def _flashPuckSpawn(self): light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position': self._puckSpawnPos, 'heightAttenuated':False, 'color': (1,0,0)}) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0:0, 250:1, 500:0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete)
def do_delete(self): if self.node is not None and self.node.exists(): if hasattr(self, "light") and self.light.exists(): bs.animate(self.light, "radius", {0: 0.078, 100: 0}) bs.gameTimer(100, self.light.delete) if hasattr(self, "powerupHurt") and self.powerupHurt.exists(): bs.gameTimer(100, self.powerupHurt.delete)
def recurringText(): t = bs.newNode('text', attrs={ 'text': texts[randrange(count)], 'scale': 0.95, 'maxWidth': 0, 'position': (0, 120), 'shadow': 1, 'flatness': 1.0, 'hAlign': 'center', 'vAttach': 'bottom' }) bs.animate(t, 'opacity', {0: 0.0, 500: 1.0, 6500: 1.0, 7000: 0.0}) multiColor = { 0: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)), 500: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)), 1000: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)), 1500: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)), 2000: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)), 2500: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)), 3000: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)), 3500: ((0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0), (0 + random.random() * 1.0)) } bsUtils.animateArray(t, 'color', 3, multiColor, True) bs.gameTimer(7000, t.delete)
def onPunchPress(self): """ Called to 'press punch' on this spaz; used for player or AI connections. Override for land grab: catch double-punch to switch bombs! """ if not self.node.exists() or self.frozen or self.node.knockout > 0.0: return if self.punchCallback is not None: self.punchCallback(self) t = bs.getGameTime() self._punchedNodes = set() # reset this.. ########This catches punches and switches between bombs and mines #if t - self.lastPunchTime < 500: if self.landMineCount < 1: self.landMineCount = 1 bs.animate(self.node,"billboardOpacity",{0:0.0,100:1.0,400:1.0}) else: self.landMineCount = 0 bs.animate(self.node,"billboardOpacity",{0:1.0,400:0.0}) if t - self.lastPunchTime > self._punchCooldown: self.lastPunchTime = t self.node.punchPressed = True if not self.node.holdNode.exists(): bs.gameTimer(100,bs.WeakCall(self._safePlaySound,self.getFactory().swishSound,0.8))
def _hideScoreText(self): try: exists = self._scoreText.exists() except Exception: exists = False if exists: bs.animate(self._scoreText, 'scale', {0: self._scoreText.scale, 200: 0})
def setScoreText(self, text): """ Utility func to show a message over the flag; handy for scores. """ if not self.node.exists(): return try: exists = self._scoreText.exists() except Exception: exists = False if not exists: startScale = 0.0 math = bs.newNode('math', owner=self.node, attrs={'input1': (0, 0.6, 0), 'operation':'add'}) self.node.connectAttr('position', math, 'input2') self._scoreText = bs.newNode('text', owner=self.node, attrs={'text':text, 'inWorld':True, 'scale':0.02, 'shadow':0.5, 'flatness':1.0, 'hAlign':'center'}) math.connectAttr('output', self._scoreText, 'position') else: startScale = self._scoreText.scale self._scoreText.text = text self._scoreText.color = bs.getSafeColor((1.0, 1.0, 0.4)) bs.animate(self._scoreText, 'scale', {0: startScale, 200: 0.02}) self._scoreTextHideTimer = bs.Timer(1000, bs.WeakCall(self._hideScoreText))
def handleMessage(self, m): if isinstance(m, bs.PickedUpMessage): self._heldBy = m.node elif isinstance(m, bs.DroppedMessage): bs.animate(self._powText, 'scale', {0: 0.01, 600: 0.03}) bs.gameTimer(600, bs.WeakCall(self.pow)) bsBomb.Bomb.handleMessage(self, m)
