Пример #1
def test_browser_argument(browser_arg, capsys, platform):
    """Test arguments for the browser option."""
    for browser_opt in VALID_CMD_OPTS[2]:
            if get_browser(browser_arg) is None:
                # if browser is in VALID_BROWSER_ARG but not supported on
                # current platform it will throw a SystemExit so lets raise
                # an AssertionError and handle it like the rest
                raise AssertionError("browser is unavailable")
            cli([browser_opt, browser_arg])
            captured = capsys.readouterr()
            assert CSV_HISTORY_HEADER in captured.out
        except AssertionError as e:
            if any(browser_unavailable_err in e.args[0]
                   for browser_unavailable_err in ("browser is not supported",
                                                   "browser is not installed",
                                                   "browser is unavailable")):
                # In case the tester does not have access to the browser
                # in question, which makes the command fail, but in a way
                # that is expected and gives a recognised error message.
                pytest.skip("Unable to test against {} browser because it is "
                            "not available locally".format(browser_opt))
            else:  # command fails for another reason i.e. a test failure
                    "{} browser is available but the command to fetch "
                    "the history from it has failed.".format(browser_opt))
Пример #2
def test_format_argument(capsys, platform):
    """Tests arguments for the format option."""
    # First check format of default:
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    csv_output = captured.out
    # Sniffer determines format, less intensive than reading in csv.reader
    # and we don't mind the CSV dialect, so just check call doesn't error
    read_csv = csv.Sniffer()
    # This gives '_csv.Error: Could not determine delimiter' if not a csv file
    read_csv.sniff(csv_output, delimiters=",")
    assert read_csv.has_header(
    ), "CSV format missing heading with type followed by column names."

    for fmt_opt in VALID_CMD_OPTS[3]:
        for fmt_arg in VALID_FORMAT_ARGS:
            cli([fmt_opt, fmt_arg])
            output = capsys.readouterr().out
            if fmt_arg in ("csv", "infer"):  # infer gives csv if no file
                read_csv.sniff(output, delimiters=",")
                assert read_csv.has_header(output)
                assert CSV_HISTORY_HEADER in output
            elif fmt_arg == "json":
            elif fmt_arg == "jsonl":
                # Newline-delimited json so test each line is valid json
                for line in output.splitlines():
Пример #3
def test_help_option(capsys):
    """Test the command-line help provided to the user on request."""
    for help_opt in VALID_CMD_OPTS[0]:
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
            output = capsys.readouterr()
            assert HELP_SIGNATURE in output
            assert e.value.code == 0
Пример #4
def test_firefox_windows_profile(capsys, become_windows, change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test -p/--profile for Firefox on Windows"""
    cli(["-b", "firefox", "-p", "Profile 2"])

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.startswith("Timestamp,URL")
    assert out.endswith("https://www.reddit.com/\r\n\n")
    assert err == ""
Пример #5
def test_argument_combinations(capsys, platform, browser):
    """Test that combinations of optional arguments work properly."""
    # Choose some representative combinations. No need to test every one.
    indices = (0, 1)
    available_browser = _get_browser_available_on_system()
    # To test combos of short or long option variants
    for index_a, index_b in itertools.product(indices, indices):
        if available_browser:
                        VALID_CMD_OPTS[1][index_a],  # type
                        VALID_TYPE_ARGS[1],  # ... is bookmarks,
                        VALID_CMD_OPTS[2][index_a],  # browser
                        browser,  # ... is any usable on system
            except AssertionError as e:
                if any(
                    browser_unavailable_err in e.args[0]
                    for browser_unavailable_err in (
                        "browser is not supported",
                        "browser is not installed",
                        "Bookmarks are not supported",
                    # In case the tester does not have access to the browser
                    # in question, which makes the command fail, but in a way
                    # that is expected and gives a recognised error message.
                        "Unable to test against {} browser because it is "
                        "not available locally".format(browser)
                else:  # command fails for another reason i.e. a test failure
                        "{} browser is available but the command to fetch "
                        "the history from it has failed.".format(browser)
            output = capsys.readouterr().out

