def position_changed(self): x, chaff, z, chaff = split_coords(self.location.x, self.location.z) # Inform everybody of our new location. packet = make_packet("teleport", eid=self.player.eid, x=self.location.x * 32, y=self.location.y * 32, z=self.location.z * 32, yaw=int(self.location.theta * 255 / (2 * pi)) % 256, pitch=int(self.location.phi * 255 / (2 * pi)) % 256, ) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self) self.update_chunks() for entity in self.entities_near(2): if != "Item": continue if self.player.inventory.add(entity.item, entity.quantity): packet = make_packet("collect", eid=entity.eid, destination=self.player.eid) self.factory.broadcast(packet) packet = make_packet("destroy", eid=entity.eid) self.factory.broadcast(packet) packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) self.factory.destroy_entity(entity)
def throw_slot(self, slot_no, count=1, item=None): """ throw an item in a slot not sure if this is the correct way to do this. simulates a player opening the inventory, clicking an item then closing the window with the item in the cursor seems to bug out once in a while if slot is empty, there will be no error """ if item == None: print "must incl item no" return count = item[2] action_no, d = self._get_next_action_no(sys.exit, None) clickit = make_packet("window-action", wid=0, slot=slot_no, button=0, \ token=action_no, primary=item[0], secondary=item[1] , count=count) # send the data over the wire self.transport.write(clickit) # closing the window actualy preforms the throw closeit = make_packet("window-close", wid=0) self.transport.write(closeit)
def authenticated(self): BetaServerProtocol.authenticated(self) self.factory.protocols[self.username] = self self.player = self.player.eid = self.eid self.factory.entities.add(self.player) packet = make_packet("chat", message="%s is joining the game..." % self.username) self.factory.broadcast(packet) spawn = packet = make_packet("spawn", x=spawn[0], y=spawn[1], z=spawn[2]) self.transport.write(packet) packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) self.send_initial_chunk_and_location() self.ping_loop = LoopingCall(self.update_ping) self.ping_loop.start(5) self.time_loop = LoopingCall(self.update_time) self.time_loop.start(10)
def chat(self, container): if container.message.startswith("/"): commands = retrieve_plugins(IChatCommand) # Register aliases. for plugin in commands.values(): for alias in plugin.aliases: commands[alias] = plugin params = container.message[1:].split(" ") command = params.pop(0).lower() if command and command in commands: try: for line in commands[command].chat_command(self.factory, self.username, params): self.transport.write( make_packet("chat", message=line) ) except Exception, e: self.transport.write( make_packet("chat", message="Error: %s" % e) ) else: self.transport.write( make_packet("chat", message="Unknown command: %s" % command) )
def hold_item(self, item): """ Put an item in the bots hand. If the item is not in the lower panel (holdables), then it will move the item to an available slot in holdables. If there are no open slots in holdables, some item will be swapped out and the new item placed in the hand, then equipted. """ try: l, item_slot = except: print "item not found in enventory" return # item is not in holdables. move it. if l != try: holding_slot = except ValueError: # there is no open slot in holdables # just use slot 40 holding_slot = 40 self.swap_slots(0, item_slot, holding_slot) # finally, change the item in the hand make_packet("holding_change", slot=slot_no)
def disable_chunk(self, x, z): # Remove the chunk from cache. chunk = self.chunks.pop(x, z) for entity in chunk.entities: packet = make_packet("destroy", eid=entity.eid) self.transport.write(packet) packet = make_packet("prechunk", x=x, z=z, enabled=0) self.transport.write(packet)
def get_damage_packet(self): """ Make a packet representing the current damage on this chunk. This method is not private, but some care should be taken with it, since it wraps some fairly cryptic internal data structures. If this chunk is currently undamaged, this method will return an empty string, which should be safe to treat as a packet. Please check with `is_damaged()` before doing this if you need to optimize this case. To avoid extra overhead, this method should really be used in conjunction with `Factory.broadcast_for_chunk()`. Do not forget to clear this chunk's damage! Callers are responsible for doing this. >>> packet = chunk.get_damage_packet() >>> factory.broadcast_for_chunk(packet, chunk.x, chunk.z) >>> chunk.clear_damage() :returns: str representing a packet """ if self.all_damaged: # Resend the entire chunk! return self.save_to_packet() elif not self.damaged.any(): return "" elif self.damaged.sum() == 1: # Use a single block update packet. x, z, y = [int(i) for i in zip(*self.damaged.nonzero())[0]] return make_packet( "block", x=x + self.x * 16, y=y, z=z + self.x * 16, type=int(self.blocks[x, z, y]), meta=int(self.metadata[x, z, y]), ) else: # Use a batch update. damaged = self.damaged.nonzero() # Coordinates are not quite packed in the same system as the # indices for chunk data structures. # Chunk data structures are ((x * 16) + z) * 128) + y, or in # bit-twiddler's parlance, x << 11 | z << 7 | y. However, for # this, we need x << 12 | z << 8 | y, so repack accordingly. coords = [int(x << 12 | z << 8 | y) for x, z, y in zip(*damaged)] types = [int(i) for i in self.blocks[damaged]] metadata = [int(i) for i in self.metadata[damaged]] return make_packet( "batch", x=self.x, z=self.z, length=len(coords), coords=coords, types=types, metadata=metadata )
