Пример #1
def init_cube_material(x, y):
    orig = bpy.data.materials["mat1"]
    m = orig.copy()
    m.name = "mat1_%d_%d" % (x, y)
    p = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(m, is_readonly=False)
    p.base_color = colors[0]
    return m
Пример #2
 def initMaterial(self):
     """Create the empty material at the core Principled Node"""
     self.material = bpy.data.materials.new(name=self.name)
     self.material.use_nodes = True
     principled_mat = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(self.material,
     principled_mat.roughness = 1.0
     self.principled_node = principled_mat.node_principled_bsdf
     self.mat_output = principled_mat.node_out
def create_vert_material(mesh, vertMat):
    mat = bpy.data.materials.new(mesh.header.meshName + "." + vertMat.vmName)
    mat.use_nodes = True
    #mat.blend_method = 'BLEND'
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
    principled.base_color = rgb_to_vector(vertMat.vmInfo.diffuse)
    principled.alpha = vertMat.vmInfo.opacity
    mat["Shininess"] = vertMat.vmInfo.shininess
    mat["Specular"] = rgb_to_vector(vertMat.vmInfo.specular)
    mat["Emission"] = rgb_to_vector(vertMat.vmInfo.emissive)
    mat["Diffuse"] = rgb_to_vector(vertMat.vmInfo.diffuse)
    mat["Translucency"] = vertMat.vmInfo.translucency
    return mat
Пример #4
 def create_new_bmat(self, bmat_name, rgba, func_data):
     bmat = bpy.data.materials.new(name=bmat_name)
     bmat.use_nodes = True
     # link bmat to PrincipledBSDFWrapper
     principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(bmat, is_readonly=False)
     principled.base_color = rgba[:3]
     # check for alpha
     if rgba[3] < 1.0:
         bmat.diffuse_color = rgba
         principled.alpha = rgba[3]
         bmat.blend_method = "BLEND"
     if self.config["sharemats"]:
         func_data["matdatabase"][rgba] = bmat
     return bmat
Пример #5
    def createMaterial(self):
        mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name=self.name)
        mat.use_nodes = True
        nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
        links = mat.node_tree.links
        principled_mat = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
        principled = principled_mat.node_principled_bsdf
        back_principled = None
        mat_output = principled_mat.node_out
        principled_mat.roughness = 1.0

        for map_name, img in self.maps.items():
            if img is None or map_name.split("_")[0] not in __class__.input_tr:

            current_principled = principled
            if map_name.endswith("_back"):
                if back_principled is None:
                    # Create backface principled and connect it
                    back_principled = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled")
                    geometry_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
                    mix_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeMixShader")
                    back_principled.inputs["Roughness"].default_value = 1.0
                    links.new(geometry_node.outputs["Backfacing"], mix_node.inputs[0])
                    links.new(principled.outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[1])
                    links.new(back_principled.outputs[0], mix_node.inputs[2])
                    links.new(mix_node.outputs[0], mat_output.inputs[0])
                current_principled = back_principled
                map_name = map_name[:-5]  # remove "_back"
            texture_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeTexImage")
            texture_node.image = getCyclesImage(img)
            texture_node.image.colorspace_settings.name = "sRGB" if map_name == "baseColor" else "Non-Color"

            if hasattr(texture_node, "color_space"):
                texture_node.color_space = "COLOR" if map_name == "baseColor" else "NONE"
            elif map_name == "normal":
                normal_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeNormalMap")
                links.new(texture_node.outputs["Color"], normal_node.inputs["Color"])
                links.new(normal_node.outputs["Normal"], current_principled.inputs["Normal"])
                links.new(texture_node.outputs["Color"], current_principled.inputs[__class__.input_tr[map_name]])

            if map_name == "opacity":
                mat.blend_method = 'BLEND'


        return mat
Пример #6
def ensure_cube(cubesize=8):
    cube = bpy.context.scene.objects.get('Cube')
    if cube is None:
        cube = bpy.context.active_object

    cube.location = (0, 0, -cubesize)
    cube.scale = (cubesize, cubesize, cubesize)

    cube.color = (0, 0, 0, 1)
    cube_material = bpy.data.materials.get('CubeMaterial')
    if (cube_material is None):
        cube_material = bpy.data.materials.new('CubeMaterial')
    cube_material.use_nodes = True
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(cube_material, is_readonly=False)
    principled.base_color = (rand(), rand(), rand())
def createMaterial(name, baseColor, removeShader=False):
    mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name)
    mat.use_nodes = True
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
    principled.base_color = baseColor
    # principled.specular_texture.image = load_image("/path/to/image.png")

    # Export
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=True)
    base_color = principled.base_color
    specular_texture = principled.specular_texture
    if specular_texture and specular_texture.image:
        specular_texture_filepath = principled.specular_texture.image.filepath
    if removeShader:
        #Get the node in its node tree (replace the name below)
        node_to_delete = mat.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF']
        #Remove it
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, material):
        self.material = material
        self.principled = None

        if bpy.app.version >= (2, 80, 0):
            from bpy_extras.node_shader_utils import PrincipledBSDFWrapper

            self.principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(self.material,
Пример #9
def ensure_paper(paperGen, paper_resolution=20):
    obj = bpy.context.scene.objects.get('Paper')
    if obj is not None:

    minHeight, paper_mesh = paper.generate(paper_resolution, paper_resolution,

    paper_mesh.color = (1, 1, 1, 1)
    paper_material = bpy.data.materials.get('PaperMaterial')
    if (paper_material is None):
        paper_material = bpy.data.materials.new('PaperMaterial')
    paper_material.use_nodes = True
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(paper_material, is_readonly=False)
    principled.base_color = (rand(), rand(), rand())

    return minHeight
Пример #10
def handle_layers(context, model, toplayer, layerids, materials):
    In context read the Rhino layers from model
    then update the layerids dictionary passed in.
    Update materials dictionary with materials created
    for layer color.
    # build lookup table for LayerTable index
    # from GUID, create collection for each
    # layer
    for lid in range(len(model.Layers)):
        l = model.Layers[lid]
        lcol = get_iddata(context.blend_data.collections, l.Id, l.Name, None)
        layerids[str(l.Id)] = (lid, lcol)
        tag_data(layerids[str(l.Id)][1], l.Id, l.Name)
        matname = l.Name + "+" + str(l.Id)
        if not matname in materials:
            laymat = get_iddata(context.blend_data.materials, l.Id, l.Name, None)
            #laymat = context.blend_data.materials.new(name=matname)
            laymat.use_nodes = True
            r,g,b,a = l.Color
            principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(laymat, is_readonly=False)
            principled.base_color = (r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0)
            materials[matname] = laymat
    # second pass so we can link layers to each other
    for lid in range(len(model.Layers)):
        l = model.Layers[lid]
        # link up layers to their parent layers
        if str(l.ParentLayerId) in layerids:
            parentlayer = layerids[str(l.ParentLayerId)][1]
            except Exception:
        # or to the top collection if no parent layer was found
            except Exception:
def create_shader_materials(self, m, mesh):
    for material in m.shaderMaterials:
        mat = bpy.data.materials.new(m.header.meshName + ".ShaderMaterial")
        mat.use_nodes = True
        principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
        for prop in material.properties:
            if (prop.name == "DiffuseTexture"):
                tex = load_texture(self, prop.value)
                if tex != None:
                    principled.base_color_texture.image = tex
            elif (prop.name == "NormalMap"):
                tex = load_texture(self, prop.value)
                if tex != None:
                    principled.normalmap_texture.image = tex
            elif (prop.name == "BumpScale"):
                principled.normalmap_strength = prop.value
            # Color type
            elif prop.type == 5:
                mat[prop.name] = rgba_to_vector(prop)
                mat[prop.name] = prop.value
def createBubbleMaterial(name, baseColor):
    mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name)
    mat.use_nodes = True
    mat.blend_method = 'BLEND'
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
    principled.base_color = baseColor
    principled.metallic = 0.5
    principled.specular = 0.2
    principled.roughness = 0.05
    #principled.IOR = 1.1
    principled.alpha = 0.3
    # principled.specular_texture.image = load_image("/path/to/image.png")

