Пример #1
def main():
    base_dir = '/home/caio/workspace/laps/'
    proj_tsne = np.load(base_dir + 'laps_X_proj_tsne.npy')

    min0 = proj_tsne[:, 0].min()
    min1 = proj_tsne[:, 1].min()
    max0 = proj_tsne[:, 0].max()
    max1 = proj_tsne[:, 1].max()
    proj_tsne[:, 0] = (proj_tsne[:, 0] - min0) / (max0 - min0)
    proj_tsne[:, 1] = (proj_tsne[:, 1] - min1) / (max1 - min1)

    X_train = np.load(base_dir + 'laps_X_train.npy')
    # y_train = np.load('data/fm/y_proj.npy')

    clf1 = CLF()
    clf1.LoadSKLearn(base_dir + 'lr_clf.joblib', "LR")
    # Plots the projected points coulored according to the label assigned by
    # the classifier.
    # As it is the first projection plotted, the legend is also save into a
    # separate file
    y_pred = clf1.Predict(X_train)
    labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
    path = base_dir + "projection_clf1_tsne.pdf"
    path_leg = base_dir + "projection_leg.pdf"
    title = "t-SNE Projection"
    PlotProjection(proj_tsne, y_pred, path, title, path_leg, labels)

    # Run boundary map construction function
    R = 200
    N = [5]
    grid1 = Grid(proj_tsne, R)

    _, dmap = grid1.BoundaryMap(X_train, N[0], clf1)

    np.save(base_dir + 'dmap_tsne_lr_R_50_N_10.npy', dmap)
Пример #2
def main():
    # Will try to plot errors caused by classfier
    # using segmentation dataset
    with open("data/segmentation/seg.json") as f:
        data_json = json.load(f)

    proj = np.load(data_json["proj"])

    X_train = np.load(data_json['X_train'])
    y_train = np.load(data_json['y_train'])
    X_test = np.load(data_json['X_test'])
    y_test = np.load(data_json['y_test'])

    # Logistic regression had the lowest accuracy, so it will be used in this
    # test
    clf_logreg = CLF()
    clf_logreg.LoadSKLearn(data_json['clfs'][0], "Logistic Regression")

    y_pred = clf_logreg.Predict(X_train)
    path = "data/segmentation/projection_logreg_err.pdf"
    title = "LAMP Projection Error (Logistic Regression)"

    R = 50
    N = 1
    grid_logreg = Grid(proj, R)
    PlotProjectionErr(grid_logreg, proj, y_pred, y_train, path, title)
    print("Create grid logreg")
    _, dmap = grid_logreg.BoundaryMap(X_train, N, clf_logreg)

    fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap Err ({} samples, {})".format(
        grid_logreg.grid_size, grid_logreg.grid_size, N, clf_logreg.name)
    fig_name = "data/segmentation/DenseMap_Err_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}".format(
        grid_logreg.grid_size, grid_logreg.grid_size, N, clf_logreg.name)
    miss_classified = proj[y_train != y_pred]
    PlotDenseMapErr(grid_logreg, dmap, proj, y_train, y_pred, fig_title,

    errmap = CalcErrMap(grid_logreg, dmap, X_train, y_train, clf_logreg)
    tmp_err = np.flip(errmap, axis=0)
    #tmp_dense = np.flip(dmap, axis=0)
    #tmp_dense = TransferFunc(tmp_dense, 0.7)
    #rgb_img = hsv_to_rgb(tmp_dense)
    #plt.imshow(rgb_img, interpolation='none')
    plt.imshow(tmp_err, interpolation='none')
Пример #3
def main():
    # Ideal path:
    # 1 - Load dataset, projection and a trained classifier
    with open("data/toy/toy.json") as f:
        data_json = json.load(f)

    proj = np.load(data_json["proj"])

    X_train = np.load(data_json['X_train'])
    y_train = np.load(data_json['y_train'])
    X_test = np.load(data_json['X_test'])
    y_test = np.load(data_json['y_test'])

    clf = CLF()
    clf.LoadSKLearn(data_json['clfs'][0], "Logistic Regression")

    # Plots the projected points coulored according to the label assigned by
    # the classifier.
    # As it is the first projection plotted, the legend is also save into a
    # separate file
    y_pred = clf.Predict(X_train)
    labels = ["0", "1"]
    path = "data/toy/projection_clf1_tsne.pdf"
    path_leg = "data/toy/projection_leg.pdf"
    title = "LAMP Projection"
    PlotProjection(proj, y_pred, path, title, path_leg, labels)

    #PlotMatrix(proj, X_train, clf)

