Пример #1
    def to_matrix(self, multiple_synapses='last'):
        Returns the wanted state as a matrix of shape (# presynaptic neurons, # postsynaptic neurons) for visualization purposes. 
        The returned array value at [i,j] is the value of the wanted synaptic variable for the synapse between (i, j). If not synapse exists between those two neurons, then the value is ``np.nan``.

        * Dealing with multiple synapses between two neurons

        Outputting a 2D matrix is not generally possible, because multiple synapses can exist for a given pair or pre- and post-synaptic neurons.
        In this case, the state values for all the synapses between neurons i and j are aggregated in the (i, j) position of the matrix. This is done according to the ``multiple_synapses`` keyword argument which can be changed:
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'last'`` (default) takes the last value
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'first'`` takes the first value
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'min'`` takes the min of the values
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'max'`` takes the max of the values
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'sum'`` takes the sum of the values
        Please note that this function should be used for visualization, and should not be used to store or reload synaptic variable values. 
        If you want to do so, refer to the documentation at :meth:`Synapses.save_connectivity`.

        Nsource = len(self.synapses.source)
        Ntarget = len(self.synapses.target)
        Nsynapses = len(self.synapses)

        output = np.ones((Nsource, Ntarget)) * np.nan

        for isyn in xrange(Nsynapses):
            # this is the couple index of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.
            curidx = (self.synapses.presynaptic[isyn],
            if multiple_synapses == 'last' or np.isnan(output[curidx]):
                # no previously found synapse, or we want the last one
                output[curidx] = self.data[isyn]
            elif multiple_synapses == 'first':
                # if we want the first one, it's already set
                # in this case, we try to use the numpy function as named by the multiple_synapses keyword
                # it's a trick to make this code impossible to understand.
                    # there already was a synapse, we aggregate data
                    exec('output[curidx] = np.' + multiple_synapses +
                         '([output[curidx], self.data[isyn]])')
                except AttributeError:
                        'Couldn\'t figure out how to handle multiple synapses when creating matrix'

        return output
Пример #2
    def to_matrix(self, multiple_synapses='last'):
        Returns the wanted state as a matrix of shape (# presynaptic neurons, # postsynaptic neurons) for visualization purposes. 
        The returned array value at [i,j] is the value of the wanted synaptic variable for the synapse between (i, j). If not synapse exists between those two neurons, then the value is ``np.nan``.

        * Dealing with multiple synapses between two neurons

        Outputting a 2D matrix is not generally possible, because multiple synapses can exist for a given pair or pre- and post-synaptic neurons.
        In this case, the state values for all the synapses between neurons i and j are aggregated in the (i, j) position of the matrix. This is done according to the ``multiple_synapses`` keyword argument which can be changed:
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'last'`` (default) takes the last value
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'first'`` takes the first value
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'min'`` takes the min of the values
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'max'`` takes the max of the values
        ``mutiple_synapses = 'sum'`` takes the sum of the values
        Please note that this function should be used for visualization, and should not be used to store or reload synaptic variable values. 
        If you want to do so, refer to the documentation at :meth:`Synapses.save_connectivity`.
        Nsource = len(self.synapses.source)
        Ntarget = len(self.synapses.target)
        Nsynapses = len(self.synapses)
        output = np.ones((Nsource, Ntarget)) * np.nan

        for isyn in xrange(Nsynapses):
            # this is the couple index of the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons.
            curidx = (self.synapses.presynaptic[isyn], self.synapses.postsynaptic[isyn])
            if multiple_synapses == 'last' or np.isnan(output[curidx]):
                # no previously found synapse, or we want the last one
                output[curidx] = self.data[isyn]
            elif multiple_synapses == 'first':
                # if we want the first one, it's already set
                # in this case, we try to use the numpy function as named by the multiple_synapses keyword
                # it's a trick to make this code impossible to understand.
                    # there already was a synapse, we aggregate data
                    exec('output[curidx] = np.'+multiple_synapses+'([output[curidx], self.data[isyn]])')
                except AttributeError:
                    log_debug('brian.synapticvariable', 'Couldn\'t figure out how to handle multiple synapses when creating matrix')

