def export_visual_atlas(i, out_dir, atlas=None, prefix='debug'): """ export the atlas and/or weights to results directory :param int i: iteration to be shown in the img name :param str out_dir: path to the resulting folder :param ndarray atlas: np.array<height, width> :param str prefix: >>> import shutil >>> logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) >>> dir_name = 'sample_dir' >>> os.mkdir(dir_name) >>> export_visual_atlas(0, dir_name, np.random.randint(0, 5, (10, 5))) >>> shutil.rmtree(dir_name, ignore_errors=True) """ if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() < logging.DEBUG: return if out_dir is None or not os.path.exists(out_dir): logging.debug('results path "%s" does not exist', out_dir) return None if atlas is not None: # export_visualization_image(atlas, i, out_dir, prefix, 'atlas', # labels=['X', 'Y']) n_img = TEMPLATE_NAME_ATLAS.format(prefix, 'atlas', i) export_image(out_dir, atlas, n_img)
def extract_activation(path_img, path_out): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_img))[0] img = io_imread(path_img) mask = img[:, :, 0] > 5 im_struc = img[:, :, 0] im_struc_gauss = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im_struc, 1) im_gene = img[:, :, 1] im_gene_gauss = ndimage.gaussian_filter(im_gene, 1) mask_struc = im_struc_gauss > filters.threshold_otsu(im_struc_gauss[mask]) ms = np.median(im_struc_gauss[mask_struc]) mask_gene = im_gene_gauss > filters.threshold_otsu(im_gene_gauss[mask]) mg = np.median(im_gene_gauss[mask_gene]) ration_gene = np.sum(mask_gene) / float(np.sum(mask)) coef = (ms / mg * 2.5) if ration_gene > 0.3 else (ms / mg * 5) im_mean = np.max(np.array([im_gene_gauss + (im_struc_gauss / coef)]), axis=0) otsu = filters.threshold_otsu(im_mean[mask]) im_gene = im_mean.copy() im_gene[im_gene < otsu] = 0 # gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=3, n_init=10) # data = np.array([im_gene_gauss[mask].ravel(), im_struc_gauss[mask]]).T # # id_max = np.argmax(gmm.means_[:, 0]) # gm_mean = gmm.means_[id_max, 0] # gm_std = np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_[id_max, 0, 0]) # im_gene[im_gene_gauss < (gm_mean - gm_std)] = 0 # p_out = os.path.join(path_out, name) export_image(path_out, im_gene, name)
def add_noise_image(img_name, path_in, path_out, noise_level): """ :param str img_name: :param str path_in: :param str path_out: :param float noise_level: """ path_img = os.path.join(path_in, img_name) logging.debug('loading image: %s', path_img) name, img = load_image(path_img) img_noise = add_image_fuzzy_gauss_noise(img, noise_level) export_image(path_out, img_noise, name)
def _export_atlas(self, atlas, suffix=''): """ export estimated atlas :param ndarray atlas: np.array<height, width> :param str suffix: """ n_img = NAME_ATLAS.format(suffix) export_image(self.params.get('path_exp'), atlas, n_img, stretch_range=False) path_atlas_rgb = os.path.join(self.params.get('path_exp'), n_img + '_rgb.png') logging.debug('exporting RGB atlas: %s', path_atlas_rgb) plt.imsave(path_atlas_rgb, atlas,
def main(path_pattern_in, path_out, nb_workers=NB_WORKERS): assert os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path_pattern_in)), \ 'missing: %s' % path_pattern_in assert os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path_out)), \ 'missing: %s' % os.path.dirname(path_out) if not os.path.isdir(path_out):'create dir: %s', path_out) os.mkdir(path_out) list_img_paths = glob.glob(path_pattern_in)'found images: %i', len(list_img_paths)) # create partial subset with image pathes list_img_paths_partial = [ list_img_paths[i::nb_workers * LOAD_SUBSET_COEF] for i in range(nb_workers * LOAD_SUBSET_COEF) ] list_img_paths_partial = [ls for ls in list_img_paths_partial if ls] mean_imgs = list( WrapExecuteSequence(load_mean_image, list_img_paths_partial, nb_workers=nb_workers, desc='loading mean images')) # imgs, im_names = tl_data.dataset_load_images(list_img_paths, nb_workers=1) img_mean = np.mean(np.asarray(mean_imgs), axis=0) export_image(path_out, img_mean, 