def __init__(self, incTime=1000): lightY = 150 self.pos = 0 self._beep1Sound = bs.getSound('raceBeep1') self._beep2Sound = bs.getSound('raceBeep2') self.lights = [] for i in range(4): l = bs.newNode('image', attrs={'texture':bs.getTexture('nub'), 'opacity':1.0, 'absoluteScale':True, 'position':(-75+i*50, lightY), 'scale':(50, 50), 'attach':'center'}) bs.animate(l, 'opacity', {10:0, 1000:1.0}) self.lights.append(l) self.lights[0].color = (0.2, 0, 0) self.lights[1].color = (0.2, 0, 0) self.lights[2].color = (0.2, 0.05, 0) self.lights[3].color = (0.0, 0.3, 0) self.cases = {1: self._doLight1, 2: self._doLight2, 3: self._doLight3, 4: self._doLight4} self.incTimer = None self.incTime = incTime
def _onCapsulePlayerCollide(self): if not self.hasEnded(): capsuleNode, playerNode = bs.getCollisionInfo('sourceNode','opposingNode') if capsuleNode is not None and playerNode is not None: capsule = capsuleNode.getDelegate() spaz = playerNode.getDelegate() player = spaz.getPlayer() if hasattr(spaz,'getPlayer') else None if player is not None and player.exists() and capsule is not None: if player.isAlive(): if capsuleNode.colorTexture == self._capsuleLuckyTex: player.gameData['capsules'] += 4 bsUtils.PopupText('BONUS!', color=(1,1,0), scale=1.5, position=(capsuleNode.position)).autoRetain() bs.playSound(self._luckyCollectSound,1.0,position=capsuleNode.position) bs.emitBGDynamics(position=capsuleNode.position,velocity=(0,0,0),count=int(6.4+random.random()*24),scale=1.2, spread=2.0,chunkType='spark'); bs.emitBGDynamics(position=capsuleNode.position,velocity=(0,0,0),count=int(4.0+random.random()*6),emitType='tendrils'); else: player.gameData['capsules'] += 1 bs.playSound(self._collectSound,0.6,position=capsuleNode.position) # create a flash light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position': capsuleNode.position, 'heightAttenuated':False, 'radius':0.1, 'color':(1,1,0)}) # Create a short text informing about your inventory self._handleCapsuleStorage(playerNode.position,player) bs.animate(light,'intensity',{0:0,100:0.5,200:0},loop=False) bs.gameTimer(200,light.delete) capsule.handleMessage(bs.DieMessage())
def handleMessage(self, m): if isinstance(m, bs.PickedUpMessage): self._heldBy = m.node elif isinstance(m, bs.DroppedMessage): bs.animate(self._powText, 'scale', {0:0.01, 600: 0.03}) bs.gameTimer(600, bs.WeakCall(self.pow)) bsBomb.Bomb.handleMessage(self, m)
def _onEggPlayerCollide(self): if not self.hasEnded(): eggNode, playerNode = bs.getCollisionInfo( 'sourceNode', 'opposingNode') if eggNode is not None and playerNode is not None: egg = eggNode.getDelegate() spaz = playerNode.getDelegate() player = (spaz.getPlayer() if hasattr(spaz, 'getPlayer') else None) if player is not None and player.exists() and egg is not None: player.getTeam().gameData['score'] += 1 # displays a +1 (and adds to individual player score in # teams mode) self.scoreSet.playerScored(player, 1, screenMessage=False) if self._maxEggs < 5: self._maxEggs += 1.0 elif self._maxEggs < 10: self._maxEggs += 0.5 elif self._maxEggs < 30: self._maxEggs += 0.3 self._updateScoreBoard() bs.playSound(self._collectSound, 0.5, position=egg.node.position) # create a flash light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position': eggNode.position, 'heightAttenuated': False, 'radius': 0.1, 'color': (1, 1, 0)}) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', { 0: 0, 100: 1.0, 200: 0}, loop=False) bs.gameTimer(200, light.delete) egg.handleMessage(bs.DieMessage())
def setScoreText(self,text): """ Utility func to show a message over the flag; handy for scores. """ if not self.node.exists(): return try: exists = self._scoreText.exists() except Exception: exists = False if not exists: startScale = 0.0 math = bs.newNode('math',owner=self.node,attrs={'input1':(0,1.4,0),'operation':'add'}) self.node.connectAttr('position',math,'input2') self._scoreText = bs.newNode('text', owner=self.node, attrs={'text':text, 'inWorld':True, 'scale':0.02, 'shadow':0.5, 'flatness':1.0, 'hAlign':'center'}) math.connectAttr('output',self._scoreText,'position') else: startScale = self._scoreText.scale self._scoreText.text = text self._scoreText.color = bs.getSafeColor(self.node.color) bs.animate(self._scoreText,'scale',{0:startScale,200:0.02}) self._scoreTextHideTimer = bs.Timer(1000,bs.WeakCall(self._hideScoreText))
