Пример #1
def derive_machine_info(*args):
    derives machine information and stores it in redis.

        datetime_from - when to start from (optional)
                        default = utc_now() - 24hours
                        format: YYYY-MM-DD.HH

        datetime_to - when to run until (optional, NA without datetime_from)
                      default = utc_now()
                      format: YYYY-MM-DD.HH
    current = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    last = current - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
    if len(args) is 2:
        current = parse_dtime(args[1])
    if len(args) > 0:
        last = parse_dtime(args[0])

    if current < last:
        last, current = current, last

    # get all these once and reuse them
    # to reduce the risk of timeout during the while loop
    redis_source = redis_client('briar-patch')
    redis_store = redis_client('bramble')
    slave_names = get_all_slave_names()
    while current > last:
        retry_hourly_info_forever(current, redis_source, redis_store,
        current -= datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
def derive_machine_info(*args):
    derives machine information and stores it in redis.

        datetime_from - when to start from (optional)
                        default = utc_now() - 24hours
                        format: YYYY-MM-DD.HH

        datetime_to - when to run until (optional, NA without datetime_from)
                      default = utc_now()
                      format: YYYY-MM-DD.HH
    current = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    last = current - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
    if len(args) is 2:
        current = parse_dtime(args[1])
    if len(args) > 0:
        last = parse_dtime(args[0])

    if current < last:
        last, current = current, last

    # get all these once and reuse them
    # to reduce the risk of timeout during the while loop
    redis_source = redis_client('briar-patch')
    redis_store = redis_client('bramble')
    slave_names = get_all_slave_names()
    while current > last:
        retry_hourly_info_forever(current, redis_source, redis_store,
        current -= datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
Пример #3
    def handle(self, *dates, **options):
        redis = redis_client('default')
        redis_store = redis_client('store')

        if not dates:
            dates = [(datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        for date in dates:
            assert re.findall('\.\d{1,2}$', date)  # must end in .HH or .H

        slave_names = get_all_slave_names()
        assert slave_names
        assert len(slave_names) == len(set(slave_names))
        for date in dates:
            logging.debug("Processing machine counts for %s" % date)
            process_date(date, slave_names, redis, redis_store,
                         quiet=not int(options['verbosity']),
Пример #4
def fetch_machine_info(dt, redis_store=None):
    returns a list of machine data from the redis store for the provided
    datetime, dt
    if not redis_store:
        redis_store = redis_client('bramble')

    machines = []
    for slave in redis_store.smembers(make_info_pool_key(dt)):
        machine_key = make_info_key(dt, slave)
        machine_info = redis_store.hgetall(machine_key)
            'name': slave,
            'datetime': format_date(dt),

    return machines
Пример #5
def build_machine_info(dt, redis_source=None, redis_store=None,
    derives slave machine information from briar-patch and stores it in the
    bramble data store.

    creates a set, machine:yyyy-mm-dd.hh, containing all the slave names for
    the provided datetime, dt

    creates a hash machine:yyyy-mm-dd.hh.slavename, for each slave in the
    provided list of slave names
    if not redis_source:
        redis_source = redis_client('briar-patch')
    if not redis_store:
        redis_store = redis_client('bramble')
    if not slave_names:
        slave_names = get_all_slave_names()

    _builds_key = make_builds_key(dt)
    if not redis_source.exists(_builds_key):
        logger.warning("No build data for %s", _builds_key)

    machine_day = make_info_pool_key(dt)

    # put all slaves into hashes hash scaffolding
    for slave in slave_names:
        redis_store.hmset(make_info_key(dt, slave), {
            'scheduler': '',
            'master': '',
            'platform': '',
            'successes': 0,
            'failures': 0,
        redis_store.sadd(machine_day, slave)

    for build in redis_source.smembers(_builds_key):
        if 'None' in build:
        type_, builduid = build.split(':')
        _jobs_key = 'build:%s' % builduid
        for job_key in redis_source.smembers(_jobs_key):
            job = redis_source.hgetall(job_key)
            slave = job['slave']

            # create the machine key and machine value objects
            machine_key = make_info_key(dt, slave)

            if not redis_store.sismember(machine_day, machine_key):
                logger.warning("%s not in master slave list, skipping",
                logger.warning("%s is in master slave list")

            redis_source.hmset(machine_key, {
                'scheduler': job['scheduler'],
                'master': job['master'],
                'platform': job['platform'],

            if job['results'] is "0":
                redis_source.hincrby(machine_key, 'successes')
                redis_source.hincrby(machine_key, 'failures')
Пример #6
def derive_hourly_info(date, redis_source=None, redis_store=None,
    derives slave machine information from briar-patch and stores it in the
    bramble data store.

    creates a set, machine:yyyy-mm-dd.hh, containing all the slave names for
    the provided date

    creates a hash machine:yyyy-mm-dd.hh.slavename, for each slave in the
    provided list of slave names
    if not redis_source:
        redis_source = redis_client('briar-patch')
    if not redis_store:
        redis_store = redis_client('bramble')
    if not slave_names:
        slave_names = get_all_slave_names()

    # generate a key for today's machine info pool
    pool_key = make_info_pool_key(date)

    # clean out any previously calculated data
    for slave in redis_store.smembers(pool_key):
        redis_store.delete(make_info_key(date, slave))

    # put all slaves into the pool, add hash scaffolding
    for slave in slave_names:
        redis_store.sadd(pool_key, slave)
        redis_store.hmset(make_info_key(date, slave), {
            'scheduler': '',
            'master': '',
            'platform': '',
            'successes': 0,
            'failures': 0,

    _builds_key = make_builds_key(date)
    if not redis_source.exists(_builds_key):
        logger.warning("No build data for %s", _builds_key)
    logger.warning("deriving data for %s", _builds_key)

    for build in redis_source.smembers(_builds_key):
        if 'None' in build:
        type_, builduid = build.split(':')
        _jobs_key = make_builds_key(builduid)
        for job_key in redis_source.smembers(_jobs_key):
            job = redis_source.hgetall(job_key)
            slave = job['slave']

            # create the machine key and machine value objects
            machine_key = make_info_key(date, slave)
            if not redis_store.exists(machine_key):
                logger.warning("%s not in master slave list, skipping",

                for key in ['scheduler', 'master', 'platform']:
                    redis_store.hmset(machine_key, {key: job[key]})
            except KeyError:
                logger.warning("%s not found in latest job for slave %s",
                              key, slave)

            if job['results'] is "0":
                redis_store.hincrby(machine_key, 'successes')
                redis_store.hincrby(machine_key, 'failures')