class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method
        self.previous_target = []
        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()
        self.node2_index_x = 0
        self.node2_index_y = 0
        self.sonar = SonarDataAggregator()
        self.timeout_happened = 0

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)
        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale

        # Random point

        #if statement that makes the target selection random in case the remaining nodes are two
        if len(nodes) <= 2:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
            return target

        pose_global_x = int(robot_pose['x_px'] - origin['x'] / resolution)
        pose_global_y = int(robot_pose['y_px'] - origin['y'] / resolution)

        #the folowing variables receive the values read by the sonar sensor
        sonar_left = self.sonar.sonar_left_range
        sonar_right = self.sonar.sonar_right_range
        sonar_front = self.sonar.sonar_front_range

        #a total sum is calculated for the front,right and left sonar sensors
        sonar_sum = sonar_left + sonar_right + sonar_front
        numrows = ogm.shape[1]
        numcols = ogm.shape[0]

        #if statement used in case the robot is in a tight spot and determines the target in the direction there is maximum space
        if sonar_sum < 1.2:
            target = self.sonar_avoidance(pose_global_x, pose_global_y, ogm,
                                          numcols, numrows)
            return target

        #in case of a time out or a failure in path planning
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
            target = [
                self.node2_index_x, self.node2_index_y
            ]  #sets the current target as the previously calculated second best-scored target
            if self.timeout_happened == 1:
                target = self.sonar_avoidance(pose_global_x, pose_global_y,
                                              ogm, numcols, numrows)
                self.timeout_happened = 0
                return target
            self.timeout_happened = 1
            return target

        sum_min = 10000000
        dist_min = 10000000
        node_index_x = 0  #x value of the node with the lowest total cost
        node_index_y = 0  #y value of the node with the lowest total cost
        topo_cost = []  #list of topological costs for each node
        dist_cost = []  #list of distance costs for each node
        cov_cost = []  #list of coverage costs for each node

        #using the brushfire array in order to calculate topology cost for each node
        for n in nodes:
            sum_temp = 0
            index = n[1] + 1
            while brush[n[0], index] != 0:
                sum_temp += 1
                index += 1
                if index == numrows - 1:  #numrows
            index = n[1] - 1
            while brush[n[0], index] != 0:
                sum_temp += 1
                index -= 1
                if index == 0:
            index = n[0] + 1
            while brush[index, n[1]] != 0:
                sum_temp += 1
                index += 1
                if index == numcols - 1:  #numcols
            index = n[0] - 1
            while brush[index, n[1]] != 0:
                sum_temp += 1
                index -= 1
                if index == 0:

            topo_cost.append(sum_temp / 4)

        #using the coverage array in order to calculate coverage cost for each node
        numrows = len(coverage)
        numcols = len(coverage[0])
        for n in nodes:
            total_sum = 0
            sum_temp = 0
            index = n[1] + 1
            if index >= numrows or n[0] >= numcols:
                total_sum = 5000
            while coverage[n[0], index] != 100:
                sum_temp += 1
                index += 1
                if index >= numcols - 1:  #numrows-1:
            total_sum += sum_temp * coverage[n[0], index] / 100
            index = n[1] - 1
            sum_temp = 0
            while coverage[n[0], index] != 100:
                sum_temp += 1
                index -= 1
                if index == 0:
            total_sum += sum_temp * coverage[n[0], index] / 100
            index = n[0] + 1
            sum_temp = 0
            if index >= numcols or n[1] >= numrows:
                total_sum = 5000

            while coverage[index, n[1]] != 100:
                sum_temp += 1
                index += 1
                if index >= numrows - 1:  #numcols-1
            total_sum += sum_temp * coverage[index, n[1]] / 100
            index = n[0] - 1
            sum_temp = 0
            while coverage[index, n[1]] != 100:
                sum_temp += 1
                index -= 1
                if index == 0:
            total_sum += sum_temp * coverage[index, n[1]] / 100
            if total_sum == 0:
                total_sum = 5000

            pose_global_x = int(robot_pose['x_px'] - origin['x'] / resolution)
            pose_global_y = int(robot_pose['y_px'] - origin['y'] / resolution)

            #eucledean distance between the robot pose and each node
            dist = math.sqrt(
                math.pow(pose_global_x - n[0], 2) +
                math.pow(pose_global_y - n[1], 2))
        maxi = 0
        for i in range(0, len(cov_cost)):
            if cov_cost[i] != 5000 and cov_cost[i] > maxi:
                maxi = cov_cost[i]
        for i in range(0, len(cov_cost)):
            if cov_cost[i] == 5000:
                cov_cost[i] = maxi * 1.2

        #lists to store the normalized costs for each node
        topo_cost_norm = []
        dist_cost_norm = []
        cov_cost_norm = []
        final_cost = []
        min_final_cost = 1000000

        for i in range(0, len(dist_cost)):
            topo_cost_norm.append((np.float(topo_cost[i] - min(topo_cost)) /
                                   np.float(max(topo_cost) - min(topo_cost))))
            dist_cost_norm.append((dist_cost[i] - min(dist_cost)) /
                                  (max(dist_cost) - min(dist_cost)))
            if np.float(max(cov_cost) - min(cov_cost)) != 0:
                cov_cost_norm.append((np.float(cov_cost[i] - min(cov_cost)) /
                                      np.float(max(cov_cost) - min(cov_cost))))
            if max(cov_cost) != min(cov_cost):
                    4 * topo_cost_norm[i] + 2 * dist_cost_norm[i] +
                    4 * cov_cost_norm[i]
                )  #optimal factor values in order to determine the best node to approach
                    6 * topo_cost_norm[i] + 4 * dist_cost_norm[i]
                )  # exception if statement for the case coverage array cannot be used yet

            if (final_cost[i] < min_final_cost):
                min_final_cost = final_cost[i]
                self.node2_index_x = node_index_x  #storing the second best node to approach in case of path planning failure or time out
                self.node2_index_y = node_index_y  #
                node_index_x = nodes[i][0]
                node_index_y = nodes[i][1]

        target = [node_index_x, node_index_y]
        #in case current target is the same with the previous , sonar avoidance function is used to modify the robot pose
        if target == self.previous_target:
            target = self.sonar_avoidance(pose_global_x, pose_global_y, ogm,
                                          numcols, numrows)
        self.previous_target = target

        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target

    #sonar_avoidance is a function that calculates the direction the robot should head in order to escape a tight spot
    def sonar_avoidance(self, pose_global_x, pose_global_y, ogm, numcols,

        tally = [
            0, 0, 0, 0
        ]  #a sum is calculated for north,east,south and west direction

        index = pose_global_y + 1
        while ogm[pose_global_x, index] != 100:
            tally[0] = tally[0] + 1
            index += 1
            if index == numrows - 1:  #numrows
        index = pose_global_y - 1
        while ogm[pose_global_x, index] != 100:
            tally[1] = tally[1] + 1
            index -= 1
            if index == 0:
        index = pose_global_x + 1
        while ogm[index, pose_global_y] != 100:
            tally[2] = tally[2] + 1
            index += 1
            if index == numcols - 1:  #numcols
        index = pose_global_x - 1
        while ogm[index, pose_global_y] != 100:
            tally[3] = tally[3] + 1
            index -= 1
            if index == 0:
        index = tally.index(max(tally))
        if index == 0:
            target = [pose_global_x, pose_global_y + (int)(tally[0] / 2)]
            return target
        elif index == 1:
            target = [pose_global_x, pose_global_y - (int)(tally[1] / 2)]
            return target
        elif index == 2:
            target = [pose_global_x + (int)(tally[2] / 2), pose_global_y]
            return target
        elif index == 3:
            target = [pose_global_x - (int)(tally[3] / 2), pose_global_y]
            return target
Пример #2
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

        # Initialize previous target
        self.previous_target = [-1, -1]

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, ros_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale
        # Random point
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
        # Custom point
        elif self.method == 'cost_based':
            g_robot_pose = [robot_pose['x_px'] - int(origin['x'] / resolution),\
                            robot_pose['y_px'] - int(origin['y'] / resolution)]

            # Remove all covered nodes from the candidate list
            nodes = np.array(nodes)
            uncovered_idxs = np.array(
                [coverage[n[0], n[1]] == 0 for n in nodes])
            goals = nodes[uncovered_idxs]

            # Initialize costs
            w_dist = np.full(len(goals), np.inf)
            w_turn = np.full(len(goals), np.inf)
            w_topo = np.full(len(goals), np.inf)
            w_cove = np.full(len(goals), np.inf)

            for idx, node in zip(range(len(goals)), goals):
                subgoals = np.array(
                    self.path_planning.createPath(g_robot_pose, node,

                # If path is empty then skip to the next iteration
                if subgoals.size == 0:

                # subgoals should contain the robot pose, so we don't need to diff it explicitly
                subgoal_vectors = np.diff(subgoals, axis=0)

                # Distance cost
                dists = [math.hypot(v[0], v[1]) for v in subgoal_vectors]
                w_dist[idx] = np.sum(dists)

                # Turning cost
                w_turn[idx] = 0
                theta = robot_pose['th']

                for v in subgoal_vectors[:-1]:
                    st_x, st_y = v
                    theta2 = math.atan2(st_y - g_robot_pose[1],
                                        st_x - g_robot_pose[0])
                    w_turn[idx] += abs(theta2 - theta)
                    theta = theta2

                # Coverage cost
                w_cove[idx] = sum(coverage[x][y] for x, y in subgoal_vectors)

                # Topology cost
                w_topo[idx] = brush[node[0], node[1]]

            # Normalize weights
            w_dist = (w_dist - min(w_dist)) / (max(w_dist) - min(w_dist))
            w_turn = (w_turn - min(w_turn)) / (max(w_turn) - min(w_turn))
            w_cove = (w_cove - min(w_cove)) / (max(w_cove) - min(w_cove))
            w_topo = (w_topo - min(w_topo)) / (max(w_topo) - min(w_topo))

            # Cost weights
            c_topo = 4
            c_dist = 3
            c_cove = 2
            c_turn = 1

            # Calculate combination cost (final)
            cost = c_dist * w_dist + c_turn * w_turn + c_cove * w_cove + c_topo * w_topo
            min_dist, min_idx = min(zip(cost, range(len(cost))))
            target = nodes[min_idx]

            # Check if next target exists and if it exists, check if is close to previous
            if target is None:
                target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush,
                target_dist = math.hypot(target[0] - self.previous_target[0],
                                         target[1] - self.previous_target[1])
                if target_dist <= 5:
                    target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush,
        self.previous_target = target
        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
class TargetSelect:
    def __init__(self):
        self.xLimitUp = 0
        self.xLimitDown = 0
        self.yLimitUp = 0
        self.yLimitDown = 0