def handlePlayerDied(self): if not self.node.exists(): return if self._showDeath: bs.animate(self.node,'opacity',{0:1.0,50:0.0,100:1.0,150:0.0,200:1.0,250:0.0, 300:1.0,350:0.0,400:1.0,450:0.0,500:1.0,550:0.2}) lives = self._player.gameData['lives'] if lives == 0: bs.gameTimer(600,self.updateForLives)
def handleMessage(self, m): self._handleMessageSanityCheck() if isinstance(m, PowerupAcceptMessage): factory = self.getFactory() if self.powerupType == 'health': bs.playSound(factory.healthPowerupSound, 3, position=self.node.position) bs.playSound(factory.powerupSound, 3, position=self.node.position) self._powersGiven = True self.handleMessage(bs.DieMessage()) elif isinstance(m, _TouchedMessage): if not self._powersGiven and not self.picked: node = bs.getCollisionInfo("opposingNode") if node is not None and node.exists(): node.handleMessage( PowerupMessage(self.powerupType, sourceNode=self.node)) elif isinstance(m, bs.DieMessage): if self.node.exists(): if (m.immediate): self.node.delete() else: curve = bs.animate(self.node, "modelScale", {0: 1, 100: 0}) if some.show_powerup_name: curve1 = bs.animate(self._powText, "scale", { 0: 0.01, 100: 0 }) if hasattr(self, 'nodeLight'): curve2 = bs.animate(self.nodeLight, "radius", { 0: 0.5, 100: 0 }) bs.gameTimer(100, self.node.delete) elif isinstance(m, bs.OutOfBoundsMessage): self.handleMessage(bs.DieMessage()) elif isinstance(m, bs.PickedUpMessage): self.picked = True elif isinstance(m, bs.DroppedMessage): self.picked = False elif isinstance(m, bs.HitMessage): # dont die on punches (thats annoying) msg = m if some.interactive_powerups: self.node.handleMessage("impulse", msg.pos[0], msg.pos[1], msg.pos[2], msg.velocity[0], msg.velocity[1], msg.velocity[2], msg.magnitude, msg.velocityMagnitude, msg.radius, 0, msg.velocity[0], msg.velocity[1], msg.velocity[2]) if m.hitType != 'punch': self.handleMessage(bs.DieMessage()) else: bs.Actor.handleMessage(self, m)
def __init__(self,position = (0,0.5,0),owner = None,prefix = 'ADMIN',prefixColor = (1,1,1),prefixAnim = {0:(1,1,1),500:(0.5,0.5,0.5)},prefixAnimate = True,particles = True): self.position = position self.owner = owner ### def a(): self.emit() ## if particles: self.timer = bs.Timer(10,bs.Call(a),repeat = True) #prefix m = bs.newNode('math', owner=self.owner, attrs={'input1': (0, 1.35, 0), 'operation': 'add'}) self.owner.connectAttr('position', m, 'input2') self._Text = bs.newNode('text', owner=self.owner, attrs={'text':prefix, #prefix text 'inWorld':True, 'shadow':1.2, 'flatness':1.0, 'color':prefixColor, 'scale':0.0, 'hAlign':'center'}) m.connectAttr('output', self._Text, 'position') bs.animate(self._Text, 'scale', {0: 0.0, 1000: 0.01}) #smooth prefix spawn #animate prefix if prefixAnimate: bsUtils.animateArray(self._Text, 'color',3, prefixAnim,True) #animate prefix color
def _flashMine(self,pos): light = bs.newNode("light", attrs={'position':pos, 'color':(1,0.2,0.2), 'radius':0.1, 'heightAttenuated':False}) bs.animate(light,"intensity",{0:0,100:1.0,200:0},loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000,light.delete)
def _flashBase(self,team,length=2000): light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position': team.gameData['basePos'], 'heightAttenuated': False, 'radius':0.3, 'color': team.color}) bs.animate(light,"intensity",{0:0,250:2.0,500:0},loop=True) bs.gameTimer(length,light.delete)