        return output
Пример #3
    def generate_code(self,code,level,direct=False,code_namespace=None):
        Generates pre and post code.
            The code as a string.
            The namespace level in which the code is executed.
            If True, the code is generated assuming that
            postsynaptic variables are not modified. This makes the
            code faster.
            Additional namespace (highest priority)
        * include static variables (substitution)
        * have a list of variable names
        # Handle multi-line pre, post equations and multi-statement equations separated by ;
        # (this should probably be factored)
        if '\n' in code:
            code = flattened_docstring(code)
        elif ';' in code:
            code = '\n'.join([line.strip() for line in code.split(';')])
        # Create namespaces
        _namespace = namespace(code, level = level + 1)
        if code_namespace is not None:
        _namespace['target'] = self.target # maybe we could save one indirection here
        _namespace['unique'] = np.unique
        _namespace['nonzero'] = np.nonzero
        _namespace['empty'] = np.empty
        _namespace['logical_not'] = np.logical_not
        _namespace['not_equal'] = np.not_equal
        _namespace['take'] = np.take
        _namespace['extract'] = np.extract
        _namespace['add'] = np.add
        _namespace['hstack'] = np.hstack

        code = re.sub(r'\b' + 'rand\(\)', 'rand(n)', code)
        code = re.sub(r'\b' + 'randn\(\)', 'randn(n)', code)

