def discover_and_dump_for_config(config): AC = AcToMqtt.AcToMqtt(config) devices = yaml_devices = [] if devices == {}: print ("No devices found, make sure you are on same network broadcast segment as device/s") sys.exit() print ("*********** start copy below ************") for device in devices.values(): yaml_devices.append( {'name''ascii','ignore'), 'ip'[0] ,'port'[1] ,'mac':device.status['macaddress']} ) print (yaml.dump({'devices':yaml_devices})) print ("*********** stop copy above ************") sys.exit()
def start(): ##Handle signal init_signal() ##Just some defaults ##Defaults global AC devices = {} # Argument parsing parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Aircon To MQTT v%s : Mqtt publisher of Duhnham Bush on the Pi.' % softwareversion) ##HomeAssistant stuff parser.add_argument("-Hd", "--dumphaconfig", help="Dump the devices as a HA manual config entry", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-Hat", "--mqtt_auto_discovery_topic", help= "If specified, will Send the MQTT autodiscovery config for all devices to topic" ) parser.add_argument("-b", "--background", help="Run in background", action="store_true", default=False) ##Config helpers parser.add_argument("-S", "--discoverdump", help="Discover devices and dump config", action="store_true", default=False) #parser.add_argument("-dh", "--devicehost", help='Aircon Host IP, Default: %s ' % ac_host) #parser.add_argument("-dm", "--devicemac", help="Ac Mac Address, Default: %s" % ac_mac) ##MQTT stuff parser.add_argument("-ms", "--mqttserver", help='Mqtt Server, Default:') parser.add_argument("-mp", "--mqttport", help="Mqtt Port") parser.add_argument("-mU", "--mqttuser", help="Mqtt User") parser.add_argument("-mP", "--mqttpassword", help="Mqtt Password") ##Generic parser.add_argument("-s", "--discover", help="Discover devices", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set logging level to debug", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="Print Verions", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-dir", "--data_dir", help="Data Folder -- Default to folder script is located", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", help= "Config file path -- Default to folder script is located + 'config.yml'", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--logfile", help="Logfile path -- Default to logs folder script is located", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-T", "--test", help="send test set temperature packet, for testing only", action="store_true", default=False) ##Parse args args = parser.parse_args() ##Set the base path, if set use it, otherwise default to running folder if args.data_dir: if os.path.exists(args.data_dir): data_dir = args.data_dir else: print("Path Not found for Datadir: %s" % (args.data_dir)) sys.exit() else: data_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ##Config File if args.config: if os.path.exists(args.config): config_file_path = args.config else: print("Config file not found: %s" % (args.config)) sys.exit() else: if os.path.exists(data_dir + '/settings/config.yml'): config_file_path = data_dir + '/settings/config.yml' else: config_file_path = data_dir + '/config.yml' ##LogFile if args.logfile: log_file_path = args.config else: log_file_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/log/out.log' log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO init_logging(log_level, log_file_path) logger.debug("%s v%s is starting up" % (__file__, softwareversion)) logLevel = { 0: 'NOTSET', 10: 'DEBUG', 20: 'INFO', 30: 'WARNING', 40: 'ERROR' } logger.debug('Loglevel set to ' + logLevel[logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()]) ##Apply the config, then if arguments, override the config values with args config = read_config(config_file_path) ##Print verions if args.version: print("Monitor Version: %s, Class version:%s" % (softwareversion, ac_db_version.version)) sys.exit() ##Mqtt Host if args.mqttserver: config["mqtt_host"] = args.mqttserver ##Mqtt Port if args.mqttport: config["mqtt_port"] = args.mqttport ##Mqtt User if args.mqttuser: config["mqtt_user"] = args.mqttuser ##Mqtt Password if args.mqttpassword: config["mqtt_password"] = args.mqttpassword ##Mqtt auto discovery topic if args.mqtt_auto_discovery_topic: config["mqtt_auto_discovery_topic"] = args.mqtt_auto_discovery_topic ##Self Discovery if config["self_discovery"] = True if args.discoverdump: discover_and_dump_for_config(config) ##Deamon Mode if args.background: config["daemon_mode"] = True ##mmmm.. this looks dodgy.. but i'm not python expert AC = AcToMqtt.AcToMqtt(config) ##Just do a test if args.test: AC.test(config) sys.exit() try: ##Make sure not already running stop_if_already_running()"Starting Monitor...") # Start and run the mainloop logger.debug("Starting mainloop, responding on only events") ##Connect to Mqtt AC.connect_mqtt() if config["self_discovery"]: devices = else: devices = AC.make_device_objects(config['devices']) if args.dumphaconfig: AC.dump_homeassistant_config_from_devices(devices) sys.exit() ##Publish mqtt auto discovery if topic set if config["mqtt_auto_discovery_topic"]: AC.publish_mqtt_auto_discovery(devices) ##One loop do_loop = True if config["daemon_mode"] else False ##Run main loop while do_loop: running = True AC.start(config, devices) touch_pid_file() running = False except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.debug("User Keyboard interuped") except Exception as e: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error(e) finally: ##cleanup stop()