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology() = [-1, -1]
        self.previousTarget = [-1, -1]
        self.costs = []

    def targetSelection(self, initOgm, coverage, origin, resolution, robotPose,
            "[Target Select Node] Robot_Pose[x, y, th] = [%f, %f, %f]",
            robotPose['x'], robotPose['y'], robotPose['th'])
        rospy.loginfo("[Target Select Node] OGM_Origin = [%i, %i]",
                      origin['x'], origin['y'])
        rospy.loginfo("[Target Select Node] OGM_Size = [%u, %u]",
                      initOgm.shape[0], initOgm.shape[1])

        #        # willow stuff
        ogm_limits = {}
        #        ogm_limits['min_x'] = 150  # used to be 200
        #        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 800  # used to be 800
        #        ogm_limits['min_y'] = 200
        #        ogm_limits['max_y'] = 800

        #        # corridor
        #        ogm_limits = {}
        #        ogm_limits['min_x'] = 100  # used to be 200
        #        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 500  # used to be 800
        #        ogm_limits['min_y'] = 100
        #        ogm_limits['max_y'] = 500

        # Big Map
        #        ogm_limits = {}
        ogm_limits['min_x'] = 200  # used to be 200
        #        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 800  # used to be 800
        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 850
        ogm_limits['min_y'] = 300
        ogm_limits['max_y'] = 1080
        #        ogm_limits['max_y'] = 1100

        # Big Map Modified
        #        ogm_limits = {}
        #        ogm_limits['min_x'] = 450  # used to be 200
        #        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 650  # used to be 800
        #        ogm_limits['min_y'] = 500
        #        ogm_limits['max_y'] = 700

        # publisher
        marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("/vis_nodes", MarkerArray, queue_size=1)
        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations have meaning
        #        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(initOgm, origin, resolution)
        print ogm_limits

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        #ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(initOgm, ogm_limits)
        ogm = initOgm
        # find brushfire field
        brush2 = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate skeletonization
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, origin, resolution,

        # Find Topological Graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                                    resolution, brush2, ogm_limits)
        # print took to calculate....
        rospy.loginfo("Calculation time: %s", str(time.time() - tinit))

        if len(nodes) == 0 and force_random:
            brush = self.brush.coverageLimitsBrushfire(initOgm, coverage,
                                                       robotPose, origin,
            throw = set()
            throw = self.filterGoal(brush, initOgm, resolution, origin)
            goal = random.sample(brush, 1)

            rospy.loginfo("nodes are zero and random node chosen!!!!")
            th_rg = math.atan2(goal[0][1] - robotPose['y'], \
                    goal[0][0] - robotPose['x'])

   = [goal[0][0], goal[0][1], th_rg]

        if len(nodes) == 0:
            brush = self.brush.coverageLimitsBrushfire(initOgm, coverage,
                                                       robotPose, origin,
            throw = set()
            throw = self.filterGoal(brush, initOgm, resolution, origin)
            distance_map = dict()
            distance_map = self.calcDist(robotPose, brush)
   = min(distance_map, key=distance_map.get)

            th_rg = math.atan2([1] - robotPose['y'], \
          [0] - robotPose['x'])
   = list(

        # pick Random node!!
        if force_random:
            ind = random.randrange(0, len(nodes))
            rospy.loginfo('index is: %d', ind)
            rospy.loginfo('Random raw node is: [%u, %u]', nodes[ind][0],
            tempX = nodes[ind][0] * resolution + origin['x']
            tempY = nodes[ind][1] * resolution + origin['y']
            th_rg = math.atan2(tempY - robotPose['y'], \
                    tempX - robotPose['x'])
   = [tempX, tempY, th_rg]
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Random target found at [%f, %f]",

        if len(nodes) > 0:
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Nodes ready! Elapsed time = %fsec",
                          time.time() - tinit)
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] # of nodes = %u", len(nodes))

            # Remove previous targets from the list of nodes
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Prev. target = [%u, %u]", self.previousTarget[0], \
            if len(nodes) > 1:
                nodes = [i for i in nodes if i != self.previousTarget]

            vis_nodes = []
            for n in nodes:
                    n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                    n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
                1, # Type: Arrow
                0, # Action: Add
                "map", # Frame
                "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
                [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
                0.1 # Scale
            self.publish_markers(marker_pub, vis_nodes)

        # Check distance From Other goal

#        for node in nodes:
#            node_x = node[0] * resolution + origin['x']
#            node_y = node[1] * resolution + origin['y']
#            dist = math.hypot(node_x - other_goal['x'], node_y - other_goal['y'])
#            if dist < 5 and len(nodes) > 2:
#                nodes.remove(node)

# Calculate topological cost
#        rayLength = 800  # in pixels
#        obstThres = 49
#        wTopo = []
#        dRad = []
#        for i in range(8):
#            dRad.append(rayLength)
#        for k in range(0, len(nodes)):
#            # Determine whether the ray length passes the OGM limits
#            if nodes[k][0] + rayLength > ogm.shape[0]:
#                self.xLimitUp = ogm.shape[0] - 1
#            else:
#                self.xLimitUp = nodes[k][0] + rayLength
#            if nodes[k][0] - rayLength < 0:
#                self.xLimitDown = 0
#            else:
#                self.xLimitDown = nodes[k][0] - rayLength
#            if nodes[k][1] + rayLength > ogm.shape[1]:
#                self.yLimitUp = ogm.shape[1] - 1
#            else:
#                self.yLimitUp = nodes[k][1] + rayLength
#            if nodes[k][1] - rayLength < 0:
#                self.yLimitDown = 0
#            else:
#                self.yLimitDown = nodes[k][1] - rayLength
#            #### Here We Do the Ray Casting ####
#            # Find the distance between the node and obstacles
#            for i in range(nodes[k][0], self.xLimitUp):
#                if ogm[i][nodes[k][1]] > obstThres:
#                    dRad[0] = i - nodes[k][0]
#                    break
#            for i in range(self.xLimitDown, nodes[k][0]):
#                if ogm[i][nodes[k][1]] > obstThres:
#                    dRad[1] = nodes[k][0] - i
#                    break
#            for i in range(nodes[k][1], self.yLimitUp):
#                if ogm[nodes[k][0]][i] > obstThres:
#                    dRad[2] = i - nodes[k][1]
#                    break
#            for i in range(self.yLimitDown, nodes[k][1]):
#                if ogm[nodes[k][0]][i] > obstThres:
#                    dRad[3] = nodes[k][1] - i
#                    break
#            for i in range(nodes[k][0], self.xLimitUp):
#                for j in range(nodes[k][1], self.yLimitUp):
#                    if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                        crosscut = \
#                            math.sqrt((i - nodes[k][0])**2 + (j - nodes[k][1])**2)
#                        dRad[4] = crosscut
#                        break
#                    else:
#                        break
#                if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                    break
#            for i in range(self.xLimitDown, nodes[k][0]):
#                for j in range(self.yLimitDown, nodes[k][1]):
#                    if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                        crosscut = \
#                            math.sqrt((nodes[k][0] - i)**2 + (nodes[k][1] - j)**2)
#                        dRad[5] = crosscut
#                        break
#                    else:
#                        break
#                if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                    break
#            for i in range(nodes[k][0], self.xLimitUp):
#                for j in range(self.yLimitDown, nodes[k][1]):
#                    if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                        crosscut = \
#                            math.sqrt((i - nodes[k][0])**2 + (nodes[k][1] - j)**2)
#                        dRad[6] = crosscut
#                        break
#                    else:
#                        break
#                if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                    break
#            for i in range(self.xLimitDown, nodes[k][0]):
#                for j in range(nodes[k][1], self.yLimitUp):
#                    if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                        crosscut = \
#                            math.sqrt((nodes[k][0] - i)**2 + (j - nodes[k][1])**2)
#                        dRad[7] = crosscut
#                        break
#                    else:
#                        break
#                if ogm[i][j] > obstThres:
#                    break
#            wTopo.append(sum(dRad) / 8)
#        for i in range(len(nodes)):
#            rospy.logwarn("Topo Cost is: %f ",wTopo[i])

# Calculate distance cost
        wDist = []
        nodesX = []
        nodesY = []
        for i in range(len(nodes)):
        for i in range(len(nodes)):
            #dist = math.sqrt((nodes[i][0] * resolution + origin['x'] - robotPose['x'])**2 + \
            #           (nodes[i][1] * resolution + origin['y'] - robotPose['y'])**2)
            dist = math.sqrt((nodes[i][0] + origin['x_px'] - robotPose['x_px'])**2 + \
                        (nodes[i][1]  + origin['y_px'] - robotPose['y_px'])**2)
            # Manhattan Dist
            #            dist = abs(nodes[i][0] + origin['x_px'] - robotPose['x_px']) + \
            #                   abs(nodes[i][1] + origin['y_px'] - robotPose['y_px'])

            # numpy.var is covariance
            #            tempX = ((robotPose['x'] - nodesX[i] * resolution + origin['x'])**2) / (2 * numpy.var(nodesX))
            #            tempY = ((robotPose['y'] - nodesY[i] * resolution + origin['y'])**2) / (2 * numpy.var(nodesY))
            #            tempX = ((robotPose['x_px'] - nodesX[i] + origin['x_px'])**2) / (2 * numpy.var(nodesX))
            #            tempY = ((robotPose['y_px'] - nodesY[i] + origin['y_px'])**2) / (2 * numpy.var(nodesY))

            #            try:
            #                temp = 1 - math.exp(tempX + tempY) + 0.001 # \epsilon << 1
            #            except OverflowError:
            #                print 'OverflowError!!!'
            #                temp = 10**30
            #            gaussCoeff = 1 / temp
            gaussCoeff = 1
            wDist.append(dist * gaussCoeff)

        #for i in range(len(nodes)):
        #    rospy.logwarn("Distance Cost is: %f ",wDist[i])


        # Calculate coverage cost
#        dSamp = 1 / resolution
#        wCove = []
#        for k in range(len(nodes)):
#            athr = 0
#            for i in range(-1, 1):
#                indexX = int(nodes[k][0] + i * dSamp)
#                if indexX >= 0:
#                    for j in range(-1, 1):
#                        indexY = int(nodes[k][1] + j * dSamp)
#                        if indexY >= 0:
#                            athr += coverage[indexX][indexY]
#            wCove.append(athr)

