s, q, s), 1)
                nlhf[logical_and(isinf(a), isinf(nlhf))] = 1e300
#            residual = None

            return [si(Fields, Tmp[i], y[i], e[i], nlhf[i], 
                          nlhc[i] if nlhc is not None else None, 
                          indTC[i] if indTC is not None else None, 
                          residual[i] if residual is not None else None, 
                          o[i], a[i], _s[i]) for i in range(m)]
Пример #23
    def argf(self, *args, **kwargs): return bn.nanargmin(*args, **kwargs)

class nanmax(A_extremum):