Пример #1
 def merge(self, filename):
     # We change the namespace of XMLSchema to something else because
     # the schema processor in the bubbles library can't operate on the
     # XS namespace.  Hack...
     doc = file(filename).read()
     doc = doc.replace(ns.XS, 'urn:metaschema')
     xsd = ET.fromstring(doc)
     self.schema = Schema(xsd)
Пример #2
 def merge(self, filename):
     # We change the namespace of XMLSchema to something else because
     # the schema processor in the bubbles library can't operate on the
     # XS namespace.  Hack...
     doc = file(filename).read()
     doc = doc.replace(ns.XS, 'urn:metaschema')
     xsd = ET.fromstring(doc)
     self.schema = Schema(xsd)
Пример #3
 def guess(self, filename):
     text = file(filename).read()
     text = re.sub(r'xmlns="[^"]*"', '', text)
     xml = ET.fromstring(text)
     obj = DynamicObject(xml)
     tns, tag = ns.split(xml.tag)
     root = self.complexType(tag, obj)
     el = Element(name=tag, type=root.name)
     self._addElement(self.schema, el)
Пример #4
 def guess(self, filename):
     text = file(filename).read()
     text = re.sub(r'xmlns="[^"]*"', '', text)
     xml = ET.fromstring(text)
     obj = DynamicObject(xml)
     tns, tag = ns.split(xml.tag)
     root = self.complexType(tag, obj)
     el = Element(name=tag, type=root.name)
     self._addElement(self.schema, el)
Пример #5
    def invoke(self, operation, *args, **kwargs):
        Invoke a SOAP operation.
        self._reqno += 1
        retxml = kwargs.pop('__retxml__', self.retxml)
        timeout = kwargs.pop('__timeout__', self.timeout)
        transport_options = kwargs.pop('__transport__', {})
        # Create an instance of the request message and initialize
        # the object from the arguments
        param = self.factory(operation.imsg)
        tmpl = param.__template__
        for k,v in zip((t[0] for t in tmpl), args):
            param[k] = v
        for k,v in kwargs.items():
            param[k] = v

        # Build the soap envelope and set the http headers
        payload = self.envelope(self.headers, param, operation.imsg)
        httphdr = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'SOAPAction': operation.action }

        # Construct and issue the request, read the response
        payload = ET.tostring(payload, pretty_print=True)
        log.debug('=== SOAP REQUEST ===\n%s', re.sub(r'password>.*?<', r'password>*****<', payload ))
        req = urllib2.Request(self.url, payload, httphdr)
            if self._inject:
                xml = ET.fromstring(self._inject.next())
                if hasattr(self.transport, 'open'):
                    rsp = self.transport.open(req, timeout=timeout, **transport_options)
                    rsp = self.transport.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout, **transport_options)
                xml = ET.parse(rsp)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as ex:
            xml = ET.parse(ex)

        log.debug('=== SOAP RESPONSE ===\n%s', xmlstr(xml))
        # Get the soap body
        retval = xml.find(ns.expand('soapenv:Body', self.nsmap))
        if not retxml:
            # Does the body contain any nodes?
            if len(retval):
                # Get the first child and examine it
                retval = retval[0]
                namespace, tag = ns.split(retval.tag)
                # If it's a fault, convert it to an exception
                if tag == 'Fault':
                    raise SoapFault(retval, self)
                # Otherwise, deserialize
                obj = self.factory(operation.omsg, retval)
                # If the deserialized
                # object has only one item, return that item, otherwise the
                # whole object
                # This is so if the return value is a single primitive type
                # (like a string), you don't have to dig into an object just
                # to get at the single primitive return value
                if len(obj) == 1:
                    obj = obj[0]
                retval = obj
                retval = None

        return retval
Пример #6
    def invoke(self, operation, *args, **kwargs):
        Invoke a SOAP operation.
        self._reqno += 1
        retxml = kwargs.pop('__retxml__', self.retxml)
        timeout = kwargs.pop('__timeout__', self.timeout)
        transport_options = kwargs.pop('__transport__', {})
        # Create an instance of the request message and initialize
        # the object from the arguments
        param = self.factory(operation.imsg)
        tmpl = param.__template__
        for k,v in zip((t[0] for t in tmpl), args):
            param[k] = v
        for k,v in kwargs.items():
            param[k] = v

        # Build the soap envelope and set the http headers
        payload = self.envelope(self.headers, param, operation.imsg)
        httphdr = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'SOAPAction': operation.action }

        # Construct and issue the request, read the response
        payload = ET.tostring(payload, pretty_print=True)
        log.debug('=== SOAP REQUEST ===\n%s', payload)
        req = urllib2.Request(self.url, payload, httphdr)
            if self._inject:
                xml = ET.fromstring(self._inject.next())
                if hasattr(self.transport, 'open'):
                    rsp = self.transport.open(req, timeout=timeout, **transport_options)
                    rsp = self.transport.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout, **transport_options)
                xml = ET.parse(rsp)
        except urllib2.HTTPError as ex:
            xml = ET.parse(ex)

        log.debug('=== SOAP RESPONSE ===\n%s', xmlstr(xml))
        # Get the soap body
        retval = xml.find(ns.expand('soapenv:Body', self.nsmap))
        if not retxml:
            # Does the body contain any nodes?
            if len(retval):
                # Get the first child and examine it
                retval = retval[0]
                namespace, tag = ns.split(retval.tag)
                # If it's a fault, convert it to an exception
                if tag == 'Fault':
                    raise SoapFault(retval, self)
                # Otherwise, deserialize
                obj = self.factory(operation.omsg, retval)
                # If the deserialized
                # object has only one item, return that item, otherwise the
                # whole object
                # This is so if the return value is a single primitive type
                # (like a string), you don't have to dig into an object just
                # to get at the single primitive return value
                if len(obj) == 1:
                    obj = obj[0]
                retval = obj
                retval = None

        return retval