            read_csv = csv.Sniffer()
            read_csv.sniff(output, delimiters=",")
            assert read_csv.has_header(output)
        else:  # unlikely but catch just in case can't use any browser
            for _ in range(3):  # to cover all three assert tests above
                pytest.skip("No browsers available to test with")
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
            # This command should write to the given output file:
                    VALID_CMD_OPTS[3][index_b],  # format
                    VALID_FORMAT_ARGS[2],  # ... is json,
                    VALID_CMD_OPTS[4][index_b],  # output
                    tmpdir + "out.json",  # ... is a named file
            with open(tmpdir + "out.json", "rb") as f:
Пример #6
def test_firefox_windows_profile_bookmarks(
    capsys, become_windows, change_homedir  # noqa: F81
    """Test -p/--profile for Firefox on Windows, for bookmarks"""
    cli(["-b", "firefox", "-p", "Profile 1", "-t", "bookmarks"])

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.startswith("Timestamp,URL,Title,Folder")
    assert err == ""
Пример #7
def test_output_argument(capsys, platform):
    """Test arguments for the output option."""
    for output_opt in VALID_CMD_OPTS[4]:
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
            cli([output_opt, tmpdir + "out.csv"])
            output = capsys.readouterr().out
            # Check output was not sent to STDOUT since should go to file
            assert HISTORY_HEADER not in output
            with open(tmpdir + "out.csv", "rt") as f:  # now check the file
                assert HISTORY_HEADER in f.read()
Пример #8
def test_firefox_windows_profiles(capsys, become_windows, change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test --show-profiles option for Firefox on Windows"""
    out = None
        cli(["--show-profiles", "firefox"])
    except SystemExit:
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        out = captured.out

    assert out.strip() == "Profile 1\nProfile 2"
Пример #9
def test_chrome_linux_profiles(capsys, become_linux, change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test --show-profiles option for Chrome on linux"""
    out = None
        cli(["--show-profiles", "chrome"])
    except SystemExit:
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        out = captured.out

    assert out.strip() == "Profile"
Пример #10
def test_chromium_linux_profiles(capsys, become_linux, change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test --show-profiles option for Chromium on linux"""
    out = None
        cli(["--show-profiles", "chromium"])
    except SystemExit:
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        out = captured.out
    # use set to make the comparison order-insensitive
    profiles = set(out.strip().split("\n"))
    assert profiles == {"Default", "Profile"}
Пример #11
def test_type_argument(capsys, platform):
    """Test arguments for the type option."""
    for type_opt in VALID_CMD_OPTS[1]:
        for type_arg in VALID_TYPE_ARGS:
            cli([type_opt, type_arg])
            captured = capsys.readouterr()
            if type_arg == "history":
                # assuming csv is default
                assert captured.out.startswith(CSV_HISTORY_HEADER)
            if type_arg == "bookmarks":
                assert captured.out.startswith(CSV_BOOKMARKS_HEADER)
Пример #12
def test_firefox_windows_profiles(capsys, become_windows,
                                  change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test --show-profiles option for Firefox on Windows"""
    out = None
        cli(["--show-profiles", "firefox"])
    except SystemExit:
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        out = captured.out

    # use set to make the comparison order-insensitive
    profiles = set(out.strip().split("\n"))
    assert profiles == {"Profile 1", "Profile 2"}
Пример #13
def test_safari_mac_profiles(caplog, become_mac, change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test --show-profiles option for Safari on Mac