def position_look(self, container): oldx, chaff, oldz, chaff = split_coords(self.player.location.x, self.player.location.z) oldpos = (self.player.location.x, self.player.location.y, self.player.location.z) self.player.location.load_from_packet(container) pos = (self.player.location.x, self.player.location.y, self.player.location.z) if oldpos == pos: # We haven't actually moved... return x, chaff, z, chaff = split_coords(pos[0], pos[2]) if oldx != x or oldz != z: self.update_chunks() for entity in self.factory.entities_near(pos[0] * 32, pos[1] * 32, pos[2] * 32, 2 * 32): if != "Pickup": continue if self.player.inventory.add(entity.block, entity.quantity): packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) packet = make_packet("collect", eid=entity.eid, destination=self.player.eid) self.transport.write(packet) packet = make_packet("destroy", eid=entity.eid) self.transport.write(packet) self.factory.destroy_entity(entity) for entity in self.factory.entities_near(pos[0] * 32, pos[1] * 32, pos[2] * 32, 160 * 32): if (entity is self.player or != "Player" or entity.eid in self.entities): continue self.entities.add(entity.eid) packet = entity.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) packet = make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid) self.transport.write(packet)
def get_damage_packet(self): """ Make a packet representing the current damage on this chunk. This method is not private, but some care should be taken with it, since it wraps some fairly cryptic internal data structures. If this chunk is currently undamaged, this method will return an empty string, which should be safe to treat as a packet. Please check with `is_damaged()` before doing this if you need to optimize this case. To avoid extra overhead, this method should really be used in conjunction with `Factory.broadcast_for_chunk()`. Do not forget to clear this chunk's damage! Callers are responsible for doing this. >>> packet = chunk.get_damage_packet() >>> factory.broadcast_for_chunk(packet, chunk.x, chunk.z) >>> chunk.clear_damage() :returns: str representing a packet """ if self.all_damaged: # Resend the entire chunk! return self.save_to_packet() elif not self.damaged.any(): return "" elif self.damaged.sum() == 1: # Use a single block update packet. x, z, y = [int(i) for i in zip(*self.damaged.nonzero())[0]] return make_packet("block", x=x + self.x * 16, y=y, z=z + self.z * 16, type=int(self.blocks[x, z, y]), meta=int(self.metadata[x, z, y])) else: # Use a batch update. damaged = self.damaged.nonzero() # Coordinates are not quite packed in the same system as the # indices for chunk data structures. # Chunk data structures are ((x * 16) + z) * 128) + y, or in # bit-twiddler's parlance, x << 11 | z << 7 | y. However, for # this, we need x << 12 | z << 8 | y, so repack accordingly. coords = [int(x << 12 | z << 8 | y) for x, z, y in zip(*damaged)] types = [int(i) for i in self.blocks[damaged]] metadata = [int(i) for i in self.metadata[damaged]] return make_packet("batch", x=self.x, z=self.z, length=len(coords), coords=coords, types=types, metadata=metadata)
def give(self, coords, block, quantity): """ Spawn a pickup at the specified coordinates. The coordinates need to be in pixels, not blocks. :param tuple coords: coordinates, in pixels :param tuple block: key of block or item to drop :param int quantity: number of blocks to drop in the stack """ x, y, z = coords entity = self.create_entity(x // 32, y // 32, z // 32, "Item", item=block, quantity=quantity) packet = entity.save_to_packet() self.broadcast(packet) packet = make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid) self.broadcast(packet)
def send_initial_chunk_and_location(self): bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(self.location.x, self.location.z) # Spawn the 25 chunks in a square around the spawn, *before* spawning # the player. Otherwise, there's a funky Beta 1.2 bug which causes the # player to not be able to move. d = cooperate( self.enable_chunk(i, j) for i, j in product( xrange(bigx - 3, bigx + 3), xrange(bigz - 3, bigz + 3) ) ).whenDone() # Don't dare send more chunks beyond the initial one until we've # spawned. d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_location()) d.addCallback(lambda none: self.position_changed()) # Send the MOTD. if self.motd: packet = make_packet("chat", message=self.motd.replace("<tagline>", get_motd())) d.addCallback(lambda none: self.transport.write(packet)) # Finally, start the secondary chunk loop. d.addCallback(lambda none: self.update_chunks())
