Пример #1
 def test_byFilters_bySubring_byTransport_wrong_subhashring_no_transport(self):
     """Filtering byTransport('voltron') and bySubring(HMAC, 2, 2) when the
     Bridge has no transports and is assigned to sub-hashring 1-of-2
     should return False.
     filtre = filters.byFilters([filters.bySubring(self.hmac, 2, 2),
Пример #2
 def test_byFilters_bySubring_byTransport_correct_subhashring_with_transport(self):
     """Filtering byTransport('voltron') and bySubring(HMAC, 1, 2) when the
     Bridge has a voltron transport and is assigned to sub-hashring 1-of-2
     should return True.
     filtre = filters.byFilters([filters.bySubring(self.hmac, 1, 2),
Пример #3
 def test_byFilters_bySubring_byTransport_correct_subhashring_no_transport(
     """Filtering byTransport('voltron') and bySubring(HMAC, 1, 2) when the
     Bridge has no transports and is assigned to sub-hashring 1-of-2
     should return False.
     filtre = filters.byFilters([
         filters.bySubring(self.hmac, 1, 2),
Пример #4
 def test_byFilters_bySubring_byTransport_wrong_subhashring_with_transport(
     """Filtering byTransport('voltron') and bySubring(HMAC, 2, 2) when the
     Bridge has a voltron transport and is assigned to sub-hashring 1-of-2
     should return False.
     filtre = filters.byFilters([
         filters.bySubring(self.hmac, 2, 2),
Пример #5
    def prepopulateRings(self):
        """Prepopulate this distributor's hashrings and subhashrings with
        logging.info("Prepopulating %s distributor hashrings..." % self.name)

        for filterFn in [byIPv4, byIPv6]:
            ruleset = frozenset([filterFn])
            key = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring")
            ring = BridgeRing(key, self.answerParameters)

        # Since prepopulateRings is called every half hour when the bridge
        # descriptors are re-parsed, we should clean the database then.
Пример #6
    def prepopulateRings(self):
        """Prepopulate this distributor's hashrings and subhashrings with
        logging.info("Prepopulating %s distributor hashrings..." % self.name)

        for filterFn in [byIPv4, byIPv6]:
            ruleset = frozenset([filterFn])
            key = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring")
            ring = BridgeRing(key, self.answerParameters)
            self.hashring.addRing(ring, ruleset, byFilters([filterFn]),

        # Since prepopulateRings is called every half hour when the bridge
        # descriptors are re-parsed, we should clean the database then.

        logging.info("Bridges allotted for %s distribution: %d"
                     % (self.name, len(self.hashring)))
Пример #7
 def test_byFilters_no_filters(self):
     filtre = filters.byFilters([])
Пример #8
 def test_byFilters_no_filters(self):
     filtre = filters.byFilters([])
Пример #9
    def getBridges(self, bridgeRequest, interval, clock=None):
        """Return a list of bridges to give to a user.

        .. hint:: All checks on the email address (which should be stored in
            the ``bridgeRequest.client`` attribute), such as checks for
            whitelisting and canonicalization of domain name, are done in
            :meth:`bridgedb.distributors.email.autoresponder.getMailTo` and

        :type bridgeRequest:
        :param bridgeRequest: A
            :class:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase` with the
            :data:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase.client` attribute
            set to a string containing the client's full, canonicalized email
        :type interval: str
        :param interval: The time period when we got this request. This can be
            any string, so long as it changes with every period.
        :type clock: :api:`twisted.internet.task.Clock`
        :param clock: If given, use the clock to ask what time it is, rather
            than :api:`time.time`. This should likely only be used for
        :rtype: :any:`list` or ``None``
        :returns: A list of :class:`~bridgedb.bridges.Bridges` for the
            ``bridgeRequest.client``, if allowed.  Otherwise, returns ``None``.
        if (not bridgeRequest.client) or (bridgeRequest.client == 'default'):
            raise addr.BadEmail(
                ("%s distributor can't get bridges for invalid email address: "
                 "%s") % (self.name, bridgeRequest.client), bridgeRequest.client)

        logging.info("Attempting to get bridges for %s..." % bridgeRequest.client)

        now = time.time()