    # Export
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=True)
    base_color = principled.base_color
    specular_texture = principled.specular_texture
    if specular_texture and specular_texture.image:
        specular_texture_filepath = principled.specular_texture.image.filepath
def generateModels(csv, output, color_type):
    # open file in read mode
    with open(csv, 'r') as read_obj:
        # pass the file object to reader() to get the reader object
        csv_reader = reader(read_obj)

        # Iterate over each row in the csv using reader object
        for row in csv_reader:
            resident_name = row[0]
            room_number = row[1]
            # take name and room number to create text
            bpy.ops.object.text_add(location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0))
            obj = bpy.context.object
            obj.data.body = resident_name + '\nRoom ' + room_number
            # extrude
            obj.data.extrude = 0.2
            # Bring the text out of the plane and center it
            bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(-1.7, 0, 0.25),
            # texture/color
            mat = bpy.data.materials.new("Text")
            mat.use_nodes = True
            principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
            principled.base_color = (get_random_color(color_type))
            mesh = obj.data
            if len(mesh.materials) == 0:
                mesh.materials[0] = mat
            # export as gltf
            filename = resident_name.lower() + " " + room_number
            filename = filename.replace(" ", "-")
                                      filepath=os.path.join(output, filename))
Пример #14
def handle_materials(context, model, materials, update):
    for m in model.Materials:
        matname = material_name(m)
        if matname not in materials:
            blmat = utils.get_iddata(context.blend_data.materials, None,
                                     m.Name, None)
            if update:
                blmat.use_nodes = True
                refl = m.Reflectivity
                transp = m.Transparency
                ior = m.IndexOfRefraction
                roughness = m.ReflectionGlossiness
                transrough = m.RefractionGlossiness
                spec = m.Shine / 255.0

                if m.DiffuseColor == _black and m.Reflectivity > 0.0 and m.Transparency == 0.0:
                    r, g, b, _ = m.ReflectionColor
                elif m.DiffuseColor == _black and m.Reflectivity == 0.0 and m.Transparency > 0.0:
                    r, g, b, _ = m.TransparentColor
                    refl = 0.0
                elif m.DiffuseColor == _black and m.Reflectivity > 0.0 and m.Transparency > 0.0:
                    r, g, b, _ = m.TransparentColor
                    refl = 0.0
                    r, g, b, a = m.DiffuseColor
                    if refl > 0.0 and transp > 0.0:
                        refl = 0.0
                principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(blmat, is_readonly=False)
                principled.base_color = (r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0)
                principled.metallic = refl
                principled.transmission = transp
                principled.ior = ior
                principled.roughness = roughness
                principled.specular = spec
                    16].default_value = transrough
            materials[matname] = blmat
Пример #15
def read_pmx_data(context, filepath="",

    prefs = context.preferences.addons[GV.FolderName].preferences
    use_japanese_name = prefs.use_japanese_name
    use_custom_shape = prefs.use_custom_shape
    xml_save_versions = prefs.saveVersions


    if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():

    if bpy.ops.object.select_all.poll():

    with open(filepath, "rb") as f:

        from . import pmx
        pmx_data = pmx.Model()

        if pmx_data.Status.Magic == 0:
            # Echo("Loading Pmd ")
            from . import pmd
            from . import pmd2pmx
            d_pmd = pmd.Model()
            pmx_data = pmd2pmx.Convert(d_pmd)

        scene = context.scene
        base_path = os.path.dirname(filepath)

        for ob in scene.objects:

        tmp_name = Get_JP_or_EN_Name(pmx_data.Name, pmx_data.Name_E, use_japanese_name)

        arm_dat = bpy.data.armatures.new(tmp_name + "_Arm")
        arm_obj = bpy.data.objects.new(tmp_name + "_Arm", arm_dat)

        arm_obj.show_in_front = True
        arm_dat.display_type = "STICK"

        bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = arm_obj

        # Make XML
        blender_bone_list = make_xml(pmx_data, filepath, use_japanese_name, xml_save_versions)

        bone_id = {}

        # Set Bone Position
        bone_id = Set_Bone_Position(pmx_data, arm_dat, blender_bone_list)

        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="POSE", toggle=False)

        # Set Bone Status
        for (bone_index, data_bone) in enumerate(pmx_data.Bones):
            bone_name = blender_bone_list[bone_index]

            pb = arm_obj.pose.bones.get(bone_name)
            if pb is None:

            # Find name (True or False)
            find_master = Search_Master(bone_name)
            find_eyes = Search_Eyes(bone_name)
            find_twist_m = Search_Twist_Master(bone_name)
            find_twist_n = Search_Twist_Num(bone_name)
            find_auto = Search_Auto_Bone(bone_name)

            if find_twist_n:
                pb.lock_rotation = [True, False, True]

            if data_bone.Rotatable == 0:
                pb.lock_rotation = [True, True, True]

            if data_bone.Movable == 0:
                pb.lock_location = [True, True, True]

            if data_bone.Operational == 0:
                pb.lock_rotation = [True, True, True]
                pb.lock_location = [True, True, True]

            if data_bone.AdditionalRotation == 1:
                const = pb.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
                const.target = arm_obj
                const.subtarget = blender_bone_list[data_bone.AdditionalBoneIndex]
                const.target_space = 'LOCAL'
                const.owner_space = 'LOCAL'

                const.influence = abs(data_bone.AdditionalPower)
                if data_bone.AdditionalPower < 0:
                    const.invert_x = True
                    const.invert_y = True
                    const.invert_z = True

            if data_bone.AdditionalMovement == 1:
                const = pb.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
                const.target = arm_obj
                const.subtarget = blender_bone_list[data_bone.AdditionalBoneIndex]
                const.target_space = 'LOCAL'
                const.owner_space = 'LOCAL'

                const.influence = abs(data_bone.AdditionalPower)
                if data_bone.AdditionalPower < 0:
                    const.invert_x = True
                    const.invert_y = True
                    const.invert_z = True

            if data_bone.UseFixedAxis == 1:
                const = pb.constraints.new('LIMIT_ROTATION')
                const.use_limit_x = True
                const.use_limit_z = True
                const.owner_space = 'LOCAL'
                pb.lock_rotation = [True, False, True]

            if data_bone.UseLocalAxis == 0:
            if data_bone.AfterPhysical == 0:
            if data_bone.ExternalBone == 0:

            # Set Custom Shape
            if use_custom_shape:
                len_const = len(pb.constraints)

                if find_master:
                    add_function.set_custom_shape(context, pb, shape=GV.ShapeMaster)

                elif find_eyes:
                    add_function.set_custom_shape(context, pb, shape=GV.ShapeEyes)

                elif find_twist_m and len_const:
                    add_function.set_custom_shape(context, pb, shape=GV.ShapeTwist1)

                elif find_twist_n and len_const:
                    add_function.set_custom_shape(context, pb, shape=GV.ShapeTwist2)

                elif find_auto and len_const:
                    add_function.set_custom_shape(context, pb, shape=GV.ShapeAuto)

            # Set IK
            if data_bone.UseIK != 0:
                pb["IKLoops"] = data_bone.IK.Loops
                pb["IKLimit"] = data_bone.IK.Limit

                if len(data_bone.IK.Member) > 0:
                    ik_name = blender_bone_list[data_bone.IK.Member[0].Index]
                    new_ik = arm_obj.pose.bones[ik_name].constraints.new("IK")
                    new_ik.target = arm_obj
                    new_ik.subtarget = blender_bone_list[bone_index]
                    new_ik.chain_count = len(data_bone.IK.Member)

                for ik_member in data_bone.IK.Member:
                    if ik_member.UseLimit == 1:
                        member_name = blender_bone_list[ik_member.Index]
                        pose_member = arm_obj.pose.bones[member_name]

                        if ik_member.UpperLimit.x == ik_member.LowerLimit.x:
                            pose_member.lock_ik_x = True

                            pose_member.use_ik_limit_x = True
                            pose_member.ik_min_x = ik_member.LowerLimit.x
                            pose_member.ik_max_x = ik_member.UpperLimit.x

                        if ik_member.UpperLimit.y == ik_member.LowerLimit.y:
                            pose_member.lock_ik_y = True

                            pose_member.use_ik_limit_y = True
                            pose_member.ik_min_y = ik_member.LowerLimit.y
                            pose_member.ik_max_y = ik_member.UpperLimit.y