    This test checks for failure with a error code 1
        cli(["--show-profiles", "safari"])
    except SystemExit as e:
        assert e.code == 1

    assert len(caplog.records) > 0
    for record in caplog.records:
        assert record.levelname == "CRITICAL"
        assert record.message == "Safari browser does not support profiles"
Пример #14
def test_firefox_windows_profile_invalid_type(caplog, type_arg):  # noqa: F811
    """Test -p/--profile option with a nonexistent profile"""
        cli(["-b", "firefox", "-p", "Profile 1", "-t", type_arg])
    except SystemExit as e:
        assert e.code == 1

    assert len(caplog.records) > 0
    for record in caplog.records:
        assert record.levelname == "CRITICAL"
        assert re.match(
            r"Type .* is unavailable. Check --help for available types",
Пример #15
def test_profile_safari(caplog, become_mac, profile_arg):  # noqa: F811
    """Test -p/--profile option with Safari on all platforms.

    Since Safari does not support profiles, the test checks for failure
        cli(["-b", "safari", profile_arg, "some_profile"])
    except SystemExit as e:
        assert e.code == 1

    assert len(caplog.records) > 0
    for record in caplog.records:
        assert record.levelname == "CRITICAL"
        assert record.message == "Safari browser does not support profiles"
Пример #16
def test_show_profiles_all(caplog, platform):  # noqa: F811
    """Test --show-profile option with "all" parameter which should fail with
    error code 1.
        cli(["--show-profiles", "all"])
    except SystemExit as e:
        assert e.code == 1

    assert len(caplog.records) > 0
    for record in caplog.records:
        assert record.levelname == "CRITICAL"
        assert (record.message == "'all' cannot be used with --show-profiles, "
                "please specify a single browser")
Пример #17
def test_show_profiles_invalid(caplog, browser_arg):  # noqa: F811
    """Test --show-profile option with "all" parameter which should fail with
    error code 1.
        cli(["--show-profiles", browser_arg])
    except SystemExit as e:
        assert e.code == 1

    assert len(caplog.records) > 0
    for record in caplog.records:
        assert record.levelname == "ERROR"
        assert record.message.endswith(
            "browser is unavailable. Check --help for available browsers")
Пример #18
def test_profile_nonexistent(caplog, platform, profile_arg, profile_name,
                             browser):  # noqa: F811
    """Test -p/--profile option with a nonexistent profile"""
        cli(["-b", browser, profile_arg, profile_name])
    except SystemExit as e:
        assert e.code == 1

    assert len(caplog.records) > 0
    for record in caplog.records:
        assert record.levelname == "CRITICAL"
        assert re.match(
            r"Profile '.*' not found in .* browser or profile does not contain history",
Пример #19
def test_profile_all(capsys, platform, profile_arg):  # noqa: F811
    """Test -p/--profile option with "all" option on all platforms.

    Since the "all" option is not valid, the test checks for exit failure
        cli([profile_arg, "all"])
    except SystemExit as e:
        assert e.code == 2

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out == ""
    assert err.strip().endswith(
        "Cannot use --profile option without specifying"
        " a browser or with --browser set to 'all'")
Пример #20
def test_invalid_browser(change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test that invalid browsers error correctly."""
    for bad_browser in INVALID_BROWSER_ARGS:
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
            cli(["-b", bad_browser])
            assert e.value.code == 1
Пример #21
def test_invalid_type(change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test that invalid types error correctly."""
    for bad_type in INVALID_TYPE_ARGS:
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
            cli(["-t", bad_type])
            assert e.value.code == 1
Пример #22
def test_invalid_options(change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test that invalid options error correctly."""
    for bad_opt in INVALID_CMD_OPTS:
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
            assert e.value.code == 2
Пример #23
def test_invalid_format(change_homedir):  # noqa: F811
    """Test that invalid formats error correctly."""
    for bad_format in INVALID_FORMAT_ARGS:
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
            cli(["-f", bad_format])
            assert e.value.code == 1
Пример #24
def test_no_argument(capsys, platform):
    """Test the root command gives basic output."""
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert CSV_HISTORY_HEADER in captured.out