Пример #1
    def __init__(self, layer_type, name=None, **kwargs):
        if not is_valid_layer_name(layer_type):
            raise NetworkValidationError(
                "Invalid layer_type: '{}'".format(layer_type))
        if not (name is None or is_valid_layer_name(name)):
            raise NetworkValidationError(
                "Invalid name for layer: '{}'".format(name))
        super(LayerDetails, self).__init__(name or layer_type)

        self.layer_type = layer_type
        """The type this layer should have when later being instantiated."""

        self.incoming = []
        """A list of all incoming connections, including input/output names.

        Each entry of the list has the form:
        (incoming_layer, output_name, input_name)
        and the type:
        tuple[LayerDetails, str, str]

        self.outgoing = []
        """A list of all outgoing connections, including input/output names.

        Each entry of the list has the form:
        (output_name, input_name, outgoing_layer)
        and the type:
        tuple[str, str, LayerDetails]

        self.layer_kwargs = kwargs
        """Dictionary of additional parameters for this layer"""

        self._traversing = False
Пример #2
    def create(cls, layer_type, name=None, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(layer_type, six.string_types):
            layer_type_name = layer_type
            layer_type_name = layer_type.__name__

        if not layer_type_name.endswith('LayerImpl'):
            raise NetworkValidationError(
                "{} should end with 'LayerImpl'".format(layer_type_name))
        layer_type_name = layer_type_name[:-9]

        details = LayerDetails(layer_type_name, name=name, **kwargs)
        return ConstructionWrapper(details)
Пример #3
def validate_architecture(architecture):
    # schema
    for name, layer in architecture.items():
        if not isinstance(name, string_types):
            raise NetworkValidationError('Non-string name {}'.format(name))
        if '@type' not in layer:
            raise NetworkValidationError(
                'Missing @type for "{}"'.format(name))
        if not isinstance(layer['@type'], string_types):
            raise NetworkValidationError('Invalid @type for "{}": {}'.format(
                name, type(layer['@type'])))

        if '@outgoing_connections' in layer and not isinstance(
                layer['@outgoing_connections'], (list, tuple, dict)):
            raise NetworkValidationError(
                'Invalid @outgoing_connections for "{}"'.format(name))

    # layer naming
    for name in architecture:
        if not is_valid_layer_name(name):
            raise NetworkValidationError(
                "Invalid layer name: '{}'".format(name))

    # all outgoing connections are present
    connections = collect_all_connections(architecture)
    end_layers = {c.end_layer for c in connections}
    undefined_end_layers = end_layers.difference(architecture)
    if undefined_end_layers:
        raise NetworkValidationError(
            'Could not find end layer(s) "{}"'.format(undefined_end_layers))

    # has exactly one Input and its called Input
    if "Input" not in architecture or \
            architecture['Input']['@type'] != 'Input':
        raise NetworkValidationError(
            'Needs exactly one Input that is called "Input"')

    # no connections to Input
    if 'Input' in end_layers:
        raise NetworkValidationError(
            'Input can not have incoming connections!')

    # TODO: check if connected
    # TODO: check for cycles
    return True
Пример #4
    def permute_rows(self):
        Given a list of sources and a connection table, find a permutation of
        the sources, such that they can be connected to the sinks via a single
        # systematically try all permutations until one satisfies the condition
        for perm in itertools.permutations(self.nesting):
            self.perm = list(flatten(perm))
            ct = np.atleast_2d(self.connection_table[self.perm])
            if Hub.can_be_connected_with_single_buffer(ct):
                self.connection_table = ct
                self.flat_sources = [self.flat_sources[i] for i in self.perm]

        raise NetworkValidationError("Failed to lay out buffers. "
                                     "Please change connectivity.")
Пример #5
def get_key_to_references_mapping(keys, references):
    Create a mapping that maps keys to their matching references.
    The 'default' reference matches only if no other reference does.
    The 'fallback' reference is ignored.

        keys (iterable[str]):
            List of keys that the references are referring to.

        references (iterable[str]):
            List of references. Can contain star wildcards.

