Пример #1
 def save_file(self, fn, **kw):
     '''save a file in the image server and return info'''
     with open(self.fullname(fn), 'rb') as src:
         fr = etree.Element('file',
         return blob_service.store_blob(fr, src)
Пример #2
    def save_image(self, fn, **kw):
        '''save a file in the image server and return info'''
        log.debug("Store new image: " + fn + " " + str(self.image_info))

        self.resource = etree.Element('image',

        with open(self.fullname(fn), 'rb') as src:
            self.resource = blob_service.store_blob(self.resource, src)

        if 'uri' in self.resource.attrib:
            self.import_files[fn] = self.resource.get('uri')
            log.debug("Image service could not create image %s" % fn)
            raise BIXError("Image service could not create image %s" % fn)
Пример #3
def upload_dream3d_pipeline(uf, intags):
    # analyze DREAM.3D pipeline and replace illegal operations with BisQue operations
    pipeline = {}
    with open(uf.localpath(), 'r') as fo:
        pipeline = dream3d_to_json(fo)
    # walk the pipeline and replace any incompatible steps with BisQue steps as well as possible
    new_pipeline = { '__Header__': pipeline['__Header__'] }
    new_step_id = 0
    old_step_id = 0
    converted_cnt = 0   # TODO: only keep up to 10 interactive params... URL gets too big otherwise
    for step_id in range(old_step_id, len(pipeline)-1):
        if pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] in ['Read H5EBSD File', 'Read DREAM.3D Data File']:
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = { '__Label__': 'BisQueLoadTable',
                                               'Parameters': [{'Filename': 'input.h5'}],
                                               '__Meta__': {'module_num': str(new_step_id+1)}
            new_step_id += 1
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = pipeline[str(step_id)]
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Meta__']['module_num'] = str(new_step_id+1)
            _set_parameter(new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)], 'InputFile', 'input.h5')
            new_step_id += 1
        elif pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] == 'Write DREAM.3D Data File':
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = pipeline[str(step_id)]
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Meta__']['module_num'] = str(new_step_id+1)
            _set_parameter(new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)], 'OutputFile', 'output.h5')
            new_step_id += 1
            outname = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)], 'OutputFile')[0]
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = { '__Label__': 'BisQueSaveTable',
                                               'Parameters': [{'Filename': os.path.basename(outname)}],
                                               '__Meta__': {'module_num': str(new_step_id+1)}
            new_step_id += 1
            # keep all others unchanged
            # but check if some parameters could be treated as "interactive"
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = pipeline[str(step_id)]
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Meta__']['module_num'] = str(new_step_id+1)
            new_parameters = []            
            for param in new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters']:
                param_key, param_val = param.items()[0]
                if converted_cnt < 10 and (any([param_key.lower().startswith(phrase) for phrase in ['max', 'min']]) or \
                                           any([param_key.lower().endswith(phrase) for phrase in ['size', 'tolerance', 'value']])):
                    param_name = "Step %s (%s) - %s" % (step_id, new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Label__'], param_key)
                        float(str(param_val))    # is this a number?
                        param_val = "@NUMPARAM|%s@%s" % (param_name, str(param_val))
                        converted_cnt += 1
                    except ValueError:
                        # not a value... it may be a complex parameter (i.e., dictionary)
                        if isinstance(param_val, dict):
                            complex_val = {}
                            for key,val in param_val.iteritems():
                                    float(str(val))   # is this a number?
                                    complex_val[key] = "@NUMPARAM|%s - %s@%s" % (param_name, key, str(val))
                                    converted_cnt += 1
                                except ValueError:
                                    complex_val[key] = val
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters'] = new_parameters
            new_step_id += 1
    new_pipeline['__Header__']['ModuleCount'] = str(len(new_pipeline)-1)
    # write modified pipeline back for ingest
    ftmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    # ingest modified pipeline
    res = []
    with open(ftmp.name, 'rb') as fo:
        res = [blob_service.store_blob(resource=uf.resource, fileobj=fo)]
    return res
Пример #4
def upload_bisque_pipeline(uf, intags):
    with open(uf.localpath(), 'rb') as fo:
        res = [blob_service.store_blob(resource=uf.resource, fileobj=fo)]
    return res
Пример #5
def upload_imagej_pipeline(uf, intags):
    # analyze ImageJ macro and replace illegal operations with BisQue operations
    pipeline = {}
    with open(uf.localpath(), 'r') as fo:
        pipeline = imagej_to_json(fo)
    # walk the pipeline and replace any incompatible steps with BisQue steps as well as possible
    new_pipeline = {'__Header__': pipeline['__Header__']}
    new_step_id = 0
    old_step_id = 0
    converted_cnt = 0  # TODO: only keep up to 10 interactive params... URL gets too big otherwise
    had_save_img = False
    had_save_res = False
    for step_id in range(old_step_id, len(pipeline) - 1):
        new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = copy.deepcopy(pipeline[str(step_id)])
        new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Meta__']['module_num'] = str(
            new_step_id + 1)
        if pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] == 'open':
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Label__'] = 'BisQueLoadImage'
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters'] = []
            new_step_id += 1
        elif pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] in [
        ] and _get_parameters(
                'arg0')[0].lower() == 'tiff' and not had_save_img:
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Label__'] = 'BisQueSaveImage'
            out_name = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)], 'arg1')
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters'] = [{
                out_name[0] if len(out_name) > 0 else '"output.tif"'
            had_save_img = True
            new_step_id += 1
        elif pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] in [
        ] and _get_parameters(
                'arg0')[0].lower() == 'results' and not had_save_res:
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Label__'] = 'BisQueSaveResults'
            out_name = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)], 'arg1')
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters'] = [{
                out_name[0] if len(out_name) > 0 else '"output.csv"'
            had_save_res = True
            new_step_id += 1
            # keep all others unchanged
            # but check if some parameters could be treated as "interactive"
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Meta__']['module_num'] = str(
                new_step_id + 1)
            new_parameters = []
            for param in new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters']:
                param_key, param_val = param.items()[0]
                if converted_cnt < 10 and any([
                        phrase in param_key.lower() for phrase in [
                            'threshold', 'size', 'diameter', 'distance',
                            'smoothing', 'bound', 'difference', 'intensity'
                        float(str(param_val))  # is this a number?
