Пример #1
def test_strategybase_tree_allocate_child_from_strategy():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])
    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # since children have w == 0 this should stay in s

    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now allocate to c1
    s.allocate(500, 'c1')

    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert s.value == 1000
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert c2.weight == 0
Пример #2
def test_degenerate_shorting():
    # can have situation where you short infinitely if commission/share > share
    # price
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1])
    # $1/share commission
    s.set_commissions(lambda q, p: abs(q) * 1)

    c1 = s['c1']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    # c1 trades at 0.01
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1'], data=0.01)


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


        assert False
    except Exception as e:
        assert 'full_outlay should always be approaching amount' in str(e)
Пример #3
def test_securitybase_allocate():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1])

    c1 = s['c1']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1'], data=100.)
    # set the price
    data['c1'][dts[0]] = 91.40246706608193

    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # allocate 100000 to strategy
    original_capital = 100000.
    # not integer positions
    c1.integer_positions = False
    # set the full_outlay and amount
    full_outlay = 1999.693706988672
    amount = 1999.6937069886717


    # the results that we want to be true
    assert np.isclose(full_outlay, amount, rtol=0.)

    # check that the quantity wasn't decreased and the full_outlay == amount
    # we can get the full_outlay that was calculated by
    # original capital - current capital
    assert np.isclose(full_outlay, original_capital - s._capital, rtol=0.)
Пример #4
def test_strategybase_tree_setup():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    assert len(s.data) == 3
    assert len(c1.data) == 3
    assert len(c2.data) == 3

    assert len(s._prices) == 3
    assert len(c1._prices) == 3
    assert len(c2._prices) == 3

    assert len(s._values) == 3
    assert len(c1._values) == 3
    assert len(c2._values) == 3
Пример #5
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])
    s.set_commissions(lambda q, p: 1)

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance c1
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1')

    assert c1.position == 4
    assert c1.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0
Пример #6
def test_strategybase_tree_update():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    c1.price == 100
    c2.price == 100

    i = 1
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    c1.price == 105
    c2.price == 95

    i = 2
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    c1.price == 100
    c2.price == 100
Пример #7
def test_strategybase_tree_allocate():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # since children have w == 0 this should stay in s

    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now allocate directly to child

    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0
Пример #8
def test_node_full_name():
    s1 = SecurityBase('s1')
    s2 = SecurityBase('s2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [s1, s2])

    assert s.full_name == 'p'
    assert s1.full_name == 'p>s1'
    assert s2.full_name == 'p>s2'
Пример #9
def test_node_full_name():
    s1 = SecurityBase('s1')
    s2 = SecurityBase('s2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [s1, s2])

    # we cannot access s1 and s2 directly since they are copied
    # we must therefore access through s
    assert s.full_name == 'p'
    assert s['s1'].full_name == 'p>s1'
    assert s['s2'].full_name == 'p>s2'
Пример #10
def test_strategybase_tree():
    s1 = SecurityBase('s1')
    s2 = SecurityBase('s2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [s1, s2])

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert 's1' in s.children
    assert 's2' in s.children
    assert s == s1.parent
    assert s == s2.parent
Пример #11
def test_strategybase_tree_allocate_level2():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c12 = copy.deepcopy(c1)
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    c22 = copy.deepcopy(c2)
    s1 = StrategyBase('s1', [c1, c2])
    s2 = StrategyBase('s2', [c12, c22])
    m = StrategyBase('m', [s1, s2])

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    m.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # since children have w == 0 this should stay in s

    assert m.value == 1000
    assert m.capital == 1000
    assert s1.value == 0
    assert s2.value == 0
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now allocate directly to child

    assert s1.value == 500
    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0

    # now allocate directly to child of child

    assert s1.value == 499
    assert s1.capital == 500 - 201
    assert c1.value == 200
    assert c1.weight == 200.0 / 499
    assert c1.position == 2

    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 999
    assert s1.weight == 499.0 / 999
    assert s2.weight == 0

    assert c12.value == 0
Пример #12
def test_security_setup_prices():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[0]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[0]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    assert c1.price == 105
    assert len(c1.prices) == 1
    assert c1.prices[0] == 105

    assert c2.price == 95
    assert len(c2.prices) == 1
    assert c2.prices[0] == 95