def sign(self, container): bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z) try: chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz] except KeyError: self.error("Couldn't handle sign in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz)) return if (smallx, container.y, smallz) in chunk.tiles: new = False s = chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz] else: new = True s = Sign(smallx, container.y, smallz) chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz] = s s.text1 = container.line1 s.text2 = container.line2 s.text3 = container.line3 s.text4 = container.line4 chunk.dirty = True # The best part of a sign isn't making one, it's showing everybody # else on the server that you did. packet = make_packet("sign", container) self.factory.broadcast_for_chunk(packet, bigx, bigz) # Run sign hooks. for hook in self.sign_hooks: hook.sign_hook(self.factory, chunk, container.x, container.y, container.z, [s.text1, s.text2, s.text3, s.text4], new)
def animate(self, container): # Broadcast the animation of the entity to everyone else. Only swing # arm is send by notchian clients. packet = make_packet("animate", eid=self.player.eid, animation=container.animation) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self)
def give(self, coords, block, quantity): """ Spawn a pickup at the specified coordinates. The coordinates need to be in pixels, not blocks. If the size of the stack is too big, multiple stacks will be dropped. :param tuple coords: coordinates, in pixels :param tuple block: key of block or item to drop :param int quantity: number of blocks to drop in the stack """ x, y, z = coords while quantity > 0: entity = self.create_entity(x // 32, y // 32, z // 32, "Item", item=block, quantity=min(quantity, 64)) packet = entity.save_to_packet() packet += make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid) self.broadcast(packet) quantity -= 64
def chat_command(self, factory, username, parameters): player = parse_player(factory, username) protocol = factory.protocols[username] l = protocol.player.location locMsg = "Your location is <%d, %d, %d>" % (l.x, l.y, l.z) packet = make_packet("chat", message=locMsg) player.transport.write(packet)
def sign(self, container): bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z) try: chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz] except KeyError: self.error("Couldn't handle sign in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz)) return if (smallx, container.y, smallz) in chunk.tiles: s = chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz] else: s = Sign() s.x = smallx s.y = container.y s.z = smallz s.text1 = container.line1 s.text2 = container.line2 s.text3 = container.line3 s.text4 = container.line4 chunk.tiles[smallx, container.y, smallz] = s chunk.dirty = True # The best part of a sign isn't making one, it's showing everybody # else on the server that you did. packet = make_packet("sign", container) self.factory.broadcast_for_chunk(packet, bigx, bigz)
def use_hook(self, factory, player, target, button): # Block coordinates. x, y, z = target.location.x, target.location.y, target.location.z # Offset coords according to direction. A painting does not # occupy a block, therefore we drop the pickup right in front of the # block it is attached to. face = direction_to_face[target.direction] if face == "-x": x -= 1 elif face == "+x": x += 1 elif face == "-z": z -= 1 elif face == "+z": z += 1 # Pixel coordinates. coords = (x * 32 + 16, y * 32, z * 32 + 16) factory.destroy_entity(target) factory.give(coords, (items["paintings"].slot, 0), 1) packet = make_packet("destroy", eid=target.eid) factory.broadcast(packet) # Force the chunk (with its entities) to be saved to disk., y, z))
def update_ping(self): """ Send a keepalive to the client. """ packet = make_packet("ping") self.transport.write(packet)
