def format_scoreboard(aug=lambda y, x: x): url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): try: data = bj.scoreboard(url, cookie) except BruteError as e: bottle.response.status = 500 return aug(True, '<pre>' + html.escape(str(e)) + '</pre>') except: bottle.response.status = 500 return aug(True, '<pre>Internal server error</pre>') tasks = bj.task_list(url, cookie) task = pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'scoreboard_task.html').decode('utf-8') tasks = ''.join(task.format(name=html.escape(i)) for i in tasks) contestant = pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'contestant.html').decode('utf-8') contestant_task = pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'contestant_task.html').decode('utf-8') contestants = [] for index, (data, scores) in enumerate(data): cur_tasks = ''.join( '<td></td>' if i == None else contestant_task. format(kind=(('ok' if i['attempts'] >= 0 else 'fail' ) if 'attempts' in i else 'unknown'), score=sb_format_single(i)) for i in scores) contestants.append( contestant.format(index=index + 1, nickname=data['name'], tasks=cur_tasks)) return aug( False, pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'scoreboard.html').decode('utf-8').format( tasks=tasks, contestants=''.join(contestants)))
def task_page(task): task = int(task) url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): tl = bj.task_list(url, cookie) td = task_data(task, tl=tl) t1 = pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'task.html').decode('utf-8') t2 = pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'compiler.html').decode('utf-8') subms, any_subms, json_subms = format_submissions(td['name']) if any_subms: subms = pkgutil.get_data( 'ejui', 'task_subms.html').decode('utf-8').format(subms=subms) else: subms = '' compilers = '' for a, b, c in td['compilers']: compilers += t2.format(id=a, short_name=html.escape(b), long_name=html.escape(c)) if td['compilers']: compilers = pkgutil.get_data( 'ejui', 'compilers.html').decode('utf-8').format(data=compilers) return format_page('task%d' % task, t1.format(id=task, name=html.escape(td['name']), subms=subms, compilers=compilers), tl=tl, subms=json_subms)
def submission_list(): url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): return { "list": bj.submission_list(url, cookie), "status": bj.status(url, cookie), "scores": bj.scores(url, cookie) }
def submission_list_item(id): id = int(id) url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): score = bj.submission_score(url, cookie, id) status = bj.submission_status(url, cookie, id) gsc = bj.scores(url, cookie) gst = bj.status(url, cookie) data = {'status': status} if score != None: data['score'] = score data['global'] = {'status': gst, 'scores': gsc} return data
def task_data(task, tl=None): task = int(task) url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): if tl == None: tl = bj.task_list(url, cookie) if task not in range(len(tl)): abort(404) name = tl[task] tids = bj.task_ids(url, cookie) try: tid = tids[task] except IndexError: compilers = [] else: try: compilers = bj.compiler_list(url, cookie, tid) except BruteError: compilers = [] return {'name': name, 'compilers': compilers}
def format_source(id): id = int(id) url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): src = bj.submission_source(url, cookie, id).decode('utf-8', 'replace') subms = list(zip(*bj.submission_list(url, cookie))) try: task = [j for i, j in subms if int(i) == id][0] except IndexError: task = None if src == None: ans = pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'no_source.html').decode('utf-8') else: ans = pkgutil.get_data( 'ejui', 'source.html').decode('utf-8').format( subm_id=id, task=(' (task %s)' % html.escape(task) if task != None else ''), code=html.escape(src)) return format_page('subms', ans)
def format_protocol(id): id = int(id) url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): tests, any_tests = format_tests(id) if not any_tests: tests = '' try: err = bj.compile_error(url, cookie, id) except: import traceback err = traceback.format_exc() if not err: err = '' else: err = pkgutil.get_data( 'ejui', 'compile_error.html').decode('utf-8').format(err=html.escape(err)) return pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'protocol.html').decode('utf-8').format( id=id, err=err, tests=tests)
def format_submissions(task=None): url, cookie = force_session() json_data = {} with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): a, b = bj.submission_list(url, cookie) json_data['list'] = [a, b] ans = '' have_score = False status_arr = [] stats_arr = [] for i, t in zip(a, b): status = bj.submission_status(url, cookie, i) stats = bj.submission_score(url, cookie, i) status_arr.append(status) if stats != None and task in (t, None): have_score = True stats_arr.append(stats) tt = pkgutil.get_data( 'ejui', 'subm.html' if have_score else 'subm_no_score.html').decode('utf-8') status_arr = iter(status_arr) stats_arr = iter(stats_arr) any_subms = False for i, t in zip(a, b): status = next(status_arr) stats = next(stats_arr) json_item = {'status': status} if stats != None: json_item['score'] = stats else: stats = '' json_data[i] = json_item if task in (t, None): any_subms = True ans += tt.format(id=i, task=html.escape(t), status=html.escape(status), score=stats, color=get_submission_color(status, stats)) return (pkgutil.get_data( 'ejui', 'subms_t.html' if have_score else 'subms_no_score.html').decode('utf-8').format(data=ans), any_subms, json_data)