    # now with setup
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])
    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[0]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[0]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    assert c1.price == 105
    assert len(c1.prices) == 1
    assert c1.prices[0] == 105

    assert c2.price == 95
    assert len(c2.prices) == 1
    assert c2.prices[0] == 95
Пример #13
def test_strategybase_tree_allocate_long_short():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 999
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501
    assert s.value == 999


    assert c1.position == 3
    assert c1.value == 300
    assert c1.weight == 300.0 / 998
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501 + 199
    assert s.value == 998


    assert c1.position == -1
    assert c1.value == -100
    assert c1.weight == -100.0 / 997
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501 + 199 + 399
    assert s.value == 997

    # close up

    assert c1.position == 0
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501 + 199 + 399 - 101
    assert s.value == 996
Пример #14
def test_node_members():
    s1 = SecurityBase('s1')
    s2 = SecurityBase('s2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [s1, s2])

    actual = s.members
    assert len(actual) == 3
    assert s1 in actual
    assert s2 in actual
    assert s in actual

    actual = s1.members
    assert len(actual) == 1
    assert s1 in actual

    actual = s2.members
    assert len(actual) == 1
    assert s2 in actual
Пример #15
def test_outlays():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[0]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[0]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # allocate 1000 to strategy

    # now let's see what happens when we allocate 500 to each child

    # out update

    assert c1.data['outlay'][dts[0]] == (4 * 105)
    assert c2.data['outlay'][dts[0]] == (5 * 95)

    i = 1
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    # out update

    print c1.data['outlay']
    assert c1.data['outlay'][dts[1]] == (-4 * 100)
    assert c2.data['outlay'][dts[1]] == 100
Пример #16
def test_strategybase_tree_allocate_update():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])
    assert s.price == 100


    assert s.price == 100
    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s._value == 1000


    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 999
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501
    assert s.value == 999
    assert s.price == 99.9

    i = 1
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 525
    assert c1.weight == 525.0 / 1024
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 501
    assert s.value == 1024
    assert s.price == 102.4
Пример #17
def test_strategybase_tree_allocate_update():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])
    assert s.price == 100


    assert s.price == 100
    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s._value == 1000


    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.price == 100

    i = 1
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 525
    assert c1.weight == 525.0 / 1025
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert s.value == 1025
    assert np.allclose(s.price, 102.5)
Пример #18
def test_strategybase_tree_adjust():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95



    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert s.value == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c2.weight == 0
Пример #19
def test_strategybase_tree_decimal_position_rebalance():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    s.rebalance(0.42, 'c1')
    s.rebalance(0.58, 'c2')

    aae(c1.value, 420.084)
    aae(c2.value, 580.116)
    aae(c1.value + c2.value, 1000.2)
Пример #20
def test_outlays():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[0]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[0]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # allocate 1000 to strategy

    # now let's see what happens when we allocate 500 to each child

    # out update

    assert c1.data['outlay'][dts[0]] == (4 * 105)
    assert c2.data['outlay'][dts[0]] == (5 * 95)

    i = 1
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    # out update

    assert c1.data['outlay'][dts[1]] == (-4 * 100)
    assert c2.data['outlay'][dts[1]] == 100
Пример #21
def test_update_fails_if_price_is_nan_and_position_open():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = np.nan


    i = 0
    # mock in position
    c1._position = 100
    c1.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # test normal case - position & non-nan price
    assert c1._value == 100 * 100

    i = 1
    # this should fail, because we have non-zero position, and price is nan, so
    # bt has no way of updating the _value
        c1.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])
        assert False
    except Exception as e:
        assert e.message.startswith('Position is open')

    # on the other hand, if position was 0, this should be fine, and update
    # value to 0
    c1._position = 0
    c1.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])
    assert c1._value == 0
Пример #22
def test_strategybase_multiple_calls_preset_secs():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('s', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=5)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)

    data.c2[dts[0]] = 95
    data.c1[dts[1]] = 95
    data.c2[dts[2]] = 95
    data.c2[dts[3]] = 95
    data.c2[dts[4]] = 95
    data.c1[dts[4]] = 105


