Пример #1
    def save_entity(self, session_type, session_id):

        This method overrides the identical method from the inherited
        superclass, 'BaseData'. Specifically, this method updates an
        existing entity within the corresponding database table,

        @session_id, is synonymous to 'entity_id', and provides context to
            update 'modified_xx' columns within the 'tbl_dataset_entity'
            database table.


        premodel_settings = self.premodel_data['properties']
        premodel_entity = {
            'title': premodel_settings.get('session_name', None),
            'uid': self.uid,
            'id_entity': session_id,
        db_save = Entity(premodel_entity, session_type)

        # save dataset element
        db_return = db_save.save()

        # return
        if db_return['status']:
            return {'status': True, 'error': None}
            return {'status': False, 'error': self.list_error}
Пример #2
def save_info(dataset, session_type, userid):

    This method saves the current entity into the database, then returns the
    corresponding entity id.


    list_error = []
    premodel_settings = dataset['data']['settings']
    premodel_entity = {
        'title': premodel_settings.get('session_name', None),
        'uid': userid,
        'id_entity': None
    db_save = Entity(premodel_entity, session_type)

    # save dataset element
    db_return = db_save.save()

    # return error(s)
    if not db_return['status']:
        return {'id': None, 'error': list_error}

    # return session id
    elif db_return['status'] and session_type == 'data_new':
        return {'id': db_return['id'], 'error': None}
Пример #3
    def save_entity(self, session_type, session_id):

        This method overrides the identical method from the inherited
        superclass, 'BaseData'. Specifically, this method updates an
        existing entity within the corresponding database table,

        @session_id, is synonymous to 'entity_id', and provides context to
            update 'modified_xx' columns within the 'tbl_dataset_entity'
            database table.


        # local variables
        db_return = None
        entity = Entity()
        cursor = Collection()
        premodel_settings = self.premodel_data['properties']
        collection = premodel_settings['collection']
        collection_adjusted = collection.lower().replace(' ', '_')
        collection_count = entity.get_collection_count(self.uid)
        document_count = cursor.query(collection_adjusted, 'count_documents')

        # define entity properties
        premodel_entity = {
            'title': premodel_settings.get('session_name', None),
            'uid': self.uid,
            'id_entity': session_id,

        # store entity values in database
        if (
            collection_adjusted and
            collection_count and
            collection_count['result'] < self.max_collection and
            document_count and
            document_count['result'] < self.max_document
            db_save = Entity(premodel_entity, session_type)
            db_return = db_save.save()

            if db_return and db_return['status']:
                return {'status': True, 'error': None}

                return {'status': False, 'error': self.list_error}

            return {'status': True, 'error': None}
Пример #4
    def save_entity(self, session_type, session_id):

        This method overrides the identical method from the inherited
        superclass, 'BaseData'. Specifically, this method updates an
        existing entity within the corresponding database table,

        @session_id, is synonymous to 'entity_id', and provides context to
            update 'modified_xx' columns within the 'tbl_dataset_entity'
            database table.


        # local variables
        db_return = None
        entity = Entity()
        cursor = Collection()
        premodel_settings = self.premodel_data['properties']
        collection = premodel_settings['collection']
        collection_adjusted = collection.lower().replace(' ', '_')
        collection_count = entity.get_collection_count(self.uid)
        document_count = cursor.query(collection_adjusted, 'count_documents')

        # define entity properties
        premodel_entity = {
            'title': premodel_settings.get('session_name', None),
            'uid': self.uid,
            'id_entity': session_id,

        # store entity values in database
        if (collection_adjusted and collection_count
                and collection_count['result'] < self.max_collection
                and document_count
                and document_count['result'] < self.max_document):
            db_save = Entity(premodel_entity, session_type)
            db_return = db_save.save()

            if db_return and db_return['status']:
                return {'status': True, 'error': None}

                return {'status': False, 'error': self.list_error}

            return {'status': True, 'error': None}
Пример #5
    def save_entity(self, session_type, id_entity=None):

        This method overrides the identical method from the inherited
        superclass, 'BaseData'. Specifically, this method updates an
        existing entity within the corresponding database table,

        @session_id, is synonymous to 'entity_id', and provides context to
            update 'modified_xx' columns within the 'tbl_dataset_entity'
            database table.

        @numeric_model_type, list indices begin at 0, and needs to be corrected
            by adding 1. This allows the numeric representation of the
            'model_type' to relate to another database table, which maps
            integer values with the corresponding 'model_type' name. The
            integer column of the mapping table begins at 1.


        # assign numerical representation
        numeric_model_type = self.list_model_type.index(self.model_type) + 1

        # store entity values in database
        premodel_settings = self.premodel_data['properties']
        premodel_entity = {
            'title': premodel_settings.get('session_name', None),
            'collection': premodel_settings['collection'],
            'model_type': numeric_model_type,
            'uid': self.uid,
        db_save = Entity(premodel_entity, session_type)

        # save dataset element
        db_return = db_save.save()

        # return
        if db_return['status']:
            return {'status': True, 'error': None, 'id': db_return['id']}
            return {'status': False, 'error': self.list_error}
Пример #6
    def save_entity(self, session_type, id_entity=None):

        This method overrides the identical method from the inherited
        superclass, 'BaseData'. Specifically, this method updates an
        existing entity within the corresponding database table,

        @session_id, is synonymous to 'entity_id', and provides context to
            update 'modified_xx' columns within the 'tbl_dataset_entity'
            database table.

        @numeric_model_type, list indices begin at 0, and needs to be corrected
            by adding 1. This allows the numeric representation of the
            'model_type' to relate to another database table, which maps
            integer values with the corresponding 'model_type' name. The
            integer column of the mapping table begins at 1.


        # local variables
        db_return = None
        entity = Entity()
        cursor = Collection()
        premodel_settings = self.premodel_data['properties']
        collection = premodel_settings['collection']
        collection_adjusted = collection.lower().replace(' ', '_')
        collection_count = entity.get_collection_count(self.uid)
        document_count = cursor.query(collection_adjusted, 'count_documents')

        # assign numerical representation
        numeric_model_type = self.list_model_type.index(self.model_type) + 1

        # define entity properties
        premodel_entity = {
            'title': premodel_settings.get('session_name', None),
            'collection': collection,
            'model_type': numeric_model_type,
            'uid': self.uid,

        # store entity values in database
        if (
            collection_adjusted and
            collection_count and
            collection_count['result'] < self.max_collection and
            document_count and
            document_count['result'] < self.max_document
            entity = Entity(premodel_entity, session_type)
            db_return = entity.save()

        # return
        if db_return and db_return['error']:
            return {'status': False, 'error': self.list_error}

        elif db_return and db_return['status']:
            return {'status': True, 'error': None, 'id': db_return['id']}

            return {'status': True, 'error': 'Entity was not saved', 'id': None}