Пример #1
def hemco_to_netCDF( folder, hemco_file_list=None, remake=False ):
    Conbine HEMCO diagnostic output files to a single NetCDF file.

    remake (boolean): overwrite existing NetCDF file


    from bpch2netCDF import get_folder
    folder = get_folder(folder)
    output_file = os.path.join(folder, 'hemco.nc')

    # If the hemco netCDF file already exists then quit unless remake=True
    if not remake:
        if os.path.exists(output_file):
            logging.warning( output_file + ' already exists, not remaking')

    logging.info("Combining hemco diagnostic files")

    # By default look for any files that look like hemco diagnostic files:
    # Look for all hemco netcdf files then remove the restart files.
    if hemco_file_list==None:
        hemco_files = glob.glob(folder + '/*HEMCO*.nc')
        for filename in hemco_files:
            if "restart" in filename:

      file_list = []
      for hemco_file in hemco_file_list:
         full_path = os.path.join(folder, hemco_file)
         if not os.path.exists(full_path):
            logging.error(full_path + " could not be found")
            raise IOError("{path} could not be found".format(path=full_path))
      hemco_files = file_list

    if len(hemco_files)==0:
        logging.warning("No hemco diagnostic files found in {_dir}"\
        logging.debug( "The following hemco files were found:")
        logging.debug( str(hemco_files) )

    # Use iris cubes to combine the data into an output file

    hemco_data = iris.load(hemco_files)
    # Concatanate the times.
    hemco_data = hemco_data.concatenate()
    iris.save( hemco_data, output_file)

    logging.info( str(hemco_data) )
    logging.info("Hecmo file created at {file}".format(file=output_file))
Пример #2
def bpch_to_netCDF(folder='none', filename='ctm.nc',\
                    bpch_file_list=None, remake=False, verbose=True):
    Converts GEOS-Chem ctm.bpch output file(s) to NetCDF
    # Check if file already exists and warn about remaking
    from bpch2netCDF import get_folder
    folder = get_folder(folder)
    output_file = os.path.join(folder, filename)

    # If the netCDf file already exists dont overwrite it without remake=True.
    if not remake:
        if os.path.exists(output_file):
            logging.warning(output_file + ' already exists. Not recreating.')

    # By default look inside the folder for any files
    if bpch_file_list == None:
        bpch_files = glob.glob(folder + '/*.bpch*')
        if len(bpch_files) == 0:
            bpch_files = glob.glob(folder + '/*trac_avg*')
            if len(bpch_files) == 0:
                logging.error("No bpch files found in " + folder)
                raise IOError(folder + " contains no bpch files.")
    # Confirm the specified bpch files are there.
        file_list = []
        for bpch_file in bpch_file_list:
            full_path = folder + '/' + bpch_file
            if not os.path.exists(full_path):
                logging.error(full_path + " could not be found")
                raise IOError("Full path could not be found")
        bpch_files = file_list

    # Open the bpch files
    logging.debug("The following bpch files were found:")
    if verbose:
        print "Creating a netCDF file. This can take some time..."
    bpch_data = datasets.load(bpch_files)

    # Save the netCDF file
    #   iris.fileformats.netcdf.save(data, output_file)
    datasets.save(bpch_data, output_file)

    logging.info("A netCDF file has been created with the name {ctm}".format(

Пример #3
def hemco_to_netCDF(folder, hemco_file_list, remake=False):

    from bpch2netCDF import get_folder
    folder = get_folder(folder)
    output_file = os.path.join(folder, 'hemco.nc')

    # If the hemco netCDF file already exists then quit unless remake=True
    if not remake:
        if os.path.exists(output_file):
            logging.warning(output_file + ' already exists, not remaking')

    logging.info("Combining hemco diagnostic files")

    # By default look for any files that look like hemco diagnostic files:
    # Look for all hemco netcdf files then remove the restart files.
    if hemco_file_list == None:
        hemco_files = glob.glob(folder + '/*HEMCO*.nc')
        for filename in hemco_files:
            if "restart" in filename:

    if len(hemco_files) == 0:
        logging.warning("No hemco diagnostic files found in wd")
        logging.debug("The following hemco files were found:")

    # Use iris cubes to combine the data into an output file

    hemco_data = iris.load(hemco_files)
    # Concatanate the times.
    hemco_data = hemco_data.concatenate()
    iris.save(hemco_data, output_file)

    logging.info("Hecmo file created at {file}".format(file=output_file))
Пример #4
def convert_to_netCDF(folder='none', filename='ctm.nc'):

    from bpch2netCDF import get_folder
    folder = get_folder(folder)

    # Get ctm.bpch ( inc. if named *trac_avg* )
    import glob
    bpch_files = glob.glob(folder + '/*ctm.bpch*')
    if len(bpch_files) == 0:
        bpch_files = glob.glob(folder + '/*trac_avg*')

    # Open the bpch files
        from pygchem import datasets
        import pygchem.datafields as datasets
    data = datasets.load(bpch_files)

    # Save the netCDF file
    output_file = folder + '/' + filename
    import iris
    iris.fileformats.netcdf.save(data, output_file)

Пример #5
def bpch_to_netCDF(folder=None, filename='ctm.nc', bpch_file_list=None, \
        remake=False, filetype="*ctm.bpch*", verbose=False, **kwargs):

   Converts GEOS-Chem ctm.bpch output file(s) to NetCDF

   folder (str): working directory for data files
   filename (str): name to give created NetCDF
   bpch_file_list (list): list of files to convert 
   remake (boolean): overwrite existing NetCDF file
   filetype (str): string with wildcards to match filenames 
   ( e.g. *ctm.bpch*,*ts*bpch* )
   verbose (boolean): print (minor) logging to screen
   (None) saves a NetCDF file to disk


   # Check if file already exists and warn about remaking
   from bpch2netCDF import get_folder
   folder = get_folder(folder)
   output_file = os.path.join(folder, filename)

   # If the netCDf file already exists dont overwrite it without remake=True.
   if not remake:
       if os.path.exists(output_file):
           logging.warning(output_file + ' already exists. Not recreating.')
   # Look for files if file list is not provided.
   if isinstance( bpch_file_list, type(None) ):
       logging.debug("Searching for the following bpch filetype: {filetype}"\
       bpch_files = glob.glob( folder + '/' + filetype )
       if len(bpch_files) == 0:
           logging.error("No bpch files found in "+folder)
           raise IOError(folder + " contains no bpch files.")

   # use the specified files.
       file_list = []
       for bpch_file in bpch_file_list:
         full_path = folder + '/' + bpch_file
         if not os.path.exists(full_path):
            logging.error(full_path + " could not be found")
            raise IOError("Full path could not be found")
       bpch_files = file_list

   # Open the bpch files
   logging.debug( "The following bpch files were found:")
   logging.debug( str(bpch_files) )
   if verbose:
        print "Creating a netCDF file. This can take some time..."
   bpch_data = datasets.load(bpch_files)

   # Save the netCDF file
#   iris.fileformats.netcdf.save(data, output_file)
   datasets.save( bpch_data, output_file )
   logging.info( "A netCDF file has been created with the name {ctm}".format(ctm=output_file)) 