#        for i in range(len(nodes)):
#            rospy.logwarn("Cove Cost is: %f ",wCove[i])

# Calculate rotational cost
#        wRot = []
#        for i in range(len(nodes)):
#            dTh = math.atan2(nodes[i][1] - robotPose['y_px'], \
#                        nodes[i][0] - robotPose['x_px']) - robotPose['th']
#            wRot.append(dTh)

#        for i in range(len(nodes)):
#            rospy.logwarn("Rot Cost is: %f ",wRot[i])

# Normalize costs
#        wTopoNorm = []
        wDistNorm = []
        #       wCoveNorm = []
        #       wRotNorm = []
        for i in range(len(nodes)):
            #            if max(wTopo) - min(wTopo) == 0:
            #                normTopo = 0
            #            else:
            #                normTopo = 1 - (wTopo[i] - min(wTopo)) / (max(wTopo) - min(wTopo))
            if max(wDist) - min(wDist) == 0:
                normDist = 0
                normDist = 1 - (wDist[i] - min(wDist)) / (max(wDist) -
#            if max(wCove) - min(wCove) == 0:
#                normCove = 0
#            else:
#                normCove = 1 - (wCove[i] - min(wCove)) / (max(wCove) - min(wCove))
#            if max(wRot) - min(wRot) == 0:
#                normRot = 0
#            else:
#                normRot = 1 - (wRot[i] - min(wRot)) / (max(wRot) - min(wRot))
#            wTopoNorm.append(normTopo)
#           wCoveNorm.append(normCove)
#          wRotNorm.append(normRot)

#        rospy.logwarn("Printing TopoNorm....\n")
#        print wTopoNorm

#        rospy.logwarn("Printing DistNorm....\n")
#        print wDistNorm

#        rospy.logwarn("Printing CoveNorm....\n")
#        print wCoveNorm

#        rospy.logwarn("Printing RotNorm....\n")
#        print wRotNorm

# Calculate Priority Weight
        priorWeight = []
        for i in range(len(nodes)):
            #pre = round((wDistNorm[i] / 0.5), 0)
            pre = wDistNorm[i] / 0.5
            #            pre = 1 * round((wTopoNorm[i] / 0.5), 0) + \
            #                    8 * round((wDistNorm[i] / 0.5), 0) + \
            #                    4 * round((wCoveNorm[i] / 0.5), 0) + \
            #                    2 * round((wRotNorm[i] / 0.5), 0)
            #pre = 1 * round((wDistNorm[i] / 0.5), 0) + \
            #         2 * round((wTopoNorm[i] / 0.5), 0)
            #          + round((wRotNorm[i] / 0.5), 0)

        # Calculate smoothing factor
        smoothFactor = []
        for i in range(len(nodes)):
            coeff = 1 - wDistNorm[i]
            #            coeff = (1 * (1 - wTopoNorm[i]) + 8 * (1 - wDistNorm[i]) + \
            #                        4 * (1 - wCoveNorm[i]) + 2 * (1 - wRotNorm[i])) / (2**4 - 1)
            #coeff = ((1 - wDistNorm[i]) + 2 * (1 - wTopoNorm[i])) / (2**2 - 1)

        # Calculate costs
        self.costs = []
        for i in range(len(nodes)):
            self.costs.append(smoothFactor[i] * priorWeight[i])

#        print 'len nodes is:'
#        print len(nodes)

        goals_and_costs = zip(nodes, self.costs)
        #print goals_and_costs

        goals_and_costs.sort(key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=False)

        #sorted(goals_and_costs, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        #print goals_and_costs
        # ind = random.randrange(0,min(6, len(nodes)))
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Raw node = [%u, %u]",
                      goals_and_costs[0][0][0], goals_and_costs[0][0][1])
        tempX = goals_and_costs[0][0][0] * resolution + origin['x']
        tempY = goals_and_costs[0][0][1] * resolution + origin['y']
        th_rg = math.atan2(tempY - robotPose['y'], \
                    tempX - robotPose['x']) = [tempX, tempY, th_rg]
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Eligible node found at [%f, %f]",
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Node Index: %u", i)
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Node Cost = %f", goals_and_costs[0][1])
        self.previousTarget = [
            goals_and_costs[0][0][0], goals_and_costs[0][0][1]


    def rotateRobot(self):
        velocityMsg = Twist()
        angularSpeed = 0.3
        relativeAngle = 2 * math.pi
        currentAngle = 0

        rospy.loginfo("Roatating robot...")
        velocityMsg.linear.x = 0
        velocityMsg.linear.y = 0
        velocityMsg.linear.z = 0
        velocityMsg.angular.x = 0
        velocityMsg.angular.y = 0
        velocityMsg.angular.z = angularSpeed

        t0 =
        rospy.logwarn(rospy.get_caller_id() + ": Rotate Robot! Please wait...")
        while currentAngle < relativeAngle:
            t1 =
            currentAngle = angularSpeed * (t1 - t0)

        velocityMsg.angular.z = 0
        rospy.logwarn(rospy.get_caller_id() + ": Robot Rotation OVER!")

    def publish_markers(self, marker_pub, vis_nodes):
        markers = MarkerArray()
        c = 0
        for n in vis_nodes:
            c += 1
            msg = Marker()
            msg.header.frame_id = "map"
            msg.ns = "lines"
            msg.action = msg.ADD
            msg.type = msg.CUBE
   = c
            #msg.scale.x = 1.0
            #msg.scale.y = 1.0
            #msg.scale.z = 1.0
            # I guess I have to take into consideration resolution too
            msg.pose.position.x = n[0]
            msg.pose.position.y = n[1]
            msg.pose.position.z = 0
            msg.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            msg.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            msg.pose.orientation.z = 0.05
            msg.pose.orientation.w = 0.05
            msg.scale.x = 0.2
            msg.scale.y = 0.2
            msg.scale.z = 0.2
            msg.color.a = 1.0  # Don't forget to set the alpha!
            msg.color.r = 0.0
            msg.color.g = 1.0
            msg.color.b = 0.0
            #        print 'I publish msg now!!!'


    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, brush, origin, ogmLimits, resolution):
        rospy.logwarn("[Main Node] Random Target Selection!")
        target = [-1, -1]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, int(ogm.shape[0] - 1))
            y_rand = random.randint(0, int(ogm.shape[1] - 1))
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] <= 49 and brush[x_rand][
                    y_rand] != -1:  # and \#coverage[x_rand][y_rand] != 100:
                tempX = x_rand * resolution + int(origin['x'])
                tempY = y_rand * resolution + int(origin['y'])
                target = [tempX, tempY]
                found = True
                rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Random node selected at [%f, %f]",
                              target[0], target[1])

    def calcDist(self, robotPose, brush):
        distance_map = dict()
        for goal in brush:
            dist = math.hypot(goal[0] - robotPose['x'],
                              goal[1] - robotPose['y'])
            distance_map[goal] = dist
        return distance_map

    def filterGoal(self, brush2, ogm, resolution, origin):
        throw = set()
        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for i in range(-9, 10):
                if int(goal[0] / resolution -
                       origin['x'] / resolution) + i >= len(ogm):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution)] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution)] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for j in range(-9, 10):
                if int(goal[1] / resolution -
                       origin['y'] / resolution) + j >= len(ogm[0]):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution)]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + j] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution)] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for i in range(-9, 10):
                if int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm) or \
                    int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm[0]):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for i in range(-9, 10):
                if int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm) or \
                    int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm[0]):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) - i] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) - i] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        return throw
Пример #4
class TargetSelection(object):
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method
        if self.method_is_cost_based():
            from robot_perception import RobotPerception
            self.robot_perception = RobotPerception()
            self.cost_based_properties = rospy.get_param("cost_based_properties")
            numpy.set_printoptions(precision=3, threshold=numpy.nan, suppress=True)

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def method_is_cost_based(self):
        return self.method in ['cost_based', 'cost_based_fallback']

    def selectTarget(self, ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, resolution, force_random=False):
        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field,
        # OGM skeleton, topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations have meaning.
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = topology.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = topology.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, brush)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = [[n[0] * resolution + origin['x'], n[1] * resolution + origin['y']] for n in nodes]
            1,  # Type: Arrow
            0,  # Action: Add
            "map",  # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes",  # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5],  # Color RGBA
            0.1  # Scale

            tinit = time.time()
            tinit = None
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush)
        elif self.method_is_cost_based():
            g_robot_pose = self.robot_perception.getGlobalCoordinates([robot_pose['x_px'], robot_pose['y_px']])

            class MapContainer:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.skeleton = skeleton
                    self.coverage = coverage
                    self.ogm = ogm
                    self.brush = brush
                    self.nodes = [node for node in nodes if TargetSelection.is_good(brush, ogm, coverage, node)]
                    self.robot_px = [robot_pose['x_px'] - origin['x'] / resolution,
                                     robot_pose['y_px'] - origin['y'] / resolution]
                    self.theta = robot_pose['th']

                def create_path(path_target):
                    return self.path_planning.createPath(g_robot_pose, path_target, resolution)

            target = self.select_by_cost(MapContainer())
            assert False, "Invalid target_selector method."
        if tinit is not None:
            Print.art_print("Target method {} time: {}".format(self.method, time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)
        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brushogm):
        # The next target in pixels
        while True:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                return x_rand, y_rand

    def is_good(brush, ogm, coverage, target=None):

        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        if target is not None:
            x, y = target
            return ogm[x][y] < 50 and coverage[x][y] < 50 and brush[x][y] > 5
            return numpy.logical_and(numpy.logical_and(ogm < 50, coverage < 50), brush > 5)

    def select_by_cost(self, map_info):
        nodes, paths, topo_costs = zip(*self.choose_best_nodes(map_info))
        if nodes[0] is None:  # choose_best_node's yield when no path is found will make nodes = (None,)
            return -1, -1
        elif len(nodes) == 1:
            return nodes[0]

        best_path_idx = self.weight_costs(
            [self.distance_cost(path, map_info.robot_px) for path in paths],  # Distance
            [self.coverage_cost(path, map_info.coverage) for path in paths],  # Coverage
            [self.rotation_cost(path, map_info.robot_px, map_info.theta) for path in paths]  # Rotational
        assert paths[best_path_idx]
        target = nodes[best_path_idx]