                        if ik_member.UpperLimit.z == ik_member.LowerLimit.z:
                            pose_member.lock_ik_z = True

                            pose_member.use_ik_limit_z = True
                            pose_member.ik_min_z = ik_member.LowerLimit.z
                            pose_member.ik_max_z = ik_member.UpperLimit.z

        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT", toggle=False)

        # Adjust Bone Position
        if adjust_bone_position:
            # Get_Adjust_Data(edit_bones, jp_name, en_name)
            arm_L, vec_arm_L, axis_arm_L, len_arm_L = Get_Adjust_Data(arm_dat.edit_bones, "腕_L", "arm_L")
            arm_R, vec_arm_R, axis_arm_R, len_arm_R = Get_Adjust_Data(arm_dat.edit_bones, "腕_R", "arm_R")

            elb_L, vec_elb_L, axis_elb_L, len_elb_L = Get_Adjust_Data(arm_dat.edit_bones, "ひじ_L", "elbow_L")
            elb_R, vec_elb_R, axis_elb_R, len_elb_R = Get_Adjust_Data(arm_dat.edit_bones, "ひじ_R", "elbow_R")

            for eb in arm_dat.edit_bones:
                # Find name (True or False)
                find_master = Search_Master(eb.name)
                find_eyes = Search_Eyes(eb.name)
                find_twist_m = Search_Twist_Master(eb.name)
                find_twist_n = Search_Twist_Num(eb.name)
                find_auto = Search_Auto_Bone(eb.name)
                find_leg_d = Search_Leg_Dummy(eb.name)

                # Master
                if find_master:
                    eb_center = Get_Edit_Bone(arm_dat.edit_bones, "センター", "center")

                    if eb_center is not None:
                        eb.head = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                        eb.tail = eb_center.head

                # Eyes
                elif find_eyes:
                    eb_eye = Get_Edit_Bone(arm_dat.edit_bones, "目_L", "eye_L")

                    if eb_eye is not None:
                        eb.head.x = 0.0
                        eb.head.y = 0.0
                        eb.head.z = eb.tail.z = eb_eye.head.z * 1.16
                        eb.tail.x = 0.0
                        eb.tail.y = -0.25

                # Auto Bone (Sub Bone), Leg_D Bone
                elif find_auto or find_leg_d:
                    pb = arm_obj.pose.bones[eb.name]

                    for const in pb.constraints:
                        if hasattr(const, "subtarget"):
                            eb.use_connect = False

                            for child in eb.children:
                                child.use_connect = False

                            eb_sub = arm_dat.edit_bones[const.subtarget]
                            multi = 0.3 if find_auto else 1.0
                            axis = (eb_sub.tail - eb_sub.head) * multi
                            eb.head = eb_sub.head
                            eb.tail = eb_sub.head + axis

                # Twist
                elif find_twist_m or find_twist_n:
                    eb.use_connect = False

                    for child in eb.children:
                        child.use_connect = False

                    # Set_Adjust_Data(active, eb, vec, axis, length)
                    if re.search(r'^(\u8155|arm)', eb.name) is not None:
                        if eb.name.endswith("_L") and arm_L is not None:
                            Set_Adjust_Data(eb, arm_L, vec_arm_L, axis_arm_L, len_arm_L)

                        elif eb.name.endswith("_R") and arm_R is not None:
                            Set_Adjust_Data(eb, arm_R, vec_arm_R, axis_arm_R, len_arm_R)

                    else:   # "手" or "wrist"
                        if eb.name.endswith("_L") and elb_L is not None:
                            Set_Adjust_Data(eb, elb_L, vec_elb_L, axis_elb_L, len_elb_L)

                        elif eb.name.endswith("_R") and elb_R is not None:
                            Set_Adjust_Data(eb, elb_R, vec_elb_R, axis_elb_R, len_elb_R)

        # BoneItem Direction


        # Create Mash
        mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(tmp_name)
        obj_mesh = bpy.data.objects.new(mesh.name, mesh)

        # Link Parent
        mod = obj_mesh.modifiers.new('RigModif', 'ARMATURE')
        mod.object = arm_obj
        mod.use_bone_envelopes = False
        mod.use_vertex_groups = True

        # Add Vertex Group
        vert_group = {}
        vert_group_index = {}
        for bone_index, bone_data in enumerate(pmx_data.Bones):
            bone_name = blender_bone_list[bone_index]
            target_name = arm_dat.bones[bone_id[bone_name]].name
            vert_group_index[bone_index] = target_name

            if target_name not in vert_group.keys():
                vert_group[target_name] = obj_mesh.vertex_groups.new(name=target_name)


        # Add Vertex

        for vert_index, vert_data in enumerate(pmx_data.Vertices):
            mesh.vertices[vert_index].co = GT(vert_data.Position, GlobalMatrix)
            mesh.vertices[vert_index].normal = GT_normal(vert_data.Normal, GlobalMatrix)
            # mesh.vertices[vert_index].uv = pmx_data.Vertices[vert_index].UV

            # BDEF1
            if vert_data.Type == 0:
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[0]]].add([vert_index], 1.0, 'REPLACE')

            # BDEF2
            elif vert_data.Type == 1:
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[0]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[0], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[1]]].add([vert_index], 1.0 - vert_data.Weights[0], 'ADD')

            # BDEF4
            elif vert_data.Type == 2:
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[0]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[0], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[1]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[1], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[2]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[2], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[3]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[3], 'ADD')

            # SDEF
            elif vert_data.Type == 3:
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[0]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[0], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[1]]].add([vert_index], 1.0 - vert_data.Weights[0], 'ADD')
                # Todo? SDEF

            # QDEF
            elif vert_data.Type == 4:
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[0]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[0], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[1]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[1], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[2]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[2], 'ADD')
                vert_group[vert_group_index[vert_data.Bones[3]]].add([vert_index], vert_data.Weights[3], 'ADD')
                # Todo? QDEF


        # Add Face
        poly_count = len(pmx_data.Faces) // 3
        mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", range(0, poly_count * 3, 3))
        mesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3,) * poly_count)
        mesh.polygons.foreach_set("use_smooth", (True,) * poly_count)
        # mesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index" ,pmx_data.Faces)

        for faceIndex in range(poly_count):
            mesh.loops[faceIndex * 3].vertex_index = pmx_data.Faces[faceIndex * 3]
            mesh.loops[faceIndex * 3 + 1].vertex_index = pmx_data.Faces[faceIndex * 3 + 2]
            mesh.loops[faceIndex * 3 + 2].vertex_index = pmx_data.Faces[faceIndex * 3 + 1]


        if bone_transfer:
            return arm_obj, obj_mesh

        # Add Textures
        # image_dic = {}
        textures_dic = {}
        NG_tex_list = []
        for (tex_index, tex_data) in enumerate(pmx_data.Textures):
            tex_path = os.path.join(base_path, tex_data.Path)
                # image_dic[tex_index] = bpy.data.images[len(bpy.data.images)-1]
                textures_dic[tex_index] = bpy.data.textures.new(os.path.basename(tex_path), type='IMAGE')
                textures_dic[tex_index].image = bpy.data.images[os.path.basename(tex_path)]

                # Use Alpha
                textures_dic[tex_index].image.alpha_mode = 'PREMUL'


        # print NG_tex_list
        if len(NG_tex_list):
                                   line1="Some Texture file not found.",
            for data in NG_tex_list:
                print("   --> %s" % data)


        # Add Material
        mat_status = []
        for (mat_index, mat_data) in enumerate(pmx_data.Materials):
            blender_mat_name = Get_JP_or_EN_Name(mat_data.Name, mat_data.Name_E, use_japanese_name)

            temp_mattrial = bpy.data.materials.new(blender_mat_name)
            temp_mattrial.use_nodes = True
            temp_principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(temp_mattrial, is_readonly=False)
            temp_principled.base_color = mat_data.Deffuse.xyz
            temp_principled.alpha = mat_data.Deffuse.w

            mat_status.append((len(mat_status), mat_data.FaceLength))


            # Flags
            # self.Both = 0
            # self.GroundShadow = 1
            # self.DropShadow = 1
            # self.OnShadow = 1
            # self.OnEdge = 1
            # Edge
            # self.EdgeColor =  mathutils.Vector((0,0,0,1))
            # self.EdgeSize = 1.0

