Пример #1
def sign_(
    msg_hash: Octets,
    prv_key: PrvKey,
    nonce: Optional[PrvKey] = None,
    lower_s: bool = True,
    ec: Curve = secp256k1,
    hf: HashF = sha256,
) -> Sig:
    """Sign a hf_len bytes message according to ECDSA signature algorithm.

    If the deterministic nonce is not provided,
    the RFC6979 specification is used.

    # the message msg_hash: a hf_len array
    hf_len = hf().digest_size
    msg_hash = bytes_from_octets(msg_hash, hf_len)

    # the secret key q: an integer in the range 1..n-1.
    # SEC 1 v.2 section 3.2.1
    q = int_from_prv_key(prv_key, ec)

    # the challenge
    c = challenge_(msg_hash, ec, hf)  # 4, 5

    # nonce: an integer in the range 1..n-1.
    if nonce is None:
        nonce = _rfc6979_(c, q, ec, hf)  # 1
        nonce = int_from_prv_key(nonce, ec)

    # second part delegated to helper function
    return _sign_(c, q, nonce, lower_s, ec)
Пример #2
def rfc6979_(
    msg_hash: Octets, prv_key: PrvKey, ec: Curve = secp256k1, hf: HashF = sha256
) -> int:
    """Return a deterministic ephemeral key following RFC 6979.

    see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6979 section 3.2

    c = challenge_(msg_hash, ec, hf)
    q = int_from_prv_key(prv_key, ec)

    return _rfc6979_(c, q, ec, hf)
Пример #3
def gen_keys(prv_key: Optional[PrvKey] = None,
             ec: Curve = secp256k1) -> Tuple[int, Point]:
    "Return a private/public (int, Point) key-pair."

    if prv_key is None:
        # q in the range [1, ec.n-1]
        q = 1 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 1)
        q = int_from_prv_key(prv_key, ec)

    QJ = _mult(q, ec.GJ, ec)
    Q = ec.aff_from_jac(QJ)
    return q, Q
Пример #4
def gen_keys_(prv_key: Optional[PrvKey] = None,
              ec: Curve = secp256k1) -> Tuple[int, int, JacPoint]:
    "Return a BIP340 private/public (int, JacPoint) key-pair."

    if prv_key is None:
        q = 1 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 1)
        q = int_from_prv_key(prv_key, ec)

    QJ = _mult(q, ec.GJ, ec)
    x_Q, y_Q = ec.aff_from_jac(QJ)
    if y_Q % 2:
        q = ec.n - q
        QJ = ec.negate_jac(QJ)

    return q, x_Q, QJ
Пример #5
def ssa_commit_sign_(
    commit_hash: Octets,
    msg_hash: Octets,
    prv_key: PrvKey,
    nonce: Optional[PrvKey] = None,
    ec: Curve = secp256k1,
    hf: HashF = sha256,
) -> Tuple[ssa.Sig, Point]:
    "Include a commitment inside an EC SSA signature."

    nonce = (ssa.det_nonce_(msg_hash, prv_key, aux=None, ec=ec, hf=hf)
             if nonce is None else int_from_prv_key(nonce, ec))
    R = mult(nonce, ec.G, ec)

    tweaked_nonce = (nonce + _tweak(commit_hash, R, ec, hf)) % ec.n
    tweaked_sig = ssa.sign_(msg_hash, prv_key, tweaked_nonce, ec, hf)

    return tweaked_sig, R
Пример #6
def output_prvkey(
    internal_prvkey: PrvKey,
    script_tree: Optional[TaprootScriptTree] = None,
    ec: Curve = secp256k1,
) -> int:
    internal_prvkey = int_from_prv_key(internal_prvkey)
    P = mult(internal_prvkey)
    if script_tree:
        _, h = tree_helper(script_tree)
        h = b""
    has_even_y = ec.y_even(P[0]) == P[1]
    internal_prvkey = internal_prvkey if has_even_y else ec.n - internal_prvkey
    t = int.from_bytes(tagged_hash(b"TapTweak", P[0].to_bytes(32, "big") + h), "big")
    # edge case that cannot be reproduced in the test suite
    if t >= ec.n:
        raise BTClibValueError("Invalid script tree hash")  # pragma: no cover
    return (internal_prvkey + t) % ec.n
Пример #7
def test_from_prv_key() -> None:

    secp256r1 = CURVES["secp256r1"]
    m_c = (q, "mainnet", True)
    m_unc = (q, "mainnet", False)
    t_c = (q, "testnet", True)
    t_unc = (q, "testnet", False)
    for prv_key in [q, *plain_prv_keys]:
        assert q == int_from_prv_key(prv_key)
        assert q == int_from_prv_key(prv_key, secp256r1)
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key)
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key, "mainnet")
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key,
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key, compressed=True)
        assert m_unc == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key,
        assert m_unc == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key, compressed=False)
        assert t_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key, "testnet")
        assert t_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key,
        assert t_unc == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key,

    for prv_key2 in [xprv_data, *compressed_prv_keys]:
        assert q == int_from_prv_key(prv_key2)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            int_from_prv_key(prv_key2, secp256r1)
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2)
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2, "mainnet")
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2,
        assert m_c == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2, compressed=True)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2, "mainnet", compressed=False)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2, compressed=False)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2, "testnet")
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2, "testnet", compressed=True)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key2, "testnet", compressed=False)

    for prv_key3 in uncompressed_prv_keys:
        assert q == int_from_prv_key(prv_key3)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            int_from_prv_key(prv_key3, secp256r1)
        assert m_unc == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3)
        assert m_unc == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3, "mainnet")
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3, "mainnet", compressed=True)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3, compressed=True)
        assert m_unc == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3,
        assert m_unc == prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3, compressed=False)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3, "testnet")
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3, "testnet", compressed=True)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key3, "testnet", compressed=False)

    for prv_key4 in [xprv_data, *net_aware_prv_keys]:
        assert q == int_from_prv_key(prv_key4)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            int_from_prv_key(prv_key4, secp256r1)
        assert prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key4) in (m_c, m_unc)
        assert prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key4, "mainnet") in (m_c, m_unc)
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key4, "testnet")

    for prv_key5 in [q, *net_unaware_prv_keys]:
        assert q == int_from_prv_key(prv_key5)
        assert q == int_from_prv_key(prv_key5, secp256r1)
        assert prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key5) in (m_c, m_unc)
        assert prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key5, "mainnet") in (m_c, m_unc)
        assert prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(prv_key5, "testnet") in (t_c, t_unc)

    for invalid_prv_key in [q0, qn, xprv0_data, xprvn_data, *invalid_prv_keys]:
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            int_from_prv_key(invalid_prv_key)  # type: ignore
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(invalid_prv_key)  # type: ignore

    for not_a_prv_key in [
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            int_from_prv_key(not_a_prv_key)  # type: ignore
        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError):
            prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(not_a_prv_key)  # type: ignore