    # 2 - Run boundary map construction function
    grid = Grid(proj, 100)
    num_samples = 5
    _, dmap = grid.BoundaryMap(X_train, num_samples, clf)
    fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap ({} samples, {})".format(
        grid.grid_size, grid.grid_size, num_samples, clf.name)
    fig_name = "data/toy/DenseMap_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}".format(
        grid.grid_size, grid.grid_size, num_samples, clf.name)
    PlotDenseMap(dmap, fig_title, fig_name)
Пример #4
def main():
    # Ideal path:
    # 1 - Load dataset, projection and a trained classifier
    with open("data/segmentation/seg.json") as f:
        data_json = json.load(f)

    proj = np.load(data_json["proj"])

    X_train = np.load(data_json['X_train'])
    y_train = np.load(data_json['y_train'])
    X_test = np.load(data_json['X_test'])
    y_test = np.load(data_json['y_test'])

    clf_logreg = CLF()
    clf_logreg.LoadSKLearn(data_json['clfs'][0], "Logistic Regression")

    # Plots the projected points coulored according to the label assigned by
    # the classifier.
    # As it is the first projection plotted, the legend is also save into a
    # separate file
    y_pred = clf_logreg.Predict(X_train)
    labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
    path = "data/segmentation/projection_logreg.pdf"
    path_leg = "data/segmentation/projection_leg.pdf"
    title = "LAMP Projection (Logistic Regression)"
    PlotProjection(proj, y_pred, path, title, path_leg, labels)

    clf_svm = CLF()
    clf_svm.LoadSKLearn(data_json['clfs'][1], "SVM")
    y_pred = clf_svm.Predict(X_train)
    path = "data/segmentation/projection_svm.pdf"
    title = "LAMP Projection (SVM)"
    PlotProjection(proj, y_pred, path, title)

    clf_knn5 = CLF()
    clf_knn5.LoadSKLearn(data_json['clfs'][2], "KNN (5)")
    y_pred = clf_knn5.Predict(X_train)
    path = "data/segmentation/projection_knn5.pdf"
    title = "LAMP Projection (KNN)"
    PlotProjection(proj, y_pred, path, title)

    # 2 - Run boundary map construction function on clf_logreg
    R = 500
    N = 5
    grid_logreg = Grid(proj, R)
    print("Create grid logreg")
    _, dmap = grid_logreg.BoundaryMap(X_train, N, clf_logreg)

    fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap ({} samples, {})".format(
        grid_logreg.grid_size, grid_logreg.grid_size, N, clf_logreg.name)
    fig_name = "data/segmentation/DenseMap_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}".format(
        grid_logreg.grid_size, grid_logreg.grid_size, N, clf_logreg.name)
    PlotDenseMap(dmap, fig_title, fig_name)

    # Run boundary map construction function on clf_svm
    grid_svm = Grid(proj, R)
    print("Create grid svm")
    _, dmap = grid_svm.BoundaryMap(X_train, N, clf_svm)

    fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap ({} samples, {})".format(
        grid_svm.grid_size, grid_svm.grid_size, N, clf_svm.name)
    fig_name = "data/segmentation/DenseMap_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}".format(
        grid_svm.grid_size, grid_svm.grid_size, N, clf_svm.name)
    PlotDenseMap(dmap, fig_title, fig_name)

    # Run boundary map construction function on clf_knn5
    grid_knn5 = Grid(proj, R)
    print("Create grid knn")
    _, dmap = grid_knn5.BoundaryMap(X_train, N, clf_knn5)

    fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap ({} samples, {})".format(
        grid_knn5.grid_size, grid_knn5.grid_size, N, clf_knn5.name)
    fig_name = "data/segmentation/DenseMap_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}".format(
        grid_knn5.grid_size, grid_knn5.grid_size, N, clf_knn5.name)
    PlotDenseMap(dmap, fig_title, fig_name)
Пример #5
y_preds_f = [BASE_DIR + 'y_sample_pred_' + c + '.npy' for c in CLFS]
y_pred_exists = [Path(y).is_file() for y in y_preds_f]

y_preds = [None] * len(CLFS)
for i in range(4):
    if y_pred_exists[i] is False:
        print("Needed to load classifier ", clfs_f[i])
        if i == 1:
            from keras import load_model
            clf = CLF(clf=load_model(clfs_f[i]),
                      shape=(28, 28, 1))
            clf = CLF(clf=joblib.load(open(clfs_f[i], 'rb')),
        y_preds[i] = clf.Predict(X_train)
        np.save(y_preds_f[i], y_preds[i])
        y_preds[i] = np.load(y_preds_f[i])

print("Loading projections")
projs = [LoadProjection(f) for f in projections_f]

print("Loading densemaps")
dmaps = [np.load(f) for f in dmaps_f]

print("PLotting densemap errors...")
counter = 0
titles = ["MDS (Metric)", "PLMP", "Projection By Clustering", "t-SNE", "UMAP"]
for i in range(len(PROJS)):
    for j in range(len(CLFS)):
Пример #6
def main():
    # Ideal path:
    # 1 - Load dataset, projection and a trained classifier
    with open("data/mnist/mnist.json") as f:
        data_json = json.load(f)

    proj_lamp = np.load(data_json["proj1"])
    proj_tsne = np.load(data_json["proj2"])