            # Texture
            if mat_data.TextureIndex != -1:
                temp_tex = textures_dic[mat_data.TextureIndex]
                temp_principled.base_color_texture.image = temp_tex.image
                temp_principled.base_color_texture.use_alpha = True
                temp_principled.base_color_texture.texcoords = "UV"


        # Set Material & UV
        # Set UV Layer
        if mesh.uv_layers.active_index < 0:

        mesh.uv_layers.active_index = 0

        uv_data = mesh.uv_layers.active.data[:]

        # uvtex = mesh.uv_textures.new("UV_Data")
        # uv_data = uvtex.data

        index = 0
        for dat in mat_status:
            for i in range(dat[1] // 3):
                # Set Material
                mesh.polygons[index].material_index = dat[0]

                # Set Texture
                # if pmx_data.Materials[dat[0]].TextureIndex < len(bpy.data.images) and pmx_data.Materials[dat[0]].TextureIndex >= 0:
                #    if textures_dic.get(pmx_data.Materials[dat[0]].TextureIndex, None) is not None:
                #        mesh.uv_layers[0].data[index].image = textures_dic[pmx_data.Materials[dat[0]].TextureIndex].image

                # Set UV
                poly_vert_index = mesh.polygons[index].loop_start
                uv_data[poly_vert_index + 0].uv = pmx_data.Vertices[mesh.polygons[index].vertices[0]].UV
                uv_data[poly_vert_index + 1].uv = pmx_data.Vertices[mesh.polygons[index].vertices[1]].UV
                uv_data[poly_vert_index + 2].uv = pmx_data.Vertices[mesh.polygons[index].vertices[2]].UV

                # Inv UV V
                uv_data[poly_vert_index + 0].uv[1] = 1 - uv_data[poly_vert_index + 0].uv[1]
                uv_data[poly_vert_index + 1].uv[1] = 1 - uv_data[poly_vert_index + 1].uv[1]
                uv_data[poly_vert_index + 2].uv[1] = 1 - uv_data[poly_vert_index + 2].uv[1]

                # TwoSide 2.6 not use?
                # todo set parameter
                # uv_data[index].use_twoside = True

                index = index + 1


        # Add Shape Key
        if len(pmx_data.Morphs) > 0:
            # Add Basis key
            if mesh.shape_keys is None:
                obj_mesh.shape_key_add(name="Basis", from_mix=False)

            for data in pmx_data.Morphs:
                # Vertex Morph
                if data.Type == 1:
                    blender_morph_name = Get_JP_or_EN_Name(data.Name, data.Name_E, use_japanese_name)
                    temp_key = obj_mesh.shape_key_add(name=blender_morph_name, from_mix=False)

                    for v in data.Offsets:
                        temp_key.data[v.Index].co += GT(v.Move, GlobalMatrix)


            # To activate "Basis" shape
            obj_mesh.active_shape_key_index = 0


        GV.PrintTime(filepath, type='import')

Пример #16
def importWoWOBJ(objectFile, givenParent=None):
    baseDir, fileName = os.path.split(objectFile)

    print('Parsing OBJ: ' + fileName)
    ### OBJ wide
    material_libs = set()
    mtlfile = ""
    verts = []
    normals = []
    uv = []
    meshes = []

    ### Per group
    class OBJMesh:
        def __init__(self):
            self.usemtl = ""
            self.name = ""
            self.faces = []

    curMesh = OBJMesh()
    meshIndex = -1
    with open(objectFile, 'rb') as f:
        for line in f:
            line_split = line.split()
            if not line_split:
            line_start = line_split[0]
            if line_start == b'mtllib':
                mtlfile = line_split[1]
            elif line_start == b'v':
                verts.append([float(v) for v in line_split[1:]])
            elif line_start == b'vn':
                normals.append([float(v) for v in line_split[1:]])
            elif line_start == b'vt':
                uv.append([float(v) for v in line_split[1:]])
            elif line_start == b'f':
                line_split = line_split[1:]
            elif line_start == b'g':
                meshIndex += 1
                meshes[meshIndex].name = line_split[1].decode("utf-8")
            elif line_start == b'usemtl':
                meshes[meshIndex].usemtl = line_split[1].decode("utf-8")

    ## Materials file (.mtl)
    materials = dict()
    matname = ""
    matfile = ""

    with open(os.path.join(baseDir, mtlfile.decode("utf-8")), 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            line_split = line.split()
            if not line_split:
            line_start = line_split[0]

            if line_start == 'newmtl':
                matname = line_split[1]
            elif line_start == 'map_Kd':
                matfile = line_split[1]
                materials[matname] = os.path.join(baseDir, matfile)

    if bpy.ops.object.select_all.poll():

    # TODO: Better handling for dupes?
    objname = os.path.basename(objectFile)

    if objname in bpy.data.objects:
        objindex = 1
        newname = objname
        while (newname in bpy.data.objects):
            newname = objname + '.' + str(objindex).rjust(3, '0')
            objindex += 1

    newmesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(objname)
    obj = bpy.data.objects.new(objname, newmesh)

    ## Textures
    # TODO: Must be a better way to do this!
    materialmapping = dict()

    for matname, texturelocation in materials.items():
        # Import material only once
        if (matname not in bpy.data.materials):
            mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name=matname)
            mat.use_nodes = True
            mat.blend_method = 'CLIP'
            principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
            principled.specular = 0.0
            principled.base_color_texture.image = load_image(texturelocation)
                mat.node_tree.nodes['Image Texture'].outputs[1],
                mat.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF'].inputs[18])


        # TODO: Must be a better way to do this!
        materialmapping[matname] = len(obj.data.materials) - 1

    ## Meshes
    bm = bmesh.new()

    i = 0
    for v in verts:
        vert = bm.verts.new(v)
        vert.normal = normals[i]
        i = i + 1


    for mesh in meshes:
        exampleFaceSet = False
        for face in mesh.faces:
                ## TODO: Must be a better way to do this, this is already much faster than doing material every face, but still.
                if exampleFaceSet == False:
                    bm.faces.new((bm.verts[face[0] - 1], bm.verts[face[1] - 1],
                                  bm.verts[face[2] - 1]))
                    bm.faces[-1].material_index = materialmapping[mesh.usemtl]
                    bm.faces[-1].smooth = True
                    exampleFace = bm.faces[-1]
                    exampleFaceSet = True
                    ## Use example face if set to speed up material copy!
                    bm.faces.new((bm.verts[face[0] - 1], bm.verts[face[1] - 1],
                                  bm.verts[face[2] - 1]), exampleFace)
            except ValueError:
                ## TODO: Duplicate faces happen for some reason

    uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.new()
    for face in bm.faces:
        for loop in face.loops:
            loop[uv_layer].uv = uv[loop.vert.index]


    ## Rotate object the right way
    obj.rotation_euler = [0, 0, 0]
    obj.rotation_euler.x = radians(90)


    ## WoW coordinate system
    max_size = 51200 / 3
    map_size = max_size * 2
    adt_size = map_size / 64

    ## Import doodads and/or WMOs
    csvPath = objectFile.replace('.obj', '_ModelPlacementInformation.csv')

    if os.path.exists(csvPath):
        with open(csvPath) as csvFile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvFile, delimiter=';')
            if 'Type' in reader.fieldnames:
                importType = 'ADT'

                wmoparent = bpy.data.objects.new("WMOs", None)
                wmoparent.parent = obj
                wmoparent.name = "WMOs"
                wmoparent.rotation_euler = [0, 0, 0]
                wmoparent.rotation_euler.x = radians(-90)

                doodadparent = bpy.data.objects.new("Doodads", None)
                doodadparent.parent = obj
                doodadparent.name = "Doodads"
                doodadparent.rotation_euler = [0, 0, 0]
                doodadparent.rotation_euler.x = radians(-90)
                importType = 'WMO'
                if not givenParent:
                    print('WMO import without given parent, creating..')
                    givenParent = bpy.data.objects.new("WMO parent", None)
                    givenParent.parent = obj
                    givenParent.name = "Doodads"
                    givenParent.rotation_euler = [0, 0, 0]
                    givenParent.rotation_euler.x = radians(-90)
            for row in reader:
                if importType == 'ADT':
                    if 'importedModelIDs' in bpy.context.scene:
                        tempModelIDList = bpy.context.scene['importedModelIDs']
                        tempModelIDList = []
                    if row['ModelId'] in tempModelIDList:
                        print('Skipping already imported model ' +