        # Generate the code
        def update_code(code, indices, postinds):
            res = code
            # given the synapse indices, write the update code,
            # this is here because in the code we generate we need to write this twice (because of the multiple presyn spikes for the same postsyn neuron problem)
            # Replace synaptic variables by their value
            for var in self.var_index: # static variables are not included here
                if isinstance(var, str):
                    res = re.sub(r'\b' + var + r'\b', var + '['+indices+']', res) # synaptic variable, indexed by the synapse number
            # Replace postsynaptic variables by their value
            for postsyn_var in self.target.var_index: # static variables are not included here
                if isinstance(postsyn_var, str):
                    #res = re.sub(r'\b' + postsyn_var + r'_post\b', 'target.' + postsyn_var + '['+postinds+']', res)# postsyn variable, indexed by post syn neuron numbers
                    #res = re.sub(r'\b' + postsyn_var + r'\b', 'target.' + postsyn_var + '['+postinds+']', res)# postsyn variable, indexed by post syn neuron numbers
                    res = re.sub(r'\b' + postsyn_var + r'_post\b', '_target_' + postsyn_var + '['+postinds+']', res)# postsyn variable, indexed by post syn neuron numbers
                    res = re.sub(r'\b' + postsyn_var + r'\b', '_target_' + postsyn_var + '['+postinds+']', res)# postsyn variable, indexed by post syn neuron numbers
                    _namespace['_target_' + postsyn_var] = self.target.state_(postsyn_var)
            # Replace presynaptic variables by their value
            for presyn_var in self.source.var_index: # static variables are not included here
                if isinstance(presyn_var, str):
                    #res = re.sub(r'\b' + presyn_var + r'_pre\b', 'source.' + presyn_var + '[_pre['+indices+']]', res)# postsyn variable, indexed by post syn neuron numbers
                    res = re.sub(r'\b' + presyn_var + r'_pre\b', '_source_' + presyn_var + '[_pre['+indices+']]', res)# postsyn variable, indexed by post syn neuron numbers
                    _namespace['_source_' + presyn_var] = self.source.state_(presyn_var)
            # Replace n by number of synapses being updated
            res = re.sub(r'\bn\b','len('+indices+')', res)
            return res
        if direct: # direct update code, not caring about multiple accesses to postsynaptic variables
            code_str = '_post_neurons = _post[_synapses]\n'+update_code(code, '_synapses', '_post_neurons') + "\n"            
            algo = 3
            if algo==0:
                ## Old version using numpy's unique()
                code_str = "_post_neurons = _post[_synapses]\n" # not necessary to do a copy because _synapses is not a slice
                code_str += "_u, _i = unique(_post_neurons, return_index = True)\n"
                #code_str += update_code(code, '_synapses[_i]', '_u') + "\n"
                code_str += update_code(code, '_synapses[_i]', '_post[_synapses[_i]]') + "\n"
                code_str += "if len(_u) < len(_post_neurons):\n"
                code_str += "    _post_neurons[_i] = -1\n"
                code_str += "    while (len(_u) < len(_post_neurons)) & (_post_neurons>-1).any():\n" # !! the any() is time consuming (len(u)>=1??)
                #code_str += "    while (len(_u) < len(_post_neurons)) & (len(_u)>1):\n" # !! the any() is time consuming (len(u)>=1??)
                code_str += "        _u, _i = unique(_post_neurons, return_index = True)\n"
                code_str += indent(update_code(code, '_synapses[_i[1:]]', '_post[_synapses[_i[1:]]]'),2) + "\n"
                code_str += "        _post_neurons[_i[1:]] = -1 \n"
            elif algo==1:
                code_str = "_post_neurons = _post[_synapses]\n" # not necessary to do a copy because _synapses is not a slice
                code_str += "_perm = _post_neurons.argsort()\n"
                code_str += "_aux = _post_neurons[_perm]\n"
                code_str += "_flag = empty(len(_aux) + 1, dtype = bool)\n"
                code_str += "_flag[0] = _flag[-1] = True\n"
                code_str += "not_equal(_aux[1:], _aux[:-1], _flag[1:-1])\n"
                code_str += "_F = _flag.nonzero()[0][:-1]\n"
                code_str += "logical_not(_flag, _flag)\n"
                code_str += "while len(_F):\n"
                code_str += "    _u = _aux[_F]\n"
                code_str += "    _i = _perm[_F]\n"
                code_str += indent(update_code(code, '_synapses[_i]', '_u'), 1) + "\n"
                code_str += "    _F += 1\n"
                code_str += "    _F = _F[_flag[_F]]\n"
            elif algo==2:
                code_str = '''
                _post_neurons = _post.data.take(_synapses)
                _perm = _post_neurons.argsort()
                _aux = _post_neurons.take(_perm)
                _flag = empty(len(_aux)+1, dtype=bool)
                _flag[0] = _flag[-1] = 1
                not_equal(_aux[1:], _aux[:-1], _flag[1:-1])
                if 0:#_flag.sum()==len(_aux)+1:
                    _F = _flag.nonzero()[0][:-1]
                    logical_not(_flag, _flag)
                    while len(_F):
                        _u = _aux.take(_F)
                        _i = _perm.take(_F)
                        _F += 1
                        _F = extract(_flag.take(_F), _F)
                code_str = flattened_docstring(code_str) % {'code1': indent(update_code(code, '_synapses','_post_neurons'), 1),
                                                            'code2': indent(update_code(code, '_synapses[_i]', '_u'), 2)}
            elif algo==3:
                code_str = '''
                _post_neurons = _post.data.take(_synapses)
                _perm = _post_neurons.argsort()
                _aux = _post_neurons.take(_perm)
                _flag = empty(len(_aux)+1, dtype=bool)
                _flag[0] = _flag[-1] = 1
                not_equal(_aux[1:], _aux[:-1], _flag[1:-1])
                _F = _flag.nonzero()[0][:-1]
                logical_not(_flag, _flag)
                while len(_F):
                    _u = _aux.take(_F)
                    _i = _perm.take(_F)
                    _F += 1
                    _F = extract(_flag.take(_F), _F)
                code_str = flattened_docstring(code_str) % {'code': indent(update_code(code, '_synapses[_i]', '_u'), 1)}
            elif algo==4:
                code_str = '''
                _post_neurons = _post[_synapses]
                _perm = _post_neurons.argsort()
                _aux = _post_neurons[_perm]
                _flag = empty(len(_aux)+1, dtype=bool)
                _flag[0] = _flag[-1] = 1
                not_equal(_aux[1:], _aux[:-1], _flag[1:-1])
                _F = _flag.nonzero()[0][:-1]
                logical_not(_flag, _flag)
                while len(_F):
                    _u = _aux[_F]
                    _i = _perm[_F]
                    _F += 1
                    _F = _F[_flag[_F]]
                code_str = flattened_docstring(code_str) % {'code': indent(update_code(code, '_synapses[_i]', '_u'), 1)}
#        print code_str
        log_debug('brian.synapses', '\nCODE:\n'+code_str)
        # Compile
        compiled_code = compile(code_str, "Synaptic code", "exec")
        _namespace['_original_code_string'] = code_str
        return compiled_code,_namespace