        Print.art_print("Best: {}".format(best_path_idx), Print.BLUE)
        return target

    def choose_best_nodes(self, map_info):
        # Since path planning takes a lot of time for many nodes we should reduce the possible result to the nodes
        # with the best distance and topological costs.
        if self.method == 'cost_based_fallback':
            yield self.closer_node(map_info), None, None

        nodes = list(self.cluster_nodes(map_info.nodes, map_info.robot_px, self.cost_based_properties['node_clusters']))
        topo_costs = [self._topological_cost(node, map_info.ogm) for node in nodes]
        best_nodes_idx = self.weight_costs(
            [euclidean(node, map_info.robot_px) for node in nodes]
        ).argsort()[::-1]  # We need descending order since we now want to maximize.

        count = 0
        for idx in best_nodes_idx:
            node = nodes[idx]
            path = map_info.create_path(node)
            if path:
                count += 1
                yield node, path, topo_costs[idx]
            if count == self.cost_based_properties['max_paths']:
        if count == 0:
            Print.art_print("Failed to create any path. Falling back to closer unoccupied.", Print.RED)
            self.method = 'cost_based_fallback'
            yield self.closer_node(map_info), None, None

    def cluster_nodes(nodes_original, robot_px, n_clusters):
        Print.art_print("Trying to cluster:" + str(nodes_original), Print.BLUE)
        whitened = whiten(nodes_original)
        _, cluster_idx = kmeans2(whitened, n_clusters)
        Print.art_print("Ended with clusters:" + str(cluster_idx), Print.BLUE)

        keyfun = lambda x: cluster_idx[x[0]]
        nodes = sorted(enumerate(nodes_original), key=keyfun)
        for _, group in itertools.groupby(nodes, key=keyfun):
            # For each cluster pick the farthest one.
            max_idx = max(group, key=lambda x: euclidean(robot_px, x[1]))[0]
            yield nodes_original[max_idx]

    def weight_costs(self, *cost_vectors, **kwargs):
        costs = self.normalize_costs(numpy.array(tuple(vector for vector in cost_vectors)))
        if 'weights' in kwargs:
            weights = kwargs['weights']
            weights = 2 ** numpy.arange(costs.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1)
        return numpy.average(costs, axis=0, weights=weights)

    def closer_node(map_info):
        robot_px = numpy.array(map_info.robot_px)
        nodes = numpy.array(numpy.where(TargetSelection.is_good(
        closer_idx = numpy.linalg.norm(nodes - robot_px, axis=1).argmin()
        return nodes[closer_idx]

    def _topological_cost(self, node, ogm):
        threshold = self.cost_based_properties['topo_threshold']
        return self.topological_cost(node, ogm, threshold)

    def topological_cost(node, ogm, threshold):
        result = 0
        for dir_x, dir_y in [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1)]:
            cost = 0
            idx = 0
            x, y = node
            while cost < threshold:
                idx += 1
                x_c = x + idx * dir_x
                y_c = y + idx * dir_y
                cost = (x - x_c) ** 2 + (y - y_c) ** 2
                if ogm[x_c][y_c] > 50:
                elif ogm[x_c][y_c] in [50, -1]:
                    Print.art_print("{},{} is unknown!".format(x_c, y_c), Print.RED)
                    cost = threshold
            result += min(threshold, cost)
        return result

    def distance_cost(path, robot_px):
        weighted_distances = (TargetSelection.distance(node1, node2) * TargetSelection.distance_coeff(node1, robot_px)
                              for node1, node2 in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
        return sum(weighted_distances)

    def distance_coeff(node, robot_px, s=30, epsilon=0.0001):
        x_n, y_n = node
        x_g, y_g = robot_px
        coeff = 1 - math.exp(-((x_n - x_g) ** 2 / (2 * s ** 2) + (y_n - y_g) ** 2 / (2 * s ** 2))) + epsilon
        return 1 / coeff

    def distance(node_a, node_b):
        x_1, y_1 = node_a
        x_2, y_2 = node_b
        return math.sqrt((x_1 - x_2) ** 2 + (y_1 - y_2) ** 2)

    def rotation_cost(path, robot_px, theta):
        rotation = 0
        rx, ry = robot_px
        theta_old = theta
        for node in path:
            st_x, st_y = node
            theta_new = math.atan2(st_y - ry, st_x - rx)
            rotation += abs(theta_new - theta_old)
            theta_old = theta_new
        return rotation

    def coverage_cost(path, coverage):
        coverage_sum = sum(coverage[x][y] for x, y in path)
        return coverage_sum

    def normalize_costs(costs):
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        Print.art_print("Costs before normalization:\n" + str(costs), Print.BLUE)
        assert (costs >= 0).all()
        return 1 - (costs.transpose() / numpy.abs(costs).max(axis=1)).transpose()
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale

        # Random point
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)

        # Furhest node-point
        if self.method == 'furthest':
            target = self.selectFurthestTarget(ogm, coverage, brush,
                                               ogm_limits, nodes)

        return target

    def selectFurthestTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits, nodes):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        for i in range(len(nodes) - 1, 0, -1):
            x = nodes[i][0]
            y = nodes[i][1]
            if  ogm[x][y] < 50 and coverage[x][y] < 50 and \
              brushogm[x][y] > 10:
                next_target = [x, y]
                Print.art_print("Select furthest target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
                return next_target
        return self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits)


    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
Пример #6
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale

        # Check at autonomous_expl.yaml if target_selector = 'random' or 'smart'
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
        elif self.method == 'smart' and force_random == False:
            tinit = time.time()
            # Get the robot pose in pixels
            [rx, ry] = [\
                robot_pose['x_px'] - \
                        origin['x'] / resolution,\
                robot_pose['y_px'] - \
                        origin['y'] / resolution\
            g_robot_pose = [rx, ry]
            # If nodes > 25 the calculation time-cost is very big
            # In order to avoid time-reset we perform sampling on
            # the nodes list and take a half-sized sample
            for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
            if (len(nodes) > 25):
                nodes = random.sample(nodes, int(len(nodes) / 2))

            # Initialize weigths
            w_dist = [0] * len(nodes)
            w_rot = [robot_pose['th']] * len(nodes)
            w_cov = [0] * len(nodes)
            w_topo = [0] * len(nodes)
            # Calculate weights for every node in the topological graph
            for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
                # If path planning fails then give extreme values to weights
                path = self.path_planning.createPath(g_robot_pose, nodes[i],
                if not path:
                    w_dist[i] = sys.maxsize
                    w_rot[i] = sys.maxsize
                    w_cov[i] = sys.maxsize
                    w_topo[i] = sys.maxsize
                    for j in range(1, len(path)):
                        # Distance cost
                        w_dist[i] += math.hypot(path[j][0] - path[j - 1][0],
                                                path[j][1] - path[j - 1][1])
                        # Rotational cost
                        w_rot[i] += abs(
                            math.atan2(path[j][0] - path[j - 1][0],
                                       path[j][1] - path[j - 1][1]))
                        # Coverage cost
                        w_cov[i] += coverage[int(path[j][0])][int(
                            path[j][1])] / (len(path))
                    # Add the coverage cost of 0-th node of the path
                    w_cov[i] += coverage[int(path[0][0])][int(
                        path[0][1])] / (len(path))
                    # Topological cost
                    # This metric depicts wether the target node
                    # is placed in open space or near an obstacle
                    # We want the metric to be reliable so we also check node's neighbour cells
                    w_topo[i] += brush[nodes[i][0]][nodes[i][1]]
                    w_topo[i] += brush[nodes[i][0] - 1][nodes[i][1]]
                    w_topo[i] += brush[nodes[i][0] + 1][nodes[i][1]]
                    w_topo[i] += brush[nodes[i][0]][nodes[i][-1]]
                    w_topo[i] += brush[nodes[i][0]][nodes[i][+1]]
                    w_topo[i] += brush[nodes[i][0] - 1][nodes[i][1] - 1]
                    w_topo[i] += brush[nodes[i][0] + 1][nodes[i][1] + 1]
                    w_topo[i] = w_topo[i] / 7

            # Normalize weights between 0-1
            for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
                w_dist[i] = 1 - (w_dist[i] - min(w_dist)) / (max(w_dist) -
                w_rot[i] = 1 - (w_rot[i] - min(w_rot)) / (max(w_rot) -
                w_cov[i] = 1 - (w_cov[i] - min(w_cov)) / (max(w_cov) -
                w_topo[i] = 1 - (w_topo[i] - min(w_topo)) / (max(w_topo) -

            # Set cost values
            # We set each cost's priority based on experimental results
            # from "Cost-Based Target Selection Techniques Towards Full Space
            # Exploration and Coverage for USAR Applications
            # in a Priori Unknown Environments" publication
            C1 = w_topo
            C2 = w_dist
            C3 = [1] * len(nodes)
            for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
                C3[i] -= w_cov[i]
            C4 = w_rot
            # Priority Weight
            C_PW = [0] * len(nodes)
            # Smoothing Factor
            C_SF = [0] * len(nodes)
            # Target's Final Priority
            C_FP = [0] * len(nodes)
            for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
                C_PW[i] = 2**3 * (1 - C1[i]) / .5 + 2**2 * (
                    1 - C2[i]) / .5 + 2**1 * (1 - C3[i]) / .5 + 2**0 * (
                        1 - C4[i]) / .5
                C_SF[i] = (2**3 * (1 - C1[i]) + 2**2 * (1 - C2[i]) + 2**1 *
                           (1 - C3[i]) + 2**0 * (1 - C4[i])) / (2**4 - 1)
                C_FP[i] = C_PW[i] * C_SF[i]

            # Select the node with the smallest C_FP value
            val, idx = min((val, idx) for (idx, val) in enumerate(C_FP))
                "Select smart target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),
            Print.art_print("Selected Target - Node: " + str(nodes[idx][2]),
            target = nodes[idx]
                "[ERROR] target_selector at autonomous_expl.yaml must be either 'random' or 'smart'",

        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        # Random point
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:

            init_ogm = ogm

            # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
            # have meaning
            ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
                init_ogm, origin, resolution)

            # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
            ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

            # Calculate Brushfire field
            tinit = time.time()
            brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
            Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

            # Calculate skeletonization
            tinit = time.time()
            skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                       origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
                "Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

            # Find topological graph
            tinit = time.time()
            nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                    resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
            Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

            # Visualization of topological nodes
            vis_nodes = []
            for n in nodes:
                    n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                    n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
                1, # Type: Arrow
                0, # Action: Add
                "map", # Frame
                "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
                [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
                0.1 # Scale

            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
            return [False, target]

        tinit = time.time()

        g_robot_pose = [robot_pose['x_px'] - int(origin['x'] / resolution), \
                        robot_pose['y_px'] - int(origin['y'] / resolution)]