def build(self, container): # Is the target being selected? bigx, smallx, bigz, smallz = split_coords(container.x, container.z) try: chunk = self.chunks[bigx, bigz] except KeyError: self.error("Couldn't select in chunk (%d, %d)!" % (bigx, bigz)) return if (chunk.get_block((smallx, container.y, smallz)) == blocks["workbench"].slot): i = Workbench() sync_inventories(self.player.inventory, i)[self.wid] = i packet = make_packet("window-open", wid=self.wid, type="workbench", title="Hurp", slots=2) self.wid += 1 self.transport.write(packet) return # Ignore clients that think -1 is placeable. if container.primary == -1: return # Special case when face is "noop": Update the status of the currently # held block rather than placing a new block. if container.face == "noop": return if container.primary in blocks: block = blocks[container.primary] elif container.primary in items: block = items[container.primary] else: log.err("Ignoring request to place unknown block %d" % container.primary) return if time() - self.last_dig_build_timer < 0.2: self.error("You are building too fast.") self.last_dig_build_timer = time() builddata = BuildData(block, 0x0, container.x, container.y, container.z, container.face) for hook in self.build_hooks: cont, builddata = hook.build_hook(self.factory, self.player, builddata) if not cont: break # Re-send inventory. # XXX this could be optimized if/when inventories track damage. packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) # Flush damaged chunks. for chunk in self.chunks.itervalues(): self.factory.flush_chunk(chunk)
def the_real_write(self, text): """ Send text back to the client as a chat packet. """ for line in text.strip().split("\n"): line = line[:100] self.output.write(make_packet("chat", message=line))
def server_login(self): # it might look funny abt "unused". b/c MAD's packet use this name # but a client uses this space for a password # send "login packet" (3) p = make_packet("login", protocol=8, username=self.username, \, seed=0, dimension=0) self.transport.write(p)
def login(self, protocol, container): protocol.username = container.username packet = make_packet("login", protocol=protocol.eid, username="", unused="", seed=0, dimension=0) protocol.transport.write(packet) return succeed(None)
def orientation_changed(self): # Bang your head! packet = make_packet("entity-orientation", eid=self.player.eid, yaw=int(self.location.theta * 255 / (2 * pi)) % 256, pitch=int(self.location.phi * 255 / (2 * pi)) % 256, ) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self)
def login(self, protocol, container): protocol.username = container.username packet = make_packet("login", protocol=protocol.eid, username="", unused="", seed=0, dimension=0) protocol.transport.write(packet) super(OfflineAuthenticator, self).login(protocol, container)
def waction(self, container): if container.wid == 0: # Inventory. i = self.player.inventory elif container.wid in i =[container.wid] else: self.error("Couldn't find window %d" % container.wid) selected =, bool(container.button)) if selected: # XXX should be if there's any damage to the inventory packet = i.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) # Inform other players about changes to this player's equipment. if container.wid == 0 and (container.slot in range(5, 9) or container.slot == 36): # Armor changes. if container.slot in range(5, 9): item = i.armor[container.slot - 5] # Order of slots is reversed in the equipment package. slot = 4 - (container.slot - 5) # Currently equipped item changes. elif container.slot == 36: item = i.holdables[0] slot = 0 if item is None: primary, secondary = 65535, 0 else: primary, secondary, count = item packet = make_packet("entity-equipment", eid=self.player.eid, slot=slot, primary=primary, secondary=secondary) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self) packet = make_packet("window-token", wid=0, token=container.token, acknowledged=selected) self.transport.write(packet)
def animate(self, container): # Broadcast the animation of the entity to everyone else. Only swing # arm is send by notchian clients. packet = make_packet("animate", eid=self.player.eid, animation=container.animation ) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self)
def write(self, text): """ Send text back to the client. """ for line in text.strip().split("\n"): line = line[:100] self.stdout.write(make_packet("chat", message=line))
def waction(self, container): if container.wid == 0: # Inventory. i = self.player.inventory elif container.wid in i =[container.wid] else: self.error("Couldn't find window %d" % container.wid) selected =, bool(container.button)) if selected: # XXX should be if there's any damage to the inventory packet = i.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) # Inform other players about changes to this player's equipment. if container.wid == 0 and (container.slot in range(5, 9) or container.slot == 36): # Armor changes. if container.slot in range(5, 9): item = i.armor[container.slot - 5] # Order of slots is reversed in the equipment package. slot = 4 - (container.slot - 5) # Currently equipped item changes. elif container.slot == 36: item = i.holdables[0] slot = 0 if item is None: primary, secondary = 65535, 0 else: primary, secondary, count = item packet = make_packet("entity-equipment", eid=self.player.eid, slot=slot, primary=primary, secondary=secondary ) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self) packet = make_packet("window-token", wid=0, token=container.token, acknowledged=selected) self.transport.write(packet)