def format_page(page, text, tl=None, subms=None, clars=None, status=None, scores=None, jjs_devmode=None): url, cookie = force_session() with bj.may_cache(url, cookie): if tl == None: tl = bj.task_list(url, cookie) if clars == None: try: clars = list(zip(*bj.clars(url, cookie))) except: clars = [] if status == None: try: status = bj.status(url, cookie) except: status = {} if scores == None: try: scores = bj.scores(url, cookie) except: scores = {} if subms == None: subms = format_submissions(None)[2] if jjs_devmode == None: jjs_devmode = get_contest_info(url, cookie)[2].get( 'jjs_devmode', False) data = [('main', '', '/', '<b>ejui</b>', '')] dyn_style = '' for i, j in enumerate(tl): if status.get(j, None) != None or scores.get(j, None) != None: st = status.get(j, 'True') sc = scores.get(j, 0) c1 = get_submission_color(st, sc, 1) c2 = get_submission_color(st, sc, 2) c = 'data-color1="%s" data-color2="%s" data-taskid="%s"' % ( c1, c2, html.escape(j)) dyn_style += '#toolbar_item_task%d\n{\n background: %s !important;\n}\n\n' % ( i, c2 if page == 'task%d' % i else c1) else: c = 'data-taskid="%s"' % html.escape(j) data.append(('task%d' % i, '', '/task/%d' % i, html.escape(j), c)) if dyn_style: dyn_style = '<style id="dyn_style">\n' + dyn_style.strip( ) + '\n</style>' data2 = [('error', '', '', '<div id="error_btn">!</div>', ''), ('subms', '', '/submissions', 'Submissions', ''), ('scoreboard', '', '/scoreboard', 'Scoreboard', ''), ('logout', 'toolbar_icon', '/logout', '<img src="/logout.png" alt="Log out" />', '')] if clars or page == 'clars': data2.insert(3, ('clars', 'toolbar_icon', '/clars', '<img src="/mail.png" alt="Clarifications" />', '')) head = '' for a, b, c, d, e in data: if a == page: b += ' selected' head += '<a id="toolbar_item_' + a + '" class="' + b + '" href="' + c + '" onclick="ajax_load(this); return false"' if e: head += ' ' + e head += '>' + d + '</a>' head += '</td><td align=right>' for a, b, c, d, e in data2: head += '<a id="toolbar_item_' + a + '" class="' + b + '" href="' + c + '" onclick="ajax_load(this); return false"' if a == page: head += ' class=selected' if e: head += ' ' + e head += '>' + d + '</a>' head += '' if page.startswith('task'): curr_task = repr(tl[int(page[4:])]) else: curr_task = 'null' return pkgutil.get_data('ejui', 'skel.html').decode('utf-8').format( body_style=(' style="background: url(/jjs_devmode.svg)"' if jjs_devmode else ''), task=curr_task, subm_preload=json.dumps(subms), dynamic_styles=dyn_style, head=head, body=text)
def do_asubmit(self, cmd, *, afmt=False): """ usage: asubmit [-w] [-x <extension>] <task> <lang_id> <file> Submit a new solution, using style-fixed version. Uses a specific style fixer if -x is specified. Waits until testing ends if -w is specified. """ modname = '' wait = False sp = shlex.split(cmd) if len(sp) not in (range(3, 7) if not afmt else (1, 3)): return self.do_help('aformat' if afmt else 'asubmit') if not afmt and sp[0] == '-w': wait = True del sp[0] if len(sp) not in ((3, 5) if not afmt else (1, 3)): return self.do_help('aformat' if afmt else 'asubmit') if sp[0] == '-x': modname = sp[1] del sp[:2] if modname[:1] == '.': modname = 'brutejudge.commands.asubmit.format_' + modname[1:] if len(sp) != (1 if afmt else 3): return self.do_help('aformat' if afmt else 'asubmit') try: name = sp[-1] module = None ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:] modname, *modargs = modname.split(',') modargs = set(modargs) if not modname: modname = 'brutejudge.commands.asubmit.format_' + ext try: module = __import__(modname, fromlist=True) except ImportError: pass if hasattr(module, 'cheats'): import brutejudge.cheats brutejudge.cheats.cheating(self) if not getattr(module, 'check_exists', check_exists)(name, modargs): raise BruteError("File not found.") if hasattr(module, 'read_file'): data = module.read_file(name, modargs) else: with open(name, 'rb') as file: data = if hasattr(module, 'format'): data = module.format(data, modargs) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise BruteError("File is binary.") if afmt: if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') sys.stdout.buffer.write(data) sys.stdout.buffer.flush() return with may_cache(self.url, self.cookie): try: task_id = next( for i in tasks(self.url, self.cookie) if i.short_name == sp[0]) except StopIteration: raise BruteError("No such task.") if not sp[1].isnumeric(): sp[1] = get_lang_id(self, sp[1], task_id) before = submissions(self.url, self.cookie) submit_solution(self.url, self.cookie, task_id, int(sp[1]), data) after = submissions(self.url, self.cookie) if before == after: raise BruteError("Error while sending.") else: print('Submission ID is', after[0].id) if wait: self.do_astatus(str(after[0].id))