        # Calculate coverage frontier with sobel filters
        tinit = time.time()
        cov_dx = scipy.ndimage.sobel(coverage, 0)
        cov_dy = scipy.ndimage.sobel(coverage, 1)
        cov_frontier = np.hypot(cov_dx, cov_dy)
        cov_frontier *= 100 / np.max(cov_frontier)
        cov_frontier = 100 * (cov_frontier > 80)
        Print.art_print("Sobel filters time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Remove the edges that correspond to obstacles instead of frontiers (in a 5x5 radius)
        kern = 5
        tinit = time.time()
        i_rng = np.matlib.repmat(
            np.arange(-(kern / 2), kern / 2 + 1).reshape(kern, 1), 1, kern)
        j_rng = np.matlib.repmat(np.arange(-(kern / 2), kern / 2 + 1), kern, 1)
        for i in range((kern / 2), cov_frontier.shape[0] - (kern / 2)):
            for j in range((kern / 2), cov_frontier.shape[1] - (kern / 2)):
                if cov_frontier[i, j] == 100:
                    if np.any(ogm[i + i_rng, j + j_rng] > 99):
                        cov_frontier[i, j] = 0
        Print.art_print("Frontier trimming time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Save coverage frontier as image (for debugging purposes)
        # scipy.misc.imsave('test.png', np.rot90(cov_frontier))

        # Frontier detection/grouping
        tinit = time.time()
        labeled_frontiers, num_frontiers = scipy.ndimage.label(
            cov_frontier, np.ones((3, 3)))
        Print.art_print("Frontier grouping time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        goals = np.full((num_frontiers, 2), -1)
        w_dist = np.full(len(goals), -1)
        w_turn = np.full(len(goals), -1)
        w_size = np.full(len(goals), -1)
        w_obst = np.full(len(goals), -1)

        # Calculate the centroid and its cost, for each frontier
        for i in range(1, num_frontiers + 1):
            points = np.where(labeled_frontiers == i)

            # Discard small groupings (we chose 20 as a treshold arbitrarily)
            group_length = points[0].size
            if group_length < 20:
                labeled_frontiers[points] = 0
            sum_x = np.sum(points[0])
            sum_y = np.sum(points[1])
            centroid = np.array([sum_x / group_length,
                                 sum_y / group_length]).reshape(2, 1)

            # Find the point on the frontier nearest (2-norm) to the centroid, and use it as goal
            nearest_idx = np.linalg.norm(np.array(points) - centroid,
            print ogm[int(points[0][nearest_idx]), int(points[1][nearest_idx])]
            goals[i - 1, :] = np.array(
                [points[0][nearest_idx], points[1][nearest_idx]])

            # Save centroids for later visualisation (for debugging purposes)
            labeled_frontiers[int(goals[i - 1, 0]) + i_rng,
                              int(goals[i - 1, 1]) + j_rng] = i

            # Calculate size of obstacles between robot and goal
            line_pxls = list(bresenham(int(goals[i-1,0]), int(goals[i-1,1]),\
                                       g_robot_pose[0], g_robot_pose[1]))

            ogm_line = list(map(lambda pxl: ogm[pxl[0], pxl[1]], line_pxls))

            N_occupied = len(list(filter(lambda x: x > 25, ogm_line)))
            N_line = len(line_pxls)
            w_obst[i - 1] = float(N_occupied) / N_line
            # print('Occupied  = '+str(N_occupied))
            # print('Full Line = '+str(N_line))
            # ipdb.set_trace()

            # Manhattan distance
            w_dist[i - 1] = scipy.spatial.distance.cityblock(
                goals[i - 1, :], g_robot_pose)

            # Missalignment
            theta = np.arctan2(goals[i - 1, 1] - g_robot_pose[1],
                               goals[i - 1, 0] - g_robot_pose[0])
            w_turn[i - 1] = (theta - robot_pose['th'])
            if w_turn[i - 1] > np.pi:
                w_turn[i - 1] -= 2 * np.pi
            elif w_turn[i - 1] < -np.pi:
                w_turn[i - 1] += 2 * np.pi
            # We don't care about the missalignment direction so we abs() it
            w_turn[i - 1] = np.abs(w_turn[i - 1])

            # Frontier size
            w_size[i - 1] = group_length

        # Save frontier groupings as an image (for debugging purposes)
        cmap =
        norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=labeled_frontiers.min(),
        image = cmap(norm(labeled_frontiers))
        plt.imsave('frontiers.png', np.rot90(image))

        # Remove invalid goals and weights
        valids = w_dist != -1
        goals = goals[valids]
        w_dist = w_dist[valids]
        w_turn = w_turn[valids]
        w_size = w_size[valids]
        w_obst = w_obst[valids]

        # Normalize weights
        w_dist = (w_dist - min(w_dist)) / (max(w_dist) - min(w_dist))
        w_turn = (w_turn - min(w_turn)) / (max(w_turn) - min(w_turn))
        w_size = (w_size - min(w_size)) / (max(w_size) - min(w_size))

        # Cancel turn weight for frontiers that have obstacles
        w_turn[np.where(w_obst != 0)] = 1

        # Goal cost function
        c_dist = 3
        c_turn = 2
        c_size = 1
        c_obst = 4
        costs = c_dist * w_dist + c_turn * w_turn + c_size * w_size + c_obst * w_obst

        min_idx = costs.argmin()

        Print.art_print("Target selection time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),
        print costs
        print goals

        ## Safety Distance from obstacles
        # Goal Coordinates
        grid_size = 20
        [found_obstacle, closest_obstacle,
         min_dist] = self.detectObstacles(grid_size, ogm, goals[min_idx])

        if found_obstacle == False:
            return [False, goals[min_idx]]

        # Calculate new goal:
        dist_from_obstacles = 10
        normal_vector = goals[min_idx] - closest_obstacle
        normal_vector = normal_vector / np.hypot(normal_vector[0],
        new_goal = closest_obstacle + dist_from_obstacles * normal_vector

        # Check new goal for nearby obstacles
        [found_obstacle, closest_obstacle, min_dist_new] = \
            self.detectObstacles(grid_size, ogm, new_goal.round())

        # Return
        if min_dist < 7:
            # return the target with max min_dist
            if min_dist_new > min_dist:
                return [True, new_goal.round(), goals[min_idx]]
                return [False, goals[min_idx]]
            return [False, goals[min_idx]]

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target

    def lineOccupation(self, ogm_line):
        occupied = 0
        potentially_occupied = 0
        found_obstacle = False
        for grid in ogm_line:
            if grid > 90:
                occupied_cells += 1 + potentially_occupied
            elif grid < 55 and grid > 45 and found_obstacle:
                potentially_occupied += 1
            elif grid < 20:
                potentially_occupied = 0
                found_obstacle = False
        return occupied

    def detectObstacles(self, grid_size, ogm, point):
        # Goal Coordinates
        x_goal = point[0]
        y_goal = point[1]

        obstacles_found = False
        min_dist = 0
        closest_obstacle = None

        # Obstacles in a grid_size x grid_size neighborhood
        ogm_segment = ogm[x_goal-grid_size: x_goal+grid_size,\
                          y_goal-grid_size: y_goal+grid_size]

        obs_idxs = np.where(ogm_segment > 80)

        # If there are no obstacles terminate normally
        if obs_idxs[0].size == 0:
            obstacles_found = False
            return [False, closest_obstacle, min_dist]

        # Find the closest obstacle
        obs_idxs = np.array([obs_idxs[0], obs_idxs[1]]).transpose()
        distances = np.hypot(obs_idxs[0:, 0] - grid_size,
                             obs_idxs[0:, 1] - grid_size)
        closest_idx = distances.argmin()
        min_dist = distances.min()
        closest_obstacle = obs_idxs[closest_idx] - np.array(
            [grid_size, grid_size]) + point

        return [True, closest_obstacle, min_dist]
Пример #8
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)
        # print(ogm)
        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale

        # Random point
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
        #closest point
        elif self.method == 'closest_node':
            target = self.selectClosestTarget(robot_pose, vis_nodes, nodes)
        elif self.method == 'cost_based':
            target = self.selectCostBasedTarget(robot_pose, vis_nodes, brush)

        return target

    def selectCostBasedTarget(self, robot_pose, vis_nodes, brush):

        dist_cost = []
        topol_cost = []
        turn_cost = []

        dist_cost_norm = []
        topol_cost_norm = []
        turn_cost_norm = []

        cost = 0
        index_final = 0

        [rx, ry] = [robot_pose['x'], robot_pose['y']]

        for n in vis_nodes:

            #distance cost
            dist_cost.append(pow(pow(n[1] - ry, 2) + pow(n[0] - rx, 2),
                                 0.5))  #distance from node

            #topological cost
            for i in range(-1, 1):
                for j in range(-1, 1):
                    if i == 0 and j == 0:

                    cost += brush[int(n[0]) + i][int(n[1]) + j]

            topol_cost.append((1 / 8) * cost)

            #rotational cost
            angle = round(
                    math.atan2(n[1] - ry + 0.00001, n[0] - rx + 0.00001)))
            turn_cost.append(angle % 360)

        # normalisation

        for cost in dist_cost:
            normalised_cost = 1 - ((cost - min(dist_cost)) /
                                   (max(dist_cost) / min(dist_cost)))

        for cost in topol_cost:
            normalised_cost = 1 - ((cost - min(topol_cost)) /
                                   (max(topol_cost) - min(topol_cost)))

        for cost in turn_cost:
            normalised_cost = 1 - ((cost - min(turn_cost)) /
                                   (max(turn_cost) - min(turn_cost)))

        final_cost = []
        for i in range(len(topol_cost_norm)):
            cost = 4 * dist_cost_norm[i] + 2 * turn_cost_norm[
                i] + topol_cost_norm[i]

        #find target with the
        index_final = final_cost.index(max(final_cost))
        target = vis_nodes[index_final]
        return target

    def selectClosestTarget(self, robot_pose, vis_nodes, nodes):
        [rx, ry] = [robot_pose['x'], robot_pose['y']]

        dist = []
        for n in vis_nodes:
            dist.append(pow(pow(n[1] - ry, 2) + pow(n[0] - rx, 2),
                            0.5))  #distance from node

        index_min = dist.index(min(dist))

        next_target = [nodes[index_min][0], nodes[index_min][1]]

        return next_target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
Пример #9
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method
        self.previous_target = [-1, -1]

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale

        # Random point
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)

        # Challenge 6. Smart point selection demands autonomous_expl.yaml->target_selector: 'smart'
        # Smart point selection
        if self.method == 'smart' and force_random == False:
            nextTarget = self.selectSmartTarget(coverage, brush, robot_pose, resolution, origin, nodes)