def success(self, response, protocol, container): if response != "YES": protocol.error("Authentication server didn't like you.") return packet = make_packet("login", protocol=protocol.eid, username="", unused="", seed=0, dimension=0) protocol.transport.write(packet)
def login(self, protocol, container): protocol.username = container.username packet = make_packet("login", protocol=protocol.eid, username="", unused="",, protocol.transport.write(packet) return succeed(None)
def authenticated(self): BetaServerProtocol.authenticated(self) # Init player, and copy data into it. self.player = yield self.player.eid = self.eid self.location = self.player.location # Announce our presence. packet = make_packet("chat", message="%s is joining the game..." % self.username) self.factory.broadcast(packet) # Craft our avatar and send it to already-connected other players. packet = self.player.save_to_packet() packet += make_packet("create", eid=self.player.eid) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self) # And of course spawn all of those players' avatars in our client as # well. Note that, at this point, we are not listed in the factory's # list of protocols, so we won't accidentally send one of these to # ourselves. for protocol in self.factory.protocols.itervalues(): packet = protocol.player.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) packet = protocol.player.save_equipment_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) packet = make_packet("create", eid=protocol.player.eid) self.transport.write(packet) self.factory.protocols[self.username] = self spawn = packet = make_packet("spawn", x=spawn[0], y=spawn[1], z=spawn[2]) self.transport.write(packet) packet = self.player.inventory.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) self.send_initial_chunk_and_location() self.time_loop = LoopingCall(self.update_time) self.time_loop.start(10)
def save_to_packet(self): return make_packet( "painting", eid=self.eid, title=self.motive, x=self.location.x, y=self.location.y, z=self.location.z, direction=self.direction, )
def success(self, response, protocol, container): if response != "YES": protocol.error("Authentication server didn't like you.") return packet = make_packet("login", protocol=protocol.eid, username="", unused="",, protocol.transport.write(packet)
def give(self, coords, block, quantity): """ Spawn a pickup at the specified coordinates. The coordinates need to be in pixels, not blocks. """ x, y, z = coords entity = self.create_entity(x, y, z, "Pickup") entity.block = block entity.quantity = quantity packet = make_packet("pickup", eid=entity.eid, item=block, count=quantity, x=x, y=y, z=z, yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0) self.broadcast(packet) packet = make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid) self.broadcast(packet)
def save_to_packet(self): packet = make_packet("sign", x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, line1=self.text1, line2=self.text2, line3=self.text3, line4=self.text4) return packet
def dispatch(self, factory, parameters): player = parse_player(factory, parameters[0]) if len(parameters) == 1: msg = "%s has been kicked." % parameters[0] elif len(parameters) > 1: reason = " ".join(parameters[1:]) msg = "%s has been kicked for %s" % (parameters[0], reason) packet = make_packet("error", message=msg) player.transport.write(packet) yield msg
def dispatch(self, factory, parameters): player = parse_player(factory, parameters[0]) if len(parameters) == 1: msg = "%s has been kicked." % parameters[0] elif len(parameters) > 1: reason = " ".join(parameters[1:]) msg = "%s has been kicked for %s" % (parameters[0],reason) packet = make_packet("error", message=msg) player.transport.write(packet) yield msg
def send_chunk(self, chunk): packet = make_packet("prechunk", x=chunk.x, z=chunk.z, enabled=1) self.transport.write(packet) packet = chunk.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) for entity in chunk.entities: packet = entity.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) packet = make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid) self.transport.write(packet) for entity in chunk.tiles.itervalues(): if == "Sign": packet = entity.save_to_packet() self.transport.write(packet) self.chunks[chunk.x, chunk.z] = chunk
def login(self, container): self.username = container.username packet = make_packet("login", protocol=0, username="", unused="", seed=0, dimension=0) self.transport.write(packet) url = urlunparse(("http", self.gateway, "/node/0/0/", None, None, None)) d = getPage(url) d.addCallback(self.start_proxy)
def save_to_packet(self): return make_packet("pickup", eid=self.eid, primary=self.item[0], secondary=self.item[1], count=self.quantity, x=self.location.x * 32 + 16, y=self.location.y * 32, z=self.location.z * 32 + 16, yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0)
