def plot_normal_decomposition(decomp: str):
    normalizer = NormalizedGraphMatchScorer()
    decomposition = Decomposition.from_str(decomp)
    print("decomposition:", decomposition.to_string())
    norm_decomposition = normalizer.normalized_decomposition(decomposition,
    print("normal form:", norm_decomposition.to_string())
    draw_decomposition_graph(decomposition.to_graph(), title="decomposition")
                             title="normal form")
def format_qdmr(input:str):
    # replace multiple whitespaces with a single whitespace.
    input = ' '.join(input.split())

    # replace semi-colons with @@SEP@@ token, remove 'return' statements.
    parts = input.split(';')
    parts = [re.sub(r'return', '', part.strip().strip('\r')) for part in parts]

    # replacing references with special tokens, for example replacing #2 with @@2@@.
    parts = [re.sub(r'#(\d+)', '@@\g<1>@@', part) for part in parts]

    return Decomposition(parts)
    def predictions_to_norm(df, qdmr_col, norm_col):
        df[norm_col] = df[qdmr_col]

        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            dec = row[norm_col]
                decomposition = norm_g.normalized_decomposition(
                df.loc[index, norm_col] = decomposition.to_string()
            except Exception as ex:
                print(f"error in index {index}:{str(ex)}\n{dec}", flush=True)
                df.loc[index, norm_col] = "ERROR"
 def normalized_decomposition(self,
                              decomposition: Decomposition,
                              verbose: bool = False) -> Decomposition:
     norm_g = self.normalize_graph(graph=decomposition.to_graph(),
     return Decomposition.from_graph(graph=norm_g)
 def str_test_create_graphs(inp: str, output:[str]):
     in_g = Decomposition([inp]).to_graph()
     out_g = Decomposition(output).to_graph()
     return in_g, out_g
 def update_sucessors(graph, n_id, doc:[Token]):
     refs = Decomposition._get_references_ids(" ".join([t.text for t in doc]))
     graph.remove_edges_from([(n_id, s_id) for s_id in graph.successors(n_id)])
     graph.add_edges_from([(n_id, r) for r in refs])
def evaluate(ids, questions, decompositions, golds, metadata,
    decompositions_str = [d.to_string() for d in decompositions]
    golds_str = [g.to_string() for g in golds]

    # calculating exact match scores
    exact_match = get_exact_match(decompositions_str, golds_str) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'exact_match' in metrics else None

    # evaluate using SARI
    sari = get_sari_score(decompositions_str, golds_str, questions) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'sari' in metrics else None

    # evaluate using sequence matcher
    match_ratio = get_match_ratio(decompositions_str, golds_str) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'match' in metrics else None
    structural_match_ratio = get_structural_match_ratio(decompositions_str, golds_str) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'structural_match' in metrics else None

    # evaluate using graph distances
    graph_scorer = GraphMatchScorer()
    decomposition_graphs = [d.to_graph() for d in decompositions]
    gold_graphs = [g.to_graph() for g in golds]

    ged_scores = graph_scorer.get_edit_distance_match_scores(decomposition_graphs, gold_graphs) 
    # structural_ged_scores = graph_scorer.get_edit_distance_match_scores(decomposition_graphs, gold_graphs,
    #                                                                     structure_only=True)
    # ged_plus_scores = get_ged_plus_scores(decomposition_graphs, gold_graphs,
    #                                       exclude_thr=5, num_processes=num_processes)

    # calculate normalized match scores
    normalize_scorer = NormalizedGraphMatchScorer()

    def try_invoke(func, graph, default=None):
            return func(graph)
        except Exception as ex:
            return default

    decomposition_norm_graphs = [try_invoke(normalize_scorer.normalize_graph, g, default=g) for g in
    decomposition_norm_str = [try_invoke(lambda x: Decomposition.from_graph(x).to_string(), g) for g in
    gold_norm_graphs = [try_invoke(normalize_scorer.normalize_graph, g, default=g) for g in gold_graphs]
    gold_norm_str = [try_invoke(lambda x: Decomposition.from_graph(x).to_string(), g) for g in gold_norm_graphs]

    normalized_exact_match = skip_none(get_exact_match, decomposition_norm_str, gold_norm_str) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'normalized_exact_match' in metrics else None
    normalized_sari = skip_none(get_sari_score, decomposition_norm_str, gold_norm_str, questions) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'normalized_sari' in metrics else None
    normalized_match_ratio = skip_none(get_match_ratio, decomposition_norm_str, gold_norm_str) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'normalized_match' in metrics else None
    normalized_structural_match_ratio = skip_none(get_structural_match_ratio, decomposition_norm_str, gold_norm_str) \
        if (metrics is None) or 'normalized_structural_match' in metrics else None

    evaluation_dict = {
        "id": ids,
        "question": questions,
        "gold": golds_str,
        "prediction": decompositions_str,
        "exact_match": exact_match,
        "match": match_ratio,
        "structural_match": structural_match_ratio,
        "sari": sari,
        "ged": ged_scores,
        # "structural_ged": structural_ged_scores,
        # "ged_plus": ged_plus_scores,

        "normalized_exact_match": normalized_exact_match,
        "normalized_match": normalized_match_ratio,
        "normalized_structural_match": normalized_structural_match_ratio,
        "normalized_sari": normalized_sari,
    evaluation_dict = {k: v for k, v in evaluation_dict.items() if v is not None}
    num_examples = len(questions)
    print_first_example_scores(evaluation_dict, min(5, num_examples))
    mean_scores = print_score_stats(evaluation_dict)

    if output_path_base:
        write_evaluation_output(output_path_base, num_examples, **evaluation_dict)
        ### Addition write the mean scores json
        write_evaluation_results(mean_scores, output_path_base)

    if metadata is not None:
        #metadata = metadata[metadata["question_text"].isin(evaluation_dict["question"])]
        metadata = metadata[metadata['question_id'].isin(evaluation_dict['id'])]
        metadata["dataset"] = metadata["question_id"].apply(lambda x: x.split("_")[0])
        metadata["num_steps"] = metadata["decomposition"].apply(lambda x: len(x.split(";")))
        score_keys = [key for key in evaluation_dict if key not in ["id", "question", "gold", "prediction"]]
        for key in score_keys:
            metadata[key] = evaluation_dict[key]

        for agg_field in ["dataset", "num_steps"]:
            df = metadata[[agg_field] + score_keys].groupby(agg_field).agg("mean")

    return mean_scores