            # Check if selectSmartTarget found a target
            if nextTarget is not None:
                # Check if the next target is the same as the previous
                dist = math.hypot( nextTarget[0] - self.previous_target[0], nextTarget[1] - self.previous_target[1])
                if dist > 5:
                    target = nextTarget
                    target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
                # No target found. Choose a random
                target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)

        self.previous_target = target
        return target

    # Challenge 6. select Smart Target Function
    # this function follows the methodology presented
    # on lecture 9.
    def selectSmartTarget(self, coverage, brush, robot_pose, resolution, origin, nodes):
        tinit = time.time()

        # Get the robot pose in pixels
        [rx, ry] = [int(round(robot_pose['x_px'] - origin['x'] / resolution)), int(round(robot_pose['y_px'] - origin['y'] / resolution))]

        # Initialize weights matrix
        weights = []

        # Do procedure described in presentation 9
        # for each node.
        for i, node in enumerate(nodes):

            # Calculate the path
            path = np.flipud(self.path_planning.createPath([rx, ry], node, resolution))

            # Check if it found a path
            if path.shape[0] > 2:
                # Vectors of the path
                vectors = path[1:, :] - path[:-1, :]

                # Calculate paths weighted distance
                vectorsMean = vectors.mean(axis=0)
                vectorsVar = vectors.var(axis=0)
                dists = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', vectors, vectors))
                weightCoeff = 1 / (1 - np.exp(-np.sum((vectors - vectorsMean)**2 / (2 * vectorsVar), axis=1)) + 1e-4)
                weightDists = np.sum(weightCoeff + dists)

                # Topological weight
                weightTopo = brush[node[0], node[1]]

                # Cosine of the angles
                c = np.sum(vectors[1:, :] * vectors[:-1, :], axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(vectors[1:, :], axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(vectors[:-1, :], axis=1)

                # Sum of all angles
                weightTurn = np.sum(abs(np.arccos(np.clip(c, -1, 1))))

                # Calculate the coverage weight
                pathIndex = np.rint(path).astype(int)
                weightCove = 1 - np.sum(coverage[pathIndex[:, 0], pathIndex[:, 1]]) / (path.shape[0] * 255)

                weights.append([i, weightDists, weightTopo, weightTurn, weightCove])

        if len(weights) > 0:
            weight = np.array(weights)

            # Normalize the weights at [0,1]
            weight[:,1:] = 1 - ((weight[:,1:] - np.min(weight[:,1:], axis=0)) / (np.max(weight[:,1:], axis=0) - np.min(weight[:,1:], axis=0)))

            # Calculatete the final weights
            finalWeights = 8 * weight[:, 2] + 4 * weight[:, 1] + 2 * weight[:, 4] + weight[:, 3]

            # Find the best path
            index = int(weight[max(xrange(len(finalWeights)), key=finalWeights.__getitem__)][0])

            target = nodes[index]

            Print.art_print("Smart target selection time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

            return target
            Print.art_print("Smart target selection failed!!! Time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), Print.ORANGE)

            return None


    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
      # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
          x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
          y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
          if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
              brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
            next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
            found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False ):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
            print " node " + str(nodes[i])
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale
        if force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
            force_random = False
            print " force random: CANNOT CREATE PATH TO SELECTED POINT"
            return target
            # get robot's position
            #g_robot_pose = [robot_pose['x_px'] - int(origin['x'] / resolution),\
            # robot_pose['y_px'] - int(origin['y'] / resolution)]
            [rx , ry] = [robot_pose['x_px'] - int(origin['x'] / resolution),\
                            robot_pose['y_px'] - int(origin['y'] / resolution)]

            # find all the x and y distances between robot and goals
            dis_x = [rx - target[0] for target in nodes]
            dis_y = [ry - target[1] for target in nodes]

            # calculate the euclidean distance
            dist = [math.hypot(dis[0], dis[1]) for dis in zip(dis_x, dis_y)]

            # calculate the manhattan distance between the robot and all nodes
            #dist = [scipy.spatial.distance.cityblock(nodes[i], g_robot_pose) for i in range(0,len(nodes)) ]

            # target is the closest node
            min_dist, min_idx = min(zip(dist, range(len(dist))))
            goal = nodes[min_idx]
            target = goal
            print "TARGET " + str(target) + " TARGET IDX " + str(min_idx)

        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                print " RANDOM TARGET " + str(next_target)
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
Пример #11
class TargetSelect:

    def __init__(self):
        self.xLimitUp = 0
        self.xLimitDown = 0
        self.yLimitUp = 0
        self.yLimitDown = 0

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology() = [-1, -1]
        self.previousTarget = [-1, -1]
        self.costs = []

    def targetSelection(self, initOgm, coverage, origin, resolution, robotPose, flag, other_goal, force_random):
        rospy.loginfo("[Target Select Node] Robot_Pose[x, y, th] = [%f, %f, %f]", 
                    robotPose['x'], robotPose['y'], robotPose['th'])
        rospy.loginfo("[Target Select Node] OGM_Origin = [%i, %i]", origin['x'], origin['y'])
        rospy.loginfo("[Target Select Node] OGM_Size = [%u, %u]", initOgm.shape[0], initOgm.shape[1])

        # willow params
#        ogm_limits = {}
#        ogm_limits['min_x'] = 350  # used to be 200
#        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 800  # used to be 800
#        ogm_limits['min_y'] = 200
#        ogm_limits['max_y'] = 800

#        # Big Map
        ogm_limits = {}
        ogm_limits['min_x'] = 200  # used to be 200
#        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 800  # used to be 800
        ogm_limits['max_x'] = 850
        ogm_limits['min_y'] = 300
        ogm_limits['max_y'] = 710

        # publisher

        marker_pub = rospy.Publisher("/robot1/vis_nodes", MarkerArray, queue_size = 1)
        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations have meaning
#        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(initOgm, origin, resolution)
        print ogm_limits

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        #ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(initOgm, ogm_limits)
        ogm = initOgm
        # find brushfire field
        brush2 = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate skeletonization
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, origin, resolution, ogm_limits)

        # Find Topological Graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                                    resolution, brush2, ogm_limits)
        # print took to calculate....
        rospy.loginfo("Calculation time: %s",str(time.time() - tinit))
        if len(nodes) == 0 and force_random: 
            brush = self.brush.coverageLimitsBrushfire(initOgm, 
                      coverage, robotPose, origin, resolution)
            throw = set()
            throw = self.filterGoal(brush, initOgm, resolution, origin)
            goal = random.sample(brush, 1)
            rospy.loginfo("nodes are zero and random node chosen!!!!")
            th_rg = math.atan2(goal[0][1] - robotPose['y'], \
                    goal[0][0] - robotPose['x'])

   = [goal[0][0], goal[0][1], th_rg]
        if len(nodes) == 0:
            brush = self.brush.coverageLimitsBrushfire(initOgm, 
                      coverage, robotPose, origin, resolution)
            throw = set()
            throw = self.filterGoal(brush, initOgm, resolution, origin)
            distance_map = dict()
            distance_map = self.calcDist(robotPose, brush)
   = min(distance_map, key = distance_map.get)
            th_rg = math.atan2([1] - robotPose['y'], \
          [0] - robotPose['x'])
   = list(

        if len(nodes) > 0:
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Nodes ready! Elapsed time = %fsec", time.time() - tinit)
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] # of nodes = %u", len(nodes))

            # Remove previous targets from the list of nodes
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Prev. target = [%u, %u]", self.previousTarget[0], 
            if len(nodes) > 1:
                nodes = [i for i in nodes if i != self.previousTarget]

            vis_nodes = []
            for n in nodes:
                    n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                    n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
                1, # Type: Arrow
                0, # Action: Add
                "map", # Frame
                "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
                [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
                0.1 # Scale
            self.publish_markers(marker_pub, vis_nodes)

        # Check distance From Other goal

        for node in nodes:
            node_x = node[0] * resolution + origin['x']
            node_y = node[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            dist = math.hypot(node_x - other_goal['x'], node_y - other_goal['y']) 
            if dist < 1 and len(nodes) > 2:

        # pick Random node!!
        if force_random:
            ind = random.randrange(0,len(nodes))
            rospy.loginfo('index is: %d', ind)
            rospy.loginfo('Random raw node is: [%u, %u]', nodes[ind][0], nodes[ind][1])
            tempX = nodes[ind][0] * resolution + origin['x']
            tempY = nodes[ind][1] * resolution + origin['y']
            th_rg = math.atan2(tempY - robotPose['y'], \
                    tempX - robotPose['x'])
   = [tempX, tempY, th_rg]
            rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Random target found at [%f, %f]", 

        # Calculate distance cost
        wDist = []
        nodesX = []
        nodesY = []
        for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
        for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
            dist = math.sqrt((nodes[i][0] * resolution + origin['x_px'] - robotPose['x_px'])**2 + \
                        (nodes[i][1] * resolution + origin['y_px'] - robotPose['y_px'])**2)

#        for i in range(len(nodes)):
#            rospy.logwarn("Distance Cost is: %f ",wDist[i])
            gaussCoeff = 1               
            wDist.append(dist * gaussCoeff)


        # Normalize costs
#        wTopoNorm = []
        wDistNorm = []
#        wCoveNorm = []
#        wRotNorm = []
        for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
#            if max(wTopo) - min(wTopo) == 0:
#                normTopo = 0
#            else:
#                normTopo = 1 - (wTopo[i] - min(wTopo)) / (max(wTopo) - min(wTopo))
#            if wDist[i] == max(wDist):
#                nodes.remove(nodes[i])
#                continue
            if max(wDist) - min(wDist) == 0:
                normDist = 0
                normDist = 1 - (wDist[i] - min(wDist)) / (max(wDist) - min(wDist))
#            if max(wCove) - min(wCove) == 0:
#                normCove = 0
#            else:
#                normCove = 1 - (wCove[i] - min(wCove)) / (max(wCove) - min(wCove))
#            if max(wRot) - min(wRot) == 0:
#                normRot = 0
#            else:
#                normRot = 1 - (wRot[i] - min(wRot)) / (max(wRot) - min(wRot))
#            wTopoNorm.append(normTopo)
#            wCoveNorm.append(normCove)
#            wRotNorm.append(normRot)

        # Calculate Priority Weight
        priorWeight = []
        for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
            pre = wDistNorm[i] / 0.5
            #pre = 1

        # Calculate smoothing factor
        smoothFactor = []
        for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
            coeff = 1 - wDistNorm[i]