                    # ADT CSV
                    if row['Type'] == 'wmo':
                        print('ADT WMO import: ' + row['ModelFile'])

                        # Make WMO parent that holds WMO and doodads
                        parent = bpy.data.objects.new(
                            row['ModelFile'] + " parent", None)
                        parent.parent = wmoparent
                        parent.location = (17066 - float(row['PositionX']),
                                           (17066 - float(row['PositionZ'])) *
                                           -1, float(row['PositionY']))
                        parent.rotation_euler = [0, 0, 0]
                        parent.rotation_euler.x += radians(
                        parent.rotation_euler.y += radians(
                        parent.rotation_euler.z = radians(
                            (-90 + float(row['RotationY'])))
                        if row['ScaleFactor']:
                            parent.scale = (float(row['ScaleFactor']),

                        ## Only import OBJ if model is not yet in scene, otherwise copy existing
                        if row['ModelFile'] not in bpy.data.objects:
                            importedFile = importWoWOBJ(
                                os.path.join(baseDir, row['ModelFile']),
                            ## Don't copy WMOs with doodads!
                            if os.path.exists(
                                        baseDir, row['ModelFile'].replace(
                                importedFile = importWoWOBJ(
                                    os.path.join(baseDir, row['ModelFile']),
                                originalObject = bpy.data.objects[
                                importedFile = originalObject.copy()
                                importedFile.data = originalObject.data.copy()

                        importedFile.parent = parent
                    elif row['Type'] == 'm2':
                        print('ADT M2 import: ' + row['ModelFile'])

                        ## Only import OBJ if model is not yet in scene, otherwise copy existing
                        if row['ModelFile'] not in bpy.data.objects:
                            importedFile = importWoWOBJ(
                                os.path.join(baseDir, row['ModelFile']))
                            originalObject = bpy.data.objects[row['ModelFile']]
                            importedFile = originalObject.copy()
                            importedFile.rotation_euler = [0, 0, 0]
                            importedFile.rotation_euler.x = radians(90)

                        importedFile.parent = doodadparent

                        importedFile.location.x = (17066 -
                        importedFile.location.y = (
                            17066 - float(row['PositionZ'])) * -1
                        importedFile.location.z = float(row['PositionY'])
                        importedFile.rotation_euler.x += radians(
                        importedFile.rotation_euler.y += radians(
                        importedFile.rotation_euler.z = radians(
                            90 + float(row['RotationY']))
                        if row['ScaleFactor']:
                            importedFile.scale = (float(row['ScaleFactor']),
                    bpy.context.scene['importedModelIDs'] = tempModelIDList
                    # WMO CSV
                    print('WMO M2 import: ' + row['ModelFile'])
                    if row['ModelFile'] not in bpy.data.objects:
                        importedFile = importWoWOBJ(
                            os.path.join(baseDir, row['ModelFile']))
                        originalObject = bpy.data.objects[row['ModelFile']]
                        importedFile = originalObject.copy()

                    importedFile.location = (float(row['PositionX']) * -1,
                                             float(row['PositionY']) * -1,

                    importedFile.rotation_euler = [0, 0, 0]
                    rotQuat = Quaternion(
                        (float(row['RotationW']), float(row['RotationX']),
                         float(row['RotationY']), float(row['RotationZ'])))
                    rotEul = rotQuat.to_euler()
                    rotEul.x += radians(90)
                    rotEul.z += radians(180)
                    importedFile.rotation_euler = rotEul
                    importedFile.parent = givenParent or obj
                    if row['ScaleFactor']:
                        importedFile.scale = (float(row['ScaleFactor']),

    return obj

#objectFile = "D:\\models\\world\\maps\\azeroth\\azeroth_32_32.obj"
#objectFile = "D:\\models\\world\\maps\\kultiras\\kultiras_32_29.obj"
#objectFile = "D:\\models\\world\\wmo\\kultiras\\human\\8hu_kultiras_seabattlement01.obj"
Пример #17
def load_texture_to_mat(self, tex_name, mat):
    img = load_texture(self, tex_name)
    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
    principled.base_color_texture.image = img
Пример #18
def process_next_chunk(context, file, previous_chunk, importedObjects,
    from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image

    #print previous_chunk.bytes_read, 'BYTES READ'
    contextObName = None
    contextLamp = [None, None]  # object, Data
    contextMaterial = None
    contextMaterialWrapper = None
    contextMatrix_rot = None  # Blender.mathutils.Matrix(); contextMatrix.identity()
    #contextMatrix_tx = None # Blender.mathutils.Matrix(); contextMatrix.identity()
    contextMesh_vertls = None  # flat array: (verts * 3)
    contextMesh_facels = None
    contextMeshMaterials = []  # (matname, [face_idxs])
    contextMeshUV = None  # flat array (verts * 2)

    MATDICT = {}
    #   TEXMODE = Mesh.FaceModes['TEX']

    # Localspace variable names, faster.
    STRUCT_SIZE_FLOAT = struct.calcsize('f')
    STRUCT_SIZE_2FLOAT = struct.calcsize('2f')
    STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT = struct.calcsize('3f')
    STRUCT_SIZE_4FLOAT = struct.calcsize('4f')
    STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT = struct.calcsize('H')
    STRUCT_SIZE_4UNSIGNED_SHORT = struct.calcsize('4H')
    STRUCT_SIZE_4x3MAT = struct.calcsize('ffffffffffff')
    # STRUCT_SIZE_4x3MAT = calcsize('ffffffffffff')
    # print STRUCT_SIZE_4x3MAT, ' STRUCT_SIZE_4x3MAT'
    # only init once
    object_list = []  # for hierarchy
    object_parent = []  # index of parent in hierarchy, 0xFFFF = no parent
    pivot_list = []  # pivots with hierarchy handling

    def putContextMesh(context, myContextMesh_vertls, myContextMesh_facels,
        bmesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(contextObName)

        if myContextMesh_facels is None:
            myContextMesh_facels = []

        if myContextMesh_vertls:

            bmesh.vertices.add(len(myContextMesh_vertls) // 3)
            bmesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", myContextMesh_vertls)

            nbr_faces = len(myContextMesh_facels)
            bmesh.loops.add(nbr_faces * 3)
            eekadoodle_faces = []
            for v1, v2, v3 in myContextMesh_facels:
                eekadoodle_faces.extend((v3, v1, v2) if v3 == 0 else (v1, v2,
                                       range(0, nbr_faces * 3, 3))
            bmesh.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", (3, ) * nbr_faces)
            bmesh.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", eekadoodle_faces)

            if bmesh.polygons and contextMeshUV:
                uv_faces = bmesh.uv_layers.active.data[:]
                uv_faces = None

            for mat_idx, (matName, faces) in enumerate(myContextMeshMaterials):
                if matName is None:
                    bmat = None
                    bmat = MATDICT.get(matName)
                    # in rare cases no materials defined.
                    if bmat:
                        img = TEXTURE_DICT.get(bmat.name)
                        print("    warning: material %r not defined!" %
                        bmat = MATDICT[matName] = bpy.data.materials.new(
                        img = None

                bmesh.materials.append(bmat)  # can be None

                if uv_faces and img:
                    for fidx in faces:
                        bmesh.polygons[fidx].material_index = mat_idx
                        # TODO: How to restore this?
                        # uv_faces[fidx].image = img
                    for fidx in faces:
                        bmesh.polygons[fidx].material_index = mat_idx

            if uv_faces:
                uvl = bmesh.uv_layers.active.data[:]
                for fidx, pl in enumerate(bmesh.polygons):
                    face = myContextMesh_facels[fidx]
                    v1, v2, v3 = face

                    # eekadoodle
                    if v3 == 0:
                        v1, v2, v3 = v3, v1, v2

                    uvl[pl.loop_start].uv = contextMeshUV[v1 * 2:(v1 * 2) + 2]
                    uvl[pl.loop_start + 1].uv = contextMeshUV[v2 * 2:(v2 * 2) +
                    uvl[pl.loop_start + 2].uv = contextMeshUV[v3 * 2:(v3 * 2) +
                    # always a tri


        ob = bpy.data.objects.new(contextObName, bmesh)
        object_dictionary[contextObName] = ob

        if contextMatrix_rot:
            ob.matrix_local = contextMatrix_rot
            object_matrix[ob] = contextMatrix_rot.copy()

