Пример #1
def printDict(somedict):
	return "\n".join(sorted([str(x)+":"+str(y) for x,y in sorted(somedict.items())]))
def defaultDict(somelist,defaultval):
	return dict([x,defaultval] for x in somelist)

def assignVal(somedict,somelistofkeys,val):
	tempdict = somedict
	for item in somelistofkeys:
		if somedict[item]==0 or somedict[item]>val:
			tempdict[item] = val
	return tempdict

if __name__ == "__main__":
	atomizedrules = bpgModel.getAtomizedRules(sys.argv[-1])
	patterns,transformations = bpgModel.getElements(atomizedrules)
	tprules = [['+','!'],['~Y','~pY'],['0()','*']]
	transformationpairs, irreversibles = getTransformationPairs(transformations,tprules)
	names = getNameDictionary(atomizedrules,patterns,transformations,transformationpairs)
	all_maps = getMaps(names)

	# use d3js to make graphs
Пример #2
def processActions(strings):
	'''implements actions regarding bipartite maps from strings read from actions file'''

	allcommands = cleanstrings(strings)
	#Commands are processed linearly
	successfullyissued = []
	tprules = []

	while len(allcommands)>0:
		current_line = deque(allcommands.popleft())
		command = current_line.popleft()
		if command == 'read_xml':
			# Usage read_xml xyz.xml
			assert len(current_line)==1, "Provide exactly one argument for read_xml command"
			filename = current_line.popleft()
			assert os.path.isfile(filename),"File "+filename+"not found for read_xml command"
			atomizedrules = bpgModel.getAtomizedRules(filename)
			patterns,transformations = bpgModel.getElements(atomizedrules)
		elif command == 'tprule':
			# Usage tprule x > y (or) x < y
			assert 'make_pairs' not in successfullyissued, "Use tprule before make_pairs"
			temp = []
			assert len(current_line)==3, "Provide arguments of the form: x > y (or) x < y for tprule"
			op = current_line.popleft()
			assert op in ['>','<'], "Provide arguments of the form: x > y (or) x < y for tprule"
			if op=='>':
		elif command == 'make_pairs':
			# Usage make_pairs
			assert 'read_xml' in successfullyissued, "Use read_xml before make_pairs"
			assert len(current_line)==0, "make_pairs command takes no arguments"
			transformationpairs, irreversibles = bpgMaps.getTransformationPairs(transformations,tprules)

		elif command == 'write_elements':
			assert len(current_line)>0, "write_elements requires a filename to output to"
			if 'make_names' not in successfullyissued:
				names = bpgMaps.getNameDictionary(atomizedrules,patterns,transformations,transformationpairs,irreversibles)
			filename = current_line.popleft()
			if len(current_line)==0:
			printopts = current_line[0].split('-')
			for item in printopts:
				assert item in ['p','t','tp','ir','r',''],"Option "+item+" not found. Provided options should be a subset of p-t-tp-ir-r with dashes between them"
			tempstring = ''
			alreadyadded = []
			optdict = {'p':'patterns','t':'transformations','tp':'transformationpairs','ir':'irreversibles','r':'reactionrules'}
			for item in printopts:
				if item not in alreadyadded:
					if item=='':
					elif item=='p':
						templist = sorted([str(x) for x in patterns])
					elif item=='t':
						templist = sorted([str(x) for x in transformations])
					elif item=='tp':
						templist = sorted([str(x) for x in transformationpairs])
					elif item=='ir':
						templist = sorted([str(x) for x in irreversibles])
					elif item=='r':
						templist = [str(x) for x in atomizedrules]
					tempstring = tempstring + "\n["+optdict[item]+"]\n"
					tempstring = tempstring + "# " + str(len(templist)) + " " + optdict[item] + "\n"
					tempstring = tempstring + "\n".join(templist) + "\n"
			with open(filename,'w') as f:		
		elif command == 'read_annot':
			# Usage: read_annot <list of filenames>
			assert len(current_line)>0, "read_annot requires atleast one filename to read from"
			if 'make_names' not in successfullyissued:
				names = bpgMaps.getNameDictionary(atomizedrules,patterns,transformations,transformationpairs,irreversibles)
			tempstring = ''
			for item in current_line:
				assert(os.path.isfile(item)),"File "+item+" not found!"
				with open(item) as f:
					tempstring = tempstring + f.read()
			if 'read_annot' not in successfullyissued:
				annot = bpgAnnotate.Annotation()
		elif command == 'make_maps':
			if 'make_names' not in successfullyissued:
				names = bpgMaps.getNameDictionary(atomizedrules,patterns,transformations,transformationpairs,irreversibles)
			all_maps = bpgMaps.getMaps(names,0)
		elif command == 'make_flow':
			assert len(current_line)>1, "provide a seed of the form: start <list of atomic patterns> [end <list of atomic patterns>]"
			assert current_line.popleft()=='start',"provide a seed of the form: start <list of atomic patterns> [end <list of atomic patterns>]"
			start = []
			end = []
			startend = 0 # a switch used to create either the start vector or the end vector of patterns
				patt = current_line.popleft()
				if patt != 'end' and startend == 0:
				if startend ==1:
				if patt == 'end':
					startend =1
			flowlevels = bpgMaps.makeFlow(names,all_maps,start,end)

		elif command == 'make_viz':
			assert len(current_line) > 0, "provide a filename for writing vizdata"
			filename = current_line.popleft()
			with open("data.js","w") as f:
				f.write("var data = "+bpgMaps.writeJSON(names,all_maps,annot))
			print "Command not found: "+command
Пример #3
        sorted([str(x) + ":" + str(y) for x, y in sorted(somedict.items())]))

def defaultDict(somelist, defaultval):
    return dict([x, defaultval] for x in somelist)

def assignVal(somedict, somelistofkeys, val):
    tempdict = somedict
    for item in somelistofkeys:
        if somedict[item] == 0 or somedict[item] > val:
            tempdict[item] = val
    return tempdict

if __name__ == "__main__":
    atomizedrules = bpgModel.getAtomizedRules(sys.argv[-1])
    patterns, transformations = bpgModel.getElements(atomizedrules)

    tprules = [['+', '!'], ['~Y', '~pY'], ['0()', '*']]

    transformationpairs, irreversibles = getTransformationPairs(
        transformations, tprules)

    names = getNameDictionary(atomizedrules, patterns, transformations,

    all_maps = getMaps(names)

    # use d3js to make graphs