        dict[str, set[str]]:
            Dictionary mapping keys to sets of matching references.
    key_to_reference = {key: set() for key in keys}

    for ref in references:
        if ref in {'default', 'fallback'}:

        expr = get_regex_for_reference(ref)
        matching_keys = [key for key in key_to_reference if expr.match(key)]
        if not matching_keys:
            raise NetworkValidationError(
                "{} does not match any keys. Possible keys are: {}".format(
                    ref, sorted(key_to_reference.keys())))

        for key in matching_keys:

    if 'default' in references:
        for key, refs in key_to_reference.items():
            if not refs:

    return key_to_reference
Пример #6
    def initialize(self, default_or_init_dict=None, seed=None, **kwargs):
        """Initialize the weights of the network.

        Initialization can be specified in three equivalent ways:

            1. just a default initializer:

                >>> net.initialize(Gaussian())

                Note that this is equivalent to:

                >>> net.initialize(default=Gaussian())

            2. by passing a dictionary:

                >>> net.initialize({'RegularLayer': Uniform(),
                ...                 'LstmLayer': Gaussian()})

            3. by using keyword arguments:

                >>> net.initialize(RegularLayer=Uniform(),
                ...                LstmLayer=Uniform())

        All following explanations will be with regards to the dictionary style
        of initialization, because it is the most general one.

            It is not recommended to combine 2. and 3. but if they are,
            then keyword arguments take precedence.

        Each initialization consists of a layer-pattern and that maps to an
        initializer or a weight-pattern dictionary.

        Layer patterns can take the following forms:

            1. ``{'layer_name': INIT_OR_SUBDICT}``
               Matches all the weights of the layer named layer_name
            2. ``{'layer_*': INIT_OR_SUBDICT}``
               Matches all layers with a name that starts with ``layer_``
               The wild-card ``*`` can appear at arbitrary positions and even
               multiple times in one path.

        There are two special layer patterns:

            3. ``{'default': INIT}``
               Matches all weights that are not matched by any other
            4. ``{'fallback': INIT}``
               Set a fallback initializer for every weight. It will only be
               evaluated for the weights for which the regular initializer
               failed with an InitializationError.

               `This is useful for initializers that require a certain shape
               of weights and will not work otherwise. The fallback will then
               be used for all cases when that initializer failed.`

        The weight-pattern sub-dictionary follows the same form as the layer-

            1) ``{'layer_pattern': {'a': INIT_A, 'b': INIT_B}}``
            2) ``{'layer_pattern': {'a*': INIT}``
            3) ``{'layer_pattern': {'default': INIT}``
            4) ``{'layer_pattern': {'fallback': INIT}``

        An initializer can either be a scalar, something that converts to a
        numpy array of the correct shape or an :class:`Initializer` object.
        So for example:

        >>> net.initialize(default=0,
        ...                RnnLayer={'b': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]},
        ...                ForwardLayer=bs.Gaussian())

            Each view must match exactly one initialization and up to one
            fallback to be unambiguous. Otherwise the initialization will fail.

        You can specify a seed to make the initialization reproducible:

        >>> net.initialize({'default': bs.Gaussian()}, seed=1234)
        init_refs = _update_references_with_dict(default_or_init_dict, kwargs)
        self.initializers = get_description(init_refs)
        all_parameters = {
            k: v.parameters
            for k, v in self.buffer.items()
            if isinstance(v, BufferView) and 'parameters' in v
        initializers, fallback = resolve_references(all_parameters, init_refs)
        init_rnd = self.rnd.create_random_state(seed)
        for layer_name, views in sorted(all_parameters.items()):
            if views is None:
            for view_name, view in sorted(views.items()):
                init = initializers[layer_name][view_name]
                fb = fallback[layer_name][view_name]
                if len(init) > 1:
                    raise NetworkValidationError(
                        "Multiple initializers for {}.{}: {}".format(
                            layer_name, view_name, init))

                if len(init) == 0:
                    raise NetworkValidationError(
                        "No initializer for {}.{}".format(
                            layer_name, view_name))
                if len(fb) > 1:
                    raise NetworkValidationError(
                        "Multiple fallbacks for {}.{}: {}".format(
                            layer_name, view_name, fb))

                fb = fb.pop() if len(fb) else None