def polynomial_regression(): """Polynomial regression example""" regression_config = {"degree": 1} sc_x = LinearScale(min=-100, max=100) sc_y = LinearScale(min=-100, max=100) scat = Scatter( x=[], y=[], scales={"x": sc_x, "y": sc_y}, colors=["orange"], enable_move=True ) lin = Lines( x=[], y=[], scales={"x": sc_x, "y": sc_y}, line_style="dotted", colors=["blue"] ) def update_line(change=None): if len(scat.x) == 0 or len(scat.y) == 0 or scat.x.shape != scat.y.shape: lin.x = [] lin.y = [] return pipe = make_pipeline( PolynomialFeatures(degree=regression_config["degree"]), LinearRegression() ), 1), scat.y) with lin.hold_sync(): if len(lin.x) == 0: lin.x = np.linspace(sc_x.min, sc_x.max) lin.y = pipe.predict(np.linspace(sc_x.min, sc_x.max).reshape(-1, 1)) update_line() # update line on change of x or y of scatter scat.observe(update_line, names=["x", "y"]) with scat.hold_sync(): scat.enable_move = False scat.interactions = {"click": "add"} ax_x = Axis(scale=sc_x, tick_format="0.0f", label="x") ax_y = Axis(scale=sc_y, tick_format="0.0f", orientation="vertical", label="y") fig = Figure(marks=[scat, lin], axes=[ax_x, ax_y]) # reset reset_button reset_button = widgets.Button(description="Reset") def on_button_clicked(change=None): with scat.hold_sync(): scat.x = [] scat.y = [] dropdown_w.value = None reset_button.on_click(on_button_clicked) # polynomial degree slider degree = widgets.IntSlider( value=regression_config["degree"], min=1, max=5, step=1, description="Degree" ) def degree_change(change): regression_config["degree"] = change["new"] update_line() degree.observe(degree_change, names="value") # dropdown for dataset selection dropdown_w = widgets.Dropdown( options=fake_datasets(ndim=2), value=None, description="Dataset:" ) def dropdown_on_change(change): if change["type"] == "change" and change["name"] == "value": if change["new"] is not None: x, y = fake_datasets(name=change["new"]) with scat.hold_sync(): scat.x = x.flatten() scat.y = y.flatten() dropdown_w.observe(dropdown_on_change) return VBox( ( widgets.HTML("<h1>Polynomial regression</h1>"), reset_button, dropdown_w, degree, fig, ) )
# When the `hovered_point` of the `Scatter` plot is changed (i.e. when the user hovers over a different element), the entire path of that country is displayed by making the `Lines` object visible and setting it's `x` and `y` attributes. # %% {"collapsed": true} def hover_changed(change): if is not None: nation_line.x = data[data['name'] == wealth_scat.names[]]['income'].values[0] nation_line.y = data[data['name'] == wealth_scat.names[]]['lifeExpectancy'].values[0] nation_line.visible = True else: nation_line.visible = False wealth_scat.observe(hover_changed, 'hovered_point') # %% [markdown] # On the slider value `callback` (a function that is triggered everytime the `value` of the slider is changed) we change the `x`, `y` and `size` co-ordinates of the `Scatter`. We also update the `text` of the `Label` to reflect the current year. # %% {"collapsed": true} def year_changed(change): wealth_scat.x, wealth_scat.y, wealth_scat.size = get_data( year_slider.value) year_label.text = [str(year_slider.value)] year_slider.observe(year_changed, 'value') # %% [markdown]
class Panopticopter: def __init__(self, loom, layername, coord1='log2(TP10k+1) PCA UMAP embedding 1', coord2='log2(TP10k+1) PCA UMAP embedding 2', n_points_to_display=1000): self.loom = loom self.layername = layername self.coord1 = coord1 self.coord2 = coord2 for coordi in [coord1, coord2]: if coordi not in raise Exception("{} not in".format(coordi)) self.selection1 = [] self.selection2 = [] self.subset_mask = None self.fig = None self.n_point_to_display = n_points_to_display self.xs = None self.ys = None self.button_sel1 = None self.button_sel2 = None self.button_calc = None self.button_layout = None self.diffex_output = None self._which_to_select = "blue" self._ignore_observe = False import numpy as np subset_p = np.min([1, self.n_point_to_display / self.loom.shape[1]]) self.subset_mask = np.random.choice([True, False], p=[subset_p, 1 - subset_p], size=loom.shape[1]) def _fig_setup(self): import numpy as np from bqplot import LinearScale, Scatter, Figure, Axis from ipywidgets import HBox, VBox, Button, widgets self.xs, self.ys = LinearScale(), LinearScale() self.button_sel0 = Button(description='Reset axes', icon='fa-refresh') self.button_sel1 = Button(description='Zoom', icon='fa-arrows') self.button_sel2a = Button(description='Select', icon='fa-crosshairs') = 'blue' self.button_sel2b = Button(description='Select', icon='fa-crosshairs') = 'red' self.button_sel3 = Button(description='Resubset', icon='fa-refresh') self.button_calc = Button( description='Calculate!', icon='fa-calculator', ) self.button_layout = VBox([ HBox([self.button_sel0, self.button_sel1, self.button_sel2a]), HBox([self.button_sel3, self.button_calc, self.button_sel2b]) ]) self.diffex_output = widgets.Output() self.scatter = Scatter([self.subset_mask][self.coord1],[self.subset_mask][self.coord2], scales={ "x": self.xs, "y": self.ys }, default_size=1, colors=['gray']) xax, yax = Axis(scale=self.xs, label="UMAP 1"), Axis(scale=self.ys, label="UMAP 2", orientation="vertical") self.fig = Figure( marks=[ self.scatter, ], axes=[xax, yax], title="Panopticopter", #interaction=lasso_sel, ) def _zoom_setup(self): from bqplot.interacts import (PanZoom) panzoom = PanZoom(scales={"x": [self.xs], "y": [self.ys]}) self.fig.interaction = panzoom def _reset(self): import numpy as np xmin = float(np.min([self.coord1])) xmax = float(np.max([self.coord2])) ymin = float(np.min([self.coord1])) ymax = float(np.max([self.coord2])) self.scatter.scales['x'].min = xmin self.scatter.scales['x'].max = xmax self.scatter.scales['y'].min = ymin self.scatter.scales['y'].max = ymax def resubset(self): import numpy as np mask = np.array([True] * self.loom.shape[1]) if self.xs.min is not None: mask *=[self.coord1] >= self.xs.min if self.xs.max is not None: mask *=[self.coord1] <= self.xs.max if self.ys.min is not None: mask *=[self.coord2] >= self.ys.min if self.ys.max is not None: mask *=[self.coord2] <= self.ys.max subset_p = np.min([1, self.n_point_to_display / mask.sum()]) self.subset_mask = mask * np.random.choice( [True, False], p=[subset_p, 1 - subset_p], size=self.loom.shape[1]) self.scatter.x =[self.subset_mask][self.coord1] self.scatter.y =[self.subset_mask][self.coord2] def _lasso_setup(self, which_to_select): if self.fig.interaction is not None: self.fig.interaction.close() if which_to_select == 'blue': self.scatter.colors = [ x.replace('blue', 'gray') for x in self.scatter.colors ] #*self.subset_mask.sum() self.selection1 = [] elif which_to_select == 'red': self.scatter.colors = [ x.replace('red', 'gray') for x in self.scatter.colors ] #*self.subset_mask.sum() self.selection2 = [] from bqplot.interacts import ( LassoSelector, #PanZoom, ) lasso_sel = LassoSelector() lasso_sel.marks = [ self.scatter, ] self.fig.interaction = lasso_sel self.fig.interaction.color = which_to_select # _which_to_select = self._which_to_select def make_selection(): self.scatter.unobserve_all() #if 'blue' not in self.scatter.colors: # which_to_select = 