        if clock:
            now = clock.seconds()

        with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db:
            wasWarned = db.getWarnedEmail(bridgeRequest.client)
            lastSaw = db.getEmailTime(bridgeRequest.client)
            if lastSaw is not None:
                if bridgeRequest.client in self.whitelist:
                        "Whitelisted address %s was last seen %d seconds ago."
                        % (bridgeRequest.client, now - lastSaw))
                elif (lastSaw + self.emailRateMax) >= now:
                    wait = (lastSaw + self.emailRateMax) - now
                    logging.info("Client %s must wait another %d seconds."
                                 % (bridgeRequest.client, wait))
                    if wasWarned:
                        raise IgnoreEmail(
                            "Client %s was warned." % bridgeRequest.client,
                        logging.info("Sending duplicate request warning.")
                        db.setWarnedEmail(bridgeRequest.client, True, now)
                        raise TooSoonEmail("Must wait %d seconds" % wait,
            # warning period is over
            elif wasWarned:
                db.setWarnedEmail(bridgeRequest.client, False)

            pos = self.emailHmac("<%s>%s" % (interval, bridgeRequest.client))

            ring = None
            filtres = frozenset(bridgeRequest.filters)
            if filtres in self.hashring.filterRings:
                logging.debug("Cache hit %s" % filtres)
                _, ring = self.hashring.filterRings[filtres]
                logging.debug("Cache miss %s" % filtres)
                key = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring")
                ring = BridgeRing(key, self.answerParameters)
                self.hashring.addRing(ring, filtres, byFilters(filtres),

            returnNum = self.bridgesPerResponse(ring)
            result = ring.getBridges(pos, returnNum, filterBySubnet=False)

            db.setEmailTime(bridgeRequest.client, now)

        return result
Пример #10
    def getBridges(self, bridgeRequest, interval, clock=None):
        """Return a list of bridges to give to a user.

        .. hint:: All checks on the email address (which should be stored in
            the ``bridgeRequest.client`` attribute), such as checks for
            whitelisting and canonicalization of domain name, are done in
            :meth:`bridgedb.distributors.email.autoresponder.getMailTo` and

        :type bridgeRequest:
        :param bridgeRequest: A
            :class:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase` with the
            :data:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase.client` attribute
            set to a string containing the client's full, canonicalized email
        :type interval: str
        :param interval: The time period when we got this request. This can be
            any string, so long as it changes with every period.
        :type clock: :api:`twisted.internet.task.Clock`
        :param clock: If given, use the clock to ask what time it is, rather
            than :api:`time.time`. This should likely only be used for
        :rtype: :any:`list` or ``None``
        :returns: A list of :class:`~bridgedb.bridges.Bridge` for the
            ``bridgeRequest.client``, if allowed.  Otherwise, returns ``None``.
        if (not bridgeRequest.client) or (bridgeRequest.client == 'default'):
            raise addr.BadEmail(
                ("%s distributor can't get bridges for invalid email address: "
                 "%s") % (self.name, bridgeRequest.client),

        logging.info("Attempting to get bridges for %s..." %

        now = time.time()

        if clock:
            now = clock.seconds()

        with bridgedb.Storage.getDB() as db:
            wasWarned = db.getWarnedEmail(bridgeRequest.client)
            lastSaw = db.getEmailTime(bridgeRequest.client)
            if lastSaw is not None:
                if bridgeRequest.client in self.whitelist:
                        "Whitelisted address %s was last seen %d seconds ago."
                        % (bridgeRequest.client, now - lastSaw))
                elif (lastSaw + self.emailRateMax) >= now:
                    wait = (lastSaw + self.emailRateMax) - now
                    logging.info("Client %s must wait another %d seconds." %
                                 (bridgeRequest.client, wait))
                    if wasWarned:
                        raise IgnoreEmail(
                            "Client %s was warned." % bridgeRequest.client,
                        logging.info("Sending duplicate request warning.")
                        db.setWarnedEmail(bridgeRequest.client, True, now)
                        raise TooSoonEmail("Must wait %d seconds" % wait,
            # warning period is over
            elif wasWarned:
                db.setWarnedEmail(bridgeRequest.client, False)

