Пример #1
def simulate_passive_cable(current_injection_location=DEFAULT_INPUT_LOCATION,
                           simulation_time=5 * b2.ms):
    """Builds a multicompartment cable and numerically approximates the cable equation.

        t_spikes (int): list of spike times
        current_injection_location (list): List [] of input locations (Quantity, Length): [123.*b2.um]
        input_current (TimedArray): TimedArray of current amplitudes. One column per current_injection_location.
        length (Quantity): Length of the cable: 0.8*b2.mm
        diameter (Quantity): Diameter of the cable: 0.2*b2.um
        r_longitudinal (Quantity): The longitudinal (axial) resistance of the cable: 0.5*b2.kohm*b2.mm
        r_transversal (Quantity): The transversal resistance (=membrane resistance): 1.25*b2.Mohm*b2.mm**2
        e_leak (Quantity): The reversal potential of the leak current (=resting potential): -70.*b2.mV
        initial_voltage (Quantity): Value of the potential at t=0: -70.*b2.mV
        capacitance (Quantity): Membrane capacitance: 0.8*b2.uF/b2.cm**2
        nr_compartments (int): Number of compartments. Spatial discretization: 200
        simulation_time (Quantity): Time for which the dynamics are simulated: 5*b2.ms

        (StateMonitor, SpatialNeuron): The state monitor contains the membrane voltage in a
        Time x Location matrix. The SpatialNeuron object specifies the simulated neuron model
        and gives access to the morphology. You may want to use those objects for
        spatial indexing: myVoltageStateMonitor[mySpatialNeuron.morphology[0.123*b2.um]].v
    assert isinstance(input_current,
                      b2.TimedArray), "input_current is not of type TimedArray"
    assert input_current.values.shape[1] == len(current_injection_location),\
        "number of injection_locations does not match nr of input currents"

    cable_morphology = b2.Cylinder(diameter=diameter,
    # Im is transmembrane current
    # Iext is  injected current at a specific position on dendrite
    EL = e_leak
    RT = r_transversal
    eqs = """
    Iext = current(t, location_index): amp (point current)
    location_index : integer (constant)
    Im = (EL-v)/RT : amp/meter**2
    cable_model = b2.SpatialNeuron(morphology=cable_morphology,
    monitor_v = b2.StateMonitor(cable_model, "v", record=True)

    # inject all input currents at the specified location:
    nr_input_locations = len(current_injection_location)
    input_current_0 = np.insert(
        input_current.values, 0, 0.,
        axis=1) * b2.amp  # insert default current: 0. [amp]
    current = b2.TimedArray(input_current_0, dt=input_current.dt * b2.second)
    for current_index in range(nr_input_locations):
        insert_location = current_injection_location[current_index]
        compartment_index = int(
            np.floor(insert_location / (length / nr_compartments)))
        # next line: current_index+1 because 0 is the default current 0Amp
        cable_model.location_index[compartment_index] = current_index + 1

    # set initial values and run for 1 ms
    cable_model.v = initial_voltage
    return monitor_v, cable_model
    def biophysics(self, morpho_data):
        """Inserting biophysics"""

        neuron = br2.SpatialNeuron(morphology=self.morpho, model=eqs, \
            Cm=Capacit, Ri=R_axial, threshold  = "v/mV>0", refractory = "v/mV > -10",
            threshold_location = 0, reset = 's_trace += x_reset*(taux/ms)',method='heun') #

        # define the different parts of the neuron
        N_soma = neuron[morpho_data['soma'][0]:morpho_data['soma'][-1] + 1]
        N_axon = neuron[morpho_data['axon'][0]:morpho_data['axon'][-1] + 1]
        N_basal = neuron[morpho_data['basal'][0]:morpho_data['basal'][-1] + 1]
        N_apical = neuron[morpho_data['apical'][0]:morpho_data['apical'][-1] +
        Theta_low = morpho_data['thetalow'] * mV

        # insert leak conductance
        neuron.gLeak = g_leak

        # noise
        neuron.noise_sigma = 0 * pA  # initial value membrane voltage
        neuron.noise_avg = 0 * pA  # initial value membrane voltage
        N_soma.noise_sigma = noise_std  # initial value membrane voltage
        N_soma.noise_avg = noise_mean  # initial value membrane voltage