'mean_image')'original image size: %r', img_mean.shape) # bbox = find_min_bbox_cumul_sum(img_mean, params['threshold']) if params['thr_method'] == 'line-grad': bbox = find_min_bbox_grad(img_mean) elif params['threshold'] == 0: bbox = [0] * 4 elif params['thr_method'] == 'line-sum': bbox = find_min_bbox_line_sum(img_mean, params['threshold']) else: bbox = find_min_bbox_cumul_sum(img_mean, params['threshold']) d_bbox = export_bbox_json(path_out, bbox)'found BBox: %r', d_bbox) _cut_export = partial(export_cut_image, d_bbox=d_bbox, path_out=path_out) list( WrapExecuteSequence(_cut_export, list_img_paths, nb_workers, desc='exporting cut images'))
def perform_reconstruction(set_variables, atlas, path_out, path_visu=None): name, w_bins, segm, image, deform = set_variables if deform is not None: atlas = warp2d_apply_deform_field(atlas, deform, method='nearest') w_bin_ext = np.array([0] + w_bins.tolist()) seg_reconst = np.asarray(w_bin_ext)[atlas].astype(atlas.dtype) export_image(path_out, seg_reconst, name) if path_visu is not None and os.path.isdir(path_visu): fig = draw_reconstruction(atlas, seg_reconst, segm, img_rgb=image) p_fig = os.path.join(path_visu, name + '.png') fig.savefig(p_fig, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) diff = np.sum(np.abs(image - seg_reconst)) if image is not None else None return name, diff
def export_cut_image(path_img, d_bbox, path_out): name, im = load_image(path_img) im_cut = im[d_bbox['top']:-d_bbox['bottom'], d_bbox['left']:-d_bbox['right']] export_image(path_out, im_cut, name)
def parse_experiment_folder(path_expt, params): """ parse experiment folder, get configuration and results :param str path_expt: path to experiment folder :param dict params: """ assert os.path.isdir(path_expt), 'missing EXPERIMENT: %s' % path_expt path_config = os.path.join(path_expt, params['name_config']) assert any(path_config.endswith(ext) for ext in ['.yaml', '.yml']), '%s' % path_config assert os.path.exists(path_config), 'missing config: %s' % path_config dict_info = load_config_yaml(path_config) logging.debug(' -> loaded params: %r', dict_info.keys()) path_results = os.path.join(path_expt, params['name_results']) assert path_results.endswith('.csv'), '%s' % path_results assert os.path.exists(path_results), 'missing result: %s' % path_results df_res = pd.read_csv(path_results, index_col=0) index_name = df_res[index_name] = df_res.index if dict_info.get('type') != 'synth': logging.debug('non "synthetic" datasets does not have GT atlas') return # TODO: add recompute reconstruction error # load the GT atlas path_atlas = os.path.join(dict_info['path_in'], DIR_NAME_DICTIONARY) atlas_gt = dataset_compose_atlas(path_atlas) path_atlas_gt = os.path.join(dict_info['path_in'], SUB_PATH_GT_ATLAS) atlas_name = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path_atlas_gt))[0]) export_image(os.path.dirname(path_atlas_gt), atlas_gt, atlas_name) plt.imsave(os.path.splitext(path_atlas_gt)[0] + '_visual.png', atlas_gt) results_new = [] for _, row in df_res.iterrows(): dict_row = dict(row) # if not isinstance(idx, str) and idx - int(idx) == 0: # idx = int(idx) atlas_name = NAME_PATTERN_ATLAS % dict_row['name_suffix'] atlas = load_atlas(os.path.join(path_expt, atlas_name)) # try to find the mest match among patterns / labels atlas = relabel_max_overlap_unique(atlas_gt, atlas) # recompute the similarity measure dict_measure = compute_classif_metrics(atlas_gt.ravel(), atlas.ravel()) dict_measure = {'atlas %s' % k: dict_measure[k] for k in dict_measure} dict_row.update(dict_measure) results_new.append(dict_row) # visualise atlas atlas_name_visu = os.path.splitext(atlas_name)[0] + '_visual.png' path_visu = os.path.join(path_expt, atlas_name_visu) export_atlas_overlap(atlas_gt, atlas, path_visu) export_atlas_both(atlas_gt, atlas, path_visu) df_results_new = pd.DataFrame(results_new).set_index([index_name]) path_results = os.path.join(path_expt, NAME_OUTPUT_RESULT) df_results_new.to_csv(path_results) # just to let it releases memory gc.collect() time.sleep(1)