def _handlescore(self): """ a point has been scored """ # our puck might stick around for a second or two # we dont want it to be able to score again if self._puck.scored: return region = bs.getCollisionInfo("sourceNode") for i in range(len(self._scoreregions)): if region == self._scoreregions[i].node: break scoringteam = None for team in self.teams: if team.getID() == i: scoringteam = team team.gameData['score'] += 1 # tell all players to celebrate for player in team.players: try:'celebrate', 2000) except Exception: pass # if weve got the player from the scoring # team that last touched us, give them points if (scoringteam.getID() in self._puck.lastplayerstotouch and self._puck.lastplayerstotouch[ scoringteam.getID()].exists()): self.scoreSet.playerScored( self._puck.lastplayerstotouch[scoringteam.getID()], 100, bigMessage=True) # end game if we won if team.gameData['score'] >= self.settings['Score to Win']: self.endGame() bs.playSound(self._foghornsound) bs.playSound(self._cheersound) self._puck.scored = True # kill the puck (it'll respawn itself shortly) bs.gameTimer(1000, self._killpuck) light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={ 'position': bs.getCollisionInfo('position'), 'heightAttenuated': False, 'color': (1, 0, 0) }) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 500: 1, 1000: 0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete) self.cameraFlash(duration=10) self._updatescoreboard()
def move_hold_node(self, v='height'): if getattr(self, '_c', None) is not None and self._c.exists(): l = [0, 1, 2] if v == 'all' else [1] if v == 'height' else [0, 2] for c in l: val = getattr(self._c, 'input' + str(c)) bs.animate(self._c, 'input' + str(c), { 0: val, 500: val + self._c_move[c] })
def _flashPlayer(self,player,scale): pos = light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position':pos, 'color':(1,1,0), 'heightAttenuated':False, 'radius':0.4}) bs.gameTimer(500,light.delete) bs.animate(light,'intensity',{0:0,100:1.0*scale,500:0})
def _flashFlag(self, flag, length=1000): light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={ 'position': flag.node.position, 'heightAttenuated': False, 'color': flag.light.color }) bs.animate(light, "intensity", {0: 0, 250: 1, 500: 0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(length, light.delete)
def _doLight4(self): self.lights[3].color = (0.0, 1.0, 0) bs.playSound(self._beep2Sound) for l in self.lights: bs.animate(l, 'opacity', {0: 1.0, 1000: 0.0}) bs.gameTimer(1000, l.delete) self.incTimer = None self.onFinish() del self
def _handleScore(self): """ a point has been scored """ # our flag might stick around for a second or two # we dont want it to be able to score again if self._flag.scored: return # see which score region it was.. region = bs.getCollisionInfo("sourceNode") for i in range(len(self.scoreRegions)): if region == self.scoreRegions[i].node: break for team in [self.teams[0], self._botTeam]: if team.getID() == i: team.gameData['score'] += 7 # tell all players (or bots) to celebrate if i == 0: for player in team.players: try:'celebrate', 2000) except Exception: pass else: self._bots.celebrate(2000) # if the good guys scored, add more enemies if i == 0: if self.teams[0].gameData['score'] == 7: for t in self._botTypes7: self._spawnBot(t) elif self.teams[0].gameData['score'] == 14: for t in self._botTypes14: self._spawnBot(t) bs.playSound(self._scoreSound) if i == 0: bs.playSound(self._cheerSound) else: bs.playSound(self._booSound) #kill the flag (it'll respawn shortly) self._flag.scored = True bs.gameTimer(200, self._killFlag) self.updateScores() light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={ 'position': bs.getCollisionInfo('position'), 'heightAttenuated': False, 'color': (1, 0, 0) }) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 500: 1, 1000: 0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete) if i == 0: self.cameraFlash(duration=10)
def _flashBillboard(self, tex, spaz): spaz.node.billboardOpacity = 1.0 spaz.node.billboardTexture = tex spaz.node.billboardCrossOut = False bs.animate(spaz.node, "billboardOpacity", { 0: 0.0, 100: 1.0, 400: 1.0, 500: 0.0 })
def _flashFlagSpawn(self): light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={ 'position': self._flagSpawnPos, 'color': (1, 1, 1), 'radius': 0.3, 'heightAttenuated': False }) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 250: 0.5, 500: 0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete)
