Пример #1
    def __call__(self, equations, variables=None, method_options=None):
        method_options = extract_method_options(method_options,
                                                {'simplify': True})

        if equations.is_stochastic:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException("Cannot solve stochastic "
                                                "equations with this state "
        if variables is None:
            variables = {}

        # Get a representation of the ODE system in the form of
        # dX/dt = M*X + B
        varnames, matrix, constants = get_linear_system(equations, variables)

        # No differential equations, nothing to do (this occurs sometimes in the
        # test suite where the whole model is nothing more than something like
        # 'v : 1')
        if matrix.shape == (0, 0):
            return ''

        # Make sure that the matrix M is constant, i.e. it only contains
        # external variables or constant variables

        # Check for time dependence
        dt_value = variables['dt'].get_value(
        )[0] if 'dt' in variables else None

        # This will raise an error if we meet the symbol "t" anywhere
        # except as an argument of a locally constant function
        for entry in itertools.chain(matrix, constants):
            if not is_constant_over_dt(entry, variables, dt_value):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    f"Expression '{sympy_to_str(entry)}' is not guaranteed to be "
                    f"constant over a time step.")

        symbols = [Symbol(variable, real=True) for variable in varnames]
        solution = sp.solve_linear_system(matrix.row_join(constants), *symbols)
        if solution is None or set(symbols) != set(solution.keys()):
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException("Cannot solve the given "
                                                "equations with this "
        b = sp.ImmutableMatrix([solution[symbol] for symbol in symbols])

        # Solve the system
        dt = Symbol('dt', real=True, positive=True)
            A = (matrix * dt).exp()
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException("Cannot solve the given "
                                                "equations with this "
        if method_options['simplify']:
            A = A.applyfunc(
                lambda x: sp.factor_terms(sp.cancel(sp.signsimp(x))))
        C = sp.ImmutableMatrix(A * b) - b
        _S = sp.MatrixSymbol('_S', len(varnames), 1)
        updates = A * _S + C
        updates = updates.as_explicit()

        # The solution contains _S[0, 0], _S[1, 0] etc. for the state variables,
        # replace them with the state variable names
        abstract_code = []
        for idx, (variable, update) in enumerate(zip(varnames, updates)):
            rhs = update
            if rhs.has(I, re, im):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    "The solution to the linear system "
                    "contains complex values "
                    "which is currently not implemented.")
            for row_idx, varname in enumerate(varnames):
                rhs = rhs.subs(_S[row_idx, 0], varname)

            # Do not overwrite the real state variables yet, the update step
            # of other state variables might still need the original values
            abstract_code.append(f"_{variable} = {sympy_to_str(rhs)}")

        # Update the state variables
        for variable in varnames:
            abstract_code.append(f"{variable} = _{variable}")
        return '\n'.join(abstract_code)
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, equations, variables=None, method_options=None):
        method_options = extract_method_options(method_options,
                                                {'simplify': True})

        if equations.is_stochastic:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve stochastic '
                                                'equations with this state '
        if variables is None:
            variables = {}

        # Get a representation of the ODE system in the form of
        # dX/dt = M*X + B
        varnames, matrix, constants = get_linear_system(equations, variables)

        # No differential equations, nothing to do (this occurs sometimes in the
        # test suite where the whole model is nothing more than something like
        # 'v : 1')
        if matrix.shape == (0, 0):
            return ''

        # Make sure that the matrix M is constant, i.e. it only contains
        # external variables or constant variables
        t = Symbol('t', real=True, positive=True)

        # Check for time dependence
        dt_value = variables['dt'].get_value()[0] if 'dt' in variables else None

        # This will raise an error if we meet the symbol "t" anywhere
        # except as an argument of a locally constant function
        for entry in itertools.chain(matrix, constants):
            if not is_constant_over_dt(entry, variables, dt_value):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    ('Expression "{}" is not guaranteed to be constant over a '
                     'time step').format(sympy_to_str(entry)))

        symbols = [Symbol(variable, real=True) for variable in varnames]
        solution = sp.solve_linear_system(matrix.row_join(constants), *symbols)
        if solution is None or set(symbols) != set(solution.keys()):
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve the given '
                                                'equations with this '
        b = sp.ImmutableMatrix([solution[symbol] for symbol in symbols])

        # Solve the system
        dt = Symbol('dt', real=True, positive=True)
            A = (matrix * dt).exp()
        except NotImplementedError:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve the given '
                                                'equations with this '
        if method_options['simplify']:
            A = A.applyfunc(lambda x:
        C = sp.ImmutableMatrix(A * b) - b
        _S = sp.MatrixSymbol('_S', len(varnames), 1)
        updates = A * _S + C
        updates = updates.as_explicit()

        # The solution contains _S[0, 0], _S[1, 0] etc. for the state variables,
        # replace them with the state variable names 
        abstract_code = []
        for idx, (variable, update) in enumerate(zip(varnames, updates)):
            rhs = update
            if rhs.has(I, re, im):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException('The solution to the linear system '
                                                    'contains complex values '
                                                    'which is currently not implemented.')
            for row_idx, varname in enumerate(varnames):
                rhs = rhs.subs(_S[row_idx, 0], varname)