    # define strategy logic
    def algo(target):
        # close out any open positions

        # get stock w/ lowest price
        c = target.universe.ix[target.now].idxmin()

        # allocate all capital to that stock
        target.allocate(target.value, c)

    # replace run logic
    s.run = algo

    # start w/ 1000

    # loop through dates manually
    i = 0

    # update t0

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1000

    # run t0

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 50

    assert c2.value == 950
    assert c2.weight == 950.0 / 1000
    assert c2.price == 95

    # update out t0

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 50

    assert c2.value == 950
    assert c2.weight == 950.0 / 1000
    assert c2.price == 95

    # update t1
    i = 1

    assert s.value == 1050
    assert s.capital == 50
    assert len(s.children) == 2

    assert c2.value == 1000
    assert c2.weight == 1000.0 / 1050.
    assert c2.price == 100

    # run t1 - close out c2, open c1

    assert c1.value == 1045
    assert c1.weight == 1045.0 / 1050
    assert c1.price == 95

    assert c2.value == 0
    assert c2.weight == 0
    assert c2.price == 100

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1050
    assert s.capital == 5

    # update out t1

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1050
    assert s.capital == 5

    assert c1.value == 1045
    assert c1.weight == 1045.0 / 1050
    assert c1.price == 95

    assert c2.value == 0
    assert c2.weight == 0
    assert c2.price == 100

    # update t2
    i = 2

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 5

    assert c1.value == 1100
    assert c1.weight == 1100.0 / 1105
    assert c1.price == 100

    assert c2.value == 0
    assert c2.weight == 0
    assert c2.price == 95

    # run t2

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c1.price == 100

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95

    # update out t2

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c1.price == 100

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95

    # update t3
    i = 3

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c1.price == 100

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95

    # run t3

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c1.price == 100

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95

    # update out t3

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c1.price == 100

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95

    # update t4
    i = 4

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    # accessing price should refresh - this child has been idle for a while -
    # must make sure we can still have a fresh prices
    assert c1.price == 105
    assert len(c1.prices) == 5

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95

    # run t4

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c1.price == 105

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95

    # update out t4

    assert len(s.children) == 2
    assert s.value == 1105
    assert s.capital == 60

    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert c1.price == 105

    assert c2.value == 1045
    assert c2.weight == 1045.0 / 1105
    assert c2.price == 95
Пример #23
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance_level2():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c12 = copy.deepcopy(c1)
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    c22 = copy.deepcopy(c2)
    s1 = StrategyBase('s1', [c1, c2])
    s2 = StrategyBase('s2', [c12, c22])
    m = StrategyBase('m', [s1, s2])

    s1 = m['s1']
    s2 = m['s2']

    c1 = s1['c1']
    c2 = s1['c2']

    c12 = s2['c1']
    c22 = s2['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    m.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert m.value == 1000
    assert m.capital == 1000
    assert s1.value == 0
    assert s2.value == 0
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance child s1 - since its children are 0, no waterfall alloc
    m.rebalance(0.5, 's1')

    assert s1.value == 500
    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0

    # now allocate directly to child of child
    s1.rebalance(0.4, 'c1')

    assert s1.value == 500
    assert s1.capital == 500 - 200
    assert c1.value == 200
    assert c1.weight == 200.0 / 500
    assert c1.position == 2

    assert m.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0

    assert c12.value == 0

    # now rebalance child s1 again and make sure c1 also gets proportional
    # increase
    m.rebalance(0.8, 's1')
    assert s1.value == 800
    aae(m.capital, 200, 1)
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 800 / 1000
    assert s2.weight == 0
    assert c1.value == 300.0
    assert c1.weight == 300.0 / 800
    assert c1.position == 3