def _handleScore(self): """ a point has been scored """ # our flag might stick around for a second or two # make sure it doesn't score again if self._flag.scored: return region = bs.getCollisionInfo("sourceNode") for i in range(len(self._scoreRegions)): if region == self._scoreRegions[i].node: break for team in self.teams: if team.getID() == i: team.gameData['score'] += 1 # tell all players to celebrate for player in team.players: try:'celebrate', 2000) except Exception: pass # if someone on this team was last to touch it, give them points if (self._flag.lastHoldingPlayer is not None and self._flag.lastHoldingPlayer.exists() and team == self._flag.lastHoldingPlayer.getTeam()): self.scoreSet.playerScored(self._flag.lastHoldingPlayer, 50, bigMessage=True) # end game if we won if team.gameData['score'] >= self.settings['Score to Win']: self.endGame() bs.playSound(self._scoreSound) bs.playSound(self._cheerSound) self._flag.scored = True # kill the flag (it'll respawn shortly) bs.gameTimer(1000, self._killFlag) bs.gameTimer(3000, self._spawnFlag) light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={ 'position': bs.getCollisionInfo('position'), 'heightAttenuated': False, 'color': (1, 0, 0) }) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 500: 1, 1000: 0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete) self.cameraFlash(duration=10) self._updateScoreBoard()
def _handleReachedEnd(self): n = bs.getCollisionInfo("opposingNode") spaz = n.getDelegate() if not spaz.isAlive(): return # ignore bodies flying in.. self._flawless = False p = spaz.node.position bs.playSound(self._badGuyScoreSound, position=p) light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={ 'position': p, 'radius': 0.5, 'color': (1, 0, 0) }) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 100: 1, 500: 0}, loop=False) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete) spaz.handleMessage(bs.DieMessage(immediate=True, how='goal')) if self._lives > 0: self._lives -= 1 if self._lives == 0: self._bots.stopMoving() self.continueOrEndGame() self._livesText.node.text = str(self._lives) t = 0 def _safeSetAttr(node, attr, value): if node.exists(): setattr(node, attr, value) for i in range(4): bs.gameTimer( t, bs.Call(_safeSetAttr, self._livesText.node, 'color', (1, 0, 0, 1.0))) bs.gameTimer( t, bs.Call(_safeSetAttr, self._livesBG.node, 'opacity', 0.5)) t += 125 bs.gameTimer( t, bs.Call(_safeSetAttr, self._livesText.node, 'color', (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))) bs.gameTimer( t, bs.Call(_safeSetAttr, self._livesBG.node, 'opacity', 1.0)) t += 125 bs.gameTimer( t, bs.Call(_safeSetAttr, self._livesText.node, 'color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)))
def __init__(self, position=(0,1,0), velocity=(0,0.5,0),lucky=False): bs.Actor.__init__(self) self._luckyAppearSound = bs.getSound('ding') activity = self.getActivity() # spawn just above the provided point self._spawnPos = (position[0], position[1], position[2]) if lucky: bs.playSound(self._luckyAppearSound,1.0,self._spawnPos) self.capsule = bs.newNode("prop", attrs={'model': activity._capsuleModel, 'colorTexture': activity._capsuleLuckyTex, 'body':'crate', 'reflection':'powerup', 'modelScale':0.8, 'bodyScale':0.65, 'density':6.0, 'reflectionScale':[0.15], 'shadowSize': 0.65, 'position':self._spawnPos, 'velocity':velocity, 'materials': [bs.getSharedObject('objectMaterial'),activity._capsuleMaterial] }, delegate=self) bs.animate(self.capsule,"modelScale",{0:0, 100:0.9, 160:0.8}) self.lightCapsule = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position':self._spawnPos, 'heightAttenuated':False, 'radius':0.5, 'color':(0.2,0.2,0)}) else: self.capsule = bs.newNode("prop", attrs={'model': activity._capsuleModel, 'colorTexture': activity._capsuleTex, 'body':'capsule', 'reflection':'soft', 'modelScale':0.6, 'bodyScale':0.3, 'density':4.0, 'reflectionScale':[0.15], 'shadowSize': 0.6, 'position':self._spawnPos, 'velocity':velocity, 'materials': [bs.getSharedObject('objectMaterial'),activity._capsuleMaterial] }, delegate=self) bs.animate(self.capsule,"modelScale",{0:0, 100:0.6, 160:0.5}) self.lightCapsule = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position':self._spawnPos, 'heightAttenuated':False, 'radius':0.1, 'color':(0.2,1,0.2)}) self.capsule.connectAttr('position',self.lightCapsule,'position')