            pos = self.emailHmac("<%s>%s" % (interval, bridgeRequest.client))

            ring = None
            filtres = frozenset(bridgeRequest.filters)
            if filtres in self.hashring.filterRings:
                logging.debug("Cache hit %s" % filtres)
                _, ring = self.hashring.filterRings[filtres]
                logging.debug("Cache miss %s" % filtres)
                key = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring")
                ring = BridgeRing(key, self.answerParameters)

            returnNum = self.bridgesPerResponse(ring)
            result = ring.getBridges(pos, returnNum, filterBySubnet=False)

            db.setEmailTime(bridgeRequest.client, now)

        return result
Пример #11
    def getBridges(self, bridgeRequest, interval):
        """Return a list of bridges to give to a user.

        :type bridgeRequest: :class:`bridgedb.https.request.HTTPSBridgeRequest`
        :param bridgeRequest: A :class:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase`
            with the :data:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase.client`
            attribute set to a string containing the client's IP address.
        :param str interval: The time period when we got this request.  This
            can be any string, so long as it changes with every period.
        :rtype: list
        :return: A list of :class:`~bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge`s to include in
            the response. See
            for an example of how this is used.
        logging.info("Attempting to get bridges for %s..." %

        if not len(self.hashring):
            logging.warn("Bailing! Hashring has zero bridges!")
            return []

        usingProxy = False

        # First, check if the client's IP is one of the known :data:`proxies`:
        if bridgeRequest.client in self.proxies:
            # The tag is a tag applied to a proxy IP address when it is added
            # to the bridgedb.proxy.ProxySet. For Tor Exit relays, the default
            # is 'exit_relay'. For other proxies loaded from the
            # PROXY_LIST_FILES config option, the default tag is the full
            # filename that the IP address originally came from.
            usingProxy = True
            tag = self.proxies.getTag(bridgeRequest.client)
            logging.info("Client was from known proxy (tag: %s): %s" %
                         (tag, bridgeRequest.client))

        subnet = self.getSubnet(bridgeRequest.client, usingProxy)
        subring = self.mapSubnetToSubring(subnet, usingProxy)
        position = self.mapClientToHashringPosition(interval, subnet)
        filters = self._buildHashringFilters(bridgeRequest.filters, subring)

        logging.debug("Client request within time interval: %s" % interval)
        logging.debug("Assigned client to subhashring %d/%d" %
                      (subring, self.totalSubrings))
        logging.debug("Assigned client to subhashring position: %s" %
        logging.debug("Total bridges: %d" % len(self.hashring))
        logging.debug("Bridge filters: %s" %
                      ' '.join([x.func_name for x in filters]))

        # Check wheth we have a cached copy of the hashring:
        if filters in self.hashring.filterRings.keys():
            logging.debug("Cache hit %s" % filters)
            _, ring = self.hashring.filterRings[filters]
        # Otherwise, construct a new hashring and populate it:
            logging.debug("Cache miss %s" % filters)
            key1 = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring-%d" % subring)
            ring = BridgeRing(key1, self.answerParameters)

        # Determine the appropriate number of bridges to give to the client:
        returnNum = self.bridgesPerResponse(ring)
        answer = ring.getBridges(position, returnNum)

        return answer
Пример #12
    def prepopulateRings(self):
        """Prepopulate this distributor's hashrings and subhashrings with

        The hashring structure for this distributor is influenced by the
        ``N_IP_CLUSTERS`` configuration option, as well as the number of

        Essentially, :data:`totalSubrings` is set to the specified
        ``N_IP_CLUSTERS``.  All of the ``PROXY_LIST_FILES``, plus the list of
        Tor Exit relays (downloaded into memory with :script:`get-tor-exits`),
        are stored in :data:`proxies`, and the latter is added as an
        additional cluster (such that :data:`totalSubrings` becomes
        ``N_IP_CLUSTERS + 1``).  The number of subhashrings which this
        :class:`Distributor` has active in its hashring is then
        :data:`totalSubrings`, where the last cluster is reserved for all

