Пример #1
def s3_push_process(opts, args, conf, outdir):
    def do_s3_push():
        bucktup = aws.get_s3_output_bucket(conf)
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(outdir):
            for f in filenames:
                path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
                print "PUSH", path, "TO", aws.format_s3_url(bucktup, f)
                aws.put_s3_file(bucktup, path, f)

        error.retry(conf, do_s3_push)
    except Exception, e:
        print "S3 push failed:", e
Пример #2
def s3_push_process(opts, args, conf, outdir):
    def do_s3_push():
        bucktup = aws.get_s3_output_bucket(conf)
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(outdir):
            for f in filenames:
                path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
                print "PUSH", path, "TO", aws.format_s3_url(bucktup, f)
                aws.put_s3_file(bucktup, path, f)

        error.retry(conf, do_s3_push)
    except Exception, e:
        print "S3 push failed:", e
Пример #3
def s3_upload_process(opts, args, conf, task):
    def do_s3_upload():
        bucktup = aws.get_s3_output_bucket(conf)
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(task.outdir):
            for f in filenames:
                # Skip uploading task script
                if f == task.script_name:
                path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
                logging.info('Uploading %s to %s', f, aws.format_s3_url(bucktup, f))
                aws.put_s3_file(bucktup, path, f)

        error.retry(conf, do_s3_upload)
    except Exception:
        logging.exception('Upload to S3 failed')
Пример #4
def s3_push_process(opts, args, conf, outdir):
    def do_s3_push():
        bucktup = aws.get_s3_output_bucket(conf)

        print('Pushing output to AWS S3 bucket %s' % str(bucktup))

        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(outdir):
            for f in filenames:
                partPath = '%s/' % os.path.relpath(
                    dirpath, start=outdir) if outdir != dirpath else ''
                s3path = '%s%s' % (partPath, f)
                path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
                print("PUSH %s TO TARGET %s" %
                      (path, aws.format_s3_url(bucktup, s3path)))
                aws.put_s3_file(bucktup, path, s3path)
            #    break

        print('Issuing push command to S3')
        error.retry(conf, do_s3_push)
    except Exception, e:
        print "S3 push failed:", e
Пример #5
    blender_project = conf.get('BLENDER_PROJECT')
    #if not blender_project:
    #    raise ValueError("BLENDER_PROJECT not defined in configuration")

    # directory that blender will be run from
    if blender_project:
        proj_dir = get_project(conf, blender_project)
        print "PROJ_DIR", proj_dir

        # mount additional EBS volumes
        aws.mount_additional_ebs(conf, proj_dir)

    # continue only if we are not in "dry-run" mode
    if not opts.dry_run:
        # execute the task loop
        error.retry(conf, task_loop)

        # if "DONE" file == "shutdown", do a shutdown now as we exit
        if read_done_file() == "shutdown":
            if spot_request_id:
                    # persistent spot instances must be explicitly cancelled, or
                    # EC2 will automatically requeue the spot instance request
                    print "Canceling spot instance request:", spot_request_id
                    aws.cancel_spot_request(conf, spot_request_id)
                except Exception, e:
                    print "Error canceling spot instance request:", e

        print "******* DONE (%d tasks completed)" % (local.task_count,)
Пример #6
    # get project (from s3:// or file://)
    blender_project = conf.get('BLENDER_PROJECT')
    if not blender_project:
        raise ValueError("BLENDER_PROJECT not defined in configuration")

    # directory that blender will be run from
    proj_dir = get_project(conf, blender_project)
    print "PROJ_DIR", proj_dir

    # mount additional EBS volumes
    aws.mount_additional_ebs(conf, proj_dir)

    # continue only if we are not in "dry-run" mode
    if not opts.dry_run:
        # execute the task loop
        error.retry(conf, task_loop)