def setboxScoreText(self, t, color=(1, 1, 0.4), flash=False): """ Utility func to show a message momentarily over our spaz that follows him around; Handy for score updates and things. """ colorFin = bs.getSafeColor(color)[:3] if not self.node.exists(): return try: exists = self._scoreText.exists() except Exception: exists = False if not exists: startScale = 0.0 m = bs.newNode('math', owner=self.node, attrs={ 'input1': (0, 1.4, 0), 'operation': 'add' }) self.node.connectAttr('position', m, 'input2') self._scoreText = bs.newNode('text', owner=self.node, attrs={ 'text': t, 'inWorld': True, 'shadow': 1.0, 'flatness': 1.0, 'color': colorFin, 'scale': 0.02, 'hAlign': 'center' }) m.connectAttr('output', self._scoreText, 'position') else: self._scoreText.color = colorFin startScale = self._scoreText.scale self._scoreText.text = t if flash: combine = bs.newNode("combine", owner=self._scoreText, attrs={'size': 3}) sc = 1.8 offs = 0.5 t = 300 for i in range(3): c1 = offs + sc * colorFin[i] c2 = colorFin[i] bs.animate(combine, 'input' + str(i), { 0.5 * t: c2, 0.75 * t: c1, 1.0 * t: c2 }) combine.connectAttr('output', self._scoreText, 'color') bs.animate(self._scoreText, 'scale', {0: startScale, 200: 0.02})
def handleMessage(self, m): """ handle high-level game messages """ # respawn dead players if isinstance(m, bs.PlayerSpazDeathMessage): player = m.spaz.getPlayer() self.scoreSet.playerLostSpaz(player) respawnTime = 2000 + len(self.initialPlayerInfo) * 1000 # respawn them shortly player.gameData['respawnTimer'] = bs.Timer( respawnTime, bs.Call(self.spawnPlayerIfExists, player)) player.gameData['respawnIcon'] = bs.RespawnIcon( player, respawnTime) # augment standard behavior bs.CoopGameActivity.handleMessage(self, m) elif isinstance(m, bs.SpazBotDeathMessage): # every time a bad guy dies, spawn a new one bs.gameTimer(3000, bs.Call(self._spawnBot, (type(m.badGuy)))) elif isinstance(m, bs.SpazBotPunchedMessage): if self._preset in ['rookie', 'rookieEasy']: if m.damage >= 500: self._awardAchievement('Super Punch') elif self._preset in ['pro', 'proEasy']: if m.damage >= 1000: self._awardAchievement('Super Mega Punch') # respawn dead flags elif isinstance(m, bs.FlagDeathMessage): m.flag.respawnTimer = bs.Timer(3000, self._spawnFlag) self._flagRespawnLight = bs.NodeActor( bs.newNode('light', attrs={ 'position': self._flagSpawnPos, 'heightAttenuated': False, 'radius': 0.15, 'color': (1.0, 1.0, 0.3) })) bs.animate(self._flagRespawnLight.node, "intensity", { 0: 0, 250: 0.15, 500: 0 }, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(3000, self._flagRespawnLight.node.delete) else: bs.CoopGameActivity.handleMessage(self, m)
def _changePhrase(self): global gLastNewsFetchTime if time.time()-gLastNewsFetchTime > 100.0: self._fetchNews() self._text = None else: if self._text is not None: if len(self._phrases) == 0: for p in self._usedPhrases: self._phrases.insert(0,p) val = self._phrases.pop() if val == '__ACH__': vr = bs.getEnvironment()['vrMode'] bsUtils.Text( bs.Lstr(resource='nextAchievementsText'), color=(1,1,1,1) if vr else (0.95,0.9,1,0.4), hostOnly=True, maxWidth=200, position=(-300, -35), hAlign='right', transition='fadeIn', scale=0.9 if vr else 0.7, flatness=1.0 if vr else 0.6, shadow=1.0 if vr else 0.5, hAttach="center", vAttach="top", transitionDelay=1000, transitionOutDelay=self._messageDuration)\ .autoRetain() import bsAchievement achs = [a for a in bsAchievement.gAchievements if not a.isComplete()] if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop(random.randrange(min(4,len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(-180, -35, 1000, outDelay=self._messageDuration, style='news') if len(achs) > 0: a = achs.pop(random.randrange(min(8,len(achs)))) a.createDisplay(180, -35, 1250, outDelay=self._messageDuration, style='news') else: s = self._messageSpacing keys = {s:0, s+1000:1.0, s+self._messageDuration-1000:1.0, s+self._messageDuration:0.0} bs.animate(self._text.node, "opacity", dict([[k,v] for k,v in keys.items()])) self._text.node.text = val