        As an example, if BridgeDB was configured with ``N_IP_CLUSTERS=4`` and
        ``PROXY_LIST_FILES=["open-socks-proxies.txt"]``, then the total number
        of subhashrings is five — four for the "clusters", and one for the
        :data:`proxies`. Thus, the resulting hashring-subhashring structure
        would look like:

        |                  |               Directly connecting users           | Tor / known |
        |                  |                                                   | proxy users |
        | Clusters         | Cluster-1  | Cluster-2  | Cluster-3  | Cluster-4  | Cluster-5   |
        | Subhashrings     |            |            |            |            |             |
        | (total, assigned)| (5,1)      | (5,2)      | (5,3)      | (5,4)      | (5,5)       |
        | Filtered         | (5,1)-IPv4 | (5,2)-IPv4 | (5,3)-IPv4 | (5,4)-IPv4 | (5,5)-IPv4  |
        | Subhashrings     |            |            |            |            |             |
        | bBy requested    +------------+------------+------------+------------+-------------+
        | bridge type)     | (5,1)-IPv6 | (5,2)-IPv6 | (5,3)-IPv6 | (5,4)-IPv6 | (5,5)-IPv6  |
        |                  |            |            |            |            |             |

        The "filtered subhashrings" are essentially filtered copies of their
        respective subhashring, such that they only contain bridges which
        support IPv4 or IPv6, respectively.  Additionally, the contents of
        ``(5,1)-IPv4`` and ``(5,1)-IPv6`` sets are *not* disjoint.

        Thus, in this example, we end up with **10 total subhashrings**.
        logging.info("Prepopulating %s distributor hashrings..." % self.name)

        for filterFn in [byIPv4, byIPv6]:
            for subring in range(1, self.totalSubrings + 1):
                filters = self._buildHashringFilters([
                ], subring)
                key1 = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring-%d" % subring)
                ring = BridgeRing(key1, self.answerParameters)
                # For consistency with previous implementation of this method,
                # only set the "name" for "clusters" which are for this
                # distributor's proxies:
                if subring == self.proxySubring:
                    ring.setName('{0} Proxy Ring'.format(self.name))
Пример #13
    def getBridges(self, bridgeRequest, interval):
        """Return a list of bridges to give to a user.

        :type bridgeRequest: :class:`bridgedb.distributors.https.request.HTTPSBridgeRequest`
        :param bridgeRequest: A :class:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase`
            with the :data:`~bridgedb.bridgerequest.BridgeRequestBase.client`
            attribute set to a string containing the client's IP address.
        :param str interval: The time period when we got this request.  This
            can be any string, so long as it changes with every period.
        :rtype: list
        :return: A list of :class:`~bridgedb.Bridges.Bridge`s to include in
            the response. See
            for an example of how this is used.
        logging.info("Attempting to get bridges for %s..." % bridgeRequest.client)

        if not len(self.hashring):
            logging.warn("Bailing! Hashring has zero bridges!")
            return []

        usingProxy = False

        # First, check if the client's IP is one of the known :data:`proxies`:
        if bridgeRequest.client in self.proxies:
            # The tag is a tag applied to a proxy IP address when it is added
            # to the bridgedb.proxy.ProxySet. For Tor Exit relays, the default
            # is 'exit_relay'. For other proxies loaded from the
            # PROXY_LIST_FILES config option, the default tag is the full
            # filename that the IP address originally came from.
            usingProxy = True
            tag = self.proxies.getTag(bridgeRequest.client)
            logging.info("Client was from known proxy (tag: %s): %s" %
                         (tag, bridgeRequest.client))

        subnet = self.getSubnet(bridgeRequest.client, usingProxy)
        subring = self.mapSubnetToSubring(subnet, usingProxy)
        position = self.mapClientToHashringPosition(interval, subnet)
        filters = self._buildHashringFilters(bridgeRequest.filters, subring)

        logging.debug("Client request within time interval: %s" % interval)
        logging.debug("Assigned client to subhashring %d/%d" % (subring, self.totalSubrings))
        logging.debug("Assigned client to subhashring position: %s" % position.encode('hex'))
        logging.debug("Total bridges: %d" % len(self.hashring))
        logging.debug("Bridge filters: %s" % ' '.join([x.func_name for x in filters]))

