def executor(): """ Executes commands on the queue with specified time delay. """ # Get time delay timedelay = int(config['output']['timedelay']) # Loop to get messages message = '' while not message.strip().lower() in ['x', 'exit', 'q', 'quit']: # Get message from queue and split into time and message msg = queue.get() timesec, message = msg.split(' ', 1) timesec = float(timesec) commsocket.send_log('Running: %s' % msg, logport, 'output.execute', 'DEBUG') # Wait until it's timesec+timedelay while time.time() - timesec < timedelay: time.sleep(0.5) ### EXECUTE MESSAGES HERE if message[0:2] == 'mp': # Execute motor power command pass if message[0:2] == 'mt': # Execute motor time command pass if message[0] == 's': # Execute servo command pass commsocket.send_log('Executed: %s' % message, logport, 'output.execute', 'INFO') # Sleep a bit to make sure all messages are out and threads can close time.sleep(0.2)
def enqueue_responder(message): """ Attaches the timestamp to the message and puts it on the queue """ # Generate timestamp (epoch seconds) timesec = time.time() # Put stamp and message on the queue msg = "%f %s" % (timesec, message) queue.put(msg) # Generate log message commsocket.send_log(message, logport, 'output.enqueue', 'DEBUG')
def dataserver_responder(message): """ Returns the requested data """ key = message.strip() try: value = datafmt[key] % datadict[key] except: commsocket.send_log("Invalid Value Name %s" % key, logport, 'insensor.dataserver', 'WARN') value = '' return value
def getlogdata(): """ GetLogData thread function: Runs an infinite loop reading all data in specified intervals. Data is logged and stored in the dictionary. """ # Get time nextime = time.time() + int(config['insense']['datarate']) # Infinite loop while True: # Wait for interval count = 0 while time.time() < nextime: time.sleep(0.2) count += 1 nextime = time.time() + int(config['insense']['datarate']) commsocket.send_log( "Done Waiting, Time=%d, Count=%d" % (nextime, count), logport, 'insensor.getlogdata', 'DEBUG') ### Read all data # Time data datadict['time'] = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') # Analog data if mpc_on: for i in range(Nanalog): aname = 'analog%d' % (i + 1) try: #mcp = Adafruit_MCP3008.MCP3008(clk=CLK, cs=CS, miso=MISO, mosi=MOSI) datadict[aname] = mcp.read_adc(i) except Exception as e: commsocket.send_log("Error Reading %s" % aname, logport, 'insensor.getlogdata', 'WARN') print(str(e)) time.sleep(0.05) # Attitude control data (BNO055 sensor) if bno_on: heading, roll, pitch = bno.read_euler() datadict['heading'] = heading datadict['roll'] = roll datadict['pitch'] = pitch time.sleep(0.05) xgyro, ygyro, zgyro = bno.read_gyroscope() datadict['xgyro'] = xgyro datadict['ygyro'] = ygyro datadict['zgyro'] = zgyro ### Save data to file # Make text line s = '' for key in datalist: s += datafmt[key] % datadict[key] + '\t' s.strip() # Add to file datfile = open(datafilename, 'at') datfile.write(s + '\n') datfile.close()
def executor(): """ Executes commands on the queue with specified time delay. """ # Get time delay timedelay = int(config['output']['timedelay']) # Loop to get messages message = '' while not message.strip().lower() in ['x', 'exit', 'q', 'quit']: # Get message from queue and split into time and message msg = queue.get() timesec, message = msg.split(' ', 1) timesec = float(timesec) commsocket.send_log('Running: %s' % msg, logport, 'output.execute', 'DEBUG') # Wait until it's timesec+timedelay while time.time() - timesec < timedelay : time.sleep(0.5) ### EXECUTE MESSAGES HERE # Motor: if message[0].lower() == 'm': # Make a motor hat with correct number mh =Adafruit_MotorHAT(addr=motorHatAddr) motor=mh.getMotor(int(message[1])) # Get speed, direction and duration msplit = message.split() speed = int(msplit[1]) if speed < 0: direction = Adafruit_MotorHAT.BACKWARD speed = -speed elif speed > 0: direction = Adafruit_MotorHAT.FORWARD else: direction = Adafruit_MotorHAT.RELEASE duration = float(msplit[2]) # Set motor movement motor.setSpeed(speed) # Wait for duration if duration!=0: time.sleep(duration) # Servo if message[0] == 's': pwm = Adafruit_PCA9685.PCA9685(address=servoHatAddr) pwm.set_pwm_freq(60) pwm.set_pwm(int(message[1]),0,int(message[3:])) time.sleep(1) if message[0:5]=='color': print("Color Sent") incamport=int(config['ports']['flask_incam']) commsocket.send_msg(message,incamport) commsocket.send_log('Executed: %s' % message, logport, 'output.execute', 'INFO') # Sleep a bit to make sure all messages are out and threads can close time.sleep(0.2)
def send_command(command): spaceloc = command.find(' ') if spaceloc < 0: # if no space is found -> print error print(" Error: Can't find 'target message' in command (you need a space between target and message)") target = command[:spaceloc] message = command[spaceloc+1:] if target.lower() == 'output': commsocket.send_msg(message, output_port) elif target.lower() == 'insense': response = commsocket.send_recv(message, insense_port) flash(' Response from InSense: "%s"' % response) elif target.lower() == 'incam': commsocket.send_msg(message, incam_port) elif target.lower() == 'log': commsocket.send_log(message, log_port, 'flask.client') else: flash(' Error: "%s" is invalid target' % target)
# DataServer responder function def dataserver_responder(message): """ Returns the requested data """ key = message.strip() try: value = datafmt[key] % datadict[key] except: commsocket.send_log("Invalid Value Name %s" % key, logport, 'insensor.dataserver', 'WARN') value = '' return value ### Initialize threads_key # Define data filename (run through time and expandvars) datafilename = config['insense']['datafile'] datafilename = time.strftime(datafilename) datafilename = os.path.expandvars(datafilename) commsocket.send_log('Filename set to %s' % datafilename, logport, 'insensor.setup', 'INFO') # Set up threads getthread = threading.Thread(target=getlogdata) serverthread = threading.Thread(target=dataserver) getthread.daemon = True getthread.start() serverthread.start() # Run until servethread shuts down serverthread.join()