    #a spare chunk
    new_chunk = Chunk()
    temp_chunk = Chunk()

    CreateBlenderObject = False

    def read_float_color(temp_chunk):
        temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT)
        temp_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT
        return [float(col) for col in struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)]

    def read_float(temp_chunk):
        temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_FLOAT)
        temp_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_FLOAT
        return struct.unpack('<f', temp_data)[0]

    def read_short(temp_chunk):
        temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
        temp_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT
        return struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]

    def read_byte_color(temp_chunk):
        temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('3B'))
        temp_chunk.bytes_read += 3
        return [float(col) / 255 for col in struct.unpack('<3B', temp_data)
                ]  # data [0,1,2] == rgb

    def read_texture(new_chunk, temp_chunk, name, mapto):
        #        new_texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name, type='IMAGE')

        u_scale, v_scale, u_offset, v_offset = 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
        mirror = False
        extension = 'wrap'
        while (new_chunk.bytes_read < new_chunk.length):
            #print 'MAT_TEXTURE_MAP..while', new_chunk.bytes_read, new_chunk.length
            read_chunk(file, temp_chunk)

            if temp_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_FILEPATH:
                texture_name, read_str_len = read_string(file)

                img = TEXTURE_DICT[contextMaterial.name] = load_image(
                    texture_name, dirname, recursive=IMAGE_SEARCH)
                temp_chunk.bytes_read += read_str_len  # plus one for the null character that gets removed

            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_USCALE:
                u_scale = read_float(temp_chunk)
            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_VSCALE:
                v_scale = read_float(temp_chunk)

            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_UOFFSET:
                u_offset = read_float(temp_chunk)
            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_VOFFSET:
                v_offset = read_float(temp_chunk)

            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_TILING:
                tiling = read_short(temp_chunk)
                if tiling & 0x2:
                    extension = 'mirror'
                elif tiling & 0x10:
                    extension = 'decal'

            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_ANG:
                print("\nwarning: ignoring UV rotation")

            skip_to_end(file, temp_chunk)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += temp_chunk.bytes_read

        # add the map to the material in the right channel
        if img:
            add_texture_to_material(img, (u_scale, v_scale, 1),
                                    (u_offset, v_offset, 0), extension,
                                    contextMaterialWrapper, mapto)

    dirname = os.path.dirname(file.name)

    #loop through all the data for this chunk (previous chunk) and see what it is
    while (previous_chunk.bytes_read < previous_chunk.length):
        #print '\t', previous_chunk.bytes_read, 'keep going'
        #read the next chunk
        #print 'reading a chunk'
        read_chunk(file, new_chunk)

        #is it a Version chunk?
        if new_chunk.ID == VERSION:
            #print 'if new_chunk.ID == VERSION:'
            #print 'found a VERSION chunk'
            #read in the version of the file
            #it's an unsigned short (H)
            temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('I'))
            version = struct.unpack('<I', temp_data)[0]
            new_chunk.bytes_read += 4  # read the 4 bytes for the version number
            #this loader works with version 3 and below, but may not with 4 and above
            if version > 3:
                    '\tNon-Fatal Error:  Version greater than 3, may not load correctly: ',

        #is it an object info chunk?
        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECTINFO:
            #print 'elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECTINFO:'
            # print 'found an OBJECTINFO chunk'
            process_next_chunk(context, file, new_chunk, importedObjects,

            #keep track of how much we read in the main chunk
            new_chunk.bytes_read += temp_chunk.bytes_read

        #is it an object chunk?
        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT:

            if CreateBlenderObject:
                putContextMesh(context, contextMesh_vertls, contextMesh_facels,
                contextMesh_vertls = []
                contextMesh_facels = []

                ## preparando para receber o proximo objeto
                contextMeshMaterials = []  # matname:[face_idxs]
                contextMeshUV = None
                # Reset matrix
                contextMatrix_rot = None
                #contextMatrix_tx = None

            CreateBlenderObject = True
            contextObName, read_str_len = read_string(file)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += read_str_len

        #is it a material chunk?
        elif new_chunk.ID == MATERIAL:

            #           print("read material")

            #print 'elif new_chunk.ID == MATERIAL:'
            contextMaterial = bpy.data.materials.new('Material')
            contextMaterialWrapper = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(contextMaterial,

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_NAME:
            #print 'elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_NAME:'
            material_name, read_str_len = read_string(file)

            #           print("material name", material_name)

            #plus one for the null character that ended the string
            new_chunk.bytes_read += read_str_len

            contextMaterial.name = material_name.rstrip(
            )  # remove trailing  whitespace
            MATDICT[material_name] = contextMaterial

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_AMBIENT:
            #print 'elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_AMBIENT:'
            read_chunk(file, temp_chunk)
            # TODO: consider ambient term somehow. maybe add to color
            #               if temp_chunk.ID == MAT_FLOAT_COLOR:
            #               contextMaterial.mirror_color = read_float_color(temp_chunk)
            #               temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('3f'))
            #               temp_chunk.bytes_read += 12
            #               contextMaterial.mirCol = [float(col) for col in struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)]
            #            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_24BIT_COLOR:
            #                contextMaterial.mirror_color = read_byte_color(temp_chunk)
            #               temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('3B'))
            #               temp_chunk.bytes_read += 3
            #               contextMaterial.mirCol = [float(col)/255 for col in struct.unpack('<3B', temp_data)] # data [0,1,2] == rgb
            #            else:
            skip_to_end(file, temp_chunk)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += temp_chunk.bytes_read

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_DIFFUSE:
            #print 'elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_DIFFUSE:'
            read_chunk(file, temp_chunk)
            if temp_chunk.ID == MAT_FLOAT_COLOR:
                contextMaterialWrapper.base_color = read_float_color(
#               temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('3f'))
#               temp_chunk.bytes_read += 12
#               contextMaterial.rgbCol = [float(col) for col in struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)]
            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_24BIT_COLOR:
                contextMaterialWrapper.base_color = read_byte_color(temp_chunk)
#               temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('3B'))
#               temp_chunk.bytes_read += 3
#               contextMaterial.rgbCol = [float(col)/255 for col in struct.unpack('<3B', temp_data)] # data [0,1,2] == rgb
                skip_to_end(file, temp_chunk)

#           print("read material diffuse color", contextMaterial.diffuse_color)

            new_chunk.bytes_read += temp_chunk.bytes_read

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_SPECULAR:
            #print 'elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_SPECULAR:'
            read_chunk(file, temp_chunk)
            # TODO: consider using specular term somehow
            #            if temp_chunk.ID == MAT_FLOAT_COLOR:
            #                contextMaterial.specular_color = read_float_color(temp_chunk)
            #               temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('3f'))
            #               temp_chunk.bytes_read += 12
            #               contextMaterial.mirCol = [float(col) for col in struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)]
            #            elif temp_chunk.ID == MAT_24BIT_COLOR:
            #                contextMaterial.specular_color = read_byte_color(temp_chunk)
            #               temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize('3B'))
            #               temp_chunk.bytes_read += 3
            #               contextMaterial.mirCol = [float(col)/255 for col in struct.unpack('<3B', temp_data)] # data [0,1,2] == rgb
            #            else:
            skip_to_end(file, temp_chunk)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += temp_chunk.bytes_read

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_TEXTURE_MAP:
            read_texture(new_chunk, temp_chunk, "Diffuse", "COLOR")

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_SPECULAR_MAP:
            read_texture(new_chunk, temp_chunk, "Specular", "SPECULARITY")

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_OPACITY_MAP:
            read_texture(new_chunk, temp_chunk, "Opacity", "ALPHA")

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_BUMP_MAP:
            read_texture(new_chunk, temp_chunk, "Bump", "NORMAL")

        elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_TRANSPARENCY:
            #print 'elif new_chunk.ID == MAT_TRANSPARENCY:'
            read_chunk(file, temp_chunk)

            if temp_chunk.ID == PERCENTAGE_SHORT:
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
                temp_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT
                contextMaterialWrapper.alpha = 1 - (
                    float(struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]) / 100)
            elif temp_chunk.ID == PERCENTAGE_FLOAT:
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_FLOAT)
                temp_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_FLOAT
                contextMaterialWrapper.alpha = 1 - float(
                    struct.unpack('f', temp_data)[0])
                print("Cannot read material transparency")

            new_chunk.bytes_read += temp_chunk.bytes_read

        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_LIGHT:  # Basic lamp support.