    X_train = np.load(data_json['X_train'])
    y_train = np.load(data_json['y_train'])
    X_test = np.load(data_json['X_test'])
    y_test = np.load(data_json['y_test'])

    input_shape = (X_train.shape[1], X_train.shape[2], 1)

    clf1 = CLF()
    clf_path = data_json['clfs'][0]
    weights_path = data_json['weights'][0]
    clf1.LoadKeras(clf_path, weights_path, "CNN 1", input_shape)
    # Plots the projected points coulored according to the label assigned by
    # the classifier.
    # As it is the first projection plotted, the legend is also save into a
    # separate file
    y_pred = clf1.Predict(X_train[:len(proj_tsne)])
    labels = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
    path = "data/mnist/projection_clf1_tsne.pdf"
    path_leg = "data/mnist/projection_leg.pdf"
    title = "t-SNE Projection"
    PlotProjection(proj_tsne, y_pred, path, title, path_leg, labels)

    # Plots the LAMP projection for the same dataset.
    path = "data/mnist/projection_clf1_lamp.pdf"
    title = "LAMP Projection"
    PlotProjection(proj_lamp, y_pred, path, title)

    clf2_1 = CLF()
    clf_path = data_json['clfs'][1]
    weights_path = data_json['weights'][1]
    clf2_1.LoadKeras(clf_path, weights_path, "CNN 2 - 1 epoch", input_shape)

    clf2_5 = CLF()
    weights_path = data_json['weights'][2]
    clf2_5.LoadKeras(clf_path, weights_path, "CNN 2 - 5 epochs", input_shape)

    clf2_10 = CLF()
    weights_path = data_json['weights'][3]
    clf2_10.LoadKeras(clf_path, weights_path, "CNN 2 - 10 epochs", input_shape)

    clf2_50 = CLF()
    weights_path = data_json['weights'][4]
    clf2_50.LoadKeras(clf_path, weights_path, "CNN 2 - 50 epochs", input_shape)

    # Run boundary map construction function
    R = 300
    N = [1, 5, 10, 15]
    grid1 = Grid(proj_tsne, R)

    for n in N:
        print("Create densemap for ", n)
        _, dmap = grid1.BoundaryMap(X_train[:len(proj_tsne)], n, clf1)
        fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap ({} samples, {})".format(
            grid1.grid_size, grid1.grid_size, n, clf1.name)
        fig_name = "data/mnist/DenseMap_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}".format(
            grid1.grid_size, grid1.grid_size, n, clf1.name)
        PlotDenseMap(dmap, fig_title, fig_name)

    N = 1
    R = 300
    clf_epochs = [clf2_1, clf2_5, clf2_10, clf2_50]
    for clf in clf_epochs:
        print("Densemap for certain epoch")
        grid = Grid(proj_tsne, R)
        _, dmap = grid.BoundaryMap(X_train[:len(proj_tsne)], N, clf)
        fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap ({} samples, {})".format(
            grid.grid_size, grid.grid_size, N, clf.name)
        fig_name = "data/mnist/DenseMap_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}".format(
            grid.grid_size, grid.grid_size, N, clf.name)
        PlotDenseMap(dmap, fig_title, fig_name)

    print("Create densemap for LAMP, N = 15", )
    N = 15
    R = 300
    grid2 = Grid(proj_lamp, R)
    _, dmap = grid2.BoundaryMap(X_train[:len(proj_tsne)], N, clf1)
    fig_title = "{}x{} DenseMap LAMP Projection ({} samples, {})".format(
        grid2.grid_size, grid2.grid_size, N, clf1.name)
    fig_name = "data/mnist/DenseMap_{}x{}_N_{}_dense_map_{}_LAMP".format(
        grid2.grid_size, grid2.grid_size, N, clf1.name)
    PlotDenseMap(dmap, fig_title, fig_name)
Пример #7
plt.imshow(X_zeros[0], cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(X_ones[0], cmap='gray')
X_train = np.array([X_zeros[0], X_ones[0]])
X_train = X_train.reshape((X_train.shape[0], img_size**2))
y_train = [0, 1]

X_proj = np.array([[0.25, 0.5], [0.75, 0.5]])

clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

dmap_clf = CLF(clf, "sklearn")

grid_size = 30
g = Grid(X_proj, grid_size)
_, dmap = g.BoundaryMap(X_train, 2, dmap_clf, k_ilamp=2)

dmap_rgb = hsv_to_rgb(dmap)

dist_2d = dist_maps.dist2d_grid(dmap)
dist_nd = dist_maps.distnd_grid(dmap, X_train, X_proj, k_ilamp=2)
plt.imshow(dist_2d, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dist_nd, cmap='gray')