        # Calculate costs
        self.costs = []
        for i in range(0, len(nodes)):
            self.costs.append(smoothFactor[i] * priorWeight[i])

        print 'len nodes is:'
        print len(nodes) 
        goals_and_costs = zip(nodes, self.costs)
        #print goals_and_costs

        goals_and_costs.sort(key = lambda t: t[1], reverse = False)
        #sorted(goals_and_costs, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        #print goals_and_costs 
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Raw node = [%u, %u]", goals_and_costs[0][0][0], goals_and_costs[0][0][1])
        tempX = goals_and_costs[0][0][0] * resolution + origin['x']
        tempY = goals_and_costs[0][0][1] * resolution + origin['y']
        th_rg = math.atan2(tempY - robotPose['y'], \
                    tempX - robotPose['x']) = [tempX, tempY, th_rg]
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Eligible node found at [%f, %f]", 
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Node Index: %u", i)
        rospy.loginfo("[Main Node] Node Cost = %f", goals_and_costs[0][1])
        self.previousTarget = [goals_and_costs[0][0][0], goals_and_costs[0][0][1]]


    def rotateRobot(self):
        velocityMsg = Twist()
        angularSpeed = 0.3
        relativeAngle = 2*math.pi
        currentAngle = 0

        rospy.loginfo("Roatating robot...")
        velocityMsg.linear.x = 0
        velocityMsg.linear.y = 0
        velocityMsg.linear.z = 0
        velocityMsg.angular.x = 0
        velocityMsg.angular.y = 0
        velocityMsg.angular.z = angularSpeed

        t0 =
        rospy.logwarn(rospy.get_caller_id() + ": Rotate Robot! Please wait...")
        while currentAngle < relativeAngle:
            t1 =
            currentAngle = angularSpeed * (t1 - t0)

        velocityMsg.angular.z = 0
        rospy.logwarn(rospy.get_caller_id() + ": Robot Rotation OVER!")

    def publish_markers(self, marker_pub, vis_nodes):
        markers = MarkerArray()
        c = 0
        for n in vis_nodes:
            c += 1
            msg = Marker()
            msg.header.frame_id = "map"
            msg.ns = "lines"
            msg.action = msg.ADD
            msg.type = msg.CUBE
   = c
            #msg.scale.x = 1.0
            #msg.scale.y = 1.0
            #msg.scale.z = 1.0
            # I guess I have to take into consideration resolution too
            msg.pose.position.x = n[0]
            msg.pose.position.y = n[1]
            msg.pose.position.z = 0
            msg.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            msg.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            msg.pose.orientation.z = 0.05
            msg.pose.orientation.w = 0.05
            msg.scale.x = 0.2
            msg.scale.y = 0.2
            msg.scale.z = 0.2
            msg.color.a = 1.0 # Don't forget to set the alpha!
            msg.color.r = 0.0
            msg.color.g = 1.0
            msg.color.b = 0.0
    #        print 'I publish msg now!!!'

    def calcDist(self, robotPose, brush):
        distance_map = dict()
        for goal in brush:
            dist = math.hypot(goal[0] - robotPose['x'], goal[1] - robotPose['y'])
            distance_map[goal] = dist
        return distance_map

    def filterGoal(self, brush2, ogm, resolution, origin):
        throw = set()
        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for i in range(-9,10):
                if int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution)] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution)] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for j in range(-9,10):
                if int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + j >= len(ogm[0]):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution)]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + j] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution)] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for i in range(-9,10):
                if int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm) or \
                    int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm[0]):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        for goal in brush2:
            goal = list(goal)
            for i in range(-9, 10):
                if int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm) or \
                    int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) + i >= len(ogm[0]):
                if ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) - i] > 49 \
                or ogm[int(goal[0]/resolution - origin['x']/resolution) + i]\
                [int(goal[1]/resolution - origin['y']/resolution) - i] == -1:
                    goal = tuple(goal)

        return throw
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):

        self.initial_time = time()
        self.method = selection_method
        self.initialize_gains = False

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topology = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()
        self.droneConnector = DroneCommunication()

        # Parameters from YAML File
        self.debug = True  #rospy.get_param('debug')
        self.map_discovery_purpose = rospy.get_param('map_discovery_purpose')
        self.color_evaluation_flag = rospy.get_param('color_rating')
        self.drone_color_evaluation_topic = rospy.get_param(
        self.evaluate_potential_targets_srv_name = rospy.get_param(

        # Explore Gains
        self.g_color = 0.0
        self.g_brush = 0.0
        self.g_corner = 0.0
        self.g_distance = 0.0

        if self.color_evaluation_flag:

            # Color Evaluation Service
            self.color_evaluation_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(
                self.evaluate_potential_targets_srv_name, EvaluateTargets)
            # Subscribe to Color Evaluation Topic to Get Results from Color Evaluation
            self.drone_color_evaluation_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
                self.drone_color_evaluation_topic, ColorEvaluationArray,
            # Parameters
            self.targets_color_evaluated = False  # Set True Once Color Evaluation of Targets Completed
            self.color_evaluation = []  # Holds the Color Evaluation of Targets
            self.corner_evaluation = [
            ]  # Holds the Number of Corners Near Each Target

    # Target Selection Function
    def selectTarget(self,

        # Initialize Target
        target = [-1, -1]
        if self.running_time() > 15:
            print('\x1b[37;1m' + str('15 Minutes Constraint Passed!!!') +

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM
        start = time()
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(init_ogm,
        if self.debug:
            print('\x1b[34;1m' + str('Target Selection: OGM Boundaries ') +
                  str(ogm_limits) + str(' in ') + str(time() - start) +
                  str(' seconds.') + '\x1b[0m')

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        start = time()
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)
        if self.debug:
            print('\x1b[34;1m' + str('Target Selection: OGM Blurred in ') +
                  str(time() - start) + str(' seconds.') + '\x1b[0m')

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        start = time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        if self.debug:
            print('\x1b[34;1m' + str('Target Selection: Brush in ') +
                  str(time() - start) + str(' seconds.') + '\x1b[0m')

        # Calculate Robot Position
        [rx, ry] = [
            robot_pose['x_px'] - origin['x'] / resolution,
            robot_pose['y_px'] - origin['y'] / resolution

        # Calculate Skeletonization
        start = time()
        skeleton = self.topology.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, origin, resolution,
        if self.debug:
            print('\x1b[34;1m' + str('Target Selection: Skeletonization in ') +
                  str(time() - start) + str(' seconds.') + '\x1b[0m')

        # Find Topological Graph
        start = time()
        potential_targets = self.topology.topologicalNodes(
        if self.debug:
            print('\x1b[34;1m' +
                  str('Target Selection: Topological Graph in ') +
                  str(time() - start) + str(' seconds.') + '\x1b[0m')
            print('\x1b[34;1m' +
                  str("The Potential Targets to be Checked are ") +
                  str(len(potential_targets)) + '\x1b[0m')

        if len(potential_targets) == 0:
            print('\x1b[32;1m' +
                  str('\n------------------------------------------') +
                  str("Finished Space Exploration!!! ") +
                  str('------------------------------------------\n') +

        # Visualization of Topological Graph
        vis__potential_targets = []
        for n in potential_targets:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
        RvizHandler.printMarker(vis__potential_targets, 1, 0, "map",
                                "art_topological_nodes", [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5],

        # Check if we have given values to Gains
        if not self.initialize_gains:

        # Random Point Selection if Needed
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random:

            # Get Distance from Potential Targets
            distance = np.zeros((len(potential_targets), 1), dtype=np.float32)
            for idx, target in enumerate(potential_targets):
                distance[idx] = hypot(rx - target[0], ry - target[1])
            distance *= 255.0 / distance.max()

            path = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits,
                                           potential_targets, distance,
                                           resolution, g_robot_pose)

            if path is not None:
                return path
                return []

        # Sent Potential Targets for Color Evaluation (if Flag is Enable)
        if self.color_evaluation_flag:
            start_color = time()
            while not self.sent_potential_targets_for_color_evaluation(
                    potential_targets, resolution, origin):

        # Initialize Arrays for Target Selection
        id = np.array(range(0, len(potential_targets))).reshape(-1, 1)
        brushfire = np.zeros((len(potential_targets), 1), dtype=np.float32)
        distance = np.zeros((len(potential_targets), 1), dtype=np.float32)
        color = np.zeros((len(potential_targets), 1), dtype=np.float32)
        corners = np.zeros((len(potential_targets), 1), dtype=np.float32)
        score = np.zeros((len(potential_targets), 1), dtype=np.float32)

        # Calculate Distance and Brush Evaluation
        start = time()
        for idx, target in enumerate(potential_targets):
            distance[idx] = hypot(rx - target[0], ry - target[1])
            brushfire[idx] = brush[target[0], target[1]]

        if self.debug:
            print('\x1b[35;1m' +
                  str('Distance and Brush Evaluation Calculated in ') +
                  str(time() - start) + str(' seconds.') + '\x1b[0m')

        # Wait for Color Evaluation to be Completed
        if self.color_evaluation_flag:
            while not self.targets_color_evaluated:
            color = np.array(self.color_evaluation).reshape(-1, 1)
            corners = np.array(self.corner_evaluation,
                               dtype=np.float64).reshape(-1, 1)
            # Reset Flag for Next Run
            self.targets_color_evaluated = False
            if self.debug:
                print('\x1b[35;1m' + str('Color Evaluation Calculated in ') +
                      str(time() - start_color) + str(' seconds.') + '\x1b[0m')

        # Normalize Evaluation Arrays to [0, 255]
        distance *= 255.0 / distance.max()
        brushfire *= 255.0 / brushfire.max()
        if self.color_evaluation_flag:
            # color max is 640*320 = 204800
            color *= 255.0 / color.max()
            color = 255.0 - color
            corners *= 255.0 / corners.max()

        # Calculate Score to Choose Best Target
        # Final Array = [ Id. | [X] | [Y] | Color | Brush | Dist. | Num. of Corners | Score ]
        #                  0     1     2     3       4       5            6             7
        # Max is: 255 + 255 -  0  -  0  = +510
        # Min is:  0  +  0  - 255 - 255 = -510
        evaluation = np.concatenate((id, potential_targets, color, brushfire,
                                     distance, corners, score),
        for e in evaluation:
            # Choose Gains According to Type of Exploration (Default is Exploration)
            if self.map_discovery_purpose == 'coverage':
                e[7] = self.g_color * e[3] + self.g_brush * e[
                    4] - self.g_distance * e[5] - self.g_corner * e[6]
            elif self.map_discovery_purpose == 'combined':
                # Gains Change over Time
                e[7] = self.g_color * e[3] + self.g_brush * e[
                    4] - self.g_distance * e[5] - self.g_corner * e[6]
                e[7] = self.g_color * e[3] + self.g_brush * e[
                    4] - self.g_distance * e[5] - self.g_corner * e[6]