def save_to_packet(self): """ Generate a chunk packet. """ array = self.blocks.tostring() array += pack_nibbles(self.metadata) array += pack_nibbles(self.blocklight) array += pack_nibbles(self.skylight) packet = make_packet("chunk", x=self.x * 16, y=0, z=self.z * 16, x_size=15, y_size=127, z_size=15, data=array) return packet
def save_to_packet(self): """ Returns a position/look/grounded packet. """ position = Container(x=self.x, y=self.stance, z=self.z, stance=self.y) orientation = Container(rotation=self.yaw, pitch=self.pitch) grounded = Container(grounded=self.grounded) packet = make_packet("location", position=position, orientation=orientation, grounded=grounded) return packet
def login(self, protocol, container): if container.password != configuration.get("bravo", "password"): protocol.error("Wrong password.") return fail() protocol.username = container.username packet = make_packet("login", protocol=protocol.eid, username="", unused="",, protocol.transport.write(packet) return succeed(None)
def handshake(self, protocol, container): """ Handle a handshake with an online challenge. """ challenge = "%x" % random.randint(0, sys.maxint) self.challenges[protocol] = challenge packet = make_packet("handshake", username=challenge) d = deferLater(reactor, 0, protocol.challenged) d.addCallback(lambda none: protocol.transport.write(packet)) return True
def console_command(self, factory, parameters): # Let's shutdown! message = "Server shutting down." yield message # Use an error packet to kick clients cleanly. packet = make_packet("error", message=message) factory.broadcast(packet) yield "Saving all chunks to disk..." for chunk in yield "Halting." reactor.stop()
def chat(self, container): if container.message.startswith("/"): commands = retrieve_plugins(IChatCommand) # Register aliases. for plugin in commands.values(): for alias in plugin.aliases: commands[alias] = plugin params = container.message[1:].split(" ") command = params.pop(0).lower() if command and command in commands: try: for line in commands[command].chat_command( self.factory, self.username, params): self.transport.write(make_packet("chat", message=line)) except Exception, e: self.transport.write( make_packet("chat", message="Error: %s" % e)) else: self.transport.write( make_packet("chat", message="Unknown command: %s" % command))
def handshake(self, protocol, container): """ Handle a handshake with an offline challenge. This will authenticate just about anybody. """ packet = make_packet("handshake", username="******") # Order is important here; the challenged callback *must* fire before # we send anything back to the client, because otherwise we won't have # a valid entity ready to use. d = deferLater(reactor, 0, protocol.challenged) d.addCallback(lambda none: protocol.transport.write(packet)) return True
def handshake(self, protocol, container): """ Handle a handshake with a server-specific password. This doesn't work with Notchian clients. """ packet = make_packet("handshake", username="******") # Order is important here; the challenged callback *must* fire before # we send anything back to the client, because otherwise we won't have # a valid entity ready to use. d = deferLater(reactor, 0, protocol.challenged) d.addCallback(lambda none: protocol.transport.write(packet)) return True
def equip(self, container): self.player.equipped = container.item # Inform everyone about the item the player is holding now. item = self.player.inventory.holdables[self.player.equipped] if item is None: # Empty slot. Use signed short -1 == unsigned 65535. primary, secondary = 65535, 0 else: primary, secondary, count = item packet = make_packet("entity-equipment", eid=self.player.eid, slot=0, primary=primary, secondary=secondary) self.factory.broadcast_for_others(packet, self)
def save_to_packet(self): lc = ListContainer() for item in chain(self.crafted, self.crafting, self.armor,, self.holdables): if item is None: lc.append(Container(primary=-1)) else: lc.append( Container(primary=item[0], secondary=item[1], count=item[2])) packet = make_packet("inventory", name=self.identifier, length=len(lc), items=lc) return packet
def chat(self, message): """ Relay chat messages. Chat messages are sent to all connected clients, as well as to anybody consuming this factory. """ for consumer in self.chat_consumers: consumer.write((self, message)) # Prepare the message for chat packeting. for user in self.protocols: message = message.replace(user, chat_name(user)) message = sanitize_chat(message) packet = make_packet("chat", message=message) self.broadcast(packet)
def connectionLost(self, reason): if self.time_loop: self.time_loop.stop() if self.chunk_tasks: for task in self.chunk_tasks: try: task.stop() except (TaskDone, TaskFailed): pass if self.player:, self.player) self.factory.destroy_entity(self.player) packet = make_packet("destroy", eid=self.player.eid) self.factory.broadcast(packet) if self.username in self.factory.protocols: del self.factory.protocols[self.username]