                        param_val = "@STRPARAM@%s" % str(param_val)
                        converted_cnt += 1
                    except ValueError:
                        pass  # skip non-numerical parameters for now
                new_parameters.append({param_key: param_val})
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters'] = new_parameters
            new_step_id += 1

    new_pipeline['__Header__']['ModuleCount'] = str(len(new_pipeline) - 1)
    # write modified pipeline back for ingest
    ftmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    # ingest modified pipeline
    res = []
    with open(ftmp.name, 'rb') as fo:
        res = [blob_service.store_blob(resource=uf.resource, fileobj=fo)]
    return res
Пример #6
def upload_cellprofiler_pipeline(uf, intags):
    # analyze cellprofiler pipeline and replace illegal operations with BisQue operations
    pipeline = {}
    with open(uf.localpath(), 'r') as fo:
        pipeline = cellprofiler_to_json(fo)
    # walk the pipeline and replace any incompatible steps with BisQue steps as well as possible
    # TODO: improve the quality of replacement and add BisQueExtractGObjects step generation
    new_pipeline = {'__Header__': pipeline['__Header__']}
    new_step_id = 0
    old_step_id = 0
    # TODO: handle more cases...
    if pipeline['0']['__Label__'] == 'Images' and        \
       _get_parameters(pipeline['0'], 'Filter images?')[0] == 'Images only' and \
       pipeline['1']['__Label__'] == 'Metadata' and      \
       pipeline['2']['__Label__'] == 'NamesAndTypes' and \
       _get_parameters(pipeline['2'], 'Assign a name to')[0] == 'Images matching rules' and \
       int(_get_parameters(pipeline['2'], 'Single images count')[0]) == 0 and \
       int(_get_parameters(pipeline['2'], 'Assignments count')[0]) > 0 and \
       pipeline['3']['__Label__'] == 'Groups' and \
       _get_parameters(pipeline['3'], 'Do you want to group your images?')[0] == 'No':
        assign_cnt = int(
            _get_parameters(pipeline['2'], 'Assignments count')[0])
        channel_id = [str(channel)
                      for channel in range(1, assign_cnt +
                                           1)] if assign_cnt > 1 else ['all']
        img_name = _get_parameters(pipeline['2'],
                                   'Name to assign these images')
        obj_name = _get_parameters(pipeline['2'],
                                   'Name to assign these objects')
        img_type = _get_parameters(pipeline['2'], 'Select the image type')
        params = [{'Assignments count': str(assign_cnt)}]
        for assign in range(assign_cnt, 0, -1):
            params += [{
                'Channel': channel_id[-assign]
            }, {
                'Name to assign these images': img_name[-assign]
            }, {
                'Name to assign these objects': obj_name[-assign]
            }, {
                'Select the image type': img_type[-assign]
        new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = {
            '__Label__': 'BisQueLoadImages',
            '__Meta__': {
                'module_num': str(new_step_id + 1)
            'Parameters': params
        new_step_id += 1
        old_step_id += 4
    elif pipeline['0']['__Label__'] == 'LoadImages' and \
         _get_parameters(pipeline['0'], 'File type to be loaded')[0] == 'individual images' and \
         _get_parameters(pipeline['0'], 'Group images by metadata?')[0] == 'No':
        channel_id = 'all'
        img_name = _get_parameters(pipeline['0'], 'Name this loaded image')[0]
        obj_name = _get_parameters(pipeline['0'], 'Name this loaded object')[0]
        img_type = _get_parameters(pipeline['0'],
                                   'Load the input as images or objects?')[0]
        img_type = 'Color image' if img_type == 'Images' else 'Objects'
        new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = {
            '__Meta__': {
                'module_num': str(new_step_id + 1)