            # Do not overwrite the real state variables yet, the update step
            # of other state variables might still need the original values
            abstract_code.append('_' + variable + ' = ' + sympy_to_str(rhs))

        # Update the state variables
        for variable in varnames:
            abstract_code.append('{variable} = _{variable}'.format(variable=variable))
        return '\n'.join(abstract_code)
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, eqs, variables=None, method_options=None):
        Apply a state updater description to model equations.
        eqs : `Equations`
            The equations describing the model
        variables: dict-like, optional
            The `Variable` objects for the model. Ignored by the explicit
            state updater.
        method_options : dict, optional
            Additional options to the state updater (not used at the moment
            for the explicit state updaters).

        >>> from brian2 import *
        >>> eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / tau : volt')
        >>> print(euler(eqs))
        _v = -dt*v/tau + v
        v = _v
        >>> print(rk4(eqs))
        __k_1_v = -dt*v/tau
        __k_2_v = -dt*(__k_1_v/2 + v)/tau
        __k_3_v = -dt*(__k_2_v/2 + v)/tau
        __k_4_v = -dt*(__k_3_v + v)/tau
        _v = __k_1_v/6 + __k_2_v/3 + __k_3_v/3 + __k_4_v/6 + v
        v = _v
        extract_method_options(method_options, {})
        # Non-stochastic numerical integrators should work for all equations,
        # except for stochastic equations
        if eqs.is_stochastic and self.stochastic is None:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot integrate '
                                                'stochastic equations with '
                                                'this state updater.')
        if self.custom_check:
            self.custom_check(eqs, variables)
        # The final list of statements
        statements = []

        stochastic_variables = eqs.stochastic_variables

        # The variables for the intermediate results in the state updater
        # description, e.g. the variable k in rk2
        intermediate_vars = [var for var, expr in self.statements]
        # A dictionary mapping all the variables in the equations to their
        # sympy representations 
        eq_variables = dict(((var, _symbol(var)) for var in eqs.eq_names))
        # Generate the random numbers for the stochastic variables
        for stochastic_variable in stochastic_variables:
            statements.append(stochastic_variable + ' = ' + 'dt**.5 * randn()')

        substituted_expressions = eqs.get_substituted_expressions(variables)

        # Process the intermediate statements in the stateupdater description
        for intermediate_var, intermediate_expr in self.statements:
            # Split the expression into a non-stochastic and a stochastic part
            non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr = split_expression(intermediate_expr)
            # Execute the statement by appropriately replacing the functions f
            # and g and the variable x for every equation in the model.
            # We use the model equations where the subexpressions have
            # already been substituted into the model equations.
            for var, expr in substituted_expressions:
                for xi in stochastic_variables:
                    RHS = self._generate_RHS(eqs, var, eq_variables, intermediate_vars,
                                             expr, non_stochastic_expr,
                                             stochastic_expr, xi)
                    statements.append(intermediate_var+'_'+var+'_'+xi+' = '+RHS)
                if not stochastic_variables:   # no stochastic variables
                    RHS = self._generate_RHS(eqs, var, eq_variables, intermediate_vars,
                                             expr, non_stochastic_expr,
                    statements.append(intermediate_var+'_'+var+' = '+RHS)
        # Process the "return" line of the stateupdater description
        non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr = split_expression(self.output)

        if eqs.is_stochastic and (self.stochastic != 'multiplicative' and
                                  eqs.stochastic_type == 'multiplicative'):
            # The equations are marked as having multiplicative noise and the
            # current state updater does not support such equations. However,
            # it is possible that the equations do not use multiplicative noise
            # at all. They could depend on time via a function that is constant
            # over a single time step (most likely, a TimedArray). In that case
            # we can integrate the equations
            dt_value = variables['dt'].get_value()[0] if 'dt' in variables else None
            for _, expr in substituted_expressions:
                _, stoch = expr.split_stochastic()
                if stoch is None:
                # There could be more than one stochastic variable (e.g. xi_1, xi_2)
                for _, stoch_expr in stoch.items():
                    sympy_expr = str_to_sympy(stoch_expr.code)
                    # The equation really has multiplicative noise, if it depends
                    # on time (and not only via a function that is constant
                    # over dt), or if it depends on another variable defined
                    # via differential equations.
                    if (not is_constant_over_dt(sympy_expr, variables, dt_value)
                            or len(stoch_expr.identifiers & eqs.diff_eq_names)):
                        raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot integrate '
                                                            'equations with '
                                                            'multiplicative noise with '
                                                            'this state updater.')

        # Assign a value to all the model variables described by differential
        # equations
        for var, expr in substituted_expressions:
            RHS = self._generate_RHS(eqs, var, eq_variables, intermediate_vars,
                                     expr, non_stochastic_expr, stochastic_expr,
            statements.append('_' + var + ' = ' + RHS)
        # Assign everything to the final variables
        for var, expr in substituted_expressions:
            statements.append(var + ' = ' + '_' + var)

        return '\n'.join(statements)