        # if "DONE" file == "shutdown", do a shutdown now as we exit
        if read_done_file() == "shutdown":
            if spot_request_id:
                    # persistent spot instances must be explicitly cancelled, or
                    # EC2 will automatically requeue the spot instance request
                    print "Canceling spot instance request:", spot_request_id
                    aws.cancel_spot_request(conf, spot_request_id)
                except Exception, e:
                    print "Error canceling spot instance request:", e

        print "******* DONE (%d tasks completed)" % (local.task_count, )
Пример #7
def run_tasks(opts, args, conf):
    def write_done_file():
        with open(os.path.join(work_dir, "DONE"), "w") as f:
            f.write(get_done(opts, conf)+'\n')

    def read_done_file():
            with open(os.path.join(work_dir, "DONE")) as f:
                ret = f.readline().strip()
            ret = 'exit'
        return ret

    def task_complete_accounting(task_count):
        # update some info files if we are running in daemon mode
        # number of tasks we have completed so far
        utils.write_atomic(os.path.join(work_dir, 'task_count'), "%d\n" % (task_count,))

        # timestamp of completion of last task
        utils.write_atomic(os.path.join(work_dir, 'task_last'), "%d\n" % (time.time(),))

    def signal_handler(signal, frame):
        logging.warning("Exit on signal %r", signal)

    def cleanup_all():
        tasks = (local.task_render, local.task_upload)
        local.task_render = local.task_upload = None
        for i, task in enumerate(tasks):
            name = task_names[i]
            cleanup(task, name)

    def cleanup(task, name):
        if task:
            if task.msg is not None:
                    logging.debug('Returning render task \"%s #%s\" back to SQS queue', task.script_name, task.id)
                    msg = task.msg
                    task.msg = None
                    msg.change_visibility(0) # immediately return task back to work queue
                except Exception:
                    logging.exception('Failed changing SQS message visibility of task %s', name)
            if task.proc is not None:
                    logging.debug('Stopping processing of render task: %s #%s', task.script_name, task.id)
                    proc = task.proc
                    task.proc = None
                except Exception:
                    logging.exception('Failed stopping processing of task %s', name)
            if task.outdir is not None:
                    outdir = task.outdir
                    task.outdir = None
                except Exception:
                    logging.exception('Failed removing task dir %s', task.outdir)

    def task_loop():
            # reset tasks
            local.task_render = None
            local.task_upload = None

            # get SQS work queue
            q = aws.get_sqs_conn_queue(conf)[0]

            # Loop over tasks.  There are up to two different tasks at any
            # given moment that we are processing concurrently:
            # 1. Render task -- usually a render operation.
            # 2. Upload task -- a task which uploads results to S3.
            while True:
                # reset render task
                local.task_render = None

                # initialize render task object
                task = State()
                task.msg = None
                task.proc = None
                task.retcode = None
                task.outdir = None
                task.id = 0
                task.script_name = None

                # Get a task from the SQS work queue.  This is normally
                # a short script that renders one or more frames.
                task.msg = q.read(message_attributes=['All'])

                # output some debug info
                logging.debug('Reading work queue')
                if local.task_upload:
                    logging.info("Running upload task #%d", local.task_upload.id)
                    logging.info('No upload task available')

                # process task
                if task.msg is not None:
                    # assign an ID to task
                    local.task_id_counter += 1
                    task.id = local.task_id_counter
                    task.script_name = task.msg.message_attributes['script_name']['string_value']

                    # register render task
                    local.task_render = task

                    # create output directory
                    task.outdir = os.path.join(work_dir, "{}_out_{}".format(task.script_name, task.id))

                    # get the task script
                    script = task.msg.get_body()

                    # cd to output directory, where we will run render task from
                    with utils.Cd(task.outdir):
                        # write script file and make it executable
                        script_fn = "./{}".format(task.script_name)
                        with open(script_fn, 'w') as f:
                        st = os.stat(script_fn)
                        os.chmod(script_fn, st.st_mode | (stat.S_IEXEC|stat.S_IXGRP|stat.S_IXOTH))

                        # run the script
                        task.proc = Subprocess([script_fn])

                    logging.info('Running render task \"%s #%d\"', local.task_render.script_name, local.task_render.id)
                    logging.info(script.replace("\n"," "))