    # now rebalance child s1 to 0 - should close out s1 and c1 as well
    m.rebalance(0, 's1')

    assert s1.value == 0
    assert m.capital == 1000
    assert m.value == 1000
    assert s1.weight == 0
    assert s2.weight == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
Пример #24
def test_strategybase_tree_allocate_long_short():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert c1.position == 5
    assert c1.value == 500
    assert c1.weight == 500.0 / 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 500
    assert s.value == 1000


    assert c1.position == 3
    assert c1.value == 300
    assert c1.weight == 300.0 / 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 500 + 200
    assert s.value == 1000


    assert c1.position == -1
    assert c1.value == -100
    assert c1.weight == -100.0 / 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 500 + 200 + 400
    assert s.value == 1000

    # close up

    assert c1.position == 0
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c1.weight == 0
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 500 + 200 + 400 - 100
    assert s.value == 1000
Пример #25
def test_strategybase_tree_rebalance_base():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])
    s.set_commissions(lambda q, p: 1)

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = 105
    data['c2'][dts[1]] = 95


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])


    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # check that 2 rebalances of equal weight lead to two different allocs
    # since value changes after first call
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1')

    assert c1.position == 4
    assert c1.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0

    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c2')

    assert c2.position == 4
    assert c2.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401 - 401
    assert s.value == 998
    assert c2.weight == 400.0 / 998
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 998

    # close out everything

    # adjust to get back to 1000

    assert s.value == 1000
    assert s.capital == 1000
    assert c1.value == 0
    assert c2.value == 0

    # now rebalance but set fixed base
    base = s.value
    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c1', base=base)

    assert c1.position == 4
    assert c1.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401
    assert s.value == 999
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 999
    assert c2.weight == 0

    s.rebalance(0.5, 'c2', base=base)

    assert c2.position == 4
    assert c2.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 1000 - 401 - 401
    assert s.value == 998
    assert c2.weight == 400.0 / 998
    assert c1.weight == 400.0 / 998
Пример #26
def test_update_fails_if_price_is_nan_and_position_open():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1'], data=100)
    data['c1'][dts[1]] = np.nan


    i = 0
    # mock in position
    c1._position = 100
    c1.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # test normal case - position & non-nan price
    assert c1._value == 100 * 100

    i = 1
    # this should fail, because we have non-zero position, and price is nan, so
    # bt has no way of updating the _value
        c1.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])
        assert False
    except Exception as e:
        assert str(e).startswith('Position is open')

    # on the other hand, if position was 0, this should be fine, and update
    # value to 0
    c1._position = 0
    c1.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])
    assert c1._value == 0
Пример #27
def test_fixed_commissions():
    c1 = SecurityBase('c1')
    c2 = SecurityBase('c2')
    s = StrategyBase('p', [c1, c2])
    # fixed $1 commission per transaction
    s.set_commissions(lambda q, p: 1)

    c1 = s['c1']
    c2 = s['c2']

    dts = pd.date_range('2010-01-01', periods=3)
    data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=['c1', 'c2'], data=100)


    i = 0
    s.update(dts[i], data.ix[dts[i]])

    # allocate 1000 to strategy

    # now let's see what happens when we allocate 500 to each child

    # out update

    assert c1.value == 400
    assert c2.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 198

    # de-alloc 100 from c1. This should force c1 to sell 2 units to raise at
    # least 100 (because of commissions)

    assert c1.value == 200
    assert s.capital == 198 + 199

    # allocate 100 to c2. This should leave things unchaged, since c2 cannot
    # buy one unit since the commission will cause total outlay to exceed
    # allocation

    assert c2.value == 400
    assert s.capital == 198 + 199

    # ok try again w/ 101 allocation. This time, it should work

    assert c2.value == 500
    assert s.capital == 198 + 199 - 101

    # ok now let's close the whole position. Since we are closing, we expect
    # the allocation to go through, even though the outlay > amount

    assert c2.value == 0
    assert s.capital == 198 + 199 - 101 + 499

    # now we are going to go short c2
    # we want to 'raise' 100 dollars. Since we need at a minimum 100, but we
    # also have commissions, we will actually short 2 units in order to raise
    # at least 100

    assert c2.value == -200
    assert s.capital == 198 + 199 - 101 + 499 + 199