Пример #1
# Echoing back commands slows down the speed that lights update but it gives
# more reliability since you know when a packet is received. Set this to 
# false to increase the light update speed. 
should_echo = True

# bridge setup

# set up the serial port for communication with
# the yun's microprocessor
print "Setup the Arduino bridge..."
bridge = BridgeClient()
# Very important! Without this comannd, communication will work
# but will be significantly slower, since it will open and close
# sockets in each function.


print "Setup the UDP Socket..."
# set up UDP server. Python can do a simple server
# in just a few lines..
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,    # Internet
                     socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock.bind(("", UDP_PORT))

# loop

#repeats ad nauseam
Пример #2
# port for the UDP connection to bind to
UDP_PORT = 10008

# bridge setup

# set up the serial port for communication with
# the yun's microprocessor
print "Setup the Arduino bridge..."
bridge = BridgeClient()
# Very important! Without this comannd, communication will work
# but will be significantly slower, since it will open and close
# sockets in each function.
addr = None

print "Setup the UDP Socket..."
# set up UDP server. Python can do a simple server
# in just a few lines..
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,    # Internet
                     socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock.bind(("", UDP_PORT))

# loop

#repeats ad nauseam