        # Na channels soma, axon, apical dendrites
        N_soma.gNav = somaNa
        N_axon.gNav = axonNa
        N_apical.gNav = apicalNa
        neuron.thi1 = thi1_all
        N_axon.thi1 = thi1_axn
        neuron.thi2 = thi2_all
        N_axon.thi2 = thi2_axn

        #Kv channels
        N_soma.gKv = somagKv
        N_basal.gKv = dendgKv
        N_apical.gKv = dendgKv
        N_axon.gKv = axongKv

        #Ca channels sina
        N_soma.gCav = ratio_ca * somaCa
        N_soma.gIt = (1 - ratio_ca) * somaCa

        #Ka channels soma
        N_soma.gKa_prox = somaKap

        #Ka channels dendrites, Na channels basal dendrites, Ca channels dendrites, axon initial segment
        for sec in self.sections:
            secNr = self.sections[sec][2]
            seclen = len(self.sections[sec][0].x)

            if secNr in morpho_data['basal']:
                # decreasing Na channels
                gNa_diff = 0.5 * np.array(
                    self.distances[sec][:]) * psiemens / um**2
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gNav = np.multiply(
                    basalNa - gNa_diff, basalNa - gNa_diff > 0)

                # increasing Ka channels
                gKa_diff = 0.7 * np.array(
                    self.distances[sec][:]) * psiemens / um**2
                ratio_A = np.multiply(
                    1. - (1. / 300.) * np.array(self.distances[sec][:]),
                    1. - (1. / 300.) * np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) > 0)
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gKa_prox = ratio_A * np.multiply(
                    basalKa + gKa_diff, basalKa + gKa_diff > 0)
                neuron[secNr:secNr +
                       seclen].gKa_dist = (1. - ratio_A) * np.multiply(
                           basalKa + gKa_diff, basalKa + gKa_diff > 0)

                # Ca channels
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gCav = dendCa * ratio_ca * (
                    np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) >
                    30) + somaCa * ratio_ca * (np.array(self.distances[sec][:])
                                               <= 30)
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gIt = dendCa * (1. - ratio_ca) * (
                    np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) > 30) + somaCa * (
                        1. -
                        ratio_ca) * (np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) <= 30)

                addSpines = np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) > spinedist
                noSpines = np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) <= spinedist
                    secNr:secNr +
                    seclen].gLeak = noSpines * g_leak + addSpines * g_leak_dend
                    secNr:secNr +
                    seclen].Cm = noSpines * Capacit + addSpines * Capacit_dend

            if secNr in morpho_data['apical']:
                #ratio of Ka channels
                ratio_A = np.multiply(
                    1. - (1. / 300.) * np.array(self.distances[sec][:]),
                    1. - (1. / 300.) * np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) > 0)
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gKa_prox = ratio_A * apicalKa
                neuron[secNr:secNr +
                       seclen].gKa_dist = (1. - ratio_A) * apicalKa

                # Ca channels
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gCav = dendCa * ratio_ca * (
                    np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) >
                    30) + somaCa * ratio_ca * (np.array(self.distances[sec][:])
                                               <= 30)
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gIt = dendCa * (1. - ratio_ca) * (
                    np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) > 30) + somaCa * (
                        1. -
                        ratio_ca) * (np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) <= 30)

                addSpines = np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) > spinedist
                noSpines = np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) <= spinedist
                    secNr:secNr +
                    seclen].gLeak = noSpines * g_leak + addSpines * g_leak_dend
                    secNr:secNr +
                    seclen].Cm = noSpines * Capacit + addSpines * Capacit_dend

            if secNr in morpho_data['axon']:
                #KL current
                addKL = np.array(self.distances[sec][:]) > 35
                neuron[secNr:secNr + seclen].gKL = addKL * axongL
                neuron[1:6].gKv = [40., 100., 500., 500., 500.
                                   ] * psiemens / um**2
                neuron[1:6].gKL = [20., 35., 125., 250., 0] * psiemens / um**2
                neuron[1:6].gNav = 4 * np.array(
                    [8000., 7000., 5000., 5000., 5000.]) * psiemens / um**2
                #                neuron[1:6].gNav = [8000.,7000.,5000.,5000.,5000.]*psiemens/um**2
                neuron[1:3].gCav = somaCa * ratio_ca
                neuron[1:3].gIt = somaCa * (1. - ratio_ca)

        set_init_nrn(neuron, Theta_low)

        return neuron