'blue' #elif 'red' not in self.scatter.colors: # which_to_select = 'red' #else: # which_to_select = None if which_to_select == "blue": self.selection1 = self.scatter.selected #lasso_sel.reset() #recolor() elif which_to_select == "red": self.selection2 = self.scatter.selected #lasso_sel.reset() #recolor() self.scatter.observe(select_and_recolor, names=['selected']) def select_and_recolor(self): make_selection() recolor() def recolor(): self.scatter.unobserve_all() if self.selection1 is None: self.selection1 = [] if self.selection2 is None: self.selection2 = [] colors = [] for i in range(self.subset_mask.sum()): if i in self.selection1: colors.append('blue') elif i in self.selection2: colors.append('red') else: colors.append('gray') self.scatter.colors = colors self.scatter.observe(select_and_recolor, names=['selected']) self.scatter.unobserve_all() self.scatter.observe(select_and_recolor, names=['selected']) def __call__(self): import numpy as np from bqplot import pyplot as plt #from bqplot import DateScale, LinearScale, Axis, Lines, Scatter, Bars, Hist, Figure from bqplot import LinearScale, Scatter, Figure, Axis from ipywidgets import HBox, VBox, Button, widgets self._fig_setup() self.selection1 = [] self.selection2 = [] # lasso_sel.o def button0_click(widget): self._reset() def button1_click(widget): self._zoom_setup() # def button2_click(widget): # self._lasso_setup() def button2a_click(widget): self._lasso_setup('blue') def button2b_click(widget): self._lasso_setup('red') def button3_click(widget): self.resubset() def button_calc_click(widget): self.diffex_output.clear_output() from panopticon.analysis import get_cluster_differential_expression import pandas as pd from IPython.display import HTML mask1 = np.isin(['cellname'],['cellname'][self.subset_mask][self.selection1]) mask2 = np.isin(['cellname'],['cellname'][self.subset_mask][self.selection2]) with self.diffex_output: if mask1 is not None and mask2 is not None: diffex = get_cluster_differential_expression( self.loom, self.layername, mask1=mask1, mask2=mask2, verbose=True) self.diffex = diffex if 'GeneAlternateName' in diffex.columns: interesting_columns = [ 'pvalue', 'CommonLanguageEffectSize', 'GeneAlternateName' ] else: interesting_columns = [ 'pvalue', 'CommonLanguageEffectSize', 'gene' ] diffex = diffex[interesting_columns] diffex.columns = ['p', 'CLES', 'gene'] d1 = diffex.sort_values( 'CLES', ascending=False).head(10).reset_index(drop=True) d2 = diffex.sort_values( 'CLES', ascending=True).head(10).reset_index(drop=True) d1.columns = [x + '_blue' for x in d1.columns] d2.columns = [x + '_red' for x in d2.columns] d1d2 = pd.concat([d1, d2], axis=1) self.d1d2 = d1d2 display(**{ 'background-color': 'blue' }, subset=d1.columns). set_properties(**{ 'background-color': 'red' }, subset=d2.columns).set_properties( **{'color': 'white'})) # print(HTML(d1d2.to_html(index=False))) # diffex_output1.append_display_data(HTML(diffex.sort_values('CommonLanguageEffectSize').head(10).to_html())) #with diffex_output2: # diffex_output2.append_display_data(HTML(diffex.sort_values('CommonLanguageEffectSize', ascending=False).head(10).to_html())) self.button_sel0.on_click(button0_click) self.button_sel1.on_click(button1_click, ) self.button_sel2a.on_click(button2a_click) self.button_sel2b.on_click(button2b_click) self.button_sel3.on_click(button3_click) self.button_calc.on_click(button_calc_click) from IPython.display import display #scatter_lasso.enable_move = True #fig_lasso final_layout = HBox( [VBox([self.fig, self.button_layout]), self.diffex_output]) return final_layout