            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT)

            x, y, z = struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT

            # no lamp in dict that would be confusing
            contextLamp[1] = bpy.data.lights.new("Lamp", 'POINT')
            contextLamp[0] = ob = bpy.data.objects.new("Lamp", contextLamp[1])


            #print 'number of faces: ', num_faces
            #print x,y,z
            contextLamp[0].location = x, y, z

            # Reset matrix
            contextMatrix_rot = None
            #contextMatrix_tx = None
            #print contextLamp.name,

        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_MESH:
            # print 'Found an OBJECT_MESH chunk'
        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_VERTICES:
            Worldspace vertex locations
            # print 'elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_VERTICES:'
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            num_verts = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            new_chunk.bytes_read += 2

            # print 'number of verts: ', num_verts
            contextMesh_vertls = struct.unpack(
                '<%df' % (num_verts * 3),
                file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT * num_verts))
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT * num_verts
            # dummyvert is not used atm!

            #print 'object verts: bytes read: ', new_chunk.bytes_read

        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_FACES:
            # print 'elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_FACES:'
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            num_faces = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            new_chunk.bytes_read += 2
            #print 'number of faces: ', num_faces

            # print '\ngetting a face'
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_4UNSIGNED_SHORT * num_faces)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_4UNSIGNED_SHORT * num_faces  # 4 short ints x 2 bytes each
            contextMesh_facels = struct.unpack('<%dH' % (num_faces * 4),
            contextMesh_facels = [
                contextMesh_facels[i - 3:i]
                for i in range(3, (num_faces * 4) + 3, 4)

        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_MATERIAL:
            # print 'elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_MATERIAL:'
            material_name, read_str_len = read_string(file)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += read_str_len  # remove 1 null character.

            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            num_faces_using_mat = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT

            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT *
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * num_faces_using_mat

            temp_data = struct.unpack("<%dH" % (num_faces_using_mat),

            contextMeshMaterials.append((material_name, temp_data))

            #look up the material in all the materials

        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_UV:
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            num_uv = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            new_chunk.bytes_read += 2

            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_2FLOAT * num_uv)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_2FLOAT * num_uv
            contextMeshUV = struct.unpack('<%df' % (num_uv * 2), temp_data)

        elif new_chunk.ID == OBJECT_TRANS_MATRIX:
            # How do we know the matrix size? 54 == 4x4 48 == 4x3
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_4x3MAT)
            data = list(struct.unpack('<ffffffffffff', temp_data))
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_4x3MAT

            contextMatrix_rot = mathutils.Matrix((
                data[:3] + [0],
                data[3:6] + [0],
                data[6:9] + [0],
                data[9:] + [1],

        elif (new_chunk.ID == MAT_MAP_FILEPATH):
            texture_name, read_str_len = read_string(file)
            if contextMaterial.name not in TEXTURE_DICT:
                TEXTURE_DICT[contextMaterial.name] = load_image(

            new_chunk.bytes_read += read_str_len  # plus one for the null character that gets removed
        elif new_chunk.ID == EDITKEYFRAME:

        # including these here means their EK_OB_NODE_HEADER are scanned
        elif new_chunk.ID in {
        }:  # another object is being processed
            child = None

        elif new_chunk.ID == EK_OB_NODE_HEADER:
            object_name, read_str_len = read_string(file)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += read_str_len
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += 4
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            hierarchy = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            new_chunk.bytes_read += 2

            child = object_dictionary.get(object_name)

            if child is None:
                child = bpy.data.objects.new(object_name,
                                             None)  # create an empty object

            pivot_list.append(mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))

        elif new_chunk.ID == EK_OB_INSTANCE_NAME:
            object_name, read_str_len = read_string(file)
            # child.name = object_name
            child.name += "." + object_name
            object_dictionary[object_name] = child
            new_chunk.bytes_read += read_str_len
            # print("new instance object:", object_name)

        elif new_chunk.ID == EK_OB_PIVOT:  # translation
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT)
            pivot = struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT
            pivot_list[len(pivot_list) - 1] = mathutils.Vector(pivot)

        elif new_chunk.ID == EK_OB_POSITION_TRACK:  # translation
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 5
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 5)
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            nkeys = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2
            for i in range(nkeys):
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
                nframe = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2)
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT)
                loc = struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT
                if nframe == 0:
                    child.location = loc

        elif new_chunk.ID == EK_OB_ROTATION_TRACK:  # rotation
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 5
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 5)
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            nkeys = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2
            for i in range(nkeys):
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
                nframe = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2)
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_4FLOAT)
                rad, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z = struct.unpack("<4f", temp_data)
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_4FLOAT
                if nframe == 0:
                    child.rotation_euler = mathutils.Quaternion(
                        (axis_x, axis_y, axis_z),
                        -rad).to_euler()  # why negative?

        elif new_chunk.ID == EK_OB_SCALE_TRACK:  # translation
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 5
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 5)
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            nkeys = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
            temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
            new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2
            for i in range(nkeys):
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
                nframe = struct.unpack('<H', temp_data)[0]
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2)
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_UNSIGNED_SHORT * 2
                temp_data = file.read(STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT)
                sca = struct.unpack('<3f', temp_data)
                new_chunk.bytes_read += STRUCT_SIZE_3FLOAT
                if nframe == 0:
                    child.scale = sca

        else:  # (new_chunk.ID!=VERSION or new_chunk.ID!=OBJECTINFO or new_chunk.ID!=OBJECT or new_chunk.ID!=MATERIAL):
            # print 'skipping to end of this chunk'
            #print("unknown chunk: "+hex(new_chunk.ID))
            buffer_size = new_chunk.length - new_chunk.bytes_read
            binary_format = "%ic" % buffer_size
            temp_data = file.read(struct.calcsize(binary_format))
            new_chunk.bytes_read += buffer_size

        #update the previous chunk bytes read
        # print 'previous_chunk.bytes_read += new_chunk.bytes_read'
        # print previous_chunk.bytes_read, new_chunk.bytes_read
        previous_chunk.bytes_read += new_chunk.bytes_read
        ## print 'Bytes left in this chunk: ', previous_chunk.length - previous_chunk.bytes_read

    # There will be a number of objects still not added
    if CreateBlenderObject:
        putContextMesh(context, contextMesh_vertls, contextMesh_facels,

    # Assign parents to objects
    # check _if_ we need to assign first because doing so recalcs the depsgraph
    for ind, ob in enumerate(object_list):
        parent = object_parent[ind]
        if parent == ROOT_OBJECT:
            if ob.parent is not None:
                ob.parent = None
            if ob.parent != object_list[parent]:
                if ob == object_list[parent]:
                    print('   warning: Cannot assign self to parent ', ob)
                    ob.parent = object_list[parent]

            # pivot_list[ind] += pivot_list[parent]  # XXX, not sure this is correct, should parent space matrix be applied before combining?
    # fix pivots
    for ind, ob in enumerate(object_list):
        if ob.type == 'MESH':
            pivot = pivot_list[ind]
            pivot_matrix = object_matrix.get(
                ob, mathutils.Matrix())  # unlikely to fail
            pivot_matrix = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(
                pivot_matrix.to_3x3() @ -pivot)
Пример #19
for ob in bpy.data.collections['cubes'].objects[:]:
    bpy.data.objects.remove(ob, do_unlink=True)

# deleting materials
for m in bpy.data.materials:
    if m.name.startswith("mat1."):
        print("deleting: " + m.name)

# setup materials
materials = []
for i, color in enumerate(colors):
    orig = bpy.data.materials["mat1"]
    m1 = orig.copy()
    m1.name = "mat1.%d" % i
    p = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(m1, is_readonly=False)
    p.base_color = color
    # print(m1.name, m1.diffuse_color[0], color, bpy.data.materials[new_name].diffuse_color[0])