def _handleBaseCollide(self,team): cval = bs.getCollisionInfo('opposingNode') try: player = cval.getDelegate().getPlayer() except Exception: return if player is None or not player.exists(): return # if its another team's player, they scored playerTeam = player.getTeam() if playerTeam is not team: # (prevent multiple simultaneous scores) if bs.getGameTime() != self._lastScoreTime: self._lastScoreTime = bs.getGameTime() self.scoreSet.playerScored(player,50,bigMessage=True) bs.playSound(self._scoreSound) self._flashBase(team) # move all players on the scoring team back to their start # and add flashes of light so its noticable for p in playerTeam.players: if p.isAlive(): pos = light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position':pos, 'color':playerTeam.color, 'heightAttenuated':False, 'radius':0.4}) bs.gameTimer(500,light.delete) bs.animate(light,'intensity',{0:0,100:1.0,500:0}) newPos = self.getMap().getStartPosition(playerTeam.getID()) light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position':newPos, 'color':playerTeam.color, 'radius':0.4, 'heightAttenuated':False}) bs.gameTimer(500,light.delete) bs.animate(light,'intensity',{0:0,100:1.0,500:0}),random.uniform(0,360))) # have teammates celebrate for player in playerTeam.players: try:'celebrate',2000) except Exception: pass playerTeam.gameData['score'] += 1 self._updateScoreBoard() if playerTeam.gameData['score'] >= self.settings['Score to Win']: self.endGame()
def setPowText(self, color=(1, 1, 0.4)): m = bs.newNode('math', owner=self.node, attrs={'input1': (0, 0.7, 0), 'operation': 'add'}) self.node.connectAttr('position', m, 'input2') self._powText = bs.newNode('text', owner=self.node, attrs={'text':'POW!', 'inWorld':True, 'shadow':1.0, 'flatness':1.0, 'color':color, 'scale':0.0, 'hAlign':'center'}) m.connectAttr('output', self._powText, 'position') bs.animate(self._powText, 'scale', {0: 0.0, 1000: 0.01})
def _setChosenOnePlayer(self, player): try: for p in self.players: p.gameData['FrozenLight'] = None bs.playSound(self._swipSound) if player is None or not player.exists(): self._flag = bs.Flag(color=(1,0.9,0.2), position=self._flagSpawnPos, touchable=False) self._chosenOnePlayer = None l = bs.newNode('light', owner=self._flag.node, attrs={'position': self._flagSpawnPos, 'intensity':0.6, 'heightAttenuated':False, 'volumeIntensityScale':0.1, 'radius':0.1, 'color': (1.2,1.2,0.4)}) self._flashFlagSpawn() else: if is not None: self._flag = None self._chosenOnePlayer = player if if self.settings['Frozen One Gets Gloves']:'punch')) = True = 1 # use a color that's partway between their team color and white color = [0.3+c*0.7 for c in bs.getNormalizedColor(player.getTeam().color)] l = player.gameData['FrozenLight'] = bs.NodeActor(bs.newNode('light', attrs={"intensity":0.6, "heightAttenuated":False, "volumeIntensityScale":0.1, "radius":0.13, "color": color})) bs.animate(l.node, 'intensity', {0:1.0, 200:0.4, 400:1.0}, loop=True)'position',l.node,'position') except Exception, e: import traceback print 'EXC in _setChosenOnePlayer' traceback.print_exc(e) traceback.print_stack()
def _flashPuckSpawn(self, pos): light = bs.newNode("light", attrs={"position": pos, "heightAttenuated": False, "color": (1, 0, 0)}) bs.animate(light, "intensity", {0: 0, 250: 1, 500: 0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete)
def _flashBoxSpawn(self): light = bs.newNode('light', attrs={'position':self._boxSpawnPos, 'color':(1, 1, 1), 'radius':0.3, 'heightAttenuated':False}) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0:0, 250:0.5, 500:0}, loop=True) bs.gameTimer(1000, light.delete)