Пример #1
	def __init__():
		# START	
		p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

		def countdown(secs):
			while secs > 0:
				print secs
				secs -= 1
		# STAGE 1
		# Run analyse on input stream
		midi_player.play(60 + Notes.C)
		print "Sing!"

		# Open input stream, 16-bit mono at 44100 Hz
		AUDIO_INPUT = p.open(
			format = pyaudio.paInt16,
			channels = 1,
			rate = 44100,
			input_device_index = 1,
			input = True)

		chr = 0
		time = 0
		last_tone = None
		last_played = None
		last_played_time = 0
		while True:
			# Read raw microphone data
			rawsamps = AUDIO_INPUT.read(CHUNK_SIZE)
			# Convert raw data to NumPy array
			samps = numpy.fromstring(rawsamps, dtype=numpy.int16)
			# get vol and pitch
			loudness = analyse.loudness(samps)
			pitch = Pitch(samps, mode = Modes.MINOR_PENTATONIC, key = Notes.C)
			# analyze pitch
			if loudness > VOLUME_THRESHOLD:
				tone = pitch.tone
				if tone != last_tone:
					last_time = time
					# note changed
					if last_played and tone and (abs(last_played - tone) > 11):
						# likely to be stray
						print "OVERLAP", (time - last_played_time)
						if (time - last_played_time) > 7:
							F_Stray = 0.8
							F_stray = 0.0	
					if last_played and tone and last_played == tone:
						print "REPEAT", (time - last_played_time)
						if (time - last_played_time) < 22:

							F_stray = 0.3
							F_stray = 1.0
						F_stray = 1.0

					D = F_stray
					print "%4s %3.f" % (pitch.to_tone_string() or "--", F_stray)
					if D > 0.6:
						if tone is not None:
							last_played = tone
							last_played_time = time
					last_tone = tone
			# advance time
			time += 1
Пример #2
				print "OVERLAP", (time - last_played_time)
				if (time - last_played_time) > 7:
					F_Stray = 0.8
					F_stray = 0.0	
			if last_played and tone and last_played == tone:
				print "REPEAT", (time - last_played_time)
				if (time - last_played_time) < 22:

					F_stray = 0.3
					F_stray = 1.0
				F_stray = 1.0

			D = F_stray
			print "%4s %3.f" % (pitch.to_tone_string() or "--", F_stray)
			if D > 0.6:
				if tone is not None:
					last_played = tone
					last_played_time = time
			last_tone = tone
	# advance time
	time += 1