        # Check wheth we have a cached copy of the hashring:
        if filters in self.hashring.filterRings.keys():
            logging.debug("Cache hit %s" % filters)
            _, ring = self.hashring.filterRings[filters]
        # Otherwise, construct a new hashring and populate it:
            logging.debug("Cache miss %s" % filters)
            key1 = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring-%d" % subring)
            ring = BridgeRing(key1, self.answerParameters)
            self.hashring.addRing(ring, filters, byFilters(filters),

        # Determine the appropriate number of bridges to give to the client:
        returnNum = self.bridgesPerResponse(ring)
        answer = ring.getBridges(position, returnNum, filterBySubnet=True)

        return answer
Пример #14
    def prepopulateRings(self):
        """Prepopulate this distributor's hashrings and subhashrings with

        The hashring structure for this distributor is influenced by the
        ``N_IP_CLUSTERS`` configuration option, as well as the number of

        Essentially, :data:`totalSubrings` is set to the specified
        ``N_IP_CLUSTERS``.  All of the ``PROXY_LIST_FILES``, plus the list of
        Tor Exit relays (downloaded into memory with :script:`get-tor-exits`),
        are stored in :data:`proxies`, and the latter is added as an
        additional cluster (such that :data:`totalSubrings` becomes
        ``N_IP_CLUSTERS + 1``).  The number of subhashrings which this
        :class:`Distributor` has active in its hashring is then
        :data:`totalSubrings`, where the last cluster is reserved for all

        As an example, if BridgeDB was configured with ``N_IP_CLUSTERS=4`` and
        ``PROXY_LIST_FILES=["open-socks-proxies.txt"]``, then the total number
        of subhashrings is five — four for the "clusters", and one for the
        :data:`proxies`. Thus, the resulting hashring-subhashring structure
        would look like:

        |                  |               Directly connecting users           | Tor / known |
        |                  |                                                   | proxy users |
        | Clusters         | Cluster-1  | Cluster-2  | Cluster-3  | Cluster-4  | Cluster-5   |
        | Subhashrings     |            |            |            |            |             |
        | (total, assigned)| (5,1)      | (5,2)      | (5,3)      | (5,4)      | (5,5)       |
        | Filtered         | (5,1)-IPv4 | (5,2)-IPv4 | (5,3)-IPv4 | (5,4)-IPv4 | (5,5)-IPv4  |
        | Subhashrings     |            |            |            |            |             |
        | bBy requested    +------------+------------+------------+------------+-------------+
        | bridge type)     | (5,1)-IPv6 | (5,2)-IPv6 | (5,3)-IPv6 | (5,4)-IPv6 | (5,5)-IPv6  |
        |                  |            |            |            |            |             |

        The "filtered subhashrings" are essentially filtered copies of their
        respective subhashring, such that they only contain bridges which
        support IPv4 or IPv6, respectively.  Additionally, the contents of
        ``(5,1)-IPv4`` and ``(5,1)-IPv6`` sets are *not* disjoint.

        Thus, in this example, we end up with **10 total subhashrings**.
        logging.info("Prepopulating %s distributor hashrings..." % self.name)

        for filterFn in [byIPv4, byIPv6]:
            for subring in range(1, self.totalSubrings + 1):
                filters = self._buildHashringFilters([filterFn,], subring)
                key1 = getHMAC(self.key, "Order-Bridges-In-Ring-%d" % subring)
                ring = BridgeRing(key1, self.answerParameters)
                # For consistency with previous implementation of this method,
                # only set the "name" for "clusters" which are for this
                # distributor's proxies:
                if subring == self.proxySubring:
                    ring.setName('{0} Proxy Ring'.format(self.name))
                self.hashring.addRing(ring, filters, byFilters(filters),

        logging.info("Bridges allotted for %s distribution: %d"
                     % (self.name, len(self.hashring)))

        logging.info("\tNum bridges:\tFilter set:")
        for (ringname, (filterFn, subring)) in self.hashring.filterRings.items():
            filterSet = ' '.join(self.hashring.extractFilterNames(ringname))
            logging.info("\t%2d bridges\t%s" % (len(subring), filterSet))

        logging.info("Total subrings for %s: %d"
                     % (self.name, len(self.hashring.filterRings)))