# materials.reverse()

import csv
path = '/home/pboone/workspace/pm-blender/bins_alldof.csv'
# path = 'C:/Users/Paul Boone/Documents/Cover Art/bins_alldof.csv'
with open(path) as csvfile:
    rows = csv.reader(csvfile)
    for i, row in enumerate(rows):
        for j, num_materials in enumerate(row):
            if i < 20 and j < 20:
                weight = float(num_materials)
Пример #20
def create_PMMaterial(mat: Material, xml_mat_list,
                      tex_dic: Dict[str, int]) -> pmx.PMMaterial:

    principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=True)
    pmx_mat = pmx.PMMaterial()
    pmx_mat.Name = mat.name
    pmx_mat.Name_E = mat.name

    xml_deffuse = None
    xml_specular = None
    xml_ambient = None

    # Load XML Status
    if pmx_mat.Name in xml_mat_list.keys():
        temp_mat = xml_mat_list[pmx_mat.Name]
        pmx_mat.Name = temp_mat.get("name", mat.name)
        pmx_mat.Name_E = temp_mat.get("name_e", pmx_mat.Name)
        pmx_mat.UseSystemToon = int(temp_mat.get("use_systemtoon", "1"))

        if pmx_mat.UseSystemToon == 1:
            pmx_mat.ToonIndex = int(temp_mat.get("toon", "0"))

            tex_path = temp_mat.get("toon", "toon01.bmp")

            if tex_path == "" or tex_path == "-1":
                pmx_mat.ToonIndex = -1

                pmx_mat.ToonIndex = tex_dic.setdefault(tex_path, len(tex_dic))

        pmx_mat.Both = int(temp_mat.get("both", "0"))
        pmx_mat.GroundShadow = int(temp_mat.get("ground_shadow", "0"))
        pmx_mat.DropShadow = int(temp_mat.get("drop_shadow", "0"))
        pmx_mat.OnShadow = int(temp_mat.get("on_shadow", "0"))

        pmx_mat.OnEdge = int(temp_mat.get("on_edge", "0"))
        pmx_mat.EdgeSize = float(temp_mat.get("edge_size", "1.0"))

        edge_c = temp_mat.find("edge_color")
        pmx_mat.EdgeColor = Math.Vector(
            (float(edge_c.get("r", "0.0")), float(edge_c.get("g", "0.0")),
             float(edge_c.get("b", "0.0")), float(edge_c.get("a", "1.0"))))

        deffuse_elm = temp_mat.find("deffuse")
        if deffuse_elm != None:
            c = (float(deffuse_elm.get("r", principled.base_color.r)),
                 float(deffuse_elm.get("g", principled.base_color.g)),
                 float(deffuse_elm.get("b", principled.base_color.b)),
                 float(deffuse_elm.get("a", principled.alpha)))
            xml_deffuse = Math.Vector(c)

        specular_elm = temp_mat.find("specular")
        if specular_elm != None:
            xml_specular = Math.Vector((float(specular_elm.get("r", "0.0")),
                                        float(specular_elm.get("g", "0.0")),
                                        float(specular_elm.get("b", "0.0"))))

        ambient_elm = temp_mat.find("ambient")
        if ambient_elm != None:
            xml_ambient = Math.Vector((float(ambient_elm.get("r", "0.0")),
                                       float(ambient_elm.get("g", "0.0")),
                                       float(ambient_elm.get("b", "0.0"))))

        pmx_mat.Power = float(temp_mat.get("power", "1"))

        sphere_elm = temp_mat.find("sphere")
        if sphere_elm != None:
            path = sphere_elm.get("path")
            pmx_mat.SphereIndex = tex_dic.setdefault(path, len(tex_dic))
            pmx_mat.SphereType = int(sphere_elm.get("type", "0"))

    r, g, b = principled.base_color
    a = principled.alpha
    pmx_mat.Deffuse = xml_deffuse if xml_deffuse != None else Math.Vector(
        (r, g, b, a))

    pmx_mat.Specular = xml_specular if xml_specular != None else Math.Vector(
        (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    pmx_mat.Ambient = xml_ambient if xml_ambient != None else pmx_mat.Deffuse.xyz * 0.4

    pmx_mat.FaceLength = 0

    tex_base_path = bpy.path.abspath("//")

    if tex_base_path == "":
        tex_base_path = os.path.dirname(filepath)

    texture = principled.base_color_texture
    if texture and texture.image:
        filepath = texture.image.filepath

        tex_abs_path = bpy.path.abspath(filepath)
        tex_path = bpy.path.relpath(tex_abs_path, tex_base_path)
        tex_path = tex_path.replace("//", "", 1)

        pmx_mat.TextureIndex = tex_dic.setdefault(tex_path, len(tex_dic))

    return pmx_mat
    def createMaterial(self):
        mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name=self.name)
        mat.use_nodes = True
        nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
        links = mat.node_tree.links
        principled_mat = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False)
        principled = principled_mat.node_principled_bsdf
        mat_output = principled_mat.node_out
        principled_mat.roughness = 1.0
        front = {}
        back = {}

        # Create all of the texture nodes
        for map_name, img in self.maps.items():
            if img is None or map_name.split("_")[0] not in __class__.input_tr:
            texture_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeTexImage")
            if map_name.endswith("_back"):
                map_name = map_name[:-5] # remove "_back"
                back[map_name] = texture_node
                front[map_name] = texture_node
            texture_node.image = getCyclesImage(img)
            texture_node.image.colorspace_settings.name = "sRGB" if map_name == "baseColor" or map_name == "diffuse" else "Non-Color"
            if hasattr(texture_node, "color_space"):
                texture_node.color_space = "COLOR" if map_name == "baseColor" or map_name == "diffuse" else "NONE"
            if map_name == "opacity":
                mat.blend_method = 'BLEND'
            if map_name == "height":
                mat.cycles.displacement_method = 'BOTH'

        if not front: # In case just the backside texture was chosen
            front = back
            back = {}

        def setup(name, node):
            if __class__.input_tr.get(name):
                links.new(node.outputs["Color"], principled.inputs[__class__.input_tr[name]])
                if name == "glossiness":
                    invert_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeInvert")
                    links.new(node.outputs["Color"], invert_node.inputs["Color"])
                    links.new(invert_node.outputs["Color"], principled.inputs["Roughness"])
                if name == "diffuse":
                    if not principled.inputs["Base Color"].is_linked:
                        links.new(node.outputs["Color"], principled.inputs["Base Color"])
                elif name == "height":
                    displacement_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeDisplacement")
                    displacement_node.inputs[2].default_value = .2
                    links.new(node.outputs["Color"], displacement_node.inputs["Height"])
                    links.new(displacement_node.outputs["Displacement"], mat_output.inputs[2])
                elif name == "normal":
                    normal_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeNormalMap")
                    links.new(node.outputs["Color"], normal_node.inputs["Color"])
                    links.new(normal_node.outputs["Normal"], principled.inputs["Normal"])
                elif name == "normalInvertedY":
                    normal_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeNormalMap")
                    separate_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeSeparateRGB")
                    combine_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeCombineRGB")
                    math_node = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeMath")
                    math_node.operation = "MULTIPLY_ADD"
                    math_node.inputs[1].default_value = -1
                    math_node.inputs[2].default_value = 1

                    links.new(node.outputs["Color"], separate_node.inputs["Image"])
                    links.new(separate_node.outputs["R"], combine_node.inputs[0])
                    links.new(separate_node.outputs["G"], math_node.inputs[0])
                    links.new(math_node.outputs["Value"], combine_node.inputs[1])
                    links.new(separate_node.outputs["B"], combine_node.inputs[2])

                    links.new(combine_node.outputs["Image"], normal_node.inputs["Color"])
                    links.new(normal_node.outputs["Normal"], principled.inputs["Normal"])

        if not back: # If there is no item in the back dictionary
            [setup(name, node) for name, node in front.items()]
            geometry_node = nodes.new("ShaderNodeNewGeometry")
            def pre_setup(name, front, back, mix):
                links.new(geometry_node.outputs["Backfacing"], mix.inputs[0])
                links.new(front.outputs["Color"], mix.inputs[1])
                links.new(back.outputs["Color"], mix.inputs[2])
                setup(name, mix)
            for name, node in front.items():
                if back.get(name):
                    pre_setup(name, node, back[name], nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeMixRGB"))

        return mat