                # Wait for render & upload tasks to complete, while periodically reasserting with SQS to
                # acknowledge that tasks are still pending. (If we don't reassert with SQS frequently enough,
                # it will assume we died, and put our tasks back in the queue.  "frequently enough" means within
                # visibility_timeout.)
                count = 0
                while True:
                    reassert = (count >= visibility_timeout_reassert)
                    for i, task in enumerate((local.task_render, local.task_upload)):
                        if task:
                            name = task_names[i]
                            if task.proc is not None:
                                # test if process has finished
                                task.retcode = task.proc.poll()
                                if task.retcode is not None:
                                    # process has finished
                                    task.proc = None

                                    # did process finish with errors?
                                    if task.retcode != 0:
                                        if name == 'render':
                                            errtxt = "Render task \"{} #{}\" exited with status code {}".format(
                                            task.script_name, task.id, task.retcode)
                                            raise error.ValueErrorRetry(errtxt)
                                            errtxt = "Upload task #{} exited with status code {}".format(
                                            task.id, task.retcode)
                                            raise ValueError(errtxt)

                                    # Process finished successfully.  If upload process,
                                    # tell SQS that the task completed successfully.
                                    if name == 'upload':
                                        logging.info('Finished upload task #%d', task.id)
                                        task.msg = None
                                        local.task_count += 1
                                    # Render task completed?
                                    if name == 'render':
                                        logging.info('Finished render task \"%s #%d\"', task.script_name, task.id)

                            # tell SQS that we are still working on the task
                            if reassert and task.proc is not None:
                                logging.debug('Reasserting %s task %d with SQS', name, task.id)

                    # break out of loop only when no pending tasks remain
                    if ((not local.task_render or local.task_render.proc is None)
                        and (not local.task_upload or local.task_upload.proc is None)):

                    # setup for next process poll iteration
                    if reassert:
                        count = 0
                    count += 1

                # clean up the upload task
                cleanup(local.task_upload, 'upload')
                local.task_upload = None

                # start a concurrent upload task to commit files generated by just-completed render task to S3
                if local.task_render:
                    local.task_render.proc = start_upload_process(opts, args, conf, local.task_render)
                    local.task_upload = local.task_render
                    local.task_render = None

                # if no render or upload task, we are done (unless DONE is set to "poll")
                if not local.task_render and not local.task_upload:
                    if read_done_file() == "poll":
                        logging.info('Waiting for tasks...')


    # initialize task_render and task_upload states
    task_names = ('render', 'upload')
    local = State()
    local.task_render = None
    local.task_upload = None
    local.task_id_counter = 0
    local.task_count = 0

    # setup signal handler
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)

    # get configuration parameters
    work_dir = utils.get_work_dir(conf)
    visibility_timeout_reassert = int(conf.get('VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT_REASSERT', '30'))
    visibility_timeout = int(conf.get('VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT', '120'))

    # validate OUTPUT_URL

    # file cleanup
    utils.rm(os.path.join(work_dir, 'task_count'))
    utils.rm(os.path.join(work_dir, 'task_last'))

    # save the value of DONE config var

    # Get our spot instance request, if it exists
    spot_request_id = None
    if int(conf.get('RUNNING_ON_EC2', '1')):
            instance_id = aws.get_instance_id_self()
            spot_request_id = aws.get_spot_request_from_instance_id(conf, instance_id)
            logging.info('Spot request ID: %s', spot_request_id)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception('Failed getting spot instance request')

    # continue only if we are not in "dry-run" mode
    if not opts.dry_run:
        # execute the task loop
        error.retry(conf, task_loop)

        # if "DONE" file == "shutdown", do a shutdown now as we exit
        if read_done_file() == "shutdown":
            if spot_request_id:
                    # persistent spot instances must be explicitly cancelled, or
                    # EC2 will automatically requeue the spot instance request
                    logging.info("Canceling spot instance request: %s", spot_request_id)
                    aws.cancel_spot_request(conf, spot_request_id)
                except Exception:
                    logging.exception("Failed canceling spot instance request")

        logging.info('Completed %d tasks', local.task_count)