        # Normalize Score to [0, 255] and Sort According to Best Score (Increasingly)
        evaluation[:, 7] = self.rescale(
                       7], (-self.g_distance * 255.0 - self.g_corner * 255.0),
            (self.g_color * 255.0 + self.g_brush * 255.0), 0.0, 255.0)
        evaluation = evaluation[evaluation[:, 7].argsort()]

        # Best Target is in the Bottom of Evaluation Table Now
        target = [
            evaluation[[len(potential_targets) - 1], [1]],
            evaluation[[len(potential_targets) - 1], [2]]

        # Print The Score of the Target Selected
        if len(previous_limits) != 0:
            if not previous_limits['min_x'] < target[0] < previous_limits['max_x'] and not\
                                    previous_limits['min_y'] < target[1] < previous_limits['max_y']:

                print('\x1b[38;1m' +
                      str('Selected Target was inside Explored Area.') +

        print('\x1b[35;1m' + str('Selected Target was ') +
                  (len(potential_targets) - 1), 0))) + str(' with score of ') +
                  (len(potential_targets) - 1), 7)) + str('.') + '\x1b[0m')

        return self.path_planning.createPath(g_robot_pose, target, resolution)

    # Send SIGNAL to Drone to Color Evaluate Potential Targets Function
    def sent_potential_targets_for_color_evaluation(self, targets, resolution,

        # Calculate Position of Targets in Map
        targets = np.asarray(targets, dtype=np.float64)
        for target in targets:
            target[0] = target[0] * resolution + origin['x']
            target[1] = target[1] * resolution + origin['y']
        # Create Color Evaluation Request Message
        color_evaluation_request_msg = EvaluateTargetsRequest()
        color_evaluation_request_msg.pos_x = np.array(targets[:, 0])
        color_evaluation_request_msg.pos_y = np.array(targets[:, 1])
        # Call Service
            response = self.color_evaluation_service(
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print "Service call failed: %s" % e

        return response
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random, tries):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # CHALLENGE 6

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale

        # Robot Position
        x = robot_pose['x_px'] + abs(origin['x'] / resolution)
        y = robot_pose['y_px'] + abs(origin['y'] / resolution)

        # Random point
        if self.method == 'random' and force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)

        # CHALLENGE 6
        # ADDED
        elif (tries == 0):
            target = self.MAXTargetSel(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits, nodes,
                                       x, y)
        elif (tries == 1):
            target = self.MINTargetSel(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits, nodes,
                                       x, y)
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)
        #     target = self.myTargetSelection(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits, nodes, x, y)

        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target

    def MAXTargetSel(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits, nodes, x, y):
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        a = []
        b = []
        d = []
        for n in nodes:
            #The max distance topo node from robot
            temp = (math.pow(x - n[0], 2) + math.pow(y - n[1], 2))

        c = a.index(max(a))
        next_target = [b[c], d[c]]

        Print.art_print("Select MAX target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target

    def MINTargetSel(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits, nodes, x, y):
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        a = []
        b = []
        d = []
        for n in nodes:
            #The min distance topo node from robot
            temp = -(math.pow(x - n[0], 2) + math.pow(y - n[1], 2))

        c = a.index(max(a))
        next_target = [b[c], d[c]]

        Print.art_print("Select MIN target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
Пример #14
class TargetSelection:

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = [] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
        resolution, force_random = False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                   origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
            1, # Type: Arrow
            0, # Action: Add
            "map", # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes", # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5], # Color RGBA
            0.1 # Scale

        # 1. Brush-fire field
        # 2. OGM Skeleton
        # 3. Topological Nodes
        # 4. Coverage field
        # 5. OGM Limits

        # Next subtarget is selected based on a
        # weighted-calculated score for each node. The score
        # is calculated using normalized values of the brush
        # field and the number of branches. The weight values
        # are defined experimentaly through the tuning method.
        temp_score = 0
        max_score = 0
        best_node = nodes[0]

        # the max-min boundaries are set arbitarily
        BRUSH_MAX = 17
        BRUSH_MIN = 1
        BRUSH_WEIGHT = 2.5
        BRANCH_MAX = 10
        BRANCH_MIN = 0
        BRANCH_WEIGHT = 2.5
        DISTANCE_MIN = 0
        DISTANCE_MAX = 40
        DISTANCE_WEIGHT = 0.5

        for n in nodes:

            # Use brushfire to increase temp_score
            temp_score = (brush[n[0]][n[1]] -
                          BRUSH_MIN) / (BRUSH_MAX - BRUSH_MIN) * BRUSH_WEIGHT

            # Use OGM Skeleton to find potential
            # branches following the target
            branches = 0
            for i in range(-1, 2):
                for j in range(-1, 2):
                    if (i != 0 or j != 0):
                        branches += skeleton[n[0] + i][n[1] + j]

            # Use OGM-Skeleton to increase temp_score (select a goal with more future options)
            temp_score += (branches - BRANCH_MIN) / (BRANCH_MAX -
                                                     BRUSH_MIN) * BRANCH_WEIGHT

            # Use OGM-Limits to decrease temp_score
            # the goal closest to OGM limits is best exploration option
            distance = math.sqrt((ogm_limits['max_x'] - n[0])**2 +
                                 (ogm_limits['max_y'] - n[1])**2)
            temp_score -= (distance - DISTANCE_MIN) / (

            # If temp_score is higher than current max
            # score, then max score is updated and current node
            # becomes next goal - target
            if temp_score > max_score:
                max_score = temp_score
                best_node = n

        final_x = best_node[0]
        final_y = best_node[1]
        target = [final_x, final_y]

        # Random point
        # if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
        #     target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)

        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
        Print.art_print("Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit), \
        return next_target
class TargetSelection:
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, selection_method):
        self.goals_position = []
        self.goals_value = []
        self.path = []
        self.prev_target = [0, 0] = 0.0
        self.radius = 0
        self.method = selection_method

        self.brush = Brushfires()
        self.topo = Topology()
        self.path_planning = PathPlanning()
        self.robot_perception = RobotPerception()  # can i use that?

    def selectTarget(self, init_ogm, coverage, robot_pose, origin, \
                     resolution, force_random=False):

        target = [-1, -1]

        ######################### NOTE: QUESTION  ##############################
        # Implement a smart way to select the next target. You have the
        # following tools: ogm_limits, Brushfire field, OGM skeleton,
        # topological nodes.

        # Find only the useful boundaries of OGM. Only there calculations
        # have meaning
        ogm_limits = OgmOperations.findUsefulBoundaries(
            init_ogm, origin, resolution)

        # Blur the OGM to erase discontinuities due to laser rays
        ogm = OgmOperations.blurUnoccupiedOgm(init_ogm, ogm_limits)

        # Calculate Brushfire field
        tinit = time.time()
        brush = self.brush.obstaclesBrushfireCffi(ogm, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Brush time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Calculate skeletonization
        tinit = time.time()
        skeleton = self.topo.skeletonizationCffi(ogm, \
                                                 origin, resolution, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Skeletonization time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),

        # Find topological graph
        tinit = time.time()
        nodes = self.topo.topologicalNodes(ogm, skeleton, coverage, origin, \
                                           resolution, brush, ogm_limits)
        Print.art_print("Topo nodes time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),
        print len(nodes)

        # Visualization of topological nodes
        vis_nodes = []
        for n in nodes:
                n[0] * resolution + origin['x'],
                n[1] * resolution + origin['y']
        RvizHandler.printMarker( \
            vis_nodes, \
            1,  # Type: Arrow
            0,  # Action: Add
            "map",  # Frame
            "art_topological_nodes",  # Namespace
            [0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.5],  # Color RGBA
            0.1  # Scale

        # Random point
        if self.method == 'random' or force_random == True:
            target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush, ogm_limits)

        # CTN
        if self.method == 'CTN':
            target = self.selectNearestTopologyNode(robot_pose=robot_pose,
            if target is None:
                target = self.selectRandomTarget(ogm, coverage, brush,
        # target = self.selectNearestTopologyNode(robot_pose=robot_pose, resolution=resolution, nodes=nodes, ogm=ogm,
        #                                         coverage=coverage, brushogm=brush)

        return target

    def selectRandomTarget(self, ogm, coverage, brushogm, ogm_limits):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        found = False
        while not found:
            x_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[0] - 1)
            y_rand = random.randint(0, ogm.shape[1] - 1)
            if ogm[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and coverage[x_rand][y_rand] < 50 and \
                            brushogm[x_rand][y_rand] > 5:
                next_target = [x_rand, y_rand]
                found = True
            "Select random target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),
        return next_target

    # way too slow, maybe i didn't quite understood weigthed path find?
    def selectNearestTopologyNode(self, robot_pose, resolution, nodes):
        # The next target in pixels
        tinit = time.time()
        next_target = [0, 0]
        w_dist = 10000
        x_g, y_g = 500, 500
        sigma = 100
        g_robot_pose = self.robot_perception.getGlobalCoordinates(
            [robot_pose['x_px'], robot_pose['y_px']])  # can I use that?
        for node in nodes:
            # print resolution
            self.path = self.path_planning.createPath(
                g_robot_pose, node, resolution)  # can I use that?
            if len(self.path) == 0:
            x_n, y_n = node[0], node[1]
            exp = ((x_n - x_g)**2 + (y_n - y_g)**2) / (2 * (sigma**2))
            scale_factor = 1 / (1 - math.exp(-exp) + 0.01)

            coords = zip(
                *self.path)  # dist is [[x1 x2 x3..],[y1 y2 y3 ..]] #transpose

            coord_shift = np.empty_like(coords)
            coord_shift[0] = coords[0][-1:] + coords[0][:-1]  # (xpi+1)
            coord_shift[1] = coords[1][-1:] + coords[1][:-1]  # (ypi+1)

            coords = np.asarray(coords)

            dist = [
                (a - b)**2 for a, b in zip(coords[:, 1:], coord_shift[:, 1:])
            ]  # (xpi - xpi+1)^2 , (ypi-ypi+1)^2
            dist = sum(np.sqrt(dist[0] + dist[1]))

            w = dist * (1 / scale_factor)
            if w < w_dist and len(self.path) != 0:
                if self.prev_target == node:
                w_dist = w
                next_target = node

        self.prev_target = next_target  # dont select the same target it we failed already

            "Select nearest node target time: " + str(time.time() - tinit),
        return next_target