            'Parameters': [{
                'Channel': channel_id
            }, {
                'Name to assign these images': img_name
            }, {
                'Name to assign these objects': obj_name
            }, {
                'Select the image type': img_type
        new_step_id += 1
        old_step_id += 1
    # now the rest of the pipeline...
    geo_objects = []
    colors = ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff', '#ffff00', '#ff00ff', '#00ffff']
    color_idx = 0
    converted_cnt = 0  # TODO: only keep up to 10 interactive params... URL gets too big otherwise
    for step_id in range(old_step_id, len(pipeline) - 1):
        if pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] == 'SaveImages' and \
           _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)], 'Select the type of image to save')[0] == 'Image':
            img_name = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)],
                                       'Select the image to save')[0]
            bit_depth = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)],
                                        'Image bit depth')[0]
            img_type = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)],
                                       'Save as grayscale or color image?')[0]
            colormap = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)],
                                       'Select colormap')[0]
            filename = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)],
                                       'Enter single file name')[0]
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = {
                '__Meta__': {
                    'module_num': str(new_step_id + 1)
                'Parameters': [{
                    'Select the image to save': img_name
                }, {
                    'Image bit depth': bit_depth
                }, {
                    'Save as grayscale or color image?': img_type
                }, {
                    'Select colormap': colormap
                }, {
                    'Name': filename
            new_step_id += 1
        elif pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] == 'ExportToSpreadsheet' and \
             all([comb == 'No' for comb in _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)], 'Combine these object measurements with those of the previous object?')]):
            data_exports = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)],
                                           'Data to export')
            params = []
            for data_export in data_exports:
                params += [{
                    'Data to export': data_export
                }, {
                    'Name': data_export
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = {
                '__Label__': 'BisQueSaveTables',
                '__Meta__': {
                    'module_num': str(new_step_id + 1)
                'Parameters': params
            new_step_id += 1
            # keep all others unchanged
            # but check if some parameters could be treated as "interactive"
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = pipeline[str(step_id)]
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['__Meta__']['module_num'] = str(
                new_step_id + 1)
            new_parameters = []
            for param in new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters']:
                param_key, param_val = param.items()[0]
                if converted_cnt < 10 and any([
                        phrase in param_key.lower() for phrase in [
                            'threshold', 'size', 'diameter', 'distance',
                            'smoothing', 'bound', 'difference', 'intensity'
                        float(str(param_val))  # is this a number?
                        param_val = "@STRPARAM@%s" % str(param_val)
                        converted_cnt += 1
                    except ValueError:
                        pass  # skip non-numerical parameters for now
                new_parameters.append({param_key: param_val})
            new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)]['Parameters'] = new_parameters
            new_step_id += 1
        if pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] == 'IdentifyPrimaryObjects':
            obj_name = _get_parameters(
                'Name the primary objects to be identified')[0]
                'name': obj_name,
                'color': colors[color_idx % len(colors)]
            color_idx += 1
        elif pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] == 'IdentifySecondaryObjects':
            obj_name = _get_parameters(pipeline[str(step_id)],
                                       'Name the objects to be identified')[0]
                'name': obj_name,
                'color': colors[color_idx % len(colors)]
            color_idx += 1
        elif pipeline[str(step_id)]['__Label__'] == 'IdentifyTertiaryObjects':
            obj_name = _get_parameters(
                'Name the tertiary objects to be identified')[0]
                'name': obj_name,
                'color': colors[color_idx % len(colors)]
            color_idx += 1
    # if there were any "IdentifyXXXObjects", add BisQueExportGObjects step(s) at the end
    for geo_object in geo_objects:
        new_pipeline[str(new_step_id)] = {
            '__Meta__': {
                'module_num': str(new_step_id + 1)
            'Parameters': [{
                'Data to extract': geo_object['name']
            }, {
                'GObject type': 'Ellipse'
            }, {
                'GObject label': geo_object['name']
            }, {
                'GObject color': geo_object['color']
            }, {
                'XCoord column': 'AreaShape_Center_X'
            }, {
                'YCoord column': 'AreaShape_Center_Y'
            }, {
                'Orientation column': 'AreaShape_Orientation'
            }, {
                'MajorAxis column': 'AreaShape_MajorAxisLength'
            }, {
                'MinorAxis column': 'AreaShape_MinorAxisLength'
        new_step_id += 1
    new_pipeline['__Header__']['ModuleCount'] = str(len(new_pipeline) - 1)
    # write modified pipeline back for ingest
    ftmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    # ingest modified pipeline
    res = []
    with open(ftmp.name, 'rb') as fo:
        res = [blob_service.store_blob